ADDRESS returns a cell address as text for specified row and column numbers.
If @abs_num is 1 or omitted, ADDRESS returns absolute reference. If @abs_num is 2 ADDRESS returns absolute row and relative column. If @abs_num is 3 ADDRESS returns relative row and absolute column. If @abs_num is 4 ADDRESS returns relative reference. If @abs_num is greater than 4 ADDRESS returns #VALUE! error.
@a1 is a logical value that specifies the reference style. If @a1 is TRUE or omitted, ADDRESS returns an A1-style reference, i.e. $D$4. Otherwise ADDRESS returns an R1C1-style reference, i.e. R4C4.
@text specifies the name of the worksheet to be used as the external reference.
If @row_num or @col_num is less than one, ADDRESS returns #VALUE! error.