From  Mon Feb  3 11:46:07 1997
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Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 17:43:40 GMT
From: alain gautherot <>
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										Paris, December 15th 1996

Hi everybody!

This is the second and last release of this basic 3d engine
running on the Bebox.
Now It's time for me to develop a craft multi-purposes 3d engine.
You have to know the current viewing system is so simple that it
depends even on the generated picture's size! This is why the
displayed objects are so stretched when close to the viewing point.

1) Main features

- 8 & 32 bits support (32 looks best)
- painter's algorithm rendering
- flat, mapped, phong-like & phonged mapped polygons

2) File format

The only 3d format supported yet, is a home-made one
which consists in 3 different files per object:
.vrt: vertices file
.ofc: faces file
.nvs: normals file (used for phong and texture mapping)

The file parsers for following format have been written and
should be released... shortly (well I hope so, because there
is still a certain amount of work to be done: a lot of data
are skiped though they should not):

dxf, obj, nff, off, 3d2, 3ds

3) Installation

run a terminal and type:

gunzip 3dMo-dr8.tar.gz
tar xpvf 3dMo-dr8.tar

You get a "3dMo-dr8" directory containing the "Textures" and "3dObjects"
directories: that's where the application looks for objects & textures when
launched. So don't remove them from the binary's directory.
The 3rd file is the executable: 3dMo-dr8

Run it and have fun!

4) Keys

you can make x & y axys rotations using the arrow keys,
and zoom in/out using page up/down keys.

The Esc key reset point of view

Well, a straightforward use of keys, isn't it?

5) What's next?

As previous releases, the BeOS capabilities are not used, especially
the multi-threaded renderer has not been written (I still don't know
the best way to do it)

If you're are interested in a particular routine, or if any
suggestions, feel free to contact me at the following address
(until mid'97):

If you are involved in 3d computer graphics, I would be pleased
to talk about 3d developping on the Bebox.

BeBox rulzzzzzzzzzz!

Alain Gautherot		aka JoOl, Yet another DSPrider
Epita, Paris:

"No matter how long the sword is, if we doesn't know about vertue"