         ______ _______ _______ ______  ______ ________|    |_
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     _\\________________\______\______________\___| __ |    ||//_
   <------------------------------------------------cDr| ___|m's-->
                   [ CORRUPT CONSOLE DISKMAG ]         |/
                   [ ISSUE 3 - FEBRUARY 2000 ]         :
                           This issue was made by:
                    Editor: Elemental/Lightforce - buzzb@mindspring.com
                     ASCII: Crusader/Hellfire^Mo'soul - jk8@hotmail.com
               FILE_ID.DIZ: nup
                   Reviews: tribe - tribe@neutech.fi                                  
                  Articles: Elemental
                            tribe & Twoflower

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ                                    .__
   _______________ _____  _.________|  |__ _
 _/    / .______  \___  \/ | ____  \_  __///
/   /-<_ |  \  \  <_ \  <_ |  \  __/|  |
\______/____/__|\__/_|\__/____/__|  |  :

                     \                 :
                     )\           ____/|
                    //o\ ________|     |________ _________
                  .(____))_     /_     __      //    _    \
                  |       /    / |     |/     /      /     \
                _||      /_______|     \\__________________//_
        It's now the second month of 2000, and of course there is another
issue of CORRUPT. First of all, this excellent ASCII is done by Crusader.
You have most likely also seen his ASCII work for High Society. Thanks for
taking my requests, cDr. Now, regarding that little part I wrote at the end
of CORR!002.TXT; I actually didn't get many responses. The few people that
did give me feedback said it would be best to have CORRUPT cover more
consoles. Well, this issue now covers all handheld consoles. That's not a very
large difference considering the few amount of releases for the NeoGeo Pocket
Color and the original black & white GameBoy. It still should make the
magazine a little better. With this addition, the charts will be somewhat
different. There will 4 different charts now. One for GB, one for GBC, one for
NGPC, and one for over-all. Of course when there are no releases for a certain
console during any month, there will be no highscore charts for that console.

        As some of you might notice, the group comments have been left out of
the charts. Personally I liked them but most people didn't care about them so
Elemental decided to leave them out.

                           ______           ____/|
        ______ ___.:_____ /      \ ________|     |_ ______
        \   _//   ||    //        \\_     /_     _//    _/___
      _/   /      \\               _/    / |     | \____     \_
    _\\___________||_________/\____\_______|     |____________//_
  <-------------------------------------cDr| ____|m's------------->
* 5 points - new game                             KEY
* 4 points - crack                                ---
* 3 points - tool                               * ENG - English
* 3 points - demo                               * GER - German
* 2 points - other patch                        * FRE - French  
* 1 point  - text file                          * JAP - Japanese   
* 1 point  - manual                             * MUX - Multi Languages
* 1 point  - save game                          * XXM - Megabits
* x points - trainer (one point per +)          *+X/TR- +X Trainer
* 0 points - dupe or broken release             

 NOTE: * Only fully working and good releases are listed. Dupes and broken
releases are put in a different section for you to see which groups made
the mistakes this month. 
       * Groups that only have one member are counted as independent.
       * I make mistakes too. If a release is left out, don't whine.

       ________     _________/______        
 ____ /     __/ ____\_      /      /  _____ 
|    //     |__/      _____//     /_/\     |


<-------------------------[ GAMEBOY COLOR RELEASES ]------------------------>

FILENAME         DATE                NAME                         SIZE POINTS
CPL-T2TR.ZIP - 12-02-00 - TopGear Pocket 2 ENG +3/TR             - IPS - 3
CPL-ECWH.ZIP - 25-02-00 - ECW Hardcore Revolution ENG            - 08M - 5
CPL-AMTR.ZIP - 25-02-00 - Army Men MU3 +3/TR                     - IPS - 3
CPL-RATR.ZIP - 25-02-00 - Rayman MU6 +2/TR                       - IPS - 2


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              / \    .   / \./   \ _/
           /\/..   ./ \/    .  : . |\_
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   /\____/\ .-==================-. /\____/\
   \______/ |                    | \<!tak>/
    \]  [/  `= ]              [ ='  \]  [/


<-------------------------[ GAMEBOY COLOR RELEASES ]------------------------>

FILENAME         DATE                NAME                         SIZE POINTS
DBZ-DW01.ZIP - 12-02-00 - DGBMAX Win V1.01                       - XXX - 3
DBZ-DINI.ZIP - 13-02-00 - DGBMAX.INI 2000/02/13                  - XXX - 3
DBZ-GBPE.ZIP - 16-02-00 - GBPHACK V1.6                           - XXX - 3


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| /   __|  l  |   _/     \___  \   /     \ |
`-\____ \_____|_\_ \__|__/ ____/___\  |__/-'
       \(         \(     )/         `-'     


<-------------------------[ GAMEBOY COLOR RELEASES ]------------------------>

FILENAME         DATE                NAME                         SIZE POINTS
EUR-LI11.ZIP - 02-02-00 - LameIPS V1.1                           - XXX - 3
EUR-GT11.ZIP - 02-02-00 - GTool V1.1                             - XXX - 3
EUR-KOWG.ZIP - 08-02-00 - Konami Winter Games ENG                - 08M - 5
EUR-TBRO.ZIP - 20-02-00 - TouchBoy's System Rom                  - 01M - 5
EUR-GX5E.ZIP - 29-02-00 - GBX Tool V1.5e                         - XXX - 3


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 \/ __________ _|     |_______ .________. \/
  __\     _  /_\      __     /_|        |__
((        \|          |/                   ))
  \________  _____________________________/


<-------------------------[ GAMEBOY COLOR RELEASES ]------------------------>

FILENAME         DATE                NAME                         SIZE POINTS
GBL-DQSE.ZIP - 07-02-00 - Dragon Warrior Monsters ENG +1/TR      - IPS - 1
GBL-LST2.ZIP - 28-02-00 - Leet Stripping Tool V1.2               - XXX - 3



<-------------------------[ GAMEBOY COLOR RELEASES ]------------------------>

FILENAME         DATE                NAME                         SIZE POINTS
MGSCI3.TXT   - 18-02-00 - Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts           - XXX - 1 
			     International 3


 __.  __ ______.____________________________
|  | (__)\_.  /|__   _/ __/ \____  \  _/___/
| _|_|  |/ |_/ | \| |/  _/ . \ _/ _/ |  __/_
|  | \  /  | _ _  \ /   |  |  \\  \  |__   /
|_____\ \___ | |__/ \_  |_____/_\  \___/__/
     |__|   \|_|  |_| \_|        \__/


<-----------------------------[ GAMEBOY RELEASES ]-------------------------->

FILENAME         DATE                NAME                         SIZE POINTS
LFC-CPGB.ZIP - 01-02-00 - Championship Pool ENG                  - 01M - 5
LFC-GWG2.ZIP - 02-02-00 - Game and Watch Gallery 2 ENG           - 02M - 5

<-------------------------[ GAMEBOY COLOR RELEASES ]------------------------>

FILENAME         DATE                NAME                         SIZE POINTS
LFC-GBBS.ZIP - 01-02-00 - GB Backup Station BIOS ENG             - 01M - 5
LFC-TAGE.ZIP - 02-02-00 - Disney's Tarzan GER                    - 16M - 5
LFC-AZUR.ZIP - 12-02-00 - Azure Dreams ENG                       - 08M - 5
LFC-JANO.ZIP - 28-02-00 - Janosch - Das grosse Panama-Spiel GER  - 08M - 5
LFC-ITAF.ZIP - 29-02-00 - International Track & Field MU4        - 08M - 5


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/   \/   ј   _/-/  |  \_.  \_ /--<_  _/-,


<-------------------------[ GAMEBOY COLOR RELEASES ]------------------------>

FILENAME         DATE                NAME                         SIZE POINTS
MNC-VGMS.ZIP - 06-02-00 - Vegas Games ENG                        - 08M - 5
MNC-TGP2.ZIP - 09-02-00 - TopGear Pocket 2 ENG                   - 08M - 5
MNC-DART.ZIP - 18-02-00 - Pro Darts ENG                          - 08M - 5
MNC-RMAN.ZIP - 22-02-00 - Rayman MU6                             - 08M - 5
MNC-ARMY.ZIP - 23-02-00 - Army Men MU3                           - 08M - 5
MNC-MTCU.ZIP - 24-02-00 - Magical Tetris Challenge ENG           - 08M - 5


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|  .  Y   / .  |  ____|!   /.  Y  .  Y  |__
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                l____\ |___\                


<-------------------------[ GAMEBOY COLOR RELEASES ]------------------------>

FILENAME         DATE                NAME                         SIZE POINTS
OS-BBTIA.ZIP - 04-02-00 - B-Daman Gaiden Final Mega Tune JAP     - 16M - 5
OS-FIGEX.ZIP - 05-02-00 - Super Chinese Fighter EX JAP           - 08M - 5
OS-DATAG.ZIP - 19-02-00 - Pachinko Hissho Guide The King of Data - 08M - 5
OS-OWARI.ZIP - 19-02-00 - Owari Yoiko N.G Dou - Oyaji Sagashite  - 08M - 5
			     3 Choume JAP
OS-CHERO.ZIP - 20-02-00 - Card Hero JAP                          - 16M - 5
OS-MMODE.ZIP - 24-02-00 - Meta Mode JAP                          - 16M - 5
OS-HYPER.ZIP - 24-02-00 - Hyper Winter Olympics 2000 JAP         - 08M - 5
OS-JACKY.ZIP - 28-02-00 - Jack's Journey - Elemental Tale JAP    - 16M - 5
OS-MISSL.ZIP - 28-02-00 - Missle Command ENG                     - 08M - 5


         _______     _______.___________
 __ .____\_     \____\_     \     _    / _
|.  |.    /    //     |    //.    |___/  .|
|:. ||    \     \_    _____/||    _/   .::|
`-- l_____|\_____/____|-rtx!l_____| ------'


<-------------------------[ GAMEBOY COLOR RELEASES ]------------------------>

FILENAME         DATE                NAME                         SIZE POINTS
RPF-F1RC.ZIP - 25-02-00 - F1 Racing Championship MU5             - 32M - 5


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       / _/_nD_\_ \_\\_ \_\/__\   |_\_  _\_
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|          /        |     :  \     | /  /  |


<-------------------------[ GAMEBOY COLOR RELEASES ]------------------------>

FILENAME         DATE                NAME                         SIZE POINTS
SDM!WL2C.ZIP - 05-02-00 - Warioland 2 - Cheats TEXT              - XXX - 1
SDM!SWYC.ZIP - 08-02-00 - Star Wars Yoda Stories - Cheats TEXT   - XXX - 1


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<-------------------------[ GAMEBOY COLOR RELEASES ]------------------------>

FILENAME         DATE                NAME                         SIZE POINTS
TC-SNOWX.ZIP - 19-02-00 - Polaris Snowcross X ENG                - 08M - 5


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<-------------------------[ GAMEBOY COLOR RELEASES ]------------------------>

FILENAME         DATE                NAME                         SIZE POINTS
UTP-KONG.ZIP - 12-02-00 - Donkey Kong GB Diddy Kong and Dixie    - XXX - 1
                          Kong JAP +1/TR
UTP-DKCR.ZIP - 25-02-00 - Donkey Kong GB Diddy Kong and Dixie    - IPS - 1
			     Kong JAP CRACK


* The Donkey Kong GB crack gets only 1 point for only partially working.

                               GAMEBOY HIGH SCORES                  
               RANK                GROUPNAME                POINTS        
              | 01                  LIGHTFORCE                 10 |     
                           GAMEBOY COLOR HIGH SCORES            
               RANK                GROUPNAME                POINTS        
              | 01                   OLDSKOOL                  45 |     
              | 02                    MENACE                   30 |
              | 03                  LIGHTFORCE                 25 |     
              | 04                   EURASIA                   19 |
              | 05                   CAPITAL                   13 |
              | 06                DIVIDE BY ZERO                9 |
              |/07               THE CORPORATION                5 |
              |\07                  RAPID FIRE                  5 |
              | 08                GAMEBOY LAMERS                4 |
              |/09                    SODIUM                    2 |
              |\09                    UTOPIA                    2 |
              | 10                  INDEPENDENT                 1 |

                              OVERALL HIGH SCORES             
               RANK                GROUPNAME                POINTS        
              | 01                   OLDSKOOL                  45 |     
              | 02                  LIGHTFORCE                 35 |
              | 03                    MENACE                   30 |     
              | 04                   EURASIA                   19 |
              | 05                   CAPITAL                   13 |
              | 06                DIVIDE BY ZERO                9 |
              |/07               THE CORPORATION                5 |
              |\07                  RAPID FIRE                  5 |
              | 08                GAMEBOY LAMERS                4 |
              |/09                    SODIUM                    2 |
              |\09                    UTOPIA                    2 |
              | 10                  INDEPENDENT                 1 |    
              |                                                   |

        ______ _______|    |_ ___ ______ _____ _______ _____
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     _/        _/   / |    |.        /      /_ /____/ \___    \_
   _\\____/\___\______|____||     ___________/_________________//_
 <-----------------------cDr| ____|m's----------------------------->

                              SHORT MONTHLY NEWS
                                 by Elemental

There were two new groups with handheld releases this month. Lightforce,
famous for their Amiga, C64, and Nintendo 64 releases, released GB and GBC
early in the month. The second new group is Utopia who is made up of WackyISO
members, and lead by ex-leader of Paradox, Lukullus. Utopia received criticism
for their first release which was a +1 trainer for Donkey Kong, which is
currently un-cracked and un-playable. Later Utopia released what they claimed
to be a 100% working crack for Donkey Kong, but infact only fixed some
problems, leaving the game still un-playable.

There was some good news and some bad news from Bung Enterprises. Read these
two news posts from their webpage.

As to be innovative and try our best to meet your desire, we are now 
developing a new 16Mbits emulator for NGPC and it will be released soon. In 
order to get the latest information about this product, you should pay 
attention to the 'News' page of our website.

We regret to announce that, we will suspend our business for selling the 
following products since 12:00 PM on 8/3/2000 in Hong Kong (2:00 AM in London).
Doctor V64 , 128M RAM Card for V64 , Emulation Adapter for V64
Connection Adapter for V64 , Power Supply for V64 , Doctor V64jr
Doctor 512 , GB Xchanger , GB Card 4M , GB Card 16M , GB Card 64M
GB Starter's Kit , GB Beginner Kit , GB Professor Kit , Mini MGD Kit
Pro MGD Kit

In this case, we will continue to sell the products that are excluded in the 
list and provide our customer the after sales service. Certainly, for all the 
orders that we have received before 8/3/2000, we will ship them out as soon as 
possible. If you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact us at 

                              by tribe

<tribe_> Ok, let's start.
<tribe_> Could you give some information about yourself 
         (groups you are in and what you do in the scene) 
         for those that don't know you yet?
<Twoflower> Sure! :-) My handle is Twoflower, i'm a 
            graphician and musician that somewhat have 
            moved over from the C-64 scene to the GBC. 
            I'm still active as a C-64 graphician in the 
            old group Triad and on the GBC I am a member 
            of Capital, where I do my best to refurnish 
            the release-scene in the way it ought to - 
            good looking, colorful and with a usage of 
            intros. Needless to say, i'm a graphician on 
            the GBC aswell.
<tribe_> These two groups are by no doubt not the first 
         groups you have joined. What groups have you 
         been in before them?
<Twoflower> On the GBC, Capital is my first group, not 
            surprising as the scene is rather new. I 
            have been around in other groups on other 
            formats aswell, as the PC and the SNES, but 
            my main platform have always been the C-64. 
            On the old commie I have been a member of 
            several groups like Flame, Gothic Design, 
            Orbs, Twilight and a lot of other forgotten 
            ones - forgotten since i've been one of the 
            steady members of Triad since 1993.
<tribe_> As we all know Triad is one of the best C-64 
         groups ever. What's up with the C-64 scene 
         these days? How's the machine that's been 
         around for almost two decades hanging on?
<Twoflower> Actually, I am surprised that it still is 
            active at the level it is - believe it or 
            not, but there is still a releasescene on 
            that machine and good games released. The 
            C-64-scene also consists of a very large and 
            active mail-scene, which brings us a big 
            amount of fresh demos. Who haven't been on 
            any of the bigger conventions in Europe and 
            NOT have seen the big amount of demos beeing 
            shown and competing. To sum up your question 
            - the C-64 still hangs a
<tribe_> Why did you decide to become part of the GBC 
<Twoflower> When the first demos did show up on the old 
            monochrome GB, by people like Icarus 
            Productions, I got interested in the 
            machine. Later, when I heard about the GBC, 
            it was like a bell rang - the GBC is like an
            improved C-64 with a similar processor. So, 
            I have followed it ever since the first 
            game-release, but without taking any active 
            part in the scene activities before this 
<Twoflower> The portable format and the things you can 
            do with a GBC is just to charming to ignore, 
            and I hate 3D, so... :-)
<tribe_> I must say I totally agree with you on the 3D 
<tribe_> The GBC and SNES scenes seem very similiar to 
         many people, but they are different, mainly 
         because the SNES scene was more into BBS' and 
         the GBC is into FTP's.
<tribe_> If you could choose, what would you have the 
         GBC scene spin around?
<Twoflower> Both of the scenes have had it's charm. The 
            SNES scene beeing based at the BBS'es led to 
            it beeing somewhat connected to the Amiga 
            and the PC-scenes and drew many of the 
            active people on them to the SNES. The 
            downside of that syndrome was that it was 
            viewed just a a 'subscene', a 2:nd class 
            scene to trade/work in when there wasn't as 
            much releases on the PC/Amiga.
<Twoflower> The BBS:es enabled a completely other way of
            communication though, a letter/forum based 
            communication which isn't comparable to 
            mIRC. Using FTP's things get kind of 
            plastic, with people just using mail/IRC to 
            communicate, but still - it's preferred as 
            the net is open to anyone.
<tribe_> If you had to name one game to be the best game 
         ever what would it be? Or is that a too 
         difficult question?
<Twoflower> It might be a very difficult question, yes.
            I have several favourites on several platforms.
            Nebulus, Flimbo's Quest, Giana Sisters - would
            take too much space to name them all!
<tribe_> Yes, I thought it might be a bit too hard...
<tribe_> I think we're coming to the end of this 
         interview, so is there anything you would like 
         to say to our readers?
<Twoflower> Yes. I hope you goodguys out there do the 
            best you can to keep alive the spirit of a 
            good scene on this little console - there is 
            still much to explore and much to be expected. 
            Some greetings to some of my friends like; 
            Iopop, Paul/P5, Rotox, WayneKerr, Gilligan, 
            dKoira, Fusion+Sack/BBX and the rest of the 
            developers out there.
<tribe_> Ok. Thank you very much for this interview 
<Twoflower> No problem!

For more information on some of the above groups, try visiting:
The Triad Homepage - http://www.df.lth.se/~triad/triad/
Capital Consoles - http://www.capital-consoles.co.uk

         _______ ____\__   |_____ ___ ________ ___.:___ _____
       __\_    //_     /   |    /(___))_     //   ||  //   _/__
     _/  _/   /  /____/    |           /____/     ||   \___    \_
   _\\___\____\__________________     ____________/\____________//_

* Name: Donkey Kong GB: Dinky Kong & Dixie Kong
* Released by: Oldskool
* Filename: OS-DKONG.ZIP
* Size: 8 Megabits
* Genre: Platformer
* Review by: tribe

        Donkey Kong GB: Dinky Kong & Dixie Kong is a game that is very
similiar to the games of the Donkey Kong Country -series on the SNES. Firstly
the game looks very similiar to the Donkey Kong Country -games, but more
importantly the gameplay is very similiar. So anyone who liked the Donkey
Kong Country -games is sure to like Donkey Kong GB: Dinky Kong & Dixie Kong
        The game doesn't bring anything new to the genre. It has at least two
parts to it. The traditional platformer part and a swimming part where you
turn into a swordfish or something similiar. Graphics in the game are actually
quite good, even though some people have complained that playing the game
hurts their eyes. I personally haven't felt any pain in my eyes while playing
the game though.
        An interesting thing about the game is that it had some sort of copy
protection system. A crack for the game was made by Mr.Happy/Utopia, but the
crack doesn't seem to be fully complete, or if it is the game suffers from
really bad bugs.
        Even with the bugs the game can still be called jolly good fun, as
some Englishman might put it.

* Name: Konami Winter Games
* Released by: Eurasia
* Filename: EUR-KOWG.ZIP
* Size: 8 Megabits
* Genre: Sports
* Review by: tribe

        If a game is called "Winter Games" you can pretty well guess what the
game will be like, since there have been loads of games that are about winter,
sports and they are usually just copies of each other. Konami Winter Games for
the GBC surprisingly has some completely new elements implanted into it.
        The most important one of these is the snowboarding event in the game.
Instead of most snowboarding games where you just press a button and tricks
are made, the snowboarding event in Konami Winter Games is more like a mix of
a golfing game and Beatmania. You have to have good timing and press the right
keys at the right time. Really fun and entertaining.
        The other events that we already know from previous games still exist.
One thing that I noticed about them though is that most of them are quite
simple. And being simple in this genre is quite hard to achieve, since most
games are just filled with events where you press buttons at a fast speed to
ski/run/whatever fastest to the goal, but somehow some of the events in this
game just seem a bit more boring and simple than usual.
FINAL SCORE: 7/10  -  Just another winter sports game, but this one has an
                      absolutely fabulous snowboarding event.

             ____         ___/|
     ______ /    \ ______|    |_    ___.:___ _____ _______ ______ _____
     \    //      \\   _/_    _/    \  ||  //  _  \\_    //_    //   _/__
   _/    /         /___  |    |._ _/   ||      /   _/   /  /   / \___    \_
 _\\__________/\_________|    ||_\\____/\__________\___________\__________//_
<---------------------cDr| ___|m's------------------------------------------->
        Well, what started out to be a boring month got a little interesting.
There were some new faces with handheld releases but not many high-quality
ones. I don't have much to say, so here's some personal messages for people:

pyro: Oh, so how come you do an interview with Nintendojo but not me? =) I
 guess I can forgive you in exchange for some Paragon 5 betas. =)

The MGSCI Team: Keep up the great work with your charts. I always love reading
 what you have to say. Too bad I had to wait until mid. Feb. to read about
 Jan. =)

[unit]: Thanks alot. I'm sure you know what for.

miGHTYMuz: Hey! I haven't heard from you ever since you moved to Norway. So
 how's the new house? Send me some e-mail when you get a chance. =)

cQBs^os: Send my damn CDs ;)

        February was a very boring month indeed. I didn't even bother trying
out most of the games. To be honest I only tried out 2-3 of them. Well,
atleast Rayman was released, which many had been waiting for, but it's 32Mbit
and I only have a 16Mbit cart and that's a shame because I've heard that the
game is really good.
        The deal with Bung "suspending their business for selling" their
products is a shame... Let's hope that Mr. Flash doesn't do the same thing.