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 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        Monthly Console Scene Charts International - SUMMER ISSUE 1996
                 Including *  JUNE  -  JULY  -  AUGUST  *

                      -+- And The Fabulous Retroscan! -+-

             ( Probably The Most Awaited Magazine In The World! )

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\

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Zigor: Its been a long time with no chart, Lots of problems but I'll let Faz
       tell you all about that.. Maybe the next one will be quicker ?
       Anyway.. Its kind of sad at the moment with not much console stuff
       on the Snes or Megadrive, Lets hope it picks up for Xmas time!


 Faz!: Oh well. You all have been asking me what's up with the charts.
       The reason for the 'long-waiting-time' is simple. As I was
       going to vacation in July ,Zigor told me that he will do them and
       wanted to give me a preview to comment on.
       But he wasn't able to do it in the end.
       So he told me that Son Doobie will work something out. But
       now, he also told me that it all was lost,and we have to start new.
       The months were passing by and after I am now back from my second
       Holiday I decided to do them alone. It's the first time that
       I do the charts and I must say it's pretty hard. The 'special' for this
       issue is, that I have sum up and splitted the monthly releases the
       groups did. That means: This Issue is called the SUMMER ISSUE.It
       includes 3 months (June , July , August - The summer months!).
       I added the points of all releases from each month and the results
       will be shown at the end (like always). All in all it's the same
       like before , but with more releases and more groups...

       NOTE: I was pissed off all that EMULATOR shit which is usually for
             the PC or AMIGA , but in case they are counting to the
             Consoles I noticed them and honoured them with Points.
             I did that, because now more groups can contribute to the
             console scene and are now within the charts.(I guess I won't
             do that the next month!!). Because nobody really knows who
             was first and none can really find the Big Differences between
             the Emulator Upgrades. Console Utilities won't get 2 points
             anymore. On the other hand I gave 2 points for SNES Trainers,
             because just a few can do them, and it would look shit if lamer
             groups would beat NGHTFALLl in the charts just because they get
             hundreds of points added for their ripped and stolen Utilities.

       Okay so long, I hope I havent't forgot that much and I hope you are
       all glad to be able reading charts again!

  WhaT WAS new .........
    +------- -- -- - ---+
       Wolf and some others told me that "NosTromo" was busted by the cops.
       I dunno exactly for what, but I suppose it had something to do
       with copying CD shit. Anyway, Nostromo was For me one of the BEST
       and Fastest Console and Amiga Major Trader ever existing in the
       Scene. I remembered him uploading on the fastest BBS Worlwide and
       he made it to the Number One Top Uploaders of HALL OF FAME , LAND
       OF CONFUSION, MENACE 2 Society , MORTUARY etc...
       It was always a good "RACE"  with him and due to the fact he was
       a phreaker he could call every day! Well , shit I hope he will
       get back to us with just a "BLUE-EYE" , it waS a good idea to give
       away his BBS "SYSTEM ONE" earlier...
     some new Console Groups (mostly on the 32 & 64 Bitters) were formed 
     bringing us some Releases which they found on the Internet or where-
     ever.... Names for Example : SHELTER... (which is quite cool!)
     The biggest fake was HELLFiRE Console Division, but who cares.


  The Arcadia World Headquarter (WHO CARES) was busted... Eric The Red 
  was Sysop there. It´s very shit,but he told SON DOOBIE that he might 
  Return soon... I guess you all know this fine BBS which you could
  reach also via Internet...


    As last entry I want to write about a thing I hear which made me really
    sad... I wasn´t able to call the Internet for a while, but some people
    told me that our OLDSKOOL Internet guy "GREEN LEGEND" died on Cancer...
    If that would be true I just can say how fucking sad I am and that this
    really sux... Green Legend did a lot for OLDSKOOL like doing a lot of
    Releases and organizing some shit which you I-NET guys could kiss his
    ass for... He called my BBS for a long time and uploaded a lot of Stuff.
    I liked him and we chatted some hours long. He told me about his plans in 
    Life and in the Scene and I was pretty impressed.

    If this is all a joke then well, sorry to put that offical... But in fact
    that he did not answer his E-mails and such stuff the "story" gets more
    and more realistic and that´s why it shocked me and still do...

    Dunno what to write ,but Green Legends dream was once to comment in the
    Scene Charts... It´s a shame he finds his name now in that Message!
    I hope that it waS maybe a bad joke.... Still loving ya!



Son D: It's been a long time since the charts have been put out.  Well here
       they are. This is the only thing really to look back on when it comes
       to the console scene.  2 years from now you might be reading this same
       chart,  You will remember what games were released and whatever else
       was going down in the console scene. OR Whatever was left of it. Hm..
       I think it would be cool if we were doing other things like Ultra 64
       and look back at this.. It would be like looking at old pictures when
       you were a kid. You would remember... oh well. enough of this shit, on
       with the charts!


Noisy Belch: eheh... Some people say that Console is stupid crap for people
             who have not the time to install their games on PC because
             sometimes it needs very much practice and intelligence to install
             something on PC because PC rules...

             Should they say what they want... I play with my PSX and N64
             crap.. Maybe Im dump... but I dont give fuck... and Im sure
             these PC people will understand this statement... maybe...


Sigma Seven: Hi, looks like a rather big edition this Time don`t it?
             Anyways, I`ve been quite inactive the last few Days, mainly
             just becoming an Internet Junkie as never before and trying
             to catch up some 10 Years of wasted Computer Life ;P

             But, so what, i am still enough into this Scene to comment on
             here, Complaints may be sent to /dev/null.


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 NOTE: Since this is an International Console Chart,(Not just an European one)
       We include all releases from the end of the month in USA time.
       So for example... If a group releases a Game in the last hours of
       the previous Month in USA Time it's a new month in Europe, but
       it was still old month in USA. So we will of course include that....

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 .  Remember.. We are making this for fun and we are not trying to
    have a war with anyone or such lame things (Barraka , Finish Him !)
    So if you wish to contribute in some way or maybe you want to take part
    in commenting on the releases, Then leave a message to any of the guys
    behind Monthly Console Scene International on Freek-World, Uss Enter-
    prise , Who Cares , Synergy or another BBS where you know we are on!

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 .  The guys behind Monthly Console Scene International are for Summer'96..

                    - ZiGOR               [.ARCADIA / ASGARD.]
                    - Fazwonga!           [.ARCADIA / OLDSKOOL.]
                    - Son Doobie          [.WHATEVER MOOD I'M IN.]
                    - siGMA sEVEN         [.ANTHR0X & SWAT.]
                    - Noisy Belch         [.INDEPENDENT.]

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 .  Contents:

            . Gooong ......... General Words about the Summer Months!

            . Smarties & Sweets ..... Explanation of our Point System

            . Group Releases And Totals ...... Who Did What and When!

            . Results ...................... Who's Top and Who's Not!

            . Retroscan ...................... A Blast From The Past!

            . Final Words ................................. Bye! Bye!

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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         The Monthly Console Scene Charts International Point System :

      - - ----- -- ------ - -[ FOR SNES / SEGA ]-------------------------

   6  -  World 1st release (Including Playable JAP) & if previous was BETA/Etc
   5  -  World 1st release of an Unplayable JAP Game (RPG,Sex Adv,Etc..)
   4  -  If its Undecided/Unclear who is 1st in the case of a double release.
   4  -  If the release is a USA/EURO FINAL & previous version was JAP/ETC..
   4  -  BETA Release of any SNES or SEGA Game
   2  -  If the Release is new but already out as a USA FINAL or EURO FINAL
   2  -  For a great DEMO/INTRO to show your SNES/SEGA coding powers!
   1  -  For a SNES/SEGA Console Utility
   1  -  IPS Upgrade (If Nobody has already released the whole game)
   1  -  A Useful Crack Patch which is NEEDED to play the game correctly!
   2  -  For a SNES/SEGA Trainer of any Kind (Selectable or not!)

        The Monthly Console Scene Charts International Point System :

     - - ----- -- ----- - -[ FOR HANDHELD/OTHERS ]----------------------

      3  -  For new Handheld Games (GB/GG/Lynx/Etc) or Jaguar/PC Engine/Etc..
      2  -  For a Trainer of Handhelds (Selectable or not!)
      1  -  For a Console Utility (Handheld/PSX/Saturn/Etc..)
      0  -  DUPE, FAKE, OLD, Requested Etc...

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 NOTE: CD Rips/Images (PSX,Saturn,Etc) are not counted anymore.
       ONLY SNES/SEGA games will be mentioned in the MISC section.

   We try to keep this fair as possible, Make comments to any of the Staff.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
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   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


                        Group Releases & Totals....

 .  Ok, let's take a look at the months releases and groups (A-Z Order)..
    BTW.. It's a hard work to keep track of all the shit that get's released,
    Don't start crying if we forget a little internet release from you and
    don't complain for more points if you release a Mahjong or Pachinko game!
 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___  ____ ___ ___\/___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _  _ __  _ __ _ _
   __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
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                                     \  /
                                     \  /


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         ....       _ _____    _ _____     
      .::::::::. _ _\\_    \_ _\\_    \_
    .::::: .:::::     l______)   l______)_ 
   ::::::   .:::::.   l      _   l      _/
  ::::::     .::::::--.______)---.______)  
 ::::::::::::::::::: _  _ _ _ __ __. _  _  
::::::         .:::.(_\(_(_(/_) _) |(_)| ) 
.::::. Pr3s3nTs......                                [OTHER]  Points & Info...
ACC_BGED.LHA - 06-06-96 - Amiga -> Saturn Console GFX Converter.. 1 .. CONutil
Total OTHER Releases From 'Accession' : 1             OTHER Total = 1 Point   



 Faz!: Well, I heard this utility is also for the SNES. So it's a pretty
       cool work by these Guys from ACCESSION!                                                                        
Son D: I think i remember something around the lines of this for the Snes.
       I think it was PAN who made some sort of graphic ripper for the snes
       games. I think after TWB ( The Warner Brothers ) put out one that
       would work on the Pro Fighters aswell.. Hmmm.

       I THINK :)

Noisy Belch: Cool Idea.. It reminds me that PAN did something like this
             already for SNES with his Super Wild Ripper which converted
             SNES GFX to IFF and is was released around this time but in
             1994... Good old times..

Sigma Seven: How did this old Slogan go? 'Amiga makes it possible'? Well,
             here we can see why. Have not seen a similar Utility for the
             PC yet, even though i doubt that anyone would use it or does
             anyone actually have the Developer Package for Saturn except
             the real Developers? Guess not... but still a nice Release!

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  ____ _______ _____ __  __|  | ____ __:.
 /    Y      /     /   \/  .  |____/   \
/  |  |  |__/  \__//    \  |  |   //    \
\_____|__|  \_____\______\____|___\______\            [SNES]  Points & Info...
ARC-DARK.LZH - 06-05-96 - Dark Half [24M] ....................... 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-KENG.LHA - 06-07-96 - Ken Griffey Jr's Winning Run [32M]..... 6 .. USA1st
ARC-OSGS.LHA - 06-15-96 - Olympic Summer Games [16M] ............ 6 .. USA1st
ARC-GUS2.LZH - 06-19-96 - Super Gussun Oyoyo II [16M] ........... 5 .. JAP1st
ARC-GOKB.LZH - 06-22-96 - Gokinyio Boukentai [24M] .............. 5 .. JAPunp
------[ JUNE RELEASES ]-----------------------------------------[ 27 Points ]-

ARC-POIP.LZH - 07-03-96 - PoiPoi [12M] .......................... 6 .. JAP1st
ARC-ULT7.LZH - 07-03-96 - Ultraman 7 [12M] ...................... 6 .. JAP1st
ARC-ULTX.LZH - 07-03-96 - Ultraman No.X [12M] ................... 6 .. JAP1st
ARC-KOSH.LZH - 07-13-96 - Fishing Koshien [16M] ................. 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-TAIK.LZH - 07-14-96 - Mahjong Taikai II [8M] ................ 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-HORA.LZH - 07-16-96 - Horai Gakuen - High School Adv [16M] .. 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-NINT.LZH - 07-16-96 - Ninja Marantarou Puzzle [4M] .......... 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-BLOK.LZH - 07-21-96 - Block [16M] ........................... 6 .. JAP1st
ARC-GBOY.LZH - 07-30-96 - Gulliver Boy [12M] .................... 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-NPY2.LZH - 07-30-96 - Super Nazu Puyo II [12M] .............. 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-GHTL.LZH - 07-30-96 - Ghost Tai Long [12M] .................. 5 .. JAPunp
------[ JULY RELEASES ]-----------------------------------------[ 59 Points ]-

ARC-GUNA.LZH - 08-01-96 - Sd Gundam Generation A [12M] .......... 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-GUNB.LZH - 08-01-96 - Sd Gundam Generation B [12M] .......... 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-NRG.LZH  - 08-01-96 - Energy Breaker 100% [24M] ............. 4 .. Comple
ARC-EL2.LZH  - 08-03-96 - Earth Light II (Luna Strike) [24M] .... 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-NRFX.LZH - 08-05-96 - Energy Breaker Fix [IPS] .............. 1 .. Crack!
ARC-LEN2.LZH - 08-12-96 - Lennus II [32M] ....................... 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-BOKU.LZH - 08-21-96 - Bokuyiou Monogatari [16M] ............. 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-CHCH.LZH - 08-21-96 - Sfc Cha Cha [12M] ..................... 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-NINS.LZH - 08-21-96 - Nintama Special [4M] .................. 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-MOHK.LHA - 08-24-96 - Mohawk & Headphone Jack [16M] ......... 6 .. USA1st
ARC-GUNC.LZH - 08-25-96 - Sd Gundam Generation C [12M] .......... 5 .. JAPunp
ARC-GUND.LZH - 08-25-96 - Sd Gundam Generation D [12M] .......... 5 .. JAPunp
------[ AUGUST RELEASES ]---------------------------------------[ 56 Points ]-

Total SNES Releases From 'Arcadia' : 30             SNES Total = 132 Points

                                                      [SEGA]  Points & Info...
ARC-OSGG.LHA - 06-11-96 - Olympic Summer Games [16M] ............ 6 .. USA1st
ARC-SWAR.LHA - 06-25-96 - Shane Warne Cricket [8M] .............. 6 .. AUS1st
------[ JUNE RELEASES ]-----------------------------------------[ 12 Points ]-

ARC-WS96.LHA - 07-22-96 - World Series Baseball 96 [24M] ........ 6 .. USA1st
ARC-BBDT.LHA - 07-26-96 - Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble [16M] .... 6 .. USA1st
------[ JULY RELEASES ]-----------------------------------------[ 12 Points ]-

ARC-TIME.LHA - 08-23-96 - Time Killers [16M] .................... 6 .. USA1st
------[ AUGUST RELEASES ]---------------------------------------[ 06 Points ]-

Total SEGA Releases From 'Arcadia' : 5               SEGA Total = 30 Points

                                                  [HH/OTHER]  Points & Info...
ARC-KIRB.LZH - 06-27-96 - Kirby's Block Ball [+1 TR] ............ 2 .. GBtr
ARC-TOY.LZH  - 06-28-96 - Toy Story [+1 TR] ..................... 2 .. GBtr
ARC-SPI.LZH  - 06-28-96 - Spirou [+2 TR] ........................ 2 .. GBtr
------[ JUNE RELEASES ]-----------------------------------------[ 06 Points ]-

ARC-PG96.LZH - 08-05-96 - Pga Tour Golf'96 [4M] ................. 3 .. GB 1st
ARC-ZOJA.LZH - 08-02-96 - Zoop Jaguar [8M] ...................... 3 .. JAG1st                                                               ============
------[ AUGUST RELEASES ]---------------------------------------[ 06 Points ]-

Total HANDHELD/OTHER Releases From 'Arcadia' : 5       HH Total = 22 Points
                                                   GRAND Total : 184 Points

Zigor : Arcadia still showing the commitment to 16bit consoles, nice work :)
        Olympic Summer Games was a cool game (I like Track'n Field!) and
        Super Gussun Oyoyo II was also good. The SFT games helped when
        there was nothing else to trade, Seems like we gotta get used to
        more of those little games in the future..

 Faz!: Oh well, what is this? Some said the SNES is dead, but what you see
       here is a good selection of some games which made the Summer a bit
       more interesting. That Ken Griffey Baseball is an absolute brilliant
       Game. Also the Olympic Summer Games was a "just in time" goodie-
       Major Release. On the Jap Side there is a lot of those new SFT Games
       which you might have already noticed. In japan there was a "new
       Revolution" on the console market for the
       Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It's from the guys behind Bandai
       Toys, which we all know very good. They built a new cartridge which is
       called 'The Sufami Turbo Adpater'.U have to imagine this as a kind of
       a Super Gameboy.Its's a cartridge which you plug like a normal SNES
       cartridge in the slot.Then you can plug the Sufami games in one of
       the 2 Slots from the Cartridge.These Cartridges are smaller then normal
       ones,so there is the need of the adapter.If you want to play one of those
       games you need to have the adpater.So this cartridge can be copied like
       a normal snes cartridge and so the games in it!
       Anyway it's really cool that ARCADIA is still ruling in the console
       scene and that they kicked ass like fuck. 2 B Continued...

Son D: There was alot of cool games on the usa and jap side of arcadia. What
       else can i say really..

Noisy Belch: Uhh... Sport Games.. I don't like Sport Games that much because
             I'm one of those RPG and ACTION dudes.. But also for me some nice

Sigma Seven: Arcadia, Arcadia, Arcadia everywhere,  isn`t it sickening yet?
             My Answer: NO! - Someone got to do it, and they obviously do
             it pretty well. Nice Job Guys, but i doubt it would be that
             easy for you Guys if the old Japanese Suppliers were back at it
             <evil grin> :)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


        .:____ ____ =] aNTHROX & sWAT [=
 ____\____\___¡   /                 ______:_
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|     \\   /__.  \_/  _/_\   /_/  /  _\   |
|___\___\ /   |___/___   /  / /  /    \\  |
     /___/-fAZ!  /______/_______/___l___\_|
+---------------/-------------------------+           [SNES]  Points & Info...
AS-TRAVE.LZH - 07-24-96 - Traverse [32M] ........................ 5 .. JAPunp
AS-ARABI.LZH - 07-24-96 - Arabian Nights [24M] .................. 5 .. JAPunp
AS-TRAMP.LZH - 07-25-96 - The Tramp Collection II [4M] .......... 5 .. JAPunp
AS-PAW96.LZH - 07-25-96 - Pawafuro Poryuyakyu 96 Kaimakuban [24M] 5 .. JAPunp
AS-UMNI.LZH  - 07-25-96 - Uminonusituri [16M] ................... 5 .. JAPunp
AS-SCITJ.LZH - 07-31-96 - Sim City Junior [16M] ................. 5 .. JAPunp
AS-PURI.LZH  - 07-31-96 - Suppuri Gann-Pawa Do [8M] ............. 5 .. JAPunp
AS-KITA.LZH  - 07-31-96 - Kitarou Donyiara [16M] ................ 0 .. *DUPE*
------[ JULY RELEASES ]-----------------------------------------[ 35 Points ]-

AS-NRG.LZH   - 08-02-96 - Energy Breaker [16M] .................. 0 .. NONwrk
------[ AUGUST RELEASES ]---------------------------------------[ 00 Points ]-

Total SNES Releases From 'Anthrox & Swat' : 9        SNES Total = 35 Points

                                                       [SEGA]  Points & Info...
AS-AC.LHA  - 08-02-96 - Arcade Classics [4M] .................... 6 .. USA1st
Total SEGA Releases From 'Anthrox & Swat' : 1        SEGA Total = 06 Points

                                                        [HH]  Points & Info...
AS-KIRBB.LZH - 06-24-96 - Kirby`s Block Ball [4M] ............... 3 .. GB1st
Total HANDHELD/OTHER Releases From 'A & S' : 1       HH Total =  03 Points
                                                   GRAND Total : 44 Points

Zigor : Well, Its always cool to see some competition and A&S provided
        Arcadia with a good challenge (Although a short one for some reason!)
        Anyway.. I liked Kirby's Block Ball, A very cool Gameboy game..
        We will just have to wait and see if the A&S team come back in action!

 Faz!: Yeah ANTHROX & SWAT is back in Buisness. I think it just depends on
       if SIGMA SEVEN has fun with it. I haven't seen the other members
       releasing stuff for ages.But no one really cares if Games are still
       coming. That Kirby Block Ball is pretty great.Also that Sega Game
       is a cool look back in the past.The other games are all Japanese
       ones,but cool indeed. We will see if ANTHROX & SWAT can continue
       with their Japan Releases.

Son D: Cool to see some other group then Arcadia really for a change, Atleast
       that would be proof right there that Arcadia isn't the only one trying
       at this and that is the only reason why they are able to get releases

       Well FUCK YOU to everyone who says that. My reason is this.. How does
       you sitting back and ridiculing others for trying benefit the console
       scene ? It DOESN'T AT ALL.  What i tell people to talk non-sense is:


      Anyone agree with me or not ? Anyhow enough of this shit getting pissed
      over some lamers saying crap.. Greetings to Sigma Seven and the whole
      Anthrox and Swat crew.  Nice Job Sigma..  Maybe if you can motivate the
      HK posse along with you it would be interesting to see what happens..

Noisy Belch: I love SiGMA... and sigma loves ME! (sometimes)
             Seems so that Anthrox will stay FOREVER.. or maybe longer..

NOTE:  Noisy Belch and Sigma Seven are both gay lovers who do the Macarena
       in bed together! hahaha.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 ______________ ___________ _
\\_______     /__   _____________ _
  _/   _/____/_/   _____//
  \    \      |      |    c Y B E R
   \____.     |\_____|       f O R C E
        `-----'                                         [HH]  Points & Info...
CF-TOYST.LHA - 06-28-96 - Toy Story [4MBit] ..................... 3 .. GB1st
CF-SPIRO.LHA - 06-28-96 - Spirou [4Mbit] ........................ 3 .. GB1st
------[ JUNE RELEASES ]-----------------------------------------[ 06 Points ]-

CF-OLYMP.LHA - 07-14-96 - Olympic Summer Games [4Mbit] .......... 3 .. GB1st
------[ JULY RELEASES ]-----------------------------------------[ 03 Points ]-

CF-DHART.LHA - 08-09-96 - Dragon Heart [4Mbit] .................. 3 .. GB1st
------[ AUGUST RELEASES ]---------------------------------------[ 03 Points ]-

Total HANDHELD Releases From 'Cyber Force' : 4         HH Total = 3 Points
                                                    GRAND Total : 12 Points

Zigor: Yeah! Some great Gameboy releases from the Force. I remember
       having some summer fun playing Olympic Summer Games outside.. Great!

 Faz!: Looks like Cyberforce is really interesting in that GB stuff. I am
       happy to see these Dudes releasing great Major games for the GB.Dragon-
       Heart is a great game.Also Toy Story and Spirou are pure Hits.It's
       fine that they release the Documents for those Games!

Son D: Gameboy is fun man. Toy Story was a cool release. Good nite i must
       sleep now . :) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Noisy Belch: Will get my first GB copier on monday.. (sucks..)
             But I know Cyberforce for being long a big part of the handheld
             scene... They released much stuff.. go on dudes..

Sigma Seven: Uh Yea. more Gameboy, hope they keep on releasing those, as i
             just can`t get enough of them, and my little Cousin surely
             enjoys them as much as i do...

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

             ______ ______ .
          .:_\_ .  \\_ .  \_::.
       . .::./ ./  // ./__/.:::. .
          :_<_____/<____  >_:.
          .             \/  .                         [OTHER]  Points & Info...
DC-NI21.ZIP  - 06-21-96 - NES Image V2.1 C-Version [PC/UTIL]..... 1 .. CONutil
Total OTHER Releases From 'Damaged Cybernetics' : 1   OTHER Total = 1 Point


 Faz!: Okay, like I said : I don't know if I will count those releases the
       next time.I mean, we did it in the past so it would be unfair not to
       mention it this time. I also heard that this group is really active
       on the Internet!

Son D: I think this was the work of Mindrape from #snes. I am sorry if i am
       wrong, I don't want to give anyone false credit.. But besides that.
       Damaged Cybernetic's is a nice group. I heard that they are making
       a special version of SSF2 with some cool things in it... LIKE the
       chicks in it naked and shit.. hahaha

Noisy Belch: I don't know much about this group.. and I'm also not happy with
             counting Tools in the Charts... but who cares... someone did
             them and it's console!

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 . F4CG (F4CG)
*                 F4CG                     *
*               PRESENTS                   *
********************************************           [SNES]  Points & Info...
F4CGINTR.ZIP - 07-31-96 - F4CG Intro [SNES/INTRO] ............... 2 .. SNESintr
Total SNES Releases From 'F4CG' : 1                SNES Total = 02 Points


Zigor : A nice intro, How about releasing some games to go with it ?

 Faz!: A great Intro from F4CG. I love Intros and it's pretty cool to release
       them.It's a shame not all intros were added in front of a game, like
       it was done on amiga or c-64. Cool work! Honoured with 2!

Son D: I don't know what this is since i never took the time to load the damn
       thing. btw.. INTROS DO RULE.

Noisy Belch: Yeah.. Intros... many people hate them... many people strip
             them... many people love them and only a few code them...
             I like intros.. as long as they don't harm the game...

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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|   l_____l__|__l____l__|__l__|__l_____)   |
|                                          |
`------------------------------------------'           [SNES]  Points & Info...
GXY-SNES.LZX - 07-13-96 - Easy Texttyper for SNES [UTIL] ........ 1 .. CONutil
Total SNES Releases From 'Galaxy' : 1                SNES Total = 01 Points


 Faz!: Someone will appreciate the "little" work from Galaxy!

Son D: What is this.. I cant even un lharc it because it's lzx. FUCKHEADS.

Noisy Belch: Galaxy told me that he coded this already a long time ago..
             Now he released it..

Sigma Seven: Uhmm, i didnt really get the Point of this "Tool" but well.. ok!

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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|__|    |__|        |__|        |__|    \__|           [SNES]  Points & Info...
HTNDONM.LHA  - 08-23-96 - Donald Duck in Maui Mallard [16M] ..... 6 .. PAL1st
Total SNES Releases From 'HTM' : 1                   SNES Total = 06 Points


Zigor: A great SNES main release.. It has nice GFX and Music but the actual
       game gets frustrating, You better put the trainer on! Hmm..

 Faz!: For sure: This was one of the most awaited games here.It's a wonder
       that an unknow group released it (or maybe someone wanted to fool the
       scene??). Anyway, I love those DISNEY games.Donald was pronounced last
       year , and we had to wait 9 months for it. Hammering!

Noisy Belch: This game rocks!!! Donald as ninja... so kewl.. I like this kind
             of games and i like people who release them...

Son D: This game is a kick ass game. i love it. Be sure to pick up the trainer
       from Wildfire and from Popcorn.

Sigma Seven: Donald as a Ninja? Reminds me of some old Donald Duck Comic
             Books where he was solving Mysteries wearing a Dark Cape
             and a Mask and actually calling himself PHANTOMAS, now if
             this Game is based on that, i surely HAVE to check it out.
             Now gimme a Copier so i can do!!

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  _______  /\  _______ /\  _____   ___  ___.
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|__/    /______\   |/______\______|___||   |
<-/____/÷e÷---`----'Presents-----------`---'          [SNES]  Points & Info...
NPM-PN_2.LZH - 06-02-96 - Pinocchio [+2 TR] ..................... 2 .. SNEStr
------[ JUNE RELEASES ]-----------------------------------------[ 02 Points ]-

NPM_L2CR.LZH - 08-08-96 - Lufia II [CRACK] ...................... 1 .. SNEScrk
NPM-DD_4.LZH - 08-22-96 - Donald Duck in Maui Mallard [+4 TR] ... 2 .. SNEStr
NPM-MH_4.LZH - 08-26-96 - Mo Hawk Headphone [+4 TR] ............. 2 .. SNEStr
------[ AUGUST RELEASES ]---------------------------------------[ 05 Points ]-

Total SNES Releases From 'Napalm' : 4                SNES Total = 07 Points
                                                    GRAND Total : 07 Points

Zigor : Trainers rule! Good stuff from our friend Wildfire, Shame he is
        not very active.. c'mon do some more!

 Faz!: Not much to comment, the usual Trainers for the best SNES Games,
       combined with a nice Intro. Again : Cool work from Wildfire.

Son D: Wildfire is a great dude. I bugged him to make a few of the cracks
       and trainers listed above. I won't really go into it but he knows
       what i am talking about :)  Greetings to Wildfire and be sure to
       phone his bbs TRADE LINE!

Noisy Belch: Trainers... I don't use them... But good work... I also tried to
             make trainers in the past but I was too lazy...


      - Son Doobie
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

°    _____ ___   ___ _/_ |_ ____ ___   _____
:  __\   /   _|_/  /   / _/ _  /_   \__\   /
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|/  /___/_______\_____\__|_\____\____//___/
/___\--------------------------÷e÷/___\----»         [OTHER]  Points & Info...
NTR-DE09.LHA - 27-08-96 - PSX Debug v0.9 [UTIL/AMIGA] ........... 1 .. CONutil
NTR-TI10.LHA - 27-08-96 - Tim2Bmp & Tim2Tga [PSX/UTIL/AMIGA] .... 1 .. CONutil
Total OTHER Releases From 'Neutron' : 2             OTHER Total = 2 Points


Zigor : There is too many people taking stuff from the Internet and trying
        to fool people into thinking its some kinda new ware! Oh well, Seems
        like its the way things are going right now (2 bad I say!)

  Faz!: Well, PSX Fans and Coders will like these 2 Tools! Someone had to
        release them!

 Son D: What are these ?

Sigma Seven: Well what i dont like is taking pride of others hard work,
             i know that Tim2Bmp and Tim2Tga was available on BamBam`s
             WWW Homepage for some Days when Neutron released them.
             I`d rather would have released them without any Group Tag
             My Rating on Sigma`s Lameness Scala: 5 Bullets

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 ___ _______________o________/\_____  ____
¡   \ /__/ ___/  \  |  __/__) _\   /_|   /
|     \  \ \  \     |  |  _)   \\ /  |  / \
|__l__/__/_____\_/__|__|__|__l___\___|_____\          [SNES]  Points & Info...
N!PINOCC.LHA - 06-01-96 - Pinocchio [+3 TR] ..................... 2 .. SNEStr
N!ARKAN.LHA  - 06-03-96 - NES Arkanoid [CONVERTED] .............. 6 .. SNES1st
------[ JUNE RELEASES ]-----------------------------------------[ 08 Points ]-

N!BLOCK.LHA  - 07-22-96 - Block  [+1 TR/STRIP] .................. 2 .. SNEStr
ARKANOID.SMC - 07-01-96 - NES Arkanoid [+1 TR/STRIP] ............ 2 .. SNEStr
------[ JULY RELEASES ]-----------------------------------------[ 04 Points ]-

N!TETLUF.LHA - 08-08-96 - Tetris Attack / Lufia 2 [CRACK] ....... 1 .. SNEScrk
N!LUF2TR.LHA - 08-09-96 - Lufia II [+3 TR/CRACK] ................ 1 .. SNEScrk
N!MAUI.LHA   - 08-26-96 - Donald Maui Mallard [+4 TR] ........... 2 .. SNEStr
N!SPRIGG.LHA - 08-01-96 - Spriggan [+2 TR] ...................... 2 .. SNEStr
------[ AUGUST RELEASES ]---------------------------------------[ 06 Points ]-

Total SNES Releases From 'Nightfall' : 7            SNES Total =  16 Points

                                                     [OTHER]  Points & Info...
N!NEOGE2.LHA - 06-05-96 - King of Fighters 95 [NEOGEO/CRK] ...... 2 .. NEOGEO
Total OTHER Releases From 'Nightfall' : 1           OTHER Total = 2 Points
                                                    GRAND Total : 18 Points

Zigor: The Italian Stallion's are back to kick some serious ass.. Coool!
       I am always glad to see a N!ghtfall release and its good that
       they are still supporting the SNES scene in these times.
       The conversion of Arkanoid was pretty cool, I hope someone converts
       SPY Vs SPY 'cos its a very cool game (Even now I play it on the C64!)

 Faz!: I love those Nightfall dudes. Paolo is still active (and he bought
       a PSX!). Fast trainers and fast Cracks. I am also very thankful for
       the help he gave me with the SFT games.Someone would need the Neo Geo
       Crack. The ARKANOID convert was also cool, so I gave 6 points for it.
       I wondered that he hasn't converted some more games! All in all, they
       did what had to be done. Greetings to XAD & POPCORN!

Noisy Belch: A game does not work? Night-Fall will fix it!
             Hi! POPC0RN and X/\D... good work guys...

       It's too bad that there isn't anything really coming out. Then these
       guys at NIGHTFALL and NAPALM won't waste the ability they all have for
       the snes coding.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 . OLDSKOOL  (OS)        0
                 .       :_____
  :_____ _____:""|______.|    /__ _____ __.
  |  .  Y   / .  |  ____|!   /.  Y  .  Y  |__
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  l_____l____\___¡|   \__¡  \____|_____!_____|
                  l____\ |___\                        [SNES]  Points & Info...
OS-SESPA.LZH - 06-15-96 - Secret of Evermore * Spanish * [24M]... 2 .. SPANSIH
OS-F3EUR.LZH - 06-28-96 - Final Fight III [PAL/UPGRADE] ......... 1 .. UPGRADE
OS-DEPS9.LZH - 06-28-96 - Deep Space 9 [PAL/UPGRADE] ............ 1 .. UPGRADE
Total SNES Releases From 'Oldskool' : 3             SNES Total = 04 Points

                                                       [SEGA]  Points & Info...
OS-WORMG.LHA - 08-08-96 - Worms [16M] ........................... 6 .. PAL1st
Total SEGA Releases From 'Oldskool' : 1              SEGA Total = 06 Points

                                                        [HH]  Points & Info...
OS-MEGA2.LZH - 06-11-96 - Megaman 2 [100%] ...................... 1 .. GB100%
OS-YUYU1.LZH - 06-11-96 - Yu Yu Hakusho 1 [2MBit] ............... 3 .. GB1st
OS-URUTS.LZH - 06-11-96 - Urutsei Yatsura [2Mbit] ............... 3 .. GB1st
OS-YUYU3.LZH - 06-11-96 - Yu Yu Hakusho III [2Mbit] ............. 3 .. GB1st
OS-TEKBL.LZH - 06-11-96 - Tekkaman Blade [1Mbit] ................ 3 .. GB1st
OS-YAIBA.LZH - 06-11-96 - Yaiba Adventures [2Mbit] .............. 3 .. GB1st
OS-SDGUD.LZH - 06-11-96 - Super Deformed Sengoku Den [2Mbit] .... 3 .. GB1st
OS-YUYU4.LZH - 06-11-96 - Yu Yu Hakusho 4 [4Mbit] ............... 3 .. GB1st
OS-SLAMD.LZH - 06-11-96 - Slam Dunk [2Mbit] ..................... 3 .. GB1st
OS-ELITE.LZH - 06-27-96 - Elite Soccer [1Mbit] .................. 0 .. *OLD!*
OS-AVSP.LZH  - 06-27-96 - Alien Versus Predator [1Mbit] ......... 0 .. *OLD!*
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
OS-GBAMI.LHA - 06-11-96 - Virtual Gameboy v0.4 [AMIGA/UTIL] ..... 1 .. GButil
OS-PBOY.ZIP  - 06-11-96 - Pc Boy v0.01 Alpha [PC/UTIL] .......... 1 .. GButil
OS-VGB62.ZIP - 06-11-96 - Virtual Gameboy 6.2 [PC/UTIL] ......... 1 .. GButil
OS-VGBME.ZIP - 06-11-96 - Virtual Gameboy Menu V1.0 [PC/UTIL] ... 1 .. GButil
OS-GBTAS.ZIP - 06-11-96 - Tasm 3.x [PC/UTIL] .................... 1 .. GButil
OS-GBPCK.ZIP - 06-11-96 - Gameboy Assembler v.032 [PC/UTIL] ..... 1 .. GButil
OS-GBCON.ZIP - 06-22-96 - GFX Converter HEROZERO [NEW/PC/UTIL] .. 1 .. GButil
OS-ILIST.LZH - 06-24-96 - Instant Lister v0.99 [PC/UTIL] ........ 1 .. GButil
OS-VGBLD.LZH - 06-24-96 - Virtual GB Laucher [PC/UTIL] .......... 1 .. GButil
Total HANDHELD Releases From 'Oldskool' : 20           HH Total = 35 Points

                                                     [OTHER]  Points & Info...
OS-WL957.ZIP - 06-06-96 - Wildload 95 v0.7 [PC/UTIL] ............ 1 .. CONutil
OS-PCFG1.ZIP - 06-11-96 - Softram & Magnaram Configs [PC/UTIL] .. 1 .. CONutil
OS-WSTIK.ZIP - 06-11-96 - Winstick 4 Console Emulators [PC/UTIL]  1 .. CONutil
OS-CPK10.LZH - 06-20-96 - CPK Viewer for SEGA SATURN [UTIL/PC] .. 1 .. CONutil
OS-INESW.ZIP - 06-21-96 - Ines Famicom Emulator v0.3u [PC/UTIL] . 1 .. CONutil
OS-PA25A.ZIP - 06-21-96 - Pasofami NES Emulator v2.5a [PC/UTIL] . 1 .. CONutil
OS-12E&D.ZIP - 06-22-96 - SPW 1.2du  & SPW 1.2e [EMULATOR] ...... 1 .. CONutil
OS-W9510.ZIP - 06-29-96 - Wildload 95 v1.0 [PC/UTIL/SNES] ....... 1 .. CONutil
------[ JUNE RELEASES ]-----------------------------------------[ 08 Points ]-

OS-TR112.LZH - 07-02-96 - Tracer v1.12 [PC/UTIL/SNES] ........... 1 .. CONutil
------[ JULY RELEASES ]-----------------------------------------[ 01 Points ]-

Total OTHER Releases From 'Oldskool' : 8            OTHER Total = 9 Points
                                                   GRAND Total : 54 Points

Zigor: Worms was a nice surprise to see from the Oldskool, I hope the SNES
       version is coming soon (How about it?). Anyway, A LOT of these releases
       are pretty useless and coming from the internet or something.. and
       also there were a LOT of OLD and DUPLICATED Gameboy games (Very Poor!)

 Faz!: Wow, what you see here is a real mixed bunch of releases. The best
       release (without any doubt) was the SEGA Version of WORMS! It's a
       real Major Hit and I am glad Oldskool did it. Also the Gameboy Side
       kicked ass with some previously unreleased Japanese Games.
       I am not that Fan of the Emulator shit. I run an amiga and for me
       it all looks the same,if I read those dummy names in the File_id.
       I think the Emulator fans and coders like that stuff, but for
       me.... Hmm What else : 2 Euro Patches and the Spanish Version of
       Secret of Evermore which can now be played from those Cubans,
       Mexicans and other Spanish speaking dudes....

Son D: The ips and the Mana are lame. We don't need this shit. Out of all the
       things released, Only 1 decent thing was put out. I don't care if you
       think i am ragging on OLDSKOOL but its the truth. If you think i am
       wrong, mail me on any board you see me active on.

Sigma Seven: Well a lot of "Junk" and a lot of Gameboy Stuff, it sort of
             equates it out. Two of the best Released might have been
             the Tracer and the Wildload, the rest is sorta doubtful.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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 :-))) Morgoth (((-:  \_| Lord of Darkness            [SEGA]  Points & Info...
MOR-SONC.LZH - 07-15-96 - Sonic Crack 32X Beta [8M] ............. 4 .. SEGAbet
Total SEGA Releases From 'Morgoth' : 1               SEGA Total = 4 Points


Zigor: I couldn't get this to load on my copier but I heard it was real!

 Faz!: Hmm, dunno this release was confusing me a bit. Maybe Zigor can help?

Noisy Belch: YESSSSsssssss!!! This was an very early and very kewl preview of
             SONIC 3D.... I've seen picture from it in papermags.. I think
             that game will kick ass... check it out..

Son D: This game should be out in November so to have this game 4 months in
       advance is coooooool. Also it's cool to see a beta in the dir's for
       a change. and who are the Morgoth POSSE ?

Sigma Seven: Did anyone actually CHECK IT OUT?...

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                   _________.    100% Sega!
      .:__________:     ____:_______.
       |          |     ___|   |    :.
 ._____|_     ----:     :  |   !    |
 :            aTURN    rEAKZ      nLIMITED!
-:----------------------' -`--------'-------         [OTHER]  Points & Info...
SFU-CPAV.LZH - 06-06-96 - Saturn Cpk-Avi Converter [UTIL/PC] .... 1 .. CONutil
Total OTHER Releases From 'SFU' : 1                OTHER Total = 01 Points


Zigor: Well it´s cool to see some SATURN support, There should be more people
       releasing stuff for this great underrated console.. Good work SFU!

 Faz!: Oh well, Saturn Freaks will appreciate it... Pff..

Son D: I am so EXITED.

Sigma Seven: IF i had a Saturn i WOULD appreciate it... could use it
             in Windoze or sommin like that... or maybe not.. dunno.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 ____ ____ ______ ____  )\_  ______ ____
_) _/_)__(_) ___/_)__(_/ (_)_) ___/_\___\_
\_____ \_  ¯\_ )-._\   ¯\_ \/ \_ )-._ _/_/__
|   \/  |    /¯   /      /     /¯   / |    /
|       |   /   _/     _/    _/   _/  |   /|
|m!^dG--|__/----'------'-----'----'---|__/ |
+=======[(sHELTER cONSOLE sECTION)]========+            [HH]  Points & Info...
SLT-VGB4.LZX - 07-13-96 - Virtual Gameboy VGB 0.34 Turbo [UTIL] . 1 .. CONutil
SLT-GBWC.LZX - 07-26-96 - VGB v0.33T (speedup+Aga Patch) [UTIL] . 1 .. CONutil
Total HANDHELD Releases From 'Shelter' : 2             HH Total = 02 Points

                                                     [OTHER]  Points & Info...
SLT-E118.LZX - 06-22-96 - Ex Arp PSX 1.18 [PSX/UTIL] ............ 1 .. CONutil
Total OTHER Releases From 'Shelter' : 1            OTHER Total = 01 Points
                                                   GRAND Total : 03 Points

 Faz!: Again 2 Console Utilities which you need to run the GB emulator fine
       on the Amiga. Okay!

Noisy Belch: GameBoy is a Handheld... I don't use tools which emulate handhelds
             on Computers.. I want to run around with my GB.. basta..

Son D: PFff.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

------------------------------------->                [SNES]  Points & Info...
SIN-TATK.LZH - 08-08-96 - Tetris Attack [4M] .................... 4 .. DOUBLE
Total SNES Releases From 'Immortal Sinz' : 1         SNES Total = 04 Points


Zigor: A nice release but a sad time when the game is released first on
       the internet and not on a BBS, What´s going on with this shit ?

 Faz!: Well, I dunno who was first. But I guess it was SNK. Well, I gave
       4 Points on here, because I don't know on which BBS you see the SIN-
       Version first. On my BBS there was the SNK Release  So, well
       if someone can make that clear...?

Noisy Belch: That game makes me crazy man.. Will this Tetris shit never stop?
             But I like it...

Son D: SIN's version was out a few hours before SNK. It was being traded b4
       the SNK one, Even though the snk one got spread around more. Not much
       more i can say.

Sigma Seven: Well, wheres the 2nd Game SIN released? Lufia II is missing
             there and from what i remember TerminatR beat SNK on both of
             of them... i only knew of the SNK Version because some BBS
             in Sweden had it...

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

!eNf_______________________  ________/\_____
  __\   _______/_     _    \__\     /      /
  /_______      /     /     /          ___/
 /.      /     //    /     //     /     \_
/_____________/____ /_____/______/\______/
------------------\/-------------------'96->          [SNES]  Points & Info...
SNK-BMP.LZH  - 06-28-96 - Bass Masters Pro [16M] ............... 6 .. USA1st
------[ JUNE RELEASES ]-----------------------------------------[ 06 Points ]-

SNK-TET.LHA  - 08-08-96 - Tetris Attack [8M] ................... 6 .. USA1st
SNK-LUF.LHA  - 08-08-96 - Lufia II [24M] ....................... 4 .. USA1st
------[ AUGUST RELEASES ]---------------------------------------[ 10 Points ]-

Total SNES Releases From 'Sneakers' : 3               SNES Total = 16 Points

                                                       [SEGA]  Points & Info...
SNK-CF97.LZH - 08-23-96 - College Football'97 [16M] ............ 6 .. USA1st
Total SEGA Releases From 'Sneakers' : 1               SEGA Total = 6 Points
                                                   GRAND Total : 22 Points

 Faz!: Yeah, looks like the Big Shoe is back... with some other suppliers
       like Thorrin and THE 7A3 they are again in buisness. They got
       all in all 4 hot USA Wares. LUFIA 2 just got 4 points ,because the
       previous version was japanese.But a cool game indeed!

Son D: I think it's retarded to give lower points for Lufia 2. My reason is
       who gives a shit if the Jap version was out first. The question really
       is WHAT VERSION WAS PLAYABLE first. And when i say PLAYABLE i mean
       when you can actually understand the english text.

Zigor: It´s been a while since we've seen these guys, They seem to come and go!
       Anyway, It´s always been the case that if a game is already out in Japan
       then the next release of that game gets less points. lets face it,
       who plays them ? Its just about releasing and trading the 1st version!

Sigma Seven: If the Big Shoe would have been back we surely would have
             seen more than just these few Games, 2 USA1st and 2 Doubles..
             Where have the old Days gone to? Anyone?

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

     .________ _____ ______.________
     |  _____/  .   Y  .   |  _____/
    .l___   |   |   |  !   |___   |
    |       |   |   |   ___|      | -sQUAD!
    l_______|___|   l______l______|
·»--------------l___|---------------------«·           [SNES]  Points & Info...
SNES-SQ.LZH - 06-21-96 - Intro Collection (UNRELEASED) ........ 2 .. SNESintro
Total SEGA Releases From 'Snes Squad' : 1             SNES Total = 2 Points


 Faz!: Oh, this archive was done by me.It's lame to count it here,but every
       release will be mentioned. This Intro pack feartures some Code work
       to see some intros then take a look into it!

Sigma Seven: I just hope for SNES SQUAD that they were allowed to release
             this Bunch of Intro`s.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 . -=- tHe sHadOw -=- (TS)
                                                       [SEGA]  Points & Info...
TS-TPG97.LHA - 07-14-96 - Triple Play Gold '97 [32M] .......... 6 .. USA1st
TS-TP96F.LHA - 07-14-96 - Triple Play Baseball'97 [CRC] ....... 1 .. SEGAcrk
Total SEGA Releases From 'The Shadow' : 2             SEGA Total = 7 Points

 Faz!: The shadow is a real cool guy for the Sega Scene, together with his
       Sega Developers kit he helped us releasing and fixing some big
       Titles.I hope we see some more from this guy soon.
       ...Hey TS , I hope to see you back on Freek World BBS!!

Son D: I know The Shadow. This guy has every sega game exept 2 or something.
       That is insane. But it was cool to see him being able to copy this
       game and crack it for all of us to be able to play.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


<-------------[ t h e ]------------->
<-[ t r a d i n g   s o c i e t y ]->
<==============================TTS==>                [OTHER]  Points & Info...
TTS-MG04.ZIP - 08-25-96 - Gamegear , Sega Emulator [PC/UTIL] .. 1 .. CONutil
TTS-GG1.ZIP  - 08-25-96 - Games for GG-Emulator [PC/UTIL] ..... 1 .. CONutil
Total OTHER Releases From 'TTS' : 2                  OTHER Total = 2 Points


 Faz!: Dunno if those are just a bunch of traders or whatever. They had their
       names in front of the release so they will earn the points!
       Someone needs this crap?

Noisy Belch: Will we see them again?!?


Zigor: I'm back, Did I miss anything ?

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\

  [========================[  NOW THE RESULTS.. ]========================]
 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___  ____ ___ ___\/___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _  _ __  _ __ _ _
   __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
    \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/
                                    \    /
                                     \  /
                                     \  /


SNES Results..

       :  *  *  *  SUPER NINTENDO RESULTS FOR SUMMER'96  *  *  *  *  :
       : Pos : Group Name        : Points : Last Months Pos / Points :   
       :* 1 *: Arcadia ........ .:..132 ..:. ..........  1  /  32    :   
       :+ 2 +: Anthrox & Swat.. .:.. 35 ..:. .......... --- / ---    :
       :. 3 .: Nightfall ...... .:.. 16 ..:. ..........  3  /  07    :   
       :. 3 .: Sneakers ....... .:.. 16 ..:. .......... --- / ---    :
       :  4  : Napalm ......... .:..  7 ..:. .......... --- / ---    :   
       :  5  : HTM ............ .:..  6 ..:. .......... --- / ---    :   
       :  6  : Immortal Sinz .. .:..  4 ..:. .......... --- / ---    :
       :  6  : Oldskool ....... .:..  4 ..:. ..........  2  /   16   :   
       :  7  : F4CG ........... .:..  2 ..:. .......... --- / ---    :   
       :  7  : Snes Squad ..... .:..  2 ..:. .......... --- / ---    :   
       :  8  : Galaxy ......... .:..  1 ..:. .......... --- / ---    :   

. SEGA Results..

       :  *  *  *  * SEGA GENESIS RESULTS FOR SUMMER'96  *  *  *  *  :  
       : Pos : Group Name        : Points : Last Months Pos / Points :
       :* 1 *: Arcadia ........ .:.. 30 ..:. .......... --- / ---    :  
       :+ 2 +: tHe sHaDoW...... .:..  7 ..:. .......... --- / ---    :
       :. 3 .: Anthrox & Swat.. .:..  6 ..:. .......... --- / ---    :  
       :. 3 .: Oldskool ....... .:..  6 .... .......... --- / ---    :
       :. 3 .: Sneakers ....... .:..  6 ..:. .......... --- / ---    :  
       :  4  : Morgoth ........ .:..  4 ..:. .......... --- / ---    :

. HANDHELD Results..

       :  *  *  *  *  HANDHELD RESULTS FOR SUMMER'96  *  *  *  *  *  :
       : Pos : Group Name        : Points : Last Months Pos / Points :
       :* 1 *: Oldskool ....... .:.. 35 ..:. ..........  2  /   13   :
       :+ 2 +: Arcadia ........ .:.. 22 ..:. ..........  1  /   22   :
       :. 3 .: Cyber Force .... .:.. 12 ..:. ..........  3  /    3   :
       :  4  : Anthrox & Swat.. .:..  3 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :
       :  5  : Shelter ........ .:..  2 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :

 . 'OTHER' results..

       : * *  *  *  * 'OTHER' RESULTS FOR SUMMER'96  *  *  *  *  *   :
       : Pos : Group Name        : Points : Last Months Pos / Points :
       :* 1 *: Oldskool ....... .:..  9 ..:. ..........  1  /    6   :
       :+ 2 +: Nightfall ...... .:..  2 ..:. ..........  3  /    2   :
       :+ 2 +: Trading Society. .:..  2 ..:. .......... --- /   ---  :
       :+ 2 +: Neutron ........ .:..  2 ..:. .......... --- /   ---  :
       :. 3 .: Accession ...... .:..  1 ..:. .......... --- /   ---  :
       :. 3 .: Damaged Cyberne. .:..  1 ..:. .......... --- /   ---  :
       :. 3 .: Saturn Freaks .. .:..  1 ..:. .......... --- /   ---  :
       :. 3 .: Shelter ........ .:..  1 ..:. .......... --- /   ---  :

 . GRAND TOTAL results...

      : *  *  *  * GRAND TOTAL RESULTS FOR SUMMER'96  *  *  *  *  * :    
      : Pos : Group Name        : Points : Last Months Pos / Points :
      :* 1 *: Arcadia ........ .:. 184 ..:. ..........  1  /  45    :    
      :+ 2 +: Oldskool ....... .:.. 54 ..:. ..........  2  /  35    :    
      :. 3 .: Anthrox & Swat.. .:.. 44 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :    
      :  4  : Sneakers ....... .:.. 22 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :    
      :  5  : Nightfall ...... .:.. 18 ..:. ..........  3  /   9    :    
      :  6  : Cyber Force .... .:.. 12 ..:. ..........  5a /   4    :    
      : 7a  : Napalm ......... .:..  7 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :
      : 7b  : The Shadow ..... .:..  7 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :
      :  8  : HTM ............ .:..  6 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :    
      : 9a  : Immortal Sinz .. .:..  4 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :
      : 9b  : Morgoth ........ .:..  4 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :    
      : 10  : Shelter ........ .:..  3 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :
      : 11a : F4CG ........... .:..  2 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :    
      : 11b : Neutron ........ .:..  2 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :
      : 11c : Snes Squad ..... .:..  2 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :
      : 11d : Trading Society. .:..  2 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :
      : 12a : Accession ...... .:..  1 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :
      : 12b : Damaged Cybern.. .:..  1 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :
      : 12c : Galaxy ......... .:..  1 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :
      : 12d : Saturn Freaks .. .:..  1 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :

Zigor: No surprises to see Arcadia in the No.1 spot for SNES and SEGA..
       Well, It´s very strange to see Oldskool top of the handheld charts
       but I'm not going to argue about it. Oh well, Its been a weird time
       for 16bit consoles, I hope we see some better releases soon!

 Faz!: Okay, you see that there are now a lot of new Groupnames in the
       Charts. Well, I really don't know if this is good. But anyway, you
       see that the interest goes more and more to the PSX , SATURN ,
       NINTENDO 64 etc. A lot of new groups are out releasing stuff which
       they got from the Internet and a lot of Utilities were written for
       the PC to crack, debug and convert Games for those consoles. I want
       that not just 16 Bit Freaks are reading these charts.Also the 32-
       Bit guys should read what was released. Maybe more people will now
       read this magazine and I hope they like it.

       To comment the results... Arcadia did it again , staying on place
       Numero Uno. Oldskool is also Place Number 2 (like in May). This is
       for sure through their HANDHELD games and the Bunch of Utilities they
       released for the Emulators. Napalm and The Shadow on Place number 7.
       And again SNEAKERS is back in the charts! Congratulations! Smaller
       groups entered the Result Table with their PSX and Saturn Utilities
       or some intros. Cyberforce is always in the charts.Also we saw a new
       group named Hell Town Nijmegen (whatever the fuck that is!) with a
       great game. We all were a bit surprised ?

Son D: My hands are tired from typing. Good work to everyone blah blah.

       GOOD NITE. SLEEP TIME. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Noisy Belch: Ahhh.. The others wrote so much that I don't want to bore you..
             let's go on with the retro scan!!!!

Sigma Seven: Well, just some Months as they have been like the rest in the
             past Year, lots of Arcadia releases, some A&S Ones here and
             there and a lot of Tools grabbed off the Internet released
             under some suspicious Group Name. On the other Hand we had
             a nice Collection of decent Stuff, nothing that won`t hurt
             to Check out (on the Tools Site that is, about the only Stuff
             i can actually check out, guess i have to find some Emulator)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

. Personal Favourites of these months ... (Just 4 fun!)

      Faz!: Fav SNES Game  -  Donald in Maui Mallard (Boombastic)
            Fav GB   Game  -  Kirby's Block Ball (it simply rules)
            Fav SEGA Game  -  Worms is a killer (also Time Killers)
            Fav OTHER      -  Zoop on Jaguar is simply cool!

     Zigor: Fav SNES Game  -  Super Gussun Oyoyo II
            Fav GB   Game  -  Kirby's Block Ball..
            Fav OTHER      -  SF Zero II (Saturn)

Son Doobie: Fav SNES Game  - Donald Duck in Maui Mallard
            Fav GB   Game  - Kirby's Block Ball
            Fav SEGA Game  - Bugs Bunny
            Fav OTHER      - Fazwonga's mother..

            Fav SNES Game  - Uhmm... no Copier :)
            Fav SEGA Game  - dto.
            Fav GB Game    - Kirby`s Blockball for sure!!
            Fav OTHER Game - Olympic Soccer on PSX kicks Butt!!

Noisy Belch: Fav SNES Game -  MK3 (Blood... BLOOOODDD... VIOLENCE...!!!)
             Fav SEGA Game -  Sonic 3D (When it'll be released...)
             Fav OTHER Game-  "Sigma without a copier!"

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

We also send out some greetings to these guys who have been active among
the Summer Months....
Thanx for all the great Texts, Infos, Pix, IPS, Fixes and other stuff....
Mostly on the 32 & &4 Mbit Scene and with much help from the INTERNET!

(This list is in no particular order)..

       \__  __  /  _____/  /    /            . [PSX PHEENS]
        /   /__/___   /_     __/
       /____ /  /    /___/    /   pHEENs!

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  __/ _____/ __  /_/ /  /__   \  /____ ___/\ . [GEWALT]
_/_/  /  /   /__/ \ /  / \    / /   /  /\_\/
\ \_____/______/______/__/___/_____/__/ /

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
       .___             _____                . [BAD KARMA]
      _|   \___    ____/    /
      _    _   \__/   /    /
      /    /    /    /    /_.   bad karma

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 _ __/\_____________._________ .oUT rAGE .
_ ________  \______  \_____   \ .pIRATES .   . [ORP]
   \    \/  \\   |/ _/   \____/          :
    \________/___/   \_____|             |

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

________________________  /\  __________ __. . [PDY/PRODIGY]
\  __  \ __  \  _ \___  \/  \/   _   /  |  |
M\/_/  / _/  /  |  |  \  \__/  __|__/   |  |
b/ \__/  \   \_ |  | _/   \ |  \_  _\___   |
/____|   |\___/____|_\____/ |___/  \_______|

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

     _______    _______ _    _ ________      . [LSD]
    / _____(_ __)  ___///__ _\\\__     \
  _/  \      _\__________ _/    '/      \_
  \          \         \/ \    _/        /
.--\_         \_           \_  \        /--.
:   `console---`------------`zOd\______/   :

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

|||_ _____________  ___   ___   ____     |   . [APL/APOLLO]
||/'\\'___   /'   \/' /  /' /  /'   \  --*--
|/ ¦ \|   __/   / /  /__/  /__/   / /    |
/_____\___| \____/\____/\____/\____/

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

   ______/\ __________                       . [AP/ASTRAL PILOT]
  /        \|   __    \
 //   /\    \.   |____/
/_______\ ___\___|      *  ASTRAL PILOT!  *

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

              ______   (-fAZ!)     ______    . [RNG/RENEGADE]
 ___/\________\    /_______________\_   /__
 \    \ __  /  \  /__  / ____/   \ _/  /__ \
_/_/  / /__/     / /__/  / /  _\ / \  / /__/
\_\  /\____\_/  /_____\__ /__/  /___ /___ /
<--\ __\----/___\-------\/--/___\--\/---\/->
    \/      pSX sECTiON pRESENTS

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

              ____________    _              . [ORB]
  ____________\__   ____  \  / \__________
  \     ____   \/\  \ _/   \/    ____    /\
  _\  _ \  /   / \\___\   _/\  _ \  /   / \\
 /____\  \/   /  //    \_____\_\  \/   /  //
 \     \_____//  /\_____\     \ \_____//  /rN
 .\_____\    \\ /--------\_____\_\    \\ /--.
 !       \____\/ PSX-DEViSiON     \____\/   :

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  ________/\  _ ___.  _ __ __________         . [RKM/REKTUM]
  \______  \\      l____            /
     |  /  _/____  _  _/___   _____/
     l__\        \_|       \__|
  .-- yop\________\l________\<--[ REktUM ]--.
  |                                         |

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    ________________________ ______  ______    . [TSM/SHAOLIN MASTERS]
    \_____   _____      ___/_\     \/      \
       /       \ _\_____      \    \/      /
      /_________\\____________/_____\     /
  >>----------The Shaolin Masters-/______/-->>

And to some other guys like : Underground Kids , PSP , EBBHEAD , Psx Freaks ,
Nightfall , Damaged Cybernetics , Oldskool , Gaming Alliance , Shelter ,
Satanic Soft & all we have forgotten!

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

     __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
    / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
   /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\

 [========================[ SUMMER 1995 - RETROSCAN!   ]=====================]

Zigor: Welcome to retroscan...
       Here we take a brief look at the SNES & SEGA scene 1 year ago (June,
       July, August'95),
       Of course, More SNES than Sega but that's how it is..

 Faz!: Sure, RETROSCAN is back, let's begin the show in the past!
       It's always cool to look in the past.These times will never Return.
       (and that sux).
       I am feeling bad... (asking Son Doobie for a big Tissue ,doin'it again)

       Note: Some releases are counted for 2 groups! It's simple : It was the
       ===== time of Doubles and duping. I don't wanted to be a part with any
             group, so I counted the release to the groups name.No one really
             knew who was first etc....

 Sigma: <Humming to an old Song> Those were the Days...

  Anyways , Here comes the retro-scan...

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q   _______________________________   !
U  //        //         //    _    )  1
A |:   |    |:   ______/:'   |    /   9
S |    :     \_____    \|    :   (    9
A |          /          |____|    \   5
R  \___\   _:__________/  !pL \    \  !

 . F1 W.C. Edition ..............[16/EUR/SNES]
 . Judge Dredd *FINAL* ..........[16/EUR/SNES]
 . Skeleton Krew ................[16/EUR/SEGA]
 . Fever Pitch Soccer ...........[16/EUR/SEGA]
 . Longraiser II ................[16/JAP/SEGA]
 . Light Crusader ...............[16/EUR/SEGA]
 . Spirou .......................[08/EUR/SEGA]
          Summer'95 Total Releases = 7
      Increase of 5 from Previous Month!!!!

Zigor: Sure, These were good times, Especially for the SEGA machines..
       Light Crusader was a great Action RPG from Treasure, Very cool!

Faz!: Yeah well , Quasar doing some fine Euro Job. All of those releases
      were okay... Just SKELETON KREW on SEGA was doubled. But as mentioned
      above ^ No one knows who was first...

Noisy Belch: Yesss!!!! German power!!!

Son D: only if this many games were coming out now. :(

Sigma Seven: Yea, Quasar at what they could do best, Release SEGA Games, i
             just love them for that... and recently they showed their
             Powers again, by releasing UMK3 for SEGA, KILLER!

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

^ ._________.    |    |wKd      ._________.^
|_|    _____|____|____|_________|    _____||
|\_    ___/_|    _____/    .   \_    ___/_ |
| |    |    |    |    |_____    |    |    ||
| |_________|_________|    |    |_________||

 . Ruin Arm ........................[24/JAP/SNES]
 . Little Master ...................[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Gran Historia ...................[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Ohmono Black Bass ...............[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Ship Story ......................[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Outrigger .......................[12/JAP/SNES]
 . Mystik Ark ......................[32/JAP/SNES]
 . Dun Quest .......................[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Ranma 1/2 Rpg ...................[08/JAP/SNES]
 . Get Across Gaps .................[04/JAP/SNES]
 . Jockey (G.I. Memory) ............[24/JAP/SNES]
          Summer'95 Total Releases = 11
      Increase of 8 from Previous Month!!!!

Faz!: Well , as usually Papillon did some Japan Releases...I didn't like
      any of them , but they had to be released.

Noisy Belch: Yep Faz! doesnt matter if we like it.. Someone has to do the job!

Son D: Who Cares if nobody likes them.. they were new and that is what was
       cool. I wish we were able to trade that much console nowadays.

Sigma: Well it was not just Papillon here, a lot goes to Devious Doze..
       nice Job anyways, been a good Concurrent(if thats the right word)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         _ _______.
  ____ _____.  |  l__ ___________________
 /    Y     |  |     Y     /    \_  |  _/
/  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |_/  |   /     \
\_____|__|__|__|__|__|__| \_____/___|___\

 . Theme Park  ..................[08/EUR/SNES]
 . Manchester United ............[08/EUR/SNES]
 . Super Turrican 2 .....[TRAINED/16/EUR/SNES]
 . Wild E Coyotes Revenge ..[BETA/16/USA/SNES]
 . Wayne Gretzky - All Stars ....[16/USA/SEGA]
 . Slam Dunk ....................[16/JAP/SEGA]
 . Brian Lara Cricket ...........[08/PAL/SEGA]
 . Skeleton Krew ................[16/PAL/SEGA]
 . Street Racer .................[08/PAL/SEGA]
 . Mega Man - Wily Wars .........[16/JAP/SEGA]
 . Pete Sampras Tennis 96 .......[16/EUR/SEGA]
 . Sonic Compilation ............[24/USA/SEGA]
        Summer'95 Total Releases = 12
      Increase of 5 From Previous Month

Zigor: Super Turrican 2 was great, I hope they make Super Turrican 64!

Faz!: Well , more SEGA then SNES this time from ATX. I guess there is still
      no Final Version of Wild E Coyote's Revenge. Mabye someone know whats
      wrong with that. Anyway ,it was the time of the Turnip!

Noisy Belch: I want Anthrox to be single again.. because the new descriptions

Son D: Mega Man was so coooooooooooooool.

Sigma: Well, Anthrox was just starting out on the Japanese Section that
       Time.. took some Time to get into full effect... but then.. you know

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


 | .-------------------------------------. |
 | | f r o n t  l i n e  a s s e m b l y | |
 | `-------------------------------------' |
 |                                         |

 . Super Genjin 2 (B.C. Kid 2) ..[12/JAP/SNES]
 . Emerald Dragon ...............[16/JAP/SNES]
        Summer'95 Total Releases = 2
     also 2 Releases The Previous Month!

Faz!: Yes , this was SIGMA SEVEN again. I forgot why he haven't done that
      under the ATX label.But those Games were really nice.And it was the time
      when BART ruled nearly alone the whole JAP scene hehe :)
      BC KID 2 was really cool.It's also out on Gameboy now, but still no
      european SNES Version.

Noisy Belch: SiGMA here.. SiGMA there... since YEARS... I hate him.. eheh

Son D: Maybe he put these out under this group because they sucked ?

Zigor: Super Genjin 2 didn't suck, It was a cool platform game!

Sigma: Well, isn`t it boring seeing the same Groups releasing Games,
       thought it might be Time for a Change, and give some Riddles to
       them Scene Guys... and it`ll be my Secret why i put them out under
       FLA... nevertheless the Guys involved sure know why...

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


 fAZ!____ [BrOs]  _ _:_ _ _______ [SiSteR]
. ___\   /___________/\____\  _ /_______/\ :
_/  _/ _/  /  _  \  _  \    \ // __  / _  \:
\   \  \  /      / /  _/      /  /__/ /  _/.

 . Adventures of Batman & Robin ........[16/EUR/SEGA]
        Summer'95 Total Releases = 1
       No Releases The Previous Month!

Faz!: I am glad to know that it was Zigor who built this Crew ? Am I right?
      Yeahh... I like the Euro Versions of Sega Games, so it's cool Batman &
      Robin was released!

Noisy Belch: I've seen a GAY PORN MOVIE for where both actors were dressed
             like Batman and Robin... They should release it official as
             BATMAN 4 ... and everyone will love it...      ahahhahh...

Son D: You fucking faggot!

Sigma: I sorta knew Belch would watch this kind of Movies haha...
       He`s a Sicko :)

       ^^^ Mr.Belch: You assholes!! Porn is BodyART!!..
                    (huhuu... i said assholes..)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

     __    __
:___|  |__:  |__ /\:_____:_____:___________
|   !  |  !  |  Y  |   _ |  __ | ____)  ___)
|      |  ¡  |     |  _ __)/___|  | |____ \
|  ¡___|_____|_\_/ |_____\_____|__| -:+/  /
|__|            /__|                  /___\

 . The Mask ................[BETA/16/USA/SNES]
 . EXO Squad ...............[BETA/10/USA/SEGA]
         Summer'95 Total Releases = 2
     also 2 Releases The Previous Month!

Faz!: The MASK was a pretty great game. The released BETA was nearly the
      Final Version and not much different from this here from Numbers!

Noisy Belch: The MASK... I hate the movie and I hate the game.. but a nice
             release of course..

Zigor: Yeah, The Mask SUCKED! (Game+Movie!).. EXO Squad was ok though....

Son D: I just loved it when i would un lharc these numbers games and be hit
       with 30 megs of BUY OUR SHIT ad's. These games sucked but atleast
       someone still bothered to put them out.. RIGHT ?

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    __________  _____________________
   /  ____   |  |    /     \__   ___/
  /\__.   \  |/\|   /   |   \|    \
 /    |    \       /   ---   \     \
(__________/ ./\____)________)      \
         (____|              |_______)

 . Ultra Baken ..................[08/JAP/SNES]
 . Rpg Arcana ...................[08/JAP/SNES]
 . Haisei Ma-Jam Ryo-Ga .........[08/JAP/SNES]
 . Earthbound ...................[24/USA/SNES]
 . Elfaria 2 ....................[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Air Cavalry ..................[08/USA/SNES]
 . Princess minerva .............[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Ruin Arm .....................[24/JAP/SNES]
 . Secret of the Stars ..........[12/USA/SNES]
 . Primal Rage ..................[32/USA/SNES]
 . Dragon Bruce Lee *FINAL* .....[16/USA/SNES]
 . Ninja Gaiden Trilogy .........[12/USA/SNES]
 . Swat Katz ....................[16/USA/SNES]
 . Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 4 ..[24/USA/SNES]
 . Deep Space Nine (FINAL) ......[08/USA/SNES]
 . Revenge of Fu Man Chu ........[08/JAP/SEGA]
 . Smart Mouse ..................[04/JAP/SEGA]
 . Triple Play Baseball 96 ......[16/USA/SEGA]
 . Primal Rage ..................[26/USA/SEGA]
 . Comix Zone *FiNAL!* ..........[16/USA/SEGA]
 . Minnesota Fats Pool ..........[08/USA/SEGA]
 . Exo Squad *FiNAL!* ...........[10/USA/SEGA]
 . Phantom 2040 .................[16/USA/SEGA]
          Summer'95 Total Releases = 24!
         5 Releases The Previous Month!

Zigor: It was certainly a cool time for Swat, Strange how they seemed to
       become inactive when they merged with Anthrox!

Faz!: It was the time of SWAT! They got nearly every Major title... Greetings
      to the old guys like Cyber Christ , Spaceman Spiff and Mega! Cool Work!
      Primal Rage was a pure Hit! They also got SONIC as JAPAN supplier!

Noisy Belch: Bruce Lee rules!!! Because he'd know how to kick butt's and i like
           people who release games with Bruce... Bruce is god and SWAT is good

Son D: Alot of cool things from this 'new' group at the time. Earthbound was
       a Major Title as well as Primal Rage for both systems.

Sigma: Sonic kicked ass back then when he was in Swat, aswell as Swat did
       however some People had Problems with the Way they (SWAT) expressed
       their Feelings or how their Attitude was... I didnt care too much tho

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


*  N * I *  N * T *  E * G * A *    1*9*9*5

. Bass Hissyouhou ..................[12/JAP/SNES]
          Summer'95 Total Releases = 1
         No Releases The Previous Month!

Faz! : Well, this was again one of those ONE TIME RELEASING Groups. Don't
       kill me , if I think that this was the work from NosTromo (SNK).
       Am I right again ?

Noisy Belch: I don't know who's this.. But will they ever come back!?!?

Son D: I think FAZ has a big mouth..

Zigor: I like fishing games, They are very relaxing!

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 _________  __ _______   __ ____   _______
 \_____  -\/ -\\___  -| / -\|  |__|      -|
  //  /   /    \|  |  |/    \  |  |  | |  |
 /   /   /  /\ \\_ ___/  /\ \\_|  || |_|  |
/___/   /_____\  /_| /_____\  /___|__| |__|

 . DKC Competition Cart ..........[16/USA/SNES]
 . Jungle Strike .................[16/USA/SNES]
 . Porky Pig Haunted Holiday.[BETA/16/USA/SNES]
 . Mr.Do .........................[02/USA/SNES]
 . Batman Forver FINAL ...........[24/USA/SNES]
 . Nba Jam TE & Judge Dredd Comp..[32/USA/SEGA]
 . Demolition Man ................[16/USA/SEGA]
 . F1 Championship Racing ........[16/USA/SEGA]
 . Dragon : Bruce Lee Story ......[16/USA/SEGA]
          Summer'95 Total Releases = 10

Faz!: Napalm did a great Job by releasing some fine games. A lot of them
      had to be re-released since some noticed that they weren't Final
      Releases. But anyway they gave us some games really fast!

Noisy Belch: "Can you smell this? This smell of burning napalm in the
              morning? I really love this smell, because it smells
              like.. uhm... it smells like victory!!!"
                                                       (Apocalypse Now, 1979)

Son D: Napalm was a cool group. Some people said that it's stupid to base a
       whole group over the releases of Acclaim..   But if you people think
       about it.. Acclaim was releasing alot of the cool console games right?

Zigor: I only liked Mr.Do from this selection, It was a great Arcade smash!

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                      /\  /
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    / _ \   ___/  _/___  \  ___  \____  \_
_ _/  _  \___  \  |   /   \_  /  /_  |   /_
\\\___|   \____/_____/_____/__\___/_____////
      |    \_

 . Asterix & Obelix ........[EURO/12/PAL/SNES]
 . Alien Soldier ...........[EURO/16/PAL/SEGA]
         Summer'95 Total Releases = 2
        2 Releases The Previous Month!

Zigor: Alien Soldier was very cool but also very difficult, Its a shame
       nobody is releasing Sega trainers as much as the Snes ones..

Faz!: Nice releases from ASGARD. As always a new entry every month!
      Asterix & Obelix is really a fine game. I like it still to throw
      with some rocks... Alien Soldier was also the first English Version
      of that Sega Hit.

Son D: Alien Soldier rULES

Sigma: Yea, Alien Soldier, the Game rocked... i played the Jap Version to
       Extinction, however i didnt play the Euro one too much.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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 /.      /     //    /     //     /     \_
/_____________/____ /_____/______/\______/

 . Mario All Stars & World ......[24/JAP/SNES]
 . Phantom 2040 .................[16/USA/SNES]
 . Air Cavalry ..................[08/USA/SNES]
 . Power Rangers Movie ..........[12/USA/SNES]
 . King Arthur and Knights o.J...[20/USA/SNES]
 . Killer Instinct ..............[32/USA/SNES]
 . Weapon Lord ..................[24/USA/SNES]
 . Chrono Trigger ...............[32/USA/SNES]
 . Mechwarrior 3050 .............[12/USA/SNES]
 . Big Sky Trooper ..............[08/USA/SNES]
 . Adventures of Batman & Robin..[16/USA/SEGA]
 . Comic Zone ...................[16/USA/SEGA]
 . Hardball '95 .................[24/USA/SEGA]
 . College Football '96 .........[16/USA/SEGA]
          Summer'95 Total Releases = 15
           10 More titles like in May!

Faz!: Fucking great games. We all were a bit surprised about the Release of
      Mario All Stars, which was not an offical Sales Release... The game
      was taken from a HK BBS and I dunno why SNK (Devious Doze) released it!

Noisy Belch: Because he knows what is cool... GRRRR!!!


       Sorry people but this really pissed me off when i see people ragging
       on other people/groups for nothing.

Fazwonga! : ^^ The HK sysop told me it was a rip-off from a Japanese Freak,
               never to buy... Anyway Devious Doze leeched it from HK and
               me and Sigma saw it 5 days before and didn't want to release
               it.... Who cares at least ... DoZe??

Sigma: well... that Mario Incident was pretty weird indeed.
       Mechwarrior 3050 didnt impress me too much tho, the old one was/is
       better... even tho that is like comparing Banana`s with Steaks...

Zigor: What about comparing Onions with Sheep ?

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 _ ________________ ___________.
  \\__  _    / _   \  ______  _|
    |    \__/ _/  _/____   \   |
    |     \   \    \_  \    \  .
    l_____/____\    /_______/__:

 . Pac Man 2 ................[GERMAN/12/PAL/SNES]
 . Marko's Magic Football ..........[16/PAL/SNES]
 . Castlevania (Vampires Kiss)......[16/EUR/SNES]
         Summer'95 Total Releases = 3
     1 Release less from Previous Month!

Zigor: Castlevania Vampire Kiss was ok but not as good as Castlevania 4!!

Faz!: Oh yeah the Release of Castlevania was pretty cool! I also loved
      Marko's Magic Football!

Noisy Belch: Castlevania SUCKS.. sorry but I MUST say that...

Son D: Castlevania was a cool game exept for the ending. :)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

:_____ _____:""|______.|  _ /__:_____ __.
|  .  Y   / .  |  ____|!  //.  |  .  Y  |__
|  !  !  /\ !  |___ /  . _/ i  |  !  |  |  |
l_____|____\___!|   \__|  \____|_____!_____|
*---------------|____/-l___\--- -----:-----*

 . Haisei Ma-JaN Ryo-Ga ..........[08/JAP/SNES]
 . Ultra Baken ...................[08/JAP/SNES]
 . Uranai ........................[08/JAP/SNES]
 . Elfaria 2 ................[100%/16/JAP/SNES]
 . Der Langrisser ...........[100%/16/JAP/SNES]
 . Snoopy Concert ................[16/JAP/SNES]

         Summer'95 Total Releases = 6

Zigor: Snoopy Concert was very funny, Whens the English version coming out ?

Faz!: Oh well, the 3 Japanese Games were pretty cool and were doubled by
      SWAT (they released them also). All said that it was ME duping them and
      downloading them before from the SWAT WHQ. But this was totally bull-
      shit , because SIGMA SEVEN released them for OLDSKOOL (and just insider
      knew that!).


Sigma: Uhmm, well... i was bored :) (Now thats news isnt it?)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   _____________   ____________        /____
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/    /   /  /   /_   ___/_      \   \/     /
\_______/   \_____|_______|_|____\  \/____/

 . Battle Tycoon .................[24/JAP/SNES]
 . Jitsuen .......................[12/JAP/SNES]
 . Solitair Card Game ............[04/JAP/SNES]
 . Tenchi Wo Kurau ...............[12/JAP/SNES]
 . Zenki Battle ..................[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Super Power League 3 ..........[24/JAP/SNES]
 . Super Kyuotei .................[10/JAP/SNES]
 . School Terror Story ...........[24/JAP/SNES]
 . Wozz ..........................[24/JAP/SNES]
 . Super Gussun Oyoyoyo...........[12/JAP/SNES]
 . Prime Goal 3 ..................[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Coron Land ....................[08/JAP/SNES]

         Summer'95 Total Releases = 12
        11 Releases more then last month!

Zigor: Super Gussun Oyoyoyo was cool! and for anyone interested, 'Fred Chin'
       from Hong Kong was the winner in the WORLD GUSSUN OYOYO CHAMPIONSHIPS
       that were held earlier this year in Tokyo (Nice going, Fred!)..

Faz!: Well, a bunch of games coming from the guys in Holland.CREAM always
      surprised with some Japan Releases!

Sigma: Cream me! (NO!! Do NOT take that by the Word... hehe)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   _______________  ___.   ___________[MY]__
 _/    _ ___/__   \/   |  /   _  \       _ /
 \______   :._|   /    |_/_ __|_  \___  __Y
_/     |   .::___/   __/   \\____   \_  | :
\ ___..:::::: ! \___________\ |______/  | .
`-[SPLAT! THAT]-[ presents ]-[SPLAT! THAT]-'

. Beavis & Butthead ............[12/EURO/SNES]

          Summer'95 Total Releases = 1

Faz!: Well, it was okay to release that game. I rememberd not many people
      were agreeing with me about that (except Splat!)Greetings to Monsoon!

Sigma: One word: Useless!

Zigor: This sux.. Change it! Change it! hrhrhrh!

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   ______________ ___________ _
  \\_______     /__   _____________ _
    _/   _/____/_/   _____//
·   \    \      |      |    c Y B E R      .
.    \____.     |\_____|       f O R C E   .
:         `-----'                          :

. Donald Duck ....................[16/JAP/SNES]
. SFP Queens Special .............[24/JAP/SNES]
. Key Kuma Busters ...............[08/JAP/SNES]
. Natsuki Crisis Battle ..........[24/JAP/SNES]
          Summer'95 Total Releases = 4

Faz!: I remember a lot of guys released that Natsuki Crisis Battle &
      this Queens Special.Personally I was a fan of Donald Duck, which has
      nothing to do with the new Donald Game from this month!
      I guess it was Sharon releasing these games!

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

________________________  /\  __________ __.
\  __  \ __  \  _ \___  \/  \/   _   /  |  |
M\/_/  / _/  /  |  |  \  \__/  __|__/   |  |
b/ \__/  \   \_ |  | _/   \ |  \_  _\___   |
/____|   |\___/____|_\____/ |___/  \_______|

 . Hagane - The Final Conflict .......[16/EURO/SNES]
 . Fever Pitch Soccer ................[16/EURO/SNES]
 . Lothar Matthaeus Soccer ...........[08/EURO/SNES]
          Summer'95 Total Releases = 3

Faz!: Great stuff from the guys from PRODIGY CONSOLE. That Hagane was the
      first NON-JAP Version and was pretty cool!

Zigor: Yeah, Hagane was certainly a cool action game..

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    __________________ _______ ______
   /  ____  /     \   \|  |__|/  ___/
  /\__.   \/  /\  |  \    |  |  /
 /    |    \  \/  |  |\   |  |  \___
(__________/______/__/ |__/__/\_____\
<=========[Proudly Presents]=========>

 . Little Master ............[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Drack Light Story ........[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Gamera ...................[12/JAP/SNES]
 . Lucky Super ..............[08/JAP/SNES]
 . Dream Fantasy War ........[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Arcade Classics ..........[04/JAP/SNES]
 . Seiken Densetsu 3 ...[BETA/32/JAP/SNES]
 . Diable De Laplace ........[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Dracula XX ...............[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Kohahien 4 ...............[16/JAP/SNES]
 . Go Go Ackman 2 ...........[12/JAP/SNES]
 . Super V.G. Konami ........[24/JAP/SNES]
 . Casino ...................[08/JAP/SNES]
 . Caravan Shooting Collec...[04/JAP/SNES]
 . Kenji Horse ..............[08/JAP/SNES]
 . Nintama Rantar ...........[12/JAP/SNES]
 . Super Kei Rin ............[12/JAP/SNES]
 . Ultima Kyrout ............[12/JAP/SNES]
 . Kat's Run ................[24/JAP/SNES]
 . Ultra League Soccer ......[08/JAP/SNES]
 . Beauty Goilege ...........[16/JAP/SNES]
 . SFP Queens Special .......[24/JAP/SNES]
 . Brandish 2 ...............[24/JAP/SNES]
 . Pretty Girl Mahjong ......[08/JAP/SEGA]
          Summer'95 Total Releases = 25

Faz!: Oh yeah, SONIC was Mr.Boombastic in Summer '95. He left the SWAT team
      and decided to release them under his own label! It was THE japan
      game supplier in those months! Shit that his BBS is down now.

Zigor: Well, its good his BBS is down 'cos it gives others a chance!

Sigma: Thats what is happening when you get some Hong Kong Dude into the
       Scene Stuff, getting your Butt kicked at every Corner, just like
       the Guys on MercNet do to me all the Time (getting better tho!)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


 |>                         <|
 |>                         <|

 . Jungle Strike ...........[EURO/16/PAL/SNES]
 . Super B.C. Kid ..........[EURO/12/PAL/SNES]
          Summer'95 Total Releases = 2
  One more Release then the Previous Month!

Faz!: That B.C. KID euro Final was a fine release.I still don't know who they

Noisy Belch: But I *do* ... eheh HI, steve!...

Sigma: I do so *TOO* hehe, yea hi Steve... (not its NOT me... serious!)

Son D: 'Stupid Dumb Asses' ahahahah

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 . -Lamer!  (Lha V1.50r)

 . Captain Commando ...............[16/USA/SNES]
          Summer'95 Total Releases = 1

Faz!: Ah, look at this. A local guy here from my town (Berlin) showed again
      that it's possible to beat big groups. Captain Commando was a japanese
      Beta before... Cool work and it's sad that he isn't that active nowadays
      since he knew a lot about Snes , coding ,training etc...

Noisy Belch: -Lamer! how long did it take to get that handle? Or did someone
             else give you the handle? ;)
             But who cares.. a single person kicks ass.. and that is what i
             call ELITE!

Son D: Your both LAMERS! :)
ED: ^^^ AHAH... Lamers = peoples who think that previous Jap Games were
                         Usa Finals (or call 'em dumb??)

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

. Total Releases for Summer'95 = 154
  (An INCREASE of 103 Releases from May'95!!!!!)

 [=====================[  END OF SUMMER'95 RETROSCAN!  ]=====================]

   Well, That's the end of retroscan for this issue, more fun in September!

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                                Final Notes..

   Hope ya liked the chart... We hope to see some cool releases next time!
   Keep awake and trade like hell so ya can be the number one!! Cya Later..

Zigor: Wow! It's all over for another month...
       and thats enuff typing from me, I'll just send a few
       Greets and Respects (A-Z) :

       Actraiser, Centurion, cQBs, Ebola, Elvin, Empire, Eric The Red, Faz!,
       Galaxy, Guliver, HeroZero, Ice, Iron Monkey, Jayce, Liberator, MCA,
       Marky & Power, Mumbly, Night Assassin, Nitro, Noisy Belch, Pan, Picard,
       Pino, PopCorn, r/\\/e, RiP, S.Master, Sigma, Sledge, Son Doobie, TCB,
       Terminator, TMB, TWK, WHiZ, Wild, Wizard, Wolf, X/\D ..and maybe you?


 Faz!: Okay i hope you liked this kind of mag , We will continue with that.

       I will include now my Personal Regards in no special order!:
       Noisy Belch  - Zigor  - Sigma Seven - Terminator - Cqbs - Agel
       Night Assassin -Jake- Deathknight - Mario - NosTromo - Argon -
       Dragon Avenger-Zx - Popcorn - XAD - Conan - Midfit - Guliver -
       DoC HoLLiDaY  - RaDiO ACtiVe - Artic Cat - MiCRO - Breakdown -
       KeYWiZ-Cyber Christ-Creep! - MR.DIESEL - g.E.m. - Stephen King
       Mega  -  redskin - BamBam - Rain Man - Keyboard Kid - DRAGON -
       bull/pdx - Crackin'Ltd - The Unkn.Gamer - Fury - RAMSES & PASO
       AmBLiN - r/\\/e  -  fOX!- 2fast - SpeedyG & Wizard - Healon! -
       [-Enforcer-] - Arcade/Os! - Magic Ace - Navigator - DCSL/MAGIX
       Iron Eagle - tCM!  -  The White Knight - (-r2D2!-) - Radiosity
       >> µ£¯|¯®å <<-Liberator- ECS/ZOUZOU - Storm Shadow - Centurion
       Kingpin - TBC - Joker  - Shredder - Reeet Mon - Erol - BLOB! -
       Lamer - Jd & GuzZman  -  Shamen! -  FatMan - Amok - Count Zero
       Chrysagon - Darklord - Soulmaster  - Wolfmann - Nike - Slaver/
       Ironcode - Necronom - Bassmatic  -  Kamenski - radiosity - Ken
       Barbie - ODB - TermX - Interphase - Princip - HiJack - Dragon!
       The Black Cat - PICARD - FREAK - Hudson Hawk - cQbS -Clyde R.-
       Eternal Blue - WILD FIRE - Ayatollah! - shogun - Paninaro    -
       Xavier/Atx - SON DOOBIE!!! - Rygar - The Bugger - The HOODLUM-
                 - FREDRO - Psx-Man - Unit - Hudson Hawk -
       Green Legend  and  the  OLDSKOOL  Internet Team - Interphase -
                Brain Damage - and all I forgot in here!

       There are so many dudes which  i  forgot but you sure know who
       you are , so if i forgot you   then tell me for the next time!

       Also I will let some greetings out to some of my best friends
       there out on the IRC which are counting to the scene like :

       TermX - RiP - Drunkfux - Uxorious - Guardian - SHINOBI - Trojan
       - MindRape - Tracer - Jabbah - Hurricane - The Judge - FanWen -
       Tikkanen - Centurion - CyberChrist - Shadower - SMaster (hehe!)
       - Yoshi - Archimede - Bad Mister Frosty - NightShd - etc etc!!!!


Son D:

     Andeveron. Ayatollah. Artic Cat!. Batblaster. Breakdown. Bull/PDX.
     Digital Messiah. Deathknight. Evil Current. Enforcer. Eric the RED.
  Fazwonga!. Fury. Jake. Mega. Night Assassin. Noisy Belch. Nostromo. Pedro.                                  -=-
       Popcorn. Radiosity. Rain Man. Reel to Reel. r/\\/e. Sigma Seven.
     SpeedyG. Shadower.Stone Angel. Tarquinn. Terminator. TermX. The 7a3.
  The Great Muta. -TCB-. The Shadow. The Wasp. Thorrin. Shadow Master. Wild.
                Wildfire. Wizard. Wolf. X/\D. Zigor. Zion.
                   and to everyone who is reading this!

  sorry if i missed anyone but i will be updating this list so don't worry!

Noisy Belch: I would like to thank GOD!, my mum, my dad... SiGMA... uhm.. my
             good looking sister... all girls which never had the pleasure...
             i would like to thank the holy body of jesus christ... and
             maria magdalena... thats it.. ahh.. and to everyone inn the scene!

Sigma Seven: Yea, another (few) Months have passed by, and i sorta got
             more into PSX than i thought i would ever get.
             Greetings should go out to the usual Guys (you KNOW who you
             are..) especially the ones in Anthrox and Swat and to the
             Guys on IRC!
             Besides that, anyone for a small Game of Mercenaries on the
             Internet? Meet me on Activision Server for MercNet, and i`ll
             let you kick my Butt, or maybe i`ll kick yours in my small
             Jenner IIC (hehe...) - you may want to leave me Email aswell
             write it to: siegma@teuto.de - Reply guaranteed, sorta! :)
                      *yes, its siegma, NOT(!) sigma*


  [========================[  GROUP GREETINGS : ]========================]


                             SHELTER - LSD


                        WHERE CAN YOU REACH US ?

          FAZWONGA: His own board FREEK-WoRLD +49-ASK-FOR-IT!
             ZIGOR: Leave him some mail on FREEK-WoRLD
             SIGMA: You can find him on his own BBS (If u know where it is!)
        SON DOOBIE: Leave me some mail on Freekworld or Uss Enterprice.
       NOISY BELCH: NOISETTE ihr Pisser... eheh

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        Monthly Console Scene Charts International - Summer Issue 1996


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