TVasAbout |
Component shows a dialog box "About...". |
TVasDBText |
Advanced TDBText with 3D caption. |
TVasImage |
Extended TImage component. |
TVasPanel |
Advanced TPanel with 3D caption. |
TVasShellAbout |
Incapsulates standard Windows dialog box
"About...". |
TVasDBRadioGroup |
Advanced TDBRadioGroup with 3D caption. |
TVasIconListBox |
Extended TListBox capable to represent icons from
executabled files and Dll's. |
TVasOneOnce |
Component permitting to be executed only to one copy
the program. |
TVasScreenSaver |
Component for activation screen saver. |
TVasTip |
Incapsulates the dialog box with tips. |
TVasApplication |
Component incapsulates Delphi TApplication. |
TVasDesktop |
Inverts canvas of desktop. |
TVasKeyState |
Component checks state of CapsLock, Insert, NumLock
and ScrollLock keys. |
TVasPlaySound |
Component for playing sound files. |
TVasShortcut |
Component for creation of shortcut. |
TVasBackGround |
Fills background of the form by smooth passage from
one color to another. |
TVasExecFile |
Component launchs application from your program. |
TVasLabel |
Advanced TLabel with 3D caption. |
TVasProgman |
Component for work with Programs Manager. |
TVasSplashScreen |
Component shows Splash Screen. |
TVasCards |
Incapsulates cards(as in standard Windows-games). |
TVasExitWindows |
Component for an exit or reboot Windows. |
TVasLed |
The control incapsulates a bulb. |
TVasProgressBar |
The control incapsulates progress bar(such as in
installators). |
TVasStringGrid |
Advanced TStringGrid, permitting to insert and to
delete columns and rows. |
TVasCheckBox |
Incapsulates advanced TCheckBox with 3D caption. |
TVasFileFind |
Component searches files to the given mask. |
TVasListBox |
TListBox, which shows a horizontal scrollbar if width
of the text more width of control. |
TVasProportionalImage |
Incapsulates TImage with preservation of relative
sizes of picture. |
TVasStringHolder |
Component stores string resources in the file of the
form. |
TVasClock |
Descendant TCustomLabel, mapping instead of caption
current date and/or time. |
TVasGroupBox |
Incapsulates advanced TGroupBox with 3D caption. |
TVasMemoFindDialog |
Component incapsulates extended TFindDialog. |
TVasRadioButton |
Incapsulates advanced TRadioButton with 3D caption. |
TVasSysInfo |
Component calls MsInfo.exe or MsInfo32.exe. |
TVasClockPanel |
Descendant TCustomPanel, mapping instead of caption
current date and/or time. |
TVasIconComboBox |
Extended TComboBox capable to represent icons from
executabled files and Dll's. |
TVasMemoReplaceDialog |
Component incapsulates extended TReplaceDialog. |
TVasRadioGroup |
Incapsulates advanced TRadioGroup with 3D caption. |
TVasSystemMetrics |
TVasSystemMetrics components for output of the system
metrics. |
TVasConnectLabel |
The label calls Web-browser or mail program by
default on the given address. |
TVasIconImage |
TVasIconImage component mapping the standard icons
Windows. |
TVasMessageBox |
Component incapsulates the standard Windows message
box. |
TVasRichEditReplaceDialog |
Component incapsulation extended TReplaceDialog. |
TVasTable |
Advanced of component TTable. |
TVasControlPanel |
Component calls Control Panel or one of it applets. |
TVasIconList |
TVasIconList component stores list of icons. |
TVasDBGrid |
Advanced of component TDBGrid. |
TVasRichFindDialog |
TVasRichFindDialog component incapsulates extended
TFindDialog. |
TVasTiledBitmap |
TVasTiledBitmap component used for filling of a
background of the form by picture. |
TVasAssociatedIcon |
TVasAssociatedIcon component extracts icon,
associated with file or file path. |
TVasColorComboBox |
TVasColorComboBox component allows to select color
from drop-down list. |
TVasFileExt |
Component links the executable file with the
extension and puts these datas in Registry. |
TVasPlacement |
TVasPlacement component reads and saves placement of
the form in ini-file. |
TVasSelectDir |
TVasSelectDir component allows to select folders. |
TVasFlashWindow |
TVasFlashWindow component forces form caption to
flash. |
TVasFileOperation |
TVasFileOperation component copies, moves, renames,
or deletes files. |
TVasScrSaverGen |
TVasScrSaverGen component allows easily to create
Screen Savers. |
TVasDelphiMenu |
TVasDelphiMenu component creates the main menu, as in
Delphi4 or is higher. |
TVasMail |
TVasMail component allows to send the small letters
on e-mail. |
TVasRotatedLabel |
Advanced TLabel component with rotated caption. |
TVasDigitConv |
Component transforms a decimal number in binary,
octal, decimal or hexadecimal. |
TVasDiskInfo |
TVasDiskInfo component shows an information about the
disk. |
TVasTrayIcon |
TVasTrayIcon component puts an icon in system tray. |
TVasDBLocate |
Component moves the pointer in a table on an
specified value of a field. |
TVasFieldsComboBox |
TVasFieldsComboBox component shows list of fields of
the dataset. |