- Table of Contents
- An Introduction to GNOME
- What is GNOME
- About This Guide
- GNOME Quick Start
- A First Glance At GNOME
- Window Managers and GNOME
- About Window Managers
- Changing Window Managers
- The GNOME Panel
- Introduction
- Panel Basics
- Introduction to Panel Objects
- Right-Click Menu
- Hiding the Panel
- Logging Out
- Locking the Screen
- The Main Menu
- Global menu
- Components of the Main Menu
- Configuring the Main Menu
- Menus
- Adding a Menu to a Panel
- Tearing Off a Menu
- Configuring a Menu
- Launchers
- Applets
- Drawers
- Special Panel Objects
- The Lock Button
- The Logout Button
- The Run Button
- Swallowed Applications
- Status Dock
- Adding, Moving, and Removing Panel Objects
- Moving objects
- Removing objects from the Panel
- Adding objects to the panel
- Creating, Moving, and Removing Panels
- Creating new panels
- Moving Panels
- Removing Panels
- Global Panel Preferences
- Animation Tab
- Buttons Tab
- Panel objects Tab
- Menu Tab
- Miscellaneous Tab
- Individual Panel Properties
- Edge Panel Tab
- Background Tab
- Current bugs and limitations
- Authors
- Editing the Main Menu
- Introduction
- Using the Menu Editor
- Adding a New Menu Item
- Drag and Drop in the Main Menu
- The GNOME Desktop
- Introduction
- Using the Desktop
- Desktop Areas
- Other Desktop Menus
- Nautilus User Manual
- Introducing Nautilus
- The Nautilus Window
- The Nautilus Desktop
- Setting Nautilus to Start Automatically
- About Nautilus
- Navigating Your Computer and the Internet
- Viewing Your Home Folder
- Navigating Your Files and Folders
- The Tree
- Viewing and Opening Files
- Viewing and Playing MP3 Files
- Mounting Floppy Disks and CD-ROMs
- Navigating the Internet
- Viewing Your Navigation History
- Bookmarking Your Favorite Locations
- Searching Your Computer and the Internet
- Finding Items on Your Computer
- Simple Searches
- Complex Searches
- Searching the Internet
- Managing Your Files and Folders
- Moving and Copying Files and Folders
- Creating New Folders
- Files and Folders on the Desktop
- Duplicating Files and Folders
- Renaming Files and Folders
- Deleting Files and Folders
- Changing File Permissions
- Customizing Nautilus
- Setting Your User Level
- Setting Preferences
- Showing and Hiding Bars
- Choosing File Layouts
- Changing Themes and Backgrounds
- Customizing Icons and Icon Captions
- Choosing a Desktop Background
- Choosing Applications to Handle Files
- What Are MIME Types?
- Adding and Removing Applications
- Changing the Default Application
- Configuring Additional Applications (Advanced)
- Adding a New MIME Type (Advanced)
- Eazel Services
- Nautilus Keyboard Shortcuts
- Default Emblems
- The GNOME Control Center
- Introduction
- Using the Control Center
- Desktop
- The Background Properties Capplet
- Global Panel Preferences
- The Screensaver Capplet
- Theme Selector
- Window Manager Capplet
- Document Handlers
- Default Editor
- URL Handlers
- File types and programs
- Viewing available file types
- Editing a file type
- Adding and deleting file types
- Restoring system defaults
- Launch feedback
- Enabled indicators
- Miscellaneous
- Multimedia
- Sound
- Peripherals
- The Keyboard Properties Capplet
- The Mouse Properties Capplet
- Session
- Startup Hints
- Session Options and Startup Programs
- User Interface
- Application
- Dialogs
- Authors
- GNOME Applets
- Applet Basics
- What Are Applets?
- Adding, Moving, and Removing Applets
- The Right-Click Pop-Up Menu
- Amusements Applets
- Fifteen Applet
- Fish Applet
- gEyes Applet
- The Life Applet
- Odometer Applet
- Monitor Applets
- Battery Charge Monitor Applet
- The CPU load applet
- The CPU and memory usage applet
- Disk Usage Applet
- The load average applet
- The memory load applet
- The net load applet
- The swap load applet
- Multimedia Applets
- CD Player Applet
- Mixer Applet
- Sound Monitor Applet
- Network Applets
- The Mail Check Applet
- Modem Lights Applet
- WebControl Applet
- Utility Applets
- Character Picker Applet
- Desk Guide Applet
- Drive Mount Applet
- GNOME KeyBoard Applet
- GNOTES! Applet
- GNOME Weather Applet
- Mini-Commander Applet
- Printer Applet
- QuickLaunch Applet
- ScreenShooter Applet
- Tasklist Applet
- Tick-a-Stat Applet
- Where Am I? Applet
- Clock Applets
- Another Clock
- AfterStep Clock Applet
- Clock Applet
- Clock and Mailcheck Applet
- Jon's Binary Clock Applet
- A. If you are new to Linux/UNIX
- Users
- Files and filenames
- Filenames
- Wildcards
- Using spaces, commas, etc. in file names
- Directories and paths
- Directory structure
- Relative directory names
- Pathname conventions
- Permissions
- Symbolic links
- Mounting and unmounting drives
- Drives and devices
- Partitions
- Graphical user interface: X Window System, window
managers, and desktop environments.
- B. GNOME User's Guide Documentation Team
- C. GNU Free Documentation License
- D. GNU General Public License
- Preamble
- Section 0
- Section 1
- Section 2
- Section 3
- Section 4
- Section 5
- Section 6
- Section 7
- Section 8
- Section 9
- Section 10
- Section 12