" THiS FiLE FOUND THE WAY THROUGH ONE OF THE FiNEST BULLETiN BOARD SYSTEMS " _ _____ ___ ______ )_ __ _| (___) _ )_ __/__) (_ | |___/ _ ___ | |___| |__ · _____________ _ c!|______|mSS|____| |______ _ _ _____________ · _ _:_\ ____ ____ _____ ____ /_:_ _ | ___\ (_ ___\ (_ __\_ (_ __\ (_ | | _) _/ /___) _ /___) _/ /___) _ /__ | | / \ / \_ / \ / / / | | \___ \_____/ \____\ \__ \ \ | | \ _______\ /______\ \ ___\ \_______\ | | \/ \/ | | | | ÷ THE YARD BULLETiN BOARD SYSTEM 2k! ÷ | | | | - -------------------- - | | | | WORLD HEADQUARTERS OF | | | | AEROHOLiCS (GRAFFiTi) ÷ DiSCiPLES OF AGEEMA (MUSiC) | | ARCADE (ASCii) ÷ AEROSOL (ASCii) ÷ DREAM THEATRE (ASCii) | | SOUL SURViVORZ (MP3) ÷ THE ASCii CHARTS (ASCii) | | | | GERMAN HEADQUARTERS OF | | | | LiGHTFORCE (AMiGA/CONSOLE) ÷ BAD KARMA (AMiGA) ÷ SODiUM (AMiGA) | | LOW PROFiLE (ASCii) ÷ SiCK OF iT ALL (GRAFFiTi/DRUGS) | | HOTSTUFFERS (AMiGA) ÷ PHUNK (ASCii) ÷ 1OO PERCENT (AMiGA/ASCii) | | VORTEX (AMiGA) ÷ MOST VALUABLE PLAYAZ (MUSiC) ÷ UP ROUGH (MUSiC) | | OMEN (GRAFFiTi) ÷ TEQUiLA (MUSiC) ÷ PUNGAS (DAYDREAM) | | | | - -------------------- - | | | | CONSOLES/AMiGA/ASCii/LiNUX/DAYDREAM | | GRAFFiTi/DRUGS/CLASSiCS/MP3/MOD/CHiPTUNES | | | | 2 NODES 33k6 / 2 NODES iSDN / 4 NODES TELNET | | | | [ THEYARD.DARKTECH.ORG ] | | | | [ 49-ASKTHERiGHTPEOPLE ] | | | | DAYDREAM/LiNUX DEVELOPMENT TEAM HEADQUATERS! | | | | ZANER/LiGHTFORCE^BAD KARMA^AHS ÷ DiPSWiTCH/BAD KARMA^1OO%^AHS | | HASH/AHS^PZK^SOiA ÷ NiNJA/PARADOX^EURASiA ÷ MOOL/AHS | | | _ _|__ " THE iDEA OF STYLE iS THE KEY TO ALL FORMS OF ROCKiNG " __|_ _ · /_______________________________________________________________\ · __________________ \_ _/ | . | ·· | | | ·· « tHE aMAZING cONSOLE mAG » | ¦ ¦ « pUBLISHED bY eLEMENTAL! » ·· ¦ /\________ ·· /\________/______ ¬\__________ ________/______ ¬\/ _/ / / /\/_______ ________ / ¬\/ _/ /· \____/ / /______ ¬\_____ / ¬\/· / /· \____// / /· / / _/ / /___ / /____// / // / /____/____// / /· \____/ ____/\ /· /____ / /____/____/\ \ \________// /\\ /· /____\ \ // / /\________/\ \ \ \____\____\ /____/ \\// / /\\/ /_________/ \ \ \____\____\/ \_____\ \ / \________/ \ \ \ /\_______\/ \____\/ \ \ / \_________\/cRu/1oo -> iSSUE #oo1 <- \_______\/ ·· ¦ .¦ ·· « cORRUPT lOGO bY cRu/1oo » | || « -(c) 1999 bY eLEMENTAL- » ·· | ¦| ·· /________________\ This issue was made by: Editor: Elemental ASCII: cRu FILE_ID.DIZ: nup Reviews: Elemental tribe Comments:.Elemental tribe @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .__ _______________ _____ _.________| |__ _ _/ / .______ \___ \/ | ____ \_ __/// / /-<_ | \ \ <_ \ <_ | \ __/| | \______/____/__|\__/_|\__/____/__| | : ====================================|_/==== CORRUPT CONSOLE DISKMAG - ISSUE 1 DEC/1999 @END_FILE_ID.DIZ Elemental - Hello hello! Welcome to the very first issue of CORRUPT! First of all, I know some of you have been waiting to read this diskmag for a while. Well, here's some history on why it took so long. The first issue was supposed to be rel'd 2 months ago, and it would cover the N64, PSX, and GBC consoles. Not only that, but it would be a non-text diskmag and would have graphics and great design! Unfortantly, this just didn't work out. I wasn't organized enough, and I didn't have the skills or software to make the diskmag how I originally planned. So, I started over again in November. This time CORRUPT would be like the oldschool console diskmags, and would be completely text with amazing ASCIIs. diPSWiTCH worked with me to do some great ASCII, and he certainly made some great things. Unfortantly, in the end, that issue never made it, because somebody else that was working on it with me had far too busy a scheduel and never got the chance to finish his part. It became so late into December that it would be worthless to release a November issue. Well, finally CORRUPT makes it, in the last month of 1999! The ASCII in this issue is done by cRu from 1oo%. If you like it, search for his collys! Next month will feature the art of diPSWiTCH that was in the never-released November issue. Lastly, there was one other change that CORRUPT went through. Last month was hell trying to chart all the console releases. There is just far too many files being released to try to have a universal console diskmag. The worst part is with the independent files. Many people just upload their independent files to their local boards, and they never spread, so it's impossible to try to chart them all. That's why CORRUPT has changed to a GameBoy Color only diskmag. Read the magazine, spread it around, and enjoy ! tribe- Hi all! So the last month of 1999 is over. I'm really looking forward to the year 2000. Why? Well because the PSX2 and the GBA should be released, most probably someone will also make a copier or figure out a way of copying Dreamcast games and as if that isn't enough excitement it should be the end of the world according to some people. Others claim that no computers will work anymore. Lets not forget all the GBC games that should be coming out either. TIME FOR A QUICK NEWS BREAK ! * Bung industries lost a case against Nintendo in the United States. Bung has to pay Nintendo 7 million dollars in losses. Not only that, but Bung is no longer allowed to sell their products in North America. For those of you that don't know, Bung Industries is a Hong Kong based company that creates hardware for Nintendo consoles. Their current products are the Doctor V64, Doctor V64 Junior, Doctor GB series, and Multi Xchanger. You can view their webpage on the internet at: http://www.bung.co.hk ______ ______ ______ / \ _____/ /\_____\ /_ ________ .----/ /___/ / / _/ /____ \ __/ ______/ | / /___ _/ / \ / _/ / /__\___ / ¦ | / / / \ / / / \___/ / / / / | | /_______/ / /__/___/ / /______/ / / | `-------/___/___/-cRu-/___/___/-1oo-/_______/----' * 5 points - new game KEY * 4 points - crack --- * 3 points - tool * ENG - English * 3 points - demo * GER - German * 2 points - other patch * FRE - French * 1 point - text file * JAP - Japanese * 1 point - manual * MUX - Multi Languages * 1 point - save game * XXM - Megabits * x points - trainer (one point per +) *+X/TR- +X Trainer * 0 points - dupe or broken release NOTE: * Only fully working and good releases are listed. Dupes and broken releases are put in a different section for you to see which groups made the mistakes this month. * Groups that only have one member are counted as independent. * I make mistakes too. If a release is left out, don't whine. __ ___. ___. ___ ___ ______ ____/_ _/ / :_/ __| / . \/ _ \_/ // __/ / \/ ø _/-/ | \_. \_ /--<_ _/-, \___||___|______\__|___/|___/_____/_____\ [MNC] MENACE FILENAME DATE NAME SIZE POINTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MNC-PMCL.ZIP - 01-12-99 - Pumuckl's Abenteuer bei den Piraten GER- 08M - 5 MNC-BABE.ZIP - 01-12-99 - Babe and Friends ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-MRBL.ZIP - 02-12-99 - Marble Madness ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-PUZZ.ZIP - 03-12-99 - Puzzle Master ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-GODZ.ZIP - 05-12-99 - Godzilla: The Series MU3 - 08M - 5 MNC-EP1R.ZIP - 07-12-99 - Star Wars Episode I Racer ENG - 16M - 5 MNC-NBA3.ZIP - 07-12-99 - NBA 3 on 3 featuring Kobe Bryant ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-GWG3.ZIP - 07-12-99 - Game and Watch Gallery 3 ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-BLTZ.ZIP - 09-12-99 - NFL Blitz 2000 ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-DEJA.ZIP - 09-12-99 - Deja Vu I + II MU2 - 08M - 5 MNC-R2RB.ZIP - 09-12-99 - Ready 2 Rumble Boxing ENG - 16M - 5 MNC-GEX3.ZIP - 10-12-99 - Gex 3 - Deep Pocket Gecko ENG - 16M - 5 MNC-ZORR.ZIP - 15-12-99 - The Mask of Zorro ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-VIG8.ZIP - 16-12-99 - Vigilante 8 ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-HKCF.ZIP - 17-12-99 - Hello Kitty's Cube Frenzy ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-APRS.ZIP - 17-12-99 - Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M MU2 - 08M - 5 MNC-KKNG.ZIP - 18-12-99 - Knockout Kings ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-MKAS.ZIP - 18-12-99 - The New Adventures of Mary Kate and - 08M - 5 Ashley ENG MNC-NASC.ZIP - 21-12-99 - Nascar Challenge ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-DDFP.ZIP - 22-12-99 - Duffy Duck - Fowl Play ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-TDOR.ZIP - 22-12-99 - Test Drive Off-Road 3 ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-SFA.ZIP - 24-12-99 - Street Fighter Alpha ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-MCCZ.ZIP - 27-12-99 - Caterpillar Construction Zone ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-WING.ZIP - 28-12-99 - Wings of Fury ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-DOGZ.ZIP - 30-12-99 - Dogz ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-CATZ.ZIP - 31-12-99 - Catz ENG - 08M - 5 MNC-SGAA.ZIP - 31-12-99 - Speedy Gonzales Aztec Adventure ENG - 08M - 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL POINTS: 135 Elemental- Well, with it being Christmas, you can expect lots of new games to be sold in the USA. It's no surprise that Menace is there to release every one. Nothing new with Menace this month. Lots of USA games rel'd as usual. The only thing slightly out of the ordinary is Menace's release of a German game very early in the month. With every single member of Menace being in the USA, and so many Germans in the scene, you'd expect a different group to release it first. As far as game quality, there were some good games this month, and lots of bad ones. tribe- 27 releases from Menace this month. What can I say? It's simply amazing. But then again it didn't really come as a suprise. Menace has been dominating the USA releases for a while now. . :_____ :_____ _____:""|______.| /__ _____ __. | . Y / . | ____|! /. Y . Y |__ | ! ! /\ ! |___ / . _/ l | i | l | l_____l____\___i| \__i \____|_____!_____| l____\ |___\ [OS] OLDSKOOL FILENAME DATE NAME SIZE POINTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OS-MANI2.ZIP - 04-12-99 - Beat Mania 2 JAP - 08M - 5 OS-MUSCL.ZIP - 04-12-99 - Muscle Ranking JAP - 08M - 5 OS-GOLFD.ZIP - 05-12-99 - Golf Daisuki: Let's Play Golf JAP - 16M - 5 OS-UNPAN.ZIP - 07-12-99 - Unpanma JAP - 08M - 5 MGSCI.TXT - 09-12-99 - Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts - TXT - 1 International OS-HALLO.ZIP - 15-12-99 - Halloween Racer MU6 - 08M - 5 OS-SANGE.ZIP - 19-12-99 - Sweet Ange JAP - 08M - 5 OS-POCKG.ZIP - 19-12-99 - Pokemon Gold V1.1 JAP - 08M - 5 OS-POCKS.ZIP - 19-12-99 - Pokemon Silver V1.1 JAP - 08M - 5 OS-BOMAX.LZH - 20-12-99 - Bomberman Max - Shadow of Darkness JAP - 08M - 5 OS-BOMHI.LZH - 20-12-99 - Bomberman Max - Hero of Light JAP - 08M - 5 OS-AQUAL.LZH - 21-12-99 - Aqua Life JAP - 08M - 5 OS-MFARM.LZH - 24-12-99 - Monster Farm JAP - 16M - 5 OS-MAGIC.LZH - 24-12-99 - Little Magic JAP - 08M - 5 OS-BPOCK.LZH - 26-12-99 - The Great Battle Pocket JAP - 08M - 5 OS-KOCHU.LZH - 26-12-99 - Yakochu JAP - 16M - 5 OS-MICKT.LZH - 26-12-99 - Mickey's Tetris Adventure JAP - 08M - 5 OS-DJAVU.LZH - 29-12-99 - Deja Vu I+II JAP - 08M - 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL POINTS: 86 Elemental- Another great month for another great GBC group! Around Christmas time you can always expect lots of games all over the world. Japan got it's fair share of games this month, and for a change many of them are great! Oldskool's Japanese supplier made sure to give us all the great games from Japan. Top hits include the famous Beat Mania 2, new versions of Pokemon Gold and Silver, and the new Bomberman games! Make sure to check these out. tribe- As usual Oldskool brings us lots of nice Japanese games. But what's the deal with the two broken releases? Let's hope it's just a bit of bad luck. Good work from Oldskool besides the two broken releases though. ___.:___ ___ _____ __.:___ H I G H \ || /(___)\ __// || / H I G H SOCIETY_/ \\ \_ \\ \_SOCIETY ____ _\\____||________________||____//_ ____ _____ ___ _____ __ ______ _____ _____ _\ _// \\ _/(__))_ /_ _/__| / ms_/ /__ | / /__/ | | | _/ _\\___________________________|___|______\ _ [HS] HIGH SOCIETY FILENAME DATE NAME SIZE POINTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HS-BMAD.ZIP - 06-12-99 - Barbie Meeresabenteuer GER - 08M - 5 HS-BCTF.ZIP - 07-12-99 - Barbie Chasse Au Tresor Sous-Marine FRE- 08M - 5 HS-MRPEU.ZIP - 07-12-99 - Pac-Man SCE ENG - 08M - 5 HS-ROAD.ZIP - 11-12-99 - Roadsters Trophy MU6 - 08M - 5 HS-LEVIF.ZIP - 18-12-99 - Le Visiteurs FRE - 08M - 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL POINTS: 25 Elemental- Well! High Society, the group famous for their Nintendo 64 releases, enters the GameBoy Color scene. Last month they had some releases, but this month they have many more. Check out these European games from HS. tribe- 5 releases by High Society this month. It's good that someone released those Barbie games because sceners with German or French speaking daughters will surely have some use for them ;). ________ _________/______ ____ / __/ ____\_ / / _____ | // |__/ _____// /_/\ | `----\________/_______|-rtx\_____/____\----' [CPL] CAPITAL FILENAME DATE NAME SIZE POINTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPL-BFTR.ZIP - 05-12-99 - Babe and Friends ENG +1/TR - IPS - 1 CPL-GZTR.ZIP - 05-12-99 - Godzilla: The Series MU3 +3/TR - IPS - 3 CPL-MMTR.ZIP - 05-12-99 - Marble Madness ENG +2/TR - IPS - 2 CPL-G3TR.ZIP - 08-12-99 - Game and Watch Gallery 3 ENG +1/TR - IPS - 1 CPL-GXTR.ZIP - 10-12-99 - Gex 3 - Deep Pocket Gecko ENG +3/TR - IPS - 3 CPL-FI2K.ZIP - 10-12-99 - FIFA 2000 ENG - 08M - 5 CPL-KGB1.ZIP - 10-12-99 - Konami GB Collection Vol.1 ENG - 08M - 5 CPL-CATW.ZIP - 10-12-99 - Catwoman ENG - 08M - 5 CPL-CWTR.ZIP - 11-12-99 - Catwoman ENG +2/TR - IPS - 2 CPL-KVTR.ZIP - 15-12-99 - Konami GB Collection Vol.1 ENG +6/TR - IPS - 6 CPL-HRTR.ZIP - 15-12-99 - Halloween Racer MU6 +3/TR - IPS - 3 CPL-SWTR.ZIP - 18-12-99 - Star Wars Episode I Racer ENG +2/TR - IPS - 2 CPL-MKTR.ZIP - 19-12-99 - The new Adventures of Mary-Kate and - IPS - 1 Ashley ENG +1/TR CPL-V8TR.ZIP - 20-12-99 - Vigilante 8 ENG +4/TR - IPS - 4 CPL-FPTR.ZIP - 22-12-99 - Duffy Duck - Fowl Play ENG +3/TR - IPS - 3 CPL-BDTR.ZIP - 22-12-99 - Bomberman Max - Shadow of Darkness JAP - IPS - 4 +4/TR CPL-BHTR.ZIP - 22-12-99 - Bomberman Max - Hero of Light JAP +4/TR- IPS - 4 CPL-LMTR.ZIP - 29-12-99 - Little Magic JAP +2/TR - IPS - 2 CPL-WFTR.ZIP - 30-12-99 - Wings of Fury ENG +6/TR - IPS - 6 CPL-AATR.ZIP - 31-12-99 - Speedy Gonzales Aztec Adventure ENG - IPS - 5 +5/TR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL POINTS: 67 Elemental- With all these new games out, the coders at Capital got busy and coded us lots of trainers to use. Capital certainly loves to release massive amounts of trainers, but it's too bad they have so few cheats for each trainer. tribe- As usual Capital gives loads of trainers for all the cheaters among us. Good work guys! Not very many actual games were released by them though, which is a shame but I guess they had their hands full with coding the trainers. .-cRX!---------------------------------. .__: ._____. | | | | | proudly presented by | | |_¦ |__| +tHE cORPORATION+ | ¦ __| | | | | |_| ´ | Deer Hunter | | | | [GBC/8mbit/USA] : | | | : | ¦ ¦------[for-the-people]--------´ ¦ : : :____:_____: [TC] THE CORPORATION FILENAME DATE NAME SIZE POINTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TC-DHUNT.ZIP - 22-12-99 - Deer Hunter ENG - 08M - 5 TC-BRDZN.ZIP - 22-12-99 - Boarder Zone ENG - 16M - 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL POINTS: 10 Elemental- Well, what's this ?! The Corporation, the infamous Nintendo 64 group gave us two games for our favorite handheld console this month. With all the games coming out this month, it looks like everybody can get their hands on something to release. Since this is the comments and I can say whatever I want, I sure hope TC doesn't keep releasing for the GBC. They've been big enough assholes to get everybody to hate them who uses N64. Do they really need more enemies? I guess they like the attention. tribe- The Corporation which seems to be very active on N64 releases only two games for the GBC. I would have thought they could do better than that. Above all neither one of these games is very good. One is a Deer Hunting game and Boarder Zone is just the USA version of Supreme Snowboarding. __________| /______/\_________/\_______ ¡ , / ! / _ / ___/ _ \_ ___\ ! \_ \ ! \_ . \____ \ . / . \_ |____/ \_____ / !__ // /___! \__! / /____\ \/___| \//_____\ |____\ |___» [QSR] QUASAR FILENAME DATE NAME SIZE POINTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSR-YODA.ZIP - 24-12-99 - Yoda Stories ENG - 08M - 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL POINTS: 5 Elemental- The guys at Quasar managed to get us one game for Christmas! Too bad we don't see more from these guys. amptor- blah blah blah Gilligan- blah blah blah MTX!____.--._)\____ .-. ____/(___:.___ .--/ _ | | \___ \/ _ \/ ___/___]/ _ \--. | / __| l | _/ \___ \ / \ | `-\____ \_____|_\_ \__|__/ ____/___\ |__/-' \( \( )/ `-' [EUR] EURASIA FILENAME DATE NAME SIZE POINTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUR-NHL2.ZIP - 20-12-99 - NHL 2000 ENG - 08M - 5 EUR-MIRC.LZH - 27-12-99 - Micro Machines 1+2 Twin Turbo ENG - 16M - 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL POINTS: 10 Elemental- Only two game from the guys at Eurasia this month. Hopefully we can see some more from them in the future also. tribe- Eurasia gives us two releases this month. Not very much but both games are absolutely fantastic so it really doesn't matter. Ofcourse a few more releases wouldn't hurt. /\__ /\______ /\______ /\______ ______ ______ /_/\/___/_____ \____/_____ \____/_____ /\\____ / /\\_____ / \ / /____ \ / / \ _/ / \ //_____ \ //_____ \___/ / / / / / / / /___/ \___/ /___/ / / / / __/_ / / / / / / / / / / __/_ / / __/_ / / / / / / / / / / /___/ / /_____ / / /__/ / / /__/__ / / /_____ / / / /___/ /___/__ / \/_____ / /______ / \/_____ / \/__/__ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ cRu/1oo INDEPENDENT FILENAME DATE NAME SIZE POINTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RPF-G3FX.ZIP - 10-12-99 - Gex 3 - Deep Pocket Gecko ENG V1FIX - IPS - 2 BSMWGNKY.ZIP - 24-12-99 - Bakuhasi Senki Metal Walker - Kkoute - 08M - 5 No Yuujyou JAP KSNRRM.ZIP - 24-12-99 - Kidou Senkan Nadesco Ruri Ruri Mahjong- 16M - 5 JAP RPMV.ZIP - 24-12-99 - Robot Ponkottsu Moon Version JAP - 08M - 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL POINTS: 17 Elemental- If you didn't read it above, "groups" who only have one member are counted as independent, because by definition, a group has more then one person. Since Rotox^CPL/RPF is the only member of RPF, his RPF releases count as independent. Here's something I don't understand. Why is it that when people make an independent release, they have to steal another groups NFO/DIZ? One more note. I think the Independent logo cRu made looks funny because it is so much bigger then the rest of the group logos. I loved it too much to not put it in though! tribe- Pretty quiet in the independent section this month. A v1 fix from RPF and three Japanese games released by someone who doesn't seem to want any credit for releasing them. .___ _____________ _ ________/\____ ___ ¡ \ /__/ ___/ _/--. __/__) _\ /__| /__ | \ | / \ \ | | _) \\ \ | \ | `--l__/--´----´--\__|--´--´--l___\---´-----´ [NFL] NIGHTFALL FILENAME DATE NAME SIZE POINTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NFL_STRK.ZIP - 07-12-99 - Stranded Kids MU3 - 08M - 5 NFL_DENG.ZIP - 11-12-99 - Deja Vu I+II MU2 - 08M - 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL POINTS: 10 Elemental- With Xad busy in his shop in Italy, and almost no other Nightfall members left, this legendary group is next to inactive. I guess we can still expect some releases from them every once in a while, but not a lot. As the NFO for Deja Vu I+II said, the version released by Nightfall has the English language, but Menace's version doesn't. Stranded Kids is just the European release of last months great RPG, Survival Kids. tribe- Nightfall released Deja Vu I+II and the European version of Survival Kids. Not much but I'm glad to see some activity in Nightfall. __ ._____. __ \/ __________ _| |_______ .________. \/ __\ _ /_\ __ /_| |__ (( \| |/ )) \________ _____________________________/ /____) [GBL] GAMEBOY LAMERS FILENAME DATE NAME SIZE POINTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GBL-LSTT.ZIP - 11-12-99 - Leet Stripping Tool V1.0 - XXX - 3 GBL-DUEL.ZIP - 13-12-99 - Gran Duel JAP - 16M - 5 GBL-BISF.ZIP - 13-12-99 - Bistro Recipe - Food Battle Version - 08M - 5 JAP GBL-BISB.ZIP - 13-12-99 - Bistro Recipe - Best Garum Version JAP- 08M - 5 GBL-GOMN.ZIP - 18-12-99 - Go Go Goemon JAP - 16M - 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL POINTS: 23 Elemental- Hmm, who are these mystery releasers? Feel free to tell me. tribe- Four Japanese games and a stripping tool were released by this mysterious "community of people" know as Gameboy Lamers. * OOPS! MISTAKES MADE THIS MONTH * Oldskool released a broken Beatmania 2. Not too soon after they released a working one. * Sweet Ange by Oldskool also had a broken release. It was only a matter of minutes before a 100% working one was released though. HIGHSCORES FOR DECEMBER RANK GROUPNAME POINTS --------------------------------------------------- 01 MENACE 135 02 OLDSKOOL 86 03 CAPITAL 67 04 HIGH SOCIETY 25 05 GAMEBOY LAMERS 23 06 INDEPENDENT 17 07 NIGHTFALL 10 07 EURASIA 10 07 THE CORPORATION 10 08 QUASAR 5 --------------------------------------------------- /\____ ___ ____ ______ /____ \____ ___/ /__/ \___ ___/ ___/ .----/ _/ / \/ / /__/ /__/ /__/ /\_ / ¦ | / \__/ /__/ / / / __/ / / / / / | | / / / __/ / / / / / / / / / / | | /__/__/ / /\____/ /_____/ / / /_____/ | `------/_____/-cRu-/__/-1oo--\_______/-----------' * Name: Street Fighter Alpha * Released by: Menace * Filename: MNC-SFA.ZIP * Size: 8 Megabits * Genre: Fighting * Review by: Elemental For fighting fans, handheld consoles have always been a big dissapointment. Just look at any fighting game on our beloved GameBoy Color and you can see why. Until now, every fighting game is terrible. Ugly graphics, horrible game-play, etc. The good news is that now Street Fighter Alpha has been released, and it is great! If you played Street Fighter II on the GameBoy before, you'd think the GameBoy just can't handle a Street Fighter game. It's a good thing that's not true. Street Fighter Alpha runs at a steady speed, has great animation, and great graphics. You can easily tell who each character is by looking at them. They are animted superbly so you can see all your favorite Street Fighter moves being executed. Street Fighter Alpha has all the characters from the arcade original. The character line up is Ryu, Chun-Li, Charlie, Ken, Guy, Birdie, Sodom, Adon, Rose, and Sagat. The only problem with the game is that veteran fighting game fans may not like the two-button set-up used. One for punch and one for kick. It isn't really a problem, but you don't get the freedom of having 3 different types of punches and kicks. FINAL SCORE: 10/10 - Simply the best GBC fighting game yet ! * Name: Godzilla: The Series * Released by: Menace * Filename: MNC-GODZ.ZIP * Size: 8 Megabits * Genre: Shooting * Review by: Elemental First comes a bad Godzilla movie, and then comes a cartoon, and now there is a GameBoy Color game based on the cartoon. The movie was terrible, and the cartoon is terrible. Will the game suffer the same fate? You play as Godzilla marching through cities on a rampage. Wave after wave of flying and ground based enemies are sent against you. You are able to block their attacks, and you can fight back using your tail or fire breath. The first problem with the game comes with it's speed. It moves incredibly slow. You just sit watching the screen on your GameBoy as Godzilla slowly marches through the city with a repetitive background graphic. Foot after foot, Godzilla moves through the city at snail speed. Not only that, but his tail attack is just as slow. After you press the button, there is a delay before he actually swings his tail. This makes the attack virtually useless, unless of course you are physic and can predict when the enemies are coming. The next problem comes with control of Godzilla. Not only does he move too slowly, but you don't even get to control where he moves. Your only option is to aim his head up and down, and every once in a while you can make him dodge out of the way of enemies. Godzilla The Series is just a plain bore. The game moves at an incredibly slow speed, and it is barely interactive. It's hard to think of a genre for this game, because it's nothing like any other game I've played. It's somewhat like a shooting game, but you don't get to move. You just aim. It's very hard to think of anything good about this game. FINAL SCORE: 1/10 - There's no reason whatsoever to play this game. * Name: Bomberman Max - Hero of Light * Released by: Oldskool * Filename: OS-BOMHI.LZH * Size: 8 Megabits * Genre: Action * Review by: Elemental Lately people have been disappointed in Bomberman games. Hudson tries to expand and take the Bomberman character into new types of games. Role playing games, strategy games, 3D platformers, etc. They seem to have stopped making the real Bomberman games that we all loved from the Super Famicom. Then comes along the Bomberman Max series on the GameBoy Color! Note that Bomberman Max - Hero of Light and Bomberman Max - Shadow of Darkness are the same game, but you play a different character. In Hero of Light you play as the white Bomberman himself, and in Shadow of Darkness you play as a new character. Bomberman Max is instantly familiar to any fan of the Bomberman series. It's virtually the exact same game-play. You pick up power-ups, blow up obstacles, and destroy all the enemies with your bombs. What is new is that in Bomberman Max you now have an objective for each mission. It's not just destroy all the enemies anymore. The objectives are simple and don't generally add anything to the gameplay. Instead of blow up all enemies, maybe it's blow up all obstacles. Collect all sword icons. Collect all shield icons. That kind of thing. A scientist guy tells you your objective at the beginning of the map. When you complete the objective, several different teleporters appear. Each one takes you to a different map. This is both good and bad. It's good in the sense that the game branches off and it's not exactly the same everytime you play it, but it's bad in the sense that sometimes you'll take a teleporter back to a level you've already completed! This is very annoying. Overall, the new Bomberman Max series on GameBoy Color is excellent although it does have its flaws. FINAL SCORE: 9/10 - Finally Hudson releases another classic-style Bomberman! (Note: This review is possibly not 100% accurate because so far only the Japanese versions of these games have been released, and I'm not fluent in that language. Sorry for any mistakes.) * Name: Mickey's Tetris Adventure * Released by: Oldskool * Filename: OS-MICKT.LZH * Size: 8 Megabits * Genre: Puzzle * Review by: Elemental Every console has to have at least one Tetris. So far there's only one Tetris on the GBC, so Capcom had to fill that void. Capcom used to create games on the 8bit Nintendo Entertainment System using the Disney license. Recently they have stopped using the Disney license, but it looks like they're starting again with a brand new Tetris game. Originally on the Nintendo 64, we now get to play it on our favorite handheld system. What's new in this Tetris? Well, nothing really. It's the same old Tetris we played long ago, but now there are animations of Mickey Mouse and friends. Not an innovative game at all, but it still plays a good game of Tetris. FINAL SCORE: 7/10 - Nothing new, but also nothing bad. * Name: NHL 2000 * Released by: Eurasia * Filename: EUR-NHL2.ZIP * Size: 8 Megabits * Genre: Sports * Review by: tribe I have never been a fan of sporting games but for some reason I've always enjoyed the games in the NHL Hockey series. NHL 2000 for GBC is very similar to the Genesis/Megadrive versions of NHL Hockey, mainly because it is 2D (in the "bird's eye view" perspective) but other similarities can also be found. IMHO 2D hockey games are much more fun than 3D games of the genre, like NHL 2000 for PC or PSX, so I had high hopes for the game, and luckily it turned out to be even better than what I had expected. The graphics in the game are quite good but due to the small resolution of the GBC screen everything is a bit too small. For example the puck is sometimes almost invisible, which does make it extremely hard to make a goal. But if that (or something else) makes the game too hard (or too easy) you can always adjust the difficulty level. The game has a password system which allows you to continue a season or a playoff. A password system does the job but SRAM would be a much better option for games like this. The game features 45 teams and the statistics for the players are from the 1998-1999 season, which is quite impressive. Another nice feature is the shootout game mode. NHL 2000 can't be played by two players, which is a shame, but I guess they had to leave something for NHL 2001. FINAL SCORE: 8/10 _______ ________ _______ _______ \ / _\_____ \/ ______\ /__ .---/ /----/ /\___ / ___/------. | / /____/ / / / / /____ | | / _/__ / ___/____/_/\_/____/\______ /_______ | \__/ /___/ / /_____ /_____ \/ _____/ |cRu/ / / / / / _/ / / /\__ / | / / / / / / \___/ / / / / ¦ | / / / / / / / / / / / / | `-\__________/\______/___/___/_______/_______/1oo' Elemental- Well, it's been a great month for the GameBoy Color scene. Lots of new games and trainers, and even some surprises from new groups. By the time you read this, Christmas will be over. I hope you all had a great Christmas and you got lots of excellent wares ! Well, this is the end of the first issue I guess. I'm really happy it got released. It took so long to complete, but I think it was worth it. I hope you all agree with me and read the whole thing. Oh yes, one more word. I'd like to thank the excellent artist cRu for doing the art featured in issue one. I was thinking every issue would feature a new ASCII artist. What do you readers think? A new one every month, or keep the same logos? Thanks very much, cRu! If you like his work, check out his latest colly. The filename is 1OO-TIN1.TXT. Now time for greets in no particular order. Sorry if I left you out! You know you belong here: cru - dipswitch - rza - ego - log - mfm - wayne kerr - tuff - acey - zaner 4play - steve - tulsadoom - zinko - unit - cqbs - fazwonga - amptor - ninja rico - saint - pengu - the vanisher - minor threat - rkr - tribe - roadhouse tootai - tcb - b - axl - spy - gunda - loaded - gilligan - xad - cali - rudra thallium - wally TOP 5 CHRISTMAS GBC WISHES: 1) More high quality platformers! So far the GBC doesn't have nearly as many great platformers as other consoles. Remember Super Mario Brothers 3? If only Nintendo still made games like that. 2) More coding groups for the GBC! Capital is the only one releasing trainers now. High Society made one trainer but never did more. Nightfall released some but is too busy to do more. What about the legendary Paradox? They are now doing Nintendo 64 trainers.. Is there a chance we can see them on the GameBoy Color? 3) A free Doctor GB 64M card! 4) Some real good RPGs! The Super Famicom had absolutely amazing RPGs, but the GBC has nothing good yet. Oh, how I'd love for Squaresoft to do GBC development. 5) For the GBC to live long and have more great games! FAVORITE GAME OF THE MONTH: Street Fighter Alpha tribe- Don't you just love Christmas? Well atleast I do. Not because it's the season of joy etc. but because more games are released at Christmas than at any other time of the year. And the break we get from work/school gives people some time to actually play the games coming out. But enought with that talk about Christmas. Greetings to all my friends and I wish everyone a happy new year. TOP 5 CHRISTMAS GBC WISHES: 1) A proper demoscene for the GBC. I know some people/groups release a small intro every now and then, but it isn't very much compared to the demoscenes of some other platforms. Much respect to Cosmigo and Fatality for releasing fabulous demos/intros and to Wooden Spoon for having the GBDev'99 compo. 2) More conversions of NES games to the GBC, like the amazing SMB DX. 3) A Neogeo Pocket Color copier. 4) More 2D games for the PSX, N64, Dreamcast, and PC. 5) An arcade cabinet. FAVORITE GAME OF THE MONTH: Micro Machines 1 and 2: Twin Turbo ____/\___ ___ _ /\___ ___ /\_ ____ __ / /___ \__/ / /___ \ /_/__/ ___/ \ .----/ / / / / / / /__/_/ / __/ /_ / /__/ | / \ / / / / / __/ \__/ /__ / / / __/ ¦ | //\/__/_/_ /_/_/\_/_ /_/ /_/__/ / / / / / | | //_______ \ /___ \ /_/ ____//____/____/ | | / / / / /__/ / / __/\_ / | | / / / / __/ / / /__ / / Advertisements | | / / / / / / / / / / / / | /__/__/__/____/_/__/____/____/-(cRu/1oo)--------' LOOKING FOR THE LATEST GAMEBOY COLOR RELEASES ? CALL THESE GREAT BOARDS !! _ _____ ·( a b s o l u t e )· __ _ ____ .___ //.) _\ __.--\_\\\_ ______. _____\_ /_l |____.\ \ ____.__ /\___ / / |_( \\\ __/ _\ / | _ /_\ \) _ \_/ /___/ / |__ _/\ )_ _|_ ._/ .l_ / ./_\ \ \ / \ /| \_ /| _|_\ \ / /____ \//________\/_____\ /\ \_______/_________/_____)\//___// /) _\ __ -+--------------/____________//_/------------------zNr/a!--/_________\--\_\- . : | sYSOPS: cQBS^oS·sKiNHEAD·-187!·fAZWONGA!·rAMSES&PASO·dIPSWITCH | | aMiGA · aTARi · cONSOLE · mP3 · gRAFFiTi · aSCii · hPA · /X-tOOLS | | rUNNiNG.oN.aMiGA.3ooo.tOWER.o6o.6oMhz.64mB./X.4.2 | | nD.1 aNAL · nD.2 iSDN · nD.3 iSDN · nD.4 tELNET · nD.5 tELNET | | oLDSCHOOL eHQ · wRiTAZ eXPRESS diST · aEROHOLICS diST . . _____/|_ _______/\ :. \ _ | \---.____/\____ \_ / \________:_____/\ -poyZ! - - -\/ \| _ \ __ __/-. 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