CONVERT returns a conversion from one measurement system to another. For example, you can convert a weight in pounds to a weight in grams. @number is the value you want to convert, @from_unit specifies the unit of the @number, and @to_unit is the unit for the result.
@from_unit and @to_unit can be any of the following:
Weight and mass:
'g' Gram
'sg' Slug
'lbm' Pound
'u' U (atomic mass)
'ozm' Ounce
'm' Meter
'mi' Statute mile
'Nmi' Nautical mile
'in' Inch
'ft' Foot
'yd' Yard
'ang' Angstrom
'Pica' Pica
'yr' Year
'day' Day
'hr' Hour
'mn' Minute
'sec' Second
'Pa' Pascal
'atm' Atmosphere
'mmHg' mm of Mercury
'N' Newton
'dyn' Dyne
'lbf' Pound force
'J' Joule
'e' Erg
'c' Thermodynamic calorie
'cal' IT calorie
'eV' Electron volt
'HPh' Horsepower-hour
'Wh' Watt-hour
'flb' Foot-pound
'HP' Horsepower
'W' Watt
'T' Tesla
'ga' Gauss
'C' Degree Celsius
'F' Degree Fahrenheit
'K' Degree Kelvin
Liquid measure:
'tsp' Teaspoon
'tbs' Tablespoon
'oz' Fluid ounce
'cup' Cup
'pt' Pint
'qt' Quart
'gal' Gallon
'l' Liter
For metric units any of the following prefixes can be used:
'E' exa 1E+18
'P' peta 1E+15
'T' tera 1E+12
'G' giga 1E+09
'M' mega 1E+06
'k' kilo 1E+03
'h' hecto 1E+02
'e' dekao 1E+01
'd' deci 1E-01
'c' centi 1E-02
'm' milli 1E-03
'u' micro 1E-06
'n' nano 1E-09
'p' pico 1E-12
'f' femto 1E-15
'a' atto 1E-18
If @from_unit and @to_unit are different types, CONVERT returns #NUM! error.
This function is Excel compatible.