Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International
               - MGSCI -

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    Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International - November Issue 1999!

            ( Probably The Coolest Magazine In The World! )

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 Faz!: Hi! This is Fazwonga on the keys introducing the new Gameboy Charts
       starting with the November issue. Well, it seems like charts come and

       When we heard that Capitalïs "Gameboy Charts" will find the end with
       the 6th Issue, we decided to do an independent magazine which should
       not be only a chart. It should also give some information about
       "Group-News" and whatever happened in the past month.

       The magazine you see here is a follow-up to the old "MONTHLY CONSOLE
       SCENE CHARTS INTERNATIONAL" which was done by Zigor, eNNAY, Sigma
       Seven, Noisy Belch, Shadow Master and me in 1995 (up to 1996).
       The charts stopped in 1997. The reason was easy. The 16bit machines
       died slowly. SNES and SEGA releases were decreasing from month to month
       and so a chart was useless. This was a very sad time for many old
       freaks. On the other hand friends like Sigma Seven, Noisy Belch
       and g.E.m. closed their Boards (Synergy BBS, Noisette and Maximum
       Rockïn Roll) and the Internet gets more and more popular.

       At this time (and some months before) the first N64 Games were released
       (of course from ANTHROX) and a new scene was born.

       It seems that Gameboy games were the only games which still get
       released and coded in Japan, USA and Europe. With the end of 1997 just
       a few games appear for Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis.

       Well, I took a look back and I am surprised where the scene is now
       and how many changes took place. I started like a lot of you guys in
       the early years of the VIC-20 and then the obligatory C-64 Scene
       with a follow up to the Amiga one. I loved that great shit. And then,
       after I was busted 7 years ago I was in love with the Consoles. Well,
       you have an easier overview and it makes lotsa fun to me. Another
       year has passed now and I am soon 28 years old. I mean this should
       maybe gimme a big "Doong" in my head to think about my future's wishes.

       It's really funny to see damn kids in the subway playing with
       Gameboys and talking about games which we played already as japanese
       versions (years ago). Well, that's our subway...It's cool indeed...

       I wish you many girls at the New Years Evening , lots of alcohol,
       many rockets and bombs at silvester...

       This is a Gameboy chart and that means that all kind of Gameboy
       games will be counted and commented. The reason is simple. Many
       Gameboy Color games are SGB too. Gameboy is a Nintendo product and
       there is also a relationship between old GB and new GBC games.

       Many games get converted from Black & White to a color Version. Itïs
       always interesting to compare both versions.

       If someone can get a new or unreleased normal GB/SGB game he should
       get something of a reward for it. Look at the point system and you
       will see that this fact wonït be a big influence for the result
       of the charts.


Gilligan: Hi and welcome to the charts scene dudes!
          This is the man from the isle typing crap after drinking a bottle
          of cidre! ;-)

          You are reading the new ass kicking monthly gameboy scene charts!
          The one and only gameboy color charts these days.. as faz already
          mentioned the cpl charts are gone. A pitty.. they were quite
          nice imho...

          When talking about charts 2 console charts come to
          my mind : console world and mcsci, which I both actually still
          enjoy to read from time to time.

          Gives me some sort of nostalgic kick from the time when snes
          was still ruling with titles like Street Fighter 2, Super Contra,
          Chrono Trigger, Star Fox, etc etc etc ......

          Call me mad but for me the no.1 is still my good old snes - of
          course in combination with my super wildcard dx2! ;-)

          But I guess that was enough babbling from me.. let's get back to
          the gist..

          I have to get this comments done.. It`s much too late already ;-)
          But hey.. better later then never eh? :)

Ego: Hmmm - Note: i dont agree with the counting and dont really care - just
     commenting the releases.

amptor: Hey yo amptor here.  Glad to be commenting on charts again.  Sorry to
        see CPL not going on with it, but it is some work.  CPL is probably
        all tied up with trainers and other things which is cool :).

        Lots of good stuff this month and finally some games that I've really
        got into.  No wonder GB is still the #1 handheld :)  I hear some
        people saying NGPC is better, but everyone has their own opinion.  If
        it was so much better, why do the games look like they could easily be
        ported to the GBC?  Well that's just my opinion and I doubt anyone can
        make me think differently until SNK releases some games with more
        special effects.

        Anyways, now onto the charts..
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 NOTE: Since this is an International Gameboy Chart,(not just a European one)
       We include all releases from the end of the month in USA time.
       So for example... If a group releases a Game in the last hours of
       the previous month in USA Time it's a new month in Europe, but
       it was still old month in USA. So we will of course include that....

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 .  Remember.. We are making this for fun and we are not trying to
    have a war with anyone or such lame things (you know ...)

    So if you wish to contribute in some way or maybe you want to take part
    in commenting on the releases, then leave an e-mail to any of the guys
    behind "Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International" listed at the end of
    the mag or contact us on IRC in the elite-channels.

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 .  The guys behind Monthly Console Scene International are for Novemberï99

                    - amptor              [.OLDSKOOL.]
                    - Gilligan            [.DUAL CREW SHINING.]
                    - fAZWONGA!           [.OLDSKOOL.]
                    - Ego_UK              [.-N/A- but SUBPORT.]

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 .  Contents:

              . Smarties & Sweets ..... Explanation of the Point System

              . Gooong .......... General Words about the actual Month!

              . Group Releases And Totals ...... Who Did What and When!

              . Results ...................... Who's Top and Who's Not!

              . Final Words ................................. Bye! Bye!

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         The Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International Point System :

  NOTE: The point system has been nearly complete overtaken from Capitalïs
                              "Gameboy Charts"

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                          GAME BOY COLOR .GBC.
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 -1 Point  - DUPE: Released a game, but only after another group already beat
             you?  -1 point then.
             DUPE TRAINER: A Late Trainer with the same or less options.
             BROKEN: If you release a game/trainer/crack that doesn't work,
             -1 time!

 +0 Points - FIX: You get 0 points for fixing one of your own mistakes.

 +1 Point  - AVERAGE TRAINER: +1, +2, +3, +4 trainer receives 1 point.

 +1 Point  - Good, useful Utility for GBC.

 +2 Points - AVERAGE FOREIGN: Foreign (non-English) games receive 2 points,
             even if the game has previously been released in another
             language.  JAP/GER/FRA/SPA, whatever.
             A European release of a previously available US release will
             also receive 2 points.
             QUALITY TRAINER: A +5 or above trainer will receive 2 points.
             CRACK: A crack for a protected/non-working game gets you 2

 +3 Points - INT: An English-language release of a game will receive 3
             QUALITY FOREIGN: A Foreign (non-English) game that is 100%
             TRANSLATION: Translating a non-English game to English =
             3 points.  The points reflect the major amount of work this

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 -1 Point  - DUPE: Released a game, but only after another group already beat
             you?  -1 point then.
             DUPE TRAINER: A Late Trainer with the same or less options.
             BROKEN: If you release a game/trainer/crack that doesn't work,
             -1 time!

 +1 Point  - Good, useful Utility for GB/SGB.

 +1 Point  - AVERAGE TRAINER: +1, +2, +3, +4 trainer receives 1 point.

 +1 Point  - every new or unreleased GB/SGB game will get 1 Point.

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                  General Words about the actual month

amptor:  I think this month would've had a great deal more releases if
         Nintendo didn't have so much to do with the pokemon craze.  Well
         at least I don't support the merchendise, but it doesn't matter
         because there's enough people in the world who do.


Ego: Highest amount of releases for one month. Maybe December will beat this.


Faz!: Well, a really great month compared with October or September.
      A lot of great games were released. For example Mr. Nutz and many more
      interesting stuff.


Gilligan: Once again it`s xmas time - time for lots of nice titles to be
          released, time for mommy and daddy to buy loads of games to be
          put under the christmas tree :)

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                        Group Releases & Totals....

 .  Ok, let's take a look at the months releases and groups (A-Z Order)..
    BTW.. It's a hard work to keep track of all the shit that get's released.
    Don't start crying if we forget a little release from you and don't
    complain for more points if you release a Mahjong or Pachinko game!!

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|    //     |__/      _____//     /_/\     |
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
CPL-GTTR.ZIP - 04-11-99 - Grand Theft Auto [+5 Tr/INT]           IPS    +02
CPL-MPTR.ZIP - 04-11-99 - Ms.Pac Man SCE [+3 Tr/INT]             IPS    +01                                   -[GBC/IPS/TRAINER/SELECTABLE]------------- [ File #54 ]                    >--------------------------------------------<
CPL-EVEL.ZIP - 08-11-99 - Evel Knievel [GBC/MUL]                 16M    +03
CPL-BATR.ZIP - 08-11-99 - Ballistic [+2 Tr/Hi-Score Saver/INT]   IPS    +01
CPL-EORP.ZIP - 09-11-99 - Evel Knievel [O.R.P]                   IPS    +01
CPL-EKTR.ZIP - 10-11-99 - Evel Knievel [+3 Tr/MUL]               IPS    +01
CPL-JGTR.ZIP - 12-11-99 - Jeff Gordon XS Racing [+1 Tr/INT]      IPS    +01
CPL-WARM.ZIP - 12-11-99 - Worms Armageddon [GBC/MUL]             08M    +03
CPL-SUZU.ZIP - 12-11-99 - Suzuki Alstare Xtreme Race [GBC/MUL]   04M    +03
CPL-TST2.ZIP - 13-11-99 - Toy Story 2 [GBC/INT]                  08M    +03
CPL-EJTR.ZIP - 13-11-99 - E. Jim: M2TG [+5 Tr/INT]               IPS    +02
CPL-QXTR.ZIP - 13-11-99 - Qix Adventure [+1 Tr/JAP]              IPS    +01
CPL-TDTR.ZIP - 14-14-99 - Taz Devil: Munch Madness [+3 Tr/INT]   IPS    +01
CPL-PATR.ZIP - 14-11-99 - Papyrus [+3 Tr/Levelcodes/MUL]         IPS    +01
CPL-NZTR.ZIP - 14-11-99 - Mr. Nutz [+4 Tr/INT]                   IPS    +01
CPL-SUPS.ZIP - 19-11-99 - Supreme Snowboarding [GBC/INT]         16M    +03
CPL-WATR.ZIP - 20-11-99 - Worms Armageddon [+5 Tr/MUL]           IPS    +01
CPL-TRTR.ZIP - 25-11-99 - Turok Rage Wars [+4 Tr/MUL]            IPS    +01
CPL-SKTR.ZIP - 27-11-99 - Survival Kids [+1 Tr/INT]              IPS    +01
Total GB Releases From 'Capital' : 19                 GB Total Points = +31


amptor: Another great month for trainers.  Good to see these guys still in
        action and going stronger than ever.  A few good quality releases
        managed to squeek in here too :).  Suzuki Allstare racing seems to
        be a real cool racing game.  Seems like Worms was the most popular
        game out of these.


Ego: Tons of trainers like we know it from Capital. Also a few games for our
     amusement. They added an intro to a few. I dont like it, some do. Only
     thing that could make their releases a bit less worth.


Faz!: Boah... what do you see here. Capital shows a really good mix
      of Trainers, Fixes and Games. I am happy they trained QIX Adventure
      which is a really funny game. The release of Toy Story 2 is also
      a cool event. At least there is nothing much to say except CPL
      rules the GBC Scene on the "Trainerïnï CracksïnïFix" Site.


Gilligan: Quality in trainers (and some games too) as we are used to it
          from the most "will u make a trainer for xyz" - begged group called
          CAPiTAL! I wonder if someone at cpl will take the time to crack
          Beatmania2 ;-) greets to wk! ;-]

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                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
EUR-QIX.ZIP  - 10-11-99 - Qix Adventure [GBC/JAP]                08M    +03
EUR-OTHM.ZIP - 10-11-99 - Othello Millenium [GBC/JAP]            08M    -01
EUR-FS11.ZIP - 14-11-99 - Find Space V1.1 Utility by MFM         UTI    +01
EUR-GOLF.ZIP - 15-11-99 - Mario Golf [GBC/INT]                   08M    +03
EUR-TSD6.ZIP - 18-11-99 - Test Drive 6 [GBC/INT]                 08M    +03
EUR-POKG.ZIP - 20-11-99 - Pokemon Gold [GBC/JAP]                 08M    +03
EUR-TONK.ZIP - 21-11-99 - Tonka Raceway [GBC/INT]                08M    +03
GBCREN09.ZIP - 28-11-99 - GBCREN V0.9 DOS32 Utility by MFM       UTI    +01
EUR-GB72.ZIP - 28-11-99 - GBC-List V0.72 DOS Utility by MFM      UTI    +01
Total GB Releases From 'Eurasia' : 9                  GB Total Points = +17


amptor: Well, Eurasia was first with Othello Millenium, but it had a bad
        checksum.  Very soon, it was found out by Oldskool that it was a
        bad dump and was replaced within hours of this release.  Luckily,
        as far as charts are concerned, Faz seems to have decided not to
        do a -1 point for some reason.  Also, I think it would've been
        better of these groups would've called Pokemon 'Pocket Monsters'
        because that's their real title in Japan.  These get 3 points to
        each group because everyone knows how to play them. :)

        On the other side of things, Qix is a good classic title as always.
        Mario Golf is a great game as well.  I tried out Test Drive 6.
        Skeptical as I was about it, it turned out to be a somewhat
        enjoyable game.


Ego: Eurasia still active with some titles and still dominating the tools-
     scene with Master MFM. Nothing more to say to those guys.


Faz!: Well, here was a little problem and I guess I have to excuse myself
      for react a bit overheated. It was not only me who thought these
      2 Japanese games were fakes btw. no offical Eurasia releases.
      But this is clear now. You see 0 Points for Othello Millenium.
      This was a little thing to discuss, but after a talk to Ego_Uk he
      counted that game for Oldskool, because it was the first real working
      version of it. When Othello 2k was uploaded on Eurasias ULTRA HQ it
      didnït work. At the same time OS released it, too. But I nuked it
      since EUR seem to be faster. When I saw EURASIAS release was broken,
      I released it again. Well thereïs not much to tell about this japanese
      boardgame as itïs unplayable. Itïs just EUR might not understand where
      their 2 Points are.
      Cool to see some nice, useful GBC Tool Updated from MFM!


Gilligan: THANK YOU! thank you for releasing qix!
          That`s what I call an addicting game ;-) couldn`t find many people
          sharing my opinion.. but I love this game :)
          And again some tools from Mr.Tool-maker mfm! my all time favorite
          is of course gtool! :)

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 . GBL (Gameboy Lamers)

GBL proudly present:
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
GBL-MPME.ZIP - 30-11-99 - Ms. Pacman [INT/GBC]                   08M    +03
Total GB Releases From 'Gameboy Lamers' : 1           GB Total Points = +03


amptor: Not much to say here since I already commented on this game last
        month :) Good work on getting this game out, as another group
        would've wanted to take credit for it if it wasn't released :)


Ego: I dont count GBL as real group. Its used for releases the world doesnt
     need by whoever feels like using it.


Faz!: Okay, after I talk to Ego, GBL isnït a real GROUP, but a "community"
      of people which we know. In the next issue we wonït count them as
      a Group anymore. The release of Ms.Pacman Euro is okay, but not the
      "hot" thing after MS PACMAN (INT) was already out.
      So thats why itïs a GBL Release.


Gilligan: Somewhere I once heard (think it was in some movie) that if u don`t
          have anything good to say to someone.. you better say nothing..
          So that`s what I am going to do now.. saying just nothing at all

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                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
HS-NZTR3.ZIP - 28-11-99 - Mr. Nutz +3 [+3 Tr/MUL]                IPS    +01
Total GB Releases From 'High Society' : 1             GB Total Points = +01


amptor:  Good to see another group putting out trainers.  Hopefully we can
         see more action from this group.  Would be nice to have more groups
         with different names in the intros.


Ego: A neat trainer and intro by High Society. Capital already did a trainer
     for this game, but i am lucky with every release and every guy who
     contributes his part to the scene. I hope we can expect more.


Faz!: Nice to see a trainer from an other group besides CPL. Hope to
      see more from this "normally" N64 group.


Gilligan: Well.. cpl released a nutz trainer some time before already..
          but that`s not the point.. it`s just nice to see someone else
          entering the trainer making. greets to rico!

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 . KEL (KEL_)
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³KEL_ presents:         ³
³                       ³
³                       ³
³                       ³
³                       ³
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
KEL-GTAU.ZIP - 19-11-99 - Grand Theft Auto [GBC/INT]             32M    +03
KEL-SURK.ZIP - 26-11-99 - Survival Kids [GBC/INT]                08M    +03
Total GB Releases From 'Kel' : 2                      GB Total Points = +06


amptor: Well, of course, the only game here worth mentioning is Survival Kids.
        This is a very enjoyable game where you can put objects together to
        make things to survive with.  I like how the game progression goes,
        although I'm stuck now.  But I guess that isn't too bad since I will
        probably get past this soon :)


Ego: Two releases from this guy. Not bad for a single person.


Faz!: Survival Kids is a really great game. Itïs another game which gets
      converted to English. Also, the USA Release of GTA is okay.


Gilligan: 2 valid releases from kel.. however you should really get a new
          file_id ascii :-)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   __ ___.  ___.  ___  ___   ______ ____/_
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/   \/   ø   _/-/  |  \_.  \_ /--<_  _/-,
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
MNC-MD2K.ZIP - 01-11-99 - Madden NFL 2000 [GBC/INT]              08M    +03
MNC-BLTC.ZIP - 04-11-99 - Ballistic [GBC/INT]                    04M    +03
MNC-MSPM.ZIP - 04-11-99 - Ms Pacman SCE [GBC/INT]                04M    +03
MNC-EWJ2.ZIP - 12-11-99 - Earthworm Jim 2: M2TG [GBC/INT]        08M    +03
MNC-TDMM.ZIP - 12-11-99 - Tazmanian Devil Munch Madn.[GBC/INT]   08M    +03
MNC-NUTZ.ZIP - 12-11-99 - Mr.Nutz [GBC/INT]                      08M    +03
MNC-RKNG.ZIP - 13-11-99 - Legend of the River King [GBC/INT]     08M    +03
MNC-WM2K.ZIP - 18-11-99 - WWF Wrestlemania 2000 [GBC/INT]        08M    +03
MNC-BBHF.ZIP - 18-11-99 - Billy Bob's Huntin' 'n Fishin' [GBC/INT] 08M  +03
MNC-MISS.ZIP - 19-11-99 - Mission Impossible [GBC/JAP]           08M    +03
MNC-PSLV.ZIP - 20-11-99 - Pokemon Silver [GBC/JAP]               08M    +03
MNC-M2PC.ZIP - 20-11-99 - Maderot 2 - Parts Collection [GBC/JAP] 16M    +02
MNC-MRCG.ZIP - 23-11-99 - Mickey's Racing Adventure [GBC/INT]    32M    +03
MNC-BQST.ZIP - 24-11-99 - Bomberman Quest [GBC/INT]              08M    +03
MNC-RAGE.ZIP - 25-11-99 - Turok Rage Wars [GBC/INT]              08M    +03
Total GB Releases From 'Menace' : 15                   GB Total Points = +44


amptor: Menace obviously takes over the month with a large amount of quality
        releases.  They seem to have really pushed hard to get stuff out this

        I've heard that Mickey's Racing is nearly as popular as Survival Kids
        so I'll have to check it out soon.


Ego: Menace dominating the scene? Oldskool seems the only group with nearly
     the same amount of alltime-releases.


Faz!: Menace bombed in November. Theres not much to say about. They
      released the most games and in everyones opinion the best games
      for November. Turok Rage Wars is a big game, MNC can thank Andy
      for "Guest supplying" it, but maybe they could have get it them-
      selves, too. Bomberman QUest is another Conversion to English,
      thatïs really great.


Gilligan: Look at this release list.. rocks..but hey.. did u expect anything
          else ? nah.. Mr.Nutz, Bomberman Quest, Turok:Rage Wars.... Just a
          pitty that EWJ was such a disappointment.. but that isn`t mnc`s
          fault ;)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


  /\ \/\ \ /\  __`\ /\  __`\
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    \ \ \`\ \\ \ \_\ \\ \ \_\ \
     \ \_\ \_\\ \____/ \ \____/
      \/_/\/_/ \/___/   \/___/
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
NBC-RVFB.ZIP - 14-11-99 - Ronaldo V Football [GBC/MUL]           08M    +03
Total GB Releases From 'Nintendo Backup Crew' : 1     GB Total Points = +03


amptor: Well what can I say.  It's Ronaldo Football everyone!  What's all this
        silence? Oh yeah this sport isn't very popular in my part of the
        world. :(

Ego: One release! Not much - but better than nothing. And its the favorite
     title of my mate. Maybe we can expect more from em in the future.


Faz!: Well, I donït know much about that game and I havenït played it.
      If itïs not another remake of the ISS-Konami series it must be
      a rare soccer game till now on GBC. Nice to see NBC back this month.


Gilligan: NBC is back in action.. can`t say anything about that game either..
          Haven`t and won`t try it, I never liked Football games..

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 . OLDSKOOL  (OS)        0
                 .       :_____
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  l_____l____\___¡|   \__¡  \____|_____!_____|
                  l____\ |___\
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
OS-WIZEM.ZIP - 11-08-99 - Wizardry Empire [GBC/JAP]              08M    +02
OS-WETRX.ZIP - 11-08-99 - Wetrix GB [GBC/JAP]                    08M    +03
OS-TNNFC.ZIP - 11-09-99 - TNN Outdoors Fishing Champ [GBC/INT]   08M    +03
OS-RFISH.ZIP - 11-10-99 - Super Real Fishing [GBC/INT]           08M    +02
OS-OTM2K.ZIP - 11-10-99 - Othello Millenium [GBC/JAP]            08M    +02
OS-POKGT.ZIP - 11-10-99 - Pocket GT [GBC/JAP]                    08M    +03
OS-BASMC.ZIP - 11-10-99 - Bass Masters Classic [GBC/INT]         08M    +03
OS-JGXSR.ZIP - 11-11-99 - Jeff Gordon XS Racing [GBC/INT]        08M    +03
OS-PAPYR.ZIP - 11-13-99 - Papyrus [GBC/JAP]                      08M    +03
OS-RMPG2.ZIP - 19-11-99 - Rampage 2 - Universal Tour [GBC/INT]   08M    +03
OS-RMPRT.ZIP - 19-11-99 - Rampart [GBC/INT]                      08M    +03
OS-HCLUB.ZIP - 30-11-99 - Hamster Club [GBC/JAP]                 16M    +02
OS-BMAN2.ZIP - 30-11-99 - Beat Mania 2 [GBC/JAP]                 08M    -01
Total GB Releases From 'Oldskool' : 13                GB Total Points = +31


amptor: Wetrix was interesting to see come out on this platform. (if you've
        never played Wetrix, you probably haven't ever used nd N64..or at
        least not one with a V64 attached ;)  Actually I played this quite a
        bit on PC and it's the same thing (well, better resolution in my
        opinion..I feel the PC has blown away the N64 since 1996 anyhow).
        But, now it's time to get back on topic. :)

        OS Managed to place well once again with both quality and quantity.
        And besides that, the release of Beatmania 2 must've came as a
        suprise to many, as I expected Eurasia to beat us to it.  Well too
        bad this one doesn't work so it's -1 also.  I guess EUR and OS
        have some similar difficulties with Japanese suppliers this month.


Ego: Oldskool rocks da house since day #1. One more month with tons of
     releases from these guys. Beatmania GB 2 was corrupt. OS released
     a good dump in decemeber. Shit can happen.


Faz!: What should I say. This is my group and I am really satisfied this
      month. We also see a mixed bunch of American, Japanese and european
      Games. 3 Fishing Games and 2 Racing games in one month.
      You guys must be think we are some amok-fishers. Personally I like
      Papyrus, Pocket GT and Bass Masters Classic. Many thanks and greetings
      to Duz and Marty Mc Fly.
      I was sorry for the Beatmania Release. It worked not properly and no
      one seems to want it fixed. After I got an other copy I compared it
      and saw that it was just 63 Bytes difference. Well, now you could
      play it and I heard fans like it.


Gilligan: Anyone still thinking OS = unplayable jap crap ?!
          Not at all! Enjoy this mixed bag of releases!

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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  [========================[  NOW THE RESULTS.. ]========================]
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___  ____ ___ ___\/___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _  _ __  _ __ _ _
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 . GRAND TOTAL results...

       : *  *  *  NINTENDO GAMEBOY RESULTS FOR NOVEMBER '99  *  *  * :
       : Pos : Group Name        : Points : Last Months Pos / Points :
       :* 1 *: Menace ......... .:.. 44 ..:. ..........  2  /  14    :
       :+ 2 +: Oldskool ....... .:.. 31 ..:. ..........  3  /  09    :
       :+ 3 +: Capital ........ .:.. 31 ..:. ..........  1  /  19    :
       :. 4 .: Eurasia......... .:.. 17 ..:. ..........  6  /   2    :
       :  5  : KEL_............ .:..  6 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :
       :  6  : GBL............. .:..  3 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :
       :  6  : NBC ............ .:..  3 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :
       :  7  : High Society ... .:..  1 ..:. .......... --- /  ---   :


amptor: With all those game releases, MNC comes out on top for this month.
        It will be interesting to see what happens next month because I bet
        there will be a lot more games.  I hope to see some action from
        Quasar and possibly even Paradox.  If people aren't too busy maybe
        TRSI will make a come back as well. ;)


Ego: No comment on the final standings cause i dont agree with the counting.
     This is the end. Dont expect many more comments (much to read eh?) from
     my side in future.


Faz!: This has been a great month for releases.  Watch out for December!


Gilligan: No big suprise to see mnc on top.. followed by oldskool and cpl
          pos.3 quite a big gap from cpl to pos.4 : Eurasia with only 17 pts
          against 31 from capital. let`s see what december will bring us..

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

. Personal Favourites of this Month ... (Just 4 fun!)

    amptor: Favourite Gameboy Game(s) of November:

             - Survival Kids (GBC)
             - Pocket GT (GBC)
             - Rampart (GBC)
             - Turok Rage Wars (GBC)


    Ego: Favorite Gameboy Game(s) of November:

             - Training my Pokemon Pikachu. Big fun carrying it around
               with you. Forget lame Tamagotchi shit.


    Faz!: Favourite Gameboy Game(s) of November:

             - Tazmanian Devil Munching Madness (GBC)
             - Mr. Nutz (GBC)
             - Pocket GT (GBC)
             - Bass Masters Classics (GBC)
             - Resident Evil 3 (PSX)


    Gilligan: Favourite Gameboy Game(s) of Novmeber:

             - Quix Adventure (GBC)
             - Worms Armageddon (GBC)
             - Turok Rage Wars (GBC)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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                                Final Notes..

   Hope ya liked the chart... We hope to see some cool releases next month!
   Keep awake and trade like hell so ya can be the number one!! Cya Later..

amptor:  I hope you liked the carts.  I know there are people who don't agree
         with the scoring system, but if it was their way I don't know if
         they would've got any higher place (I'm not pointing fingers here
         because I forgot what groups I'm talking about..not that it matters,
         re: previously in this sentence :)  Well here's a few greets I would
         like to voice:

         crisis - ennay - cqbs^os - fazwonga - imid - red_skull - _rip_
         nil - terminatr - dmessiah - fulgore - pl!qsr - opoth - spoonman
         _rza_ - kel_ - reiner - ninja - nETFUCKER

         Well I know there's a lot more to list but I've forgotten their
         aliases right now..sorry :)

         Well I'd just like to say special thanks to ennay for keeping a
         channel for us to gather into in the beginning.  This scene has
         expanded greatly since then :) - C3 forever.


Faz!: Okay i hope you liked the new kind of mag , so we will continue
       with that. I will include now my Personal Regards in no special

       Noisy Belch  - Zigor  - Sigma Seven - Terminator - cQbS - Agel
       Night Assassin -Jake- Deathknight - Mario - NosTromo - Argon -
       Dragon Avenger-Zx - Popcorn - XAD - Conan - Midfit - Guliver -
       DoC HoLLiDaY  - RaDiO ACtiVe - Artic Cat - MiCRO - Breakdown -
       KeYWiZ-Cyber Christ-Creep! - MR.DIESEL - g.E.m. - Stephen King
       Mega  -  redskin - BamBam - Rain Man - Keyboard Kid - DRAGON -
       bull/pdx - Crackin'Ltd - The Unkn.Gamer - Fury - RAMSES & PASO
       AmBLiN - r/\\/e  -  fOX!- 2fast - SpeedyG & Wizard - Healon! -
       [-Enforcer-] - Arcade/Os! - Magic Ace - Navigator - DCSL/MAGIX
       Iron Eagle - tCM!  -  The White Knight - (-r2D2!-) - Radiosity
       >> µ£¯|¯(r)å <<-Liberator- ECS/ZOUZOU - Storm Shadow - Centurion
       Kingpin - TBC - Joker  - Shredder - Reeet Mon - Erol - BLOB! -
       Lamer - Jd & GuzZman  -  Shamen! -  FatMan - Amok - Count Zero
       Chrysagon - Darklord - Soulmaster  - Wolfmann - Nike - Slaver/
       Ironcode - Necronom - Bassmatic  -  Kamenski - radiosity - Ken
       Barbie - ODB - TermX - Interphase - Princip - HiJack - Dragon!
       The Black Cat - PICARD - FREAK - Hudson Hawk -Clyde R.

       There are so many dudes which  i  forgot but you sure know who
       you are , so if i forgot you   then tell me for the next time!

       Also I will let some greetings out to some of my best friends
       there out on the IRC which are counting to the scene like :

       TermX - RiP - Drunkfux - Uxorious - Guardian - SHINOBI - Trojan
       - MindRape - Tracer - Jabbah - Hurricane - The Judge - FanWen -
       Tikkanen - Centurion - CyberChrist - Shadower - SMaster (hehe!)
       - Yoshi - Archimede - Bad Mister Frosty - NightShd etc etc!!!!


Gilligan: Finally it`s over.. mgsci #1
          Nothing more to say.. just some greets.. tell me if I fergot u! :)
          Of course in no special order! :)

          Danzig - Uxorious - ne7 - WayneKerr - rza - konfused - b - rotox
          tuff - ennay - cqbs - xad - midfit - ayatollah - rico - xor37 -
          placebo - renderman - ninja - legend - jihad - elemetl1
          dkoira ... too tired to think of everyone right now.. if u aren`t
          in here u`ll be added next time :)

[========================[  GROUP GREETINGS : ]========================]

 Greetings in no special order to the following old legends and new
                             console groups...

      . Capital . Censor . Anthrox & Swat . Nightfall . Menace
      . Illusion . Paradox . Sneakers . Skid Row . Cream . Splat
      . Sion . The Edge . Napalm . Micro Wave . Caligula . Sonic
      . Asgard . Cyberforce . Rats & Dogs . Psx Pheens . Arcadia
      . Hong Kong Game Girls . Quasar . Elite . Elitendo . Baseline
      . Magical . No Respect . Msftug . Premiere . Dynamix . Romkids
      . Accumulators . Lynch Mob . Gewalt . Agression . Hit Squad
      . The Lightforce . Toeshot . Warner Broïs. Oldskool . Sabotage
      . Fake Factory . Legend . Smile . S.O.B . Berserkers . Madness
      . Master of Magic . We Fix Your Shit . Saphire . Soncrap


                        WHERE CAN YOU REACH US ?

            amptor: Death Row if ya can get in ;)
          Gilligan: #gbc
          FAZWONGA: fazwonga@gmx.de
            Ego_UK: www.subport.org

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      Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International - November Issue 1999!

                                    E  N  D