       Author: Lasse Magnussen (
      Release: 0.1a (25. May 1997)
Compatibility: AADR9
     Location: contrib/util/
  Description: NuBar clock replacement
        Notes: This is a replacement for the DigitalClock
               in the AADR9 NuBar.
               To install:
                1. Unzip the BarClock archive.
                2. Copy the BarClock executable to /boot/apps (!!)
                3. Move /apps/DigitalClock to a safe place
                4. Start BarClock
                5. Select "Show Draggers" from the system menu
                6. Drag the BarClock view over the old clock in the NuBar
                7. Restart
                8. Restore DigitalClock to /boot/apps
                9. Finish