File: ConvertAmBeV1_1_R4x86.tar Author: Jerome DE SOLLIERS ( Release: 1.1 (R4 : 13 december 1998) Compatibility: R4 (x86) Location: contrib/add-ons Description: Converting a french Amiga/Windows text file to BeOS Distribution: Freeware Notes: =========================== ConvertAmBe --- Version : 1.1 --- 26/07/98 (c)1998 Jerome DE SOLLIERS =========================== Introduction : This is a little utility for converting a french file text from an Amiga (or Windows) to the BeOS. The main goal is to recognize and convert the french accentuation and the horrible carriage return of Windows (for non-french users). I have made this program for 2 reasons : 1. All of my sources from my Amiga are full of comments in french ! 2. This is my first program on BeOS :-) I hope this program will help you in saving time... Installation : It's very simple ! You must put the executable into the following directory : /boot/home/config/add-ons/Tracker/ Usage : Just click with the right button of the mouse on a text file and select the add-on "ConvertAmBe" in the list. A requester allows you to select what conversion you want (Amiga->Be or Be->Amiga). The initial file will be rename with a ".bck" extension and the converted file will replace the initial file. Contacting the author : You can e-mail me if you have any questions, comments, bug reports... or simply to ask me if this add-on is usefull for you... History : V1.1 R4 : 13 december 1998 - Compile for R4. V1.1 : 26 july 1998 - The user have two choices for converting a file (Amiga->Be and Be->Amiga). - Only files can be converted. V1.0 : 3 june 1998 - First release.