_ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
    · _____________ _    c!|______|mSS|____| |______ _  _ _____________ ·
 _ _:_\              ____       ____      _____      ____             /_:_ _
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    |            _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__            |
    |           /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /            |
    |           \___       \_____/    \____\     \__   \   \            |
    |             \  _______\   /______\    \  ___\ \_______\           |
    |              \/                        \/                         |
    |                                                                   |
    |             ÷  THE YARD BULLETiN BOARD SYSTEM 2k! ÷               |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                       WORLD HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |         AEROHOLiCS (GRAFFiTi) ÷ DiSCiPLES OF AGEEMA (MUSiC)       |
    |      ARCADE (ASCii) ÷ AEROSOL (ASCii) ÷ DREAM THEATRE (ASCii)     |
    |          SOUL SURViVORZ (MP3) ÷ THE ASCii CHARTS (ASCii)          |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      GERMAN HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |       LOW PROFiLE (ASCii) ÷ SiCK OF iT ALL (GRAFFiTi/DRUGS)       |
    |       OMEN (GRAFFiTi) ÷ TEQUiLA (MUSiC) ÷ PUNGAS (DAYDREAM)       |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                CONSOLES/AMiGA/ASCii/LiNUX/DAYDREAM                |
    |             GRAFFiTi/DRUGS/CLASSiCS/MP3/MOD/CHiPTUNES             |
    |                                                                   |
    |           2 NODES 33k6 / 2 NODES iSDN / 4 NODES TELNET            |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      [ THEYARD.DARKTECH.ORG ]                     |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      [ 49-ASKTHERiGHTPEOPLE ]                     |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
 _ _|__   " THE iDEA OF STYLE iS THE KEY TO ALL FORMS OF ROCKiNG "    __|_ _
    · /_______________________________________________________________\ ·

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/
                                   \    /
                                    \  /
                                    \  /


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  /____/   /____/_________/   /_____/____/____/      /_______/___   / /
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 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International - December Issue 1999!

            ( Probably The Coolest Magazine In The World! )

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\
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  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/

      Yeah, well... this issue comes out in 2K, but it has been written
      still in december. So its not offical a 2k issue, hope we can do that
      next month. Welcome Konfused as Guest writer this month.Oh, its time to
      sleep now, so no more lame words...

         Welcome to the first mgsci issue in the year 2000 ! :)
         I hope everyone had a nice xmas with lots of presents and a rocking
         start of the new year.

         Hm.. seems like everyone is still as it used to be..
         y2k didn`t cause the total chaos resulting in the doom of planet earth
         as lots of weird minds predicted it :) At least it was amusing to watch
         people freaking out about that crap.. buying survival kits etc ;-]

         This time mgsci has a cool new section... scene interview!
         And we`ll also try to get a guest writer for every issue..
         This time it`s Konfused/MNC! ;-)

         This is meant to make the charts a bit more enjoyable to read..
         Not just boring release statics.. Even more fun stuff to come in next
         issue, which will hopefully be released a bit earlier :-)

        Well back in 1989 I would have never imagined that the Nintendo Gameboy
        would still be going strong.  Sure enough, here we are and with a
        new color portable system for the millenium.  Introduced in 1998,
        this was an excellent move in portable video gaming.  Without the blurr
        of all its predecessors, Gameboy Color is the best portable system yet.

        Welcome to the new millenium and expect many more releases from your
        favorite console groups!

Konfused: Hello, and welcome to the 2nd issue of the MGSCI, and they first
          for the year 2000. Here you have the chance to remember the month.
          Maybe 10 years from now you'll find this on a disk somewhere and
          you'll remeber all the fun of the GBC scene, by that time maybe
          you will have outgrown playing with Gameboys which after all were
          made for little children. Anyway i wish they would make the GB
          slighty bigger for us kids with giant hands.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
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 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 NOTE: Since this is an International Gameboy Chart,(not just a European one)
       We include all releases from the end of the month in USA time.
       So for example... If a group releases a Game in the last hours of
       the previous month in USA Time it's a new month in Europe, but
       it was still old month in USA. So we will of course include that....

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 .  Remember.. We are making this for fun and we are not trying to
    have a war with anyone or such lame things (you know ...)

    So if you wish to contribute in some way or maybe you want to take part
    in commenting on the releases, then leave an e-mail to any of the guys
    behind "Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International" listed at the end of
    the mag or contact us on IRC in the elite-channels.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 .  The guys behind Monthly Console Scene International are for Decemberï99

                    - amptor              [.OLDSKOOL.]
                    - Gilligan            [.DCS/TSRI.]
                    - fAZWONGA!           [.OLDSKOOL.]
                    - Konfused            [.Menace.]

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  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
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 .  Contents:

              . Smarties & Sweets ..... Explanation of the Point System

              . Gooong .......... General Words about the actual Month!

              . Group Releases And Totals ...... Who Did What and When!

              . Results ...................... Who's Top and Who's Not!

              . Scene Interview....Interview with some cool scene dude!

              . Final Words ................................. Bye! Bye!

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   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\

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   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/

         The Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International Point System :

  NOTE: The point system has been nearly complete overtaken from Capital's
                              "Gameboy Charts"

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                          GAME BOY COLOR .GBC.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 -1 Point :

           * DUPE: Releasing a game that has been released before
                   will cost you 1 point.

           * DUPE TRAINER: A Late Trainer with the same or less options
                           will also take you 1 point.

           * BROKEN: Releasing a not working game/trainer/track
                     means -1 point too.

 +0 Points: 
           * RELEASE FIX: You get 0 points for fixing one of your own mistakes.

 +1 Point : 

           * +1, +2, +3, +4 trainers receive 1 point.

 +1 Point : 

           * Good, useful Utility for GBC.

 +2 Points:
           * AVERAGE FOREIGN: Foreign (non-English) games receive 2 points,
                              even if the game has previously been released in another
                              language.  JAP/GER/FRA/SPA, whatever.
                              A European release of a previously available US release will
                              also receive 2 points.

           * QUALITY TRAINER: A +5 or above trainer will receive 2 points.

           * CRACK: A crack for a protected/non-working game gets you 2

 +3 Points:
           * INT: An English-language release of a game will receive 3

           * QUALITY FOREIGN: A Foreign (non-English) game that is 100%

           * TRANSLATION: Translating a non-English game to English =
                          3 points.  The points reflect the major amount of work this

  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 -1 Point  - DUPE: Released a game, but only after another group already beat
             you?  -1 point then.
             DUPE TRAINER: A Late Trainer with the same or less options.
             BROKEN: If you release a game/trainer/crack that doesn't work,
             -1 time!

 +1 Point  - Good, useful Utility for GB/SGB.

 +1 Point  - AVERAGE TRAINER: +1, +2, +3, +4 trainer receives 1 point.

 +1 Point  - every new or unreleased GB/SGB game will get 1 Point.

  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                  General Words about the actual month

        Realeases are coming stronger than ever.  This month breaks
        all records of the top amount of games released in color.  It almost
        seems like SNES days due to large amounts of cartridge based games
        due out each month.


Faz!: Following the mass of releases and games in November, December looks
      equal. Many games were released and you see some new groups take
      part in the Gameboy Color Scene. December - thats all the same
      with the "Merry-Christmas-Bla-Bla" and the "I-wish-you-a-happy-New-
      Year" slogan. I hate that, same procedure as every year. This year is
      the Millenium. Pff.. well...I donït really care. Anyhow, It wasnït
      very easy to keep an eye on every game (for me). I tested much, but
      havenït played every game. There were of course many japanese games.
      Looks like japanese families got satisfied with the Gameboy Color.
      Hmm, I am typing too much shit right now, I am still drunk from my
      Christmas parties.. So, on with the charts...


         December was a month with tons of releases, which were again
         mostly released by menace, and of course the trainers for these games
         come once more(and this time only) from capital. And they`ve also
         got a cool new trainermenu from wk. check it out if u haven`t yet.
         A pitty that we didn`t see any gbx xmas demos ;)

         Not so good to hear is the result of the nintendo vs bung trial..
         But I don`t really care to much about that.. I guess bung will keep
         on selling their products to everywhere else but usa :-)

         And I am really looking forward to see a ngpc backup device from them
         in feburary (at least that`s what the rumours say)

Konfused: This was a great month for the Gameboy Color, probably due to the
          popularity of Gameboy and the rush to sell games to all the
          spoiled kids for christmas. Gameboys were selling like crazy due to the
          Pokemon craze and there were lots of games to go along with it. There were
          way to many games to test and many were Japanese so I didn't get to
          fully test them. All the Japanese games were sure to please all the
          Japanese families who got a new present from Anual Gift Man.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                        Group Releases & Totals....

 .  Ok, let's take a look at the months releases and groups (A-Z Order)..
    BTW.. It's a hard work to keep track of all the shit that get's released.
    Don't start crying if we forget a little release from you and don't
    complain for more points if you release a Mahjong or Pachinko game!!

_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___  ____ ___ ___\/___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _  _ __  _ __ _ _
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   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/
                                   \    /
                                    \  /
                                    \  /


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

       ________     _________/______
 ____ /     __/ ____\_      /      /  _____
|    //     |__/      _____//     /_/\     |
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
CPL-BFTR.ZIP - 05-12-99 - Babe and Friends [+1 TR]                IPS   +01 
CPL-GZTR.ZIP - 05-12-99 - Godzilla: The Series [+3 TR]            IPS   +01  
CPL-MMTR.ZIP - 05-12-99 - Marble Madness [+2 TR]                  IPS   +01  
CPL-G3TR.ZIP - 08-12-99 - Game and Watch Gallery 3 [+1 TR]        IPS   +01  
CPL-GXTR.ZIP - 10-12-99 - Gex 3 - Deep Pocket Gecko [+3 TR]       IPS   +01  
CPL-FI2K.ZIP - 10-12-99 - FIFA 2000 [GBC/INT]                     08M   +03
CPL-KGB1.ZIP - 10-12-99 - Konami GB Collection Vol.1 [GBC/INT]    08M   +03
CPL-CATW.ZIP - 10-12-99 - Catwoman [GBC/INT]                      08M   +03
CPL-CWTR.ZIP - 11-12-99 - Catwoman [+2 TR]                        IPS   +01
CPL-KVTR.ZIP - 15-12-99 - Konami GB Collection Vol.1 [+6 TR]      IPS   +02
CPL-HRTR.ZIP - 15-12-99 - Halloween Racer [+3 TR]                 IPS   +01  
CPL-SWTR.ZIP - 18-12-99 - Star Wars Episode I Racer [+2 TR]       IPS   +01  
CPL-MKTR.ZIP - 19-12-99 - The New Adventures of Mary-Kate and     IPS   +01 
                          Ashley [+1 TR]  
CPL-V8TR.ZIP - 20-12-99 - Vigilante 8 [+4 TR]                     IPS   +01  
CPL-FPTR.ZIP - 22-12-99 - Duffy Duck - Fowl Play [+3 TR]          IPS   +01  
CPL-BDTR.ZIP - 22-12-99 - Bomberman Max-Shadow of Darkness[+4 TR] IPS   +01   
CPL-BHTR.ZIP - 22-12-99 - Bomberman Max - Hero of Light [+4 TR]   IPS   +01  
CPL-LMTR.ZIP - 29-12-99 - Little Magic [+2 TR]                    IPS   +01 
CPL-WFTR.ZIP - 30-12-99 - Wings of Fury [+6 TR]                   IPS   +02
CPL-AATR.ZIP - 31-12-99 - Speedy Gonzales Aztec Adventure [+5 TR] IPS   +01
CPL-SFTR.ZIP - 31-12-99 - Street Fighter Alpha [+4 TR]            IPS   +01

Total GB Releases From 'Capital' : 21                 GB Total Points = +29


         Ah always nice to see a massive amount of trainers.  These guys train
         everything that is worth training.  I'm glad to see they put trainers
         out for both Bomberman games and Little Magic.  Clearly you can see
         that these guys know what quality games are, even if they are Japanese.

         Capital released three games this month.  Suprisingly to me, Konami
         came out with an excellent colorized package of games that CPL released.
         I love this one!  Contra is included and is one of my favorite B&W
         gameboy games.  I used to flash it along with Castlevania, which is
         also included, and a few others.  Good work on this release!  And the
         trainer as well!


      Great work from Capital. They are the safest source for Trainers if
      you need them for a game on the GBColor. I am glad that the Bomberman
      Max Games were trained. Muste have been a hard work, eh?


          As always CAPiTAL provides the scene lots of nice trainers. Two nice +6
          trainers which get rewarded with 2 points each.(check the point system)
          And look at 10th dec! CPL strikes with 3 titles. Konami Gameboy Collection
          is quite nice imho.

          Hmm... I wonder if anything will really change in GBC
          scene or if cpl will always be the ruling trainer force and MNC the leading
          game releasers... we`ll see :) At least for this month everything goes the
          expected way.

          One last note about that street fighter trainer.. it is under jan.2k at subport
          but it has actually been released shortly before 12:00 ;-]
          Jesus.. don`t u guys ever party ? hehehe

Konfused: Tons of trainers from CAPiTAL. It's not like they had much
          competition, but its nice to have a group doing them. I especially liked the +2 for
          Little Magic, which i thought was a great game. CPL also released 3 games
          this month the best being Konami Gameboy Collection, which was very cool.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


MTX!____.--._)\____  .-.  ____/(___:.___
.--/  _ |  | \___  \/ _ \/  ___/___]/ _ \--.
| /   __|  l  |   _/     \___  \   /     \ |
`-\____ \_____|_\_ \__|__/ ____/___\  |__/-'
       \(        \(     )/         `-'
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
EUR-NHL2.ZIP - 20-12.99 - NHL 2000 [GBC/INT]                      08M   +03  
EUR-MIRC.ZIP - 27-12-99 - Micro Machines 1+2 Twin Turbo [GBC/INT] 16M   +03
Total GB Releases From 'Eurasia' : 2                  GB Total Points = +06


        I wasn't ever impressed with NHL games even for PC so I didn't try
        this one.  Well, Wayne Gretzsky for N64 was pretty fun to play with
        my friend's son though.  But that's about it.

        Micro Machines 1&2 is pretty decent.  I thought the game was going to
        be too blurry.  I should know better though since everything looks
        great on the GBC's screen!  In this game, you can select between
        two distinctive versions of Micro Machines.  I prefer Micro Machines
        1 because the vehicles are smaller.  Also, I found this to be easier
        to play than the PC and SNES versions of Micro Machines for some
        reason.  This is a great game and definitely worth trying if you are
        into Micro Machines games or toys.

      Hmm, not bad.. wasnt there something more? Two great games, looks like
      loaded is back from the grave...:)

          Only 2 releases from Eurasia in december... I remember Eurasia
          and Capital fighting for the same rank.. now there is a differece
          of 22 points between them. No trainers from eurasia either as xad is
          going his own way in nightfall. However Micromachines seems to be a
          good conversion.

          It seems like Eurasia usually releases tools and the occasional
          jap game. Its nice to see them also releasing english titles, nothing
          great, but Micro Machines was OK.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 . GBL (Gameboy Lamers)

GBL proudly present:
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
GBL-LSTT.ZIP - 11-12-99 - Leet Stripping Tool V1.0 DOS [GBC/UTI]  n/a   +01
GBL-DUEL.ZIP - 13-12-99 - Gran Duel [GBC/JAP]                     16M   +02
GBL-BISF.ZIP - 13-12-99 - Bistro Recipe - Food B.Ver.[GBC/JAP]    08M   +02
GBL-BISB.ZIP - 13-12-99 - Bistro Recipe - Best G.Ver.[GBC/JAP]    08M   +02
GBL-GOMN.ZIP - 18-12-99 - Go Go Goemon [GBC/JAP]                  16M   +02
Total GB Releases From 'Gameboy Lamers' : 5           GB Total Points = +09


        Stripping tools are cool and I was going to try GBL's, but I found
        a better one that renames, strips, and checksum patches all GBC
        roms for Windows 9x.  So I since have forgotten about this one.
        I'm sure it is good for people who like to use DOS a lot though.

        Good job on releasing a handful of Japanese games.  Suprising to see
        this group beat OS and MNC to them.

      Oh, shit. I love those Bistro Games. These japanese dudes are crazy
      like hell, doing a Food Simulation! But i think that these games
      could be very intersting if they would be english (or we would be Japanese!)

          4 jap games and another stripping tool. Haven`t tried a single game
          of those.. Bistro Recipe.. sounds like a weird one =)

          ANOTHER stripping tool and 4 jap games which are highyly
          unplayable. The lamest GB group releasing world premiere games.. scarry.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         ___.:___ ___ _____ __.:___
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                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
HS-BMAD.ZIP  - 06-12-99 - Barbie Meeresabenteuer [GBC/GER]        08M   +02
HS-BCTF.ZIP  - 07-12-99 - Barbie Chasse Au Tresor S. [GBC/FR]     08M   +02
HS-MRPEU.ZIP - 07-12-99 - Pac-Man SCE [GBC/INT]                   08M   +03
HS-ROAD.ZIP  - 11-12-99 - Roadsters Trophy [GBC/MUL]              08M   +03
HS-LEVIF.ZIP - 18-12-99 - Le Visiteurs [GBC/FR]                   08M   +02

Total GB Releases From 'High Society' : 5             GB Total Points = +12


        I bet some of you are expecting one of us to make a comment about RS
        here due to these Barbie games being on the list.  Well, while I'm
        sure RS is busy playing these games or seeking out more DVD porn ;), I
        don't think I'm going to make such a comment!

        Now that that's out of the way, on to the other games.  Funny thing is
        I forgot Pac-Man SCE was released months ago as another version.  I
        tried this game out again without thinking about it and it is pretty
        good.  Roadster's Trophy was a disappointment compared to other recent
        racing games.  I thought it was going to be a clone of that other
        Roadster game that came out a while ago anyway, which I found to be
        pretty fun although very simple.

      Cool to HS in December,too. Thers not much difference between
      Barbie (French) and Barbie (German), but I guess if they wonït
      have released them, an other group would have. So go on next month.
      What the hell are these stupid "Visiteurs" - isnït that sick ?

         High Society is back with some more gbc stuff..
         Nothing too great, but 5 valid releases after their
         Mr.Nutz trainer last month. Would be nice to see some more
         trainer releases :) greets to the dudes in #hs
          Nice work from HS, who released many European games this month.
          These games will be nice for the European who wants to play games
          in their native languages.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 . HTS (HTS)

        ___ _________________
      _/  _|_  \__  __/   __/
      \   \_    /    \____  \_
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
HTS-TDMD.ZIP - 16-12-99 - Tazmanian Devil: Munching Madness [GBC/MUL]   +03

Total GB Releases From 'HOTSTUFFERS CONSOLE' : 1      GB Total Points = +3



         Hm.. European Version.. checksum differs from the Menace release from
         November. So 3 points to this new group(?)
         Nice nfo file *cough* *cough*

          There's nothing new about this game, but i guess its nice for the
          collectors among us.

        Hmm..I haven't got around to trying Taz yet.  Good work on the release
        though.  Always glad to see more competition.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
rpmv.zip     - 24-12-99 - Robot Ponkottsu Moon Version [GBC/JAP]  08M   +03
ksnrrm.zip   - 24-12-99 - Kidou Senkan Nadesco Mahjong [GBC/JAP]  16M   +03
bsmwgknv.zip - 24-12-99 - Bakuhashi Senki Metal Walker [GBC/JAP]  08M   +03

Total GB Releases From 'Independent' : 3              GB Total Points = +9


     Great Stuff, I remember these games came on Holy Evening and I wasnït
     reachable. At the same time I lost my I-Net account otherwise 2 of the
     games would be "unplayable"-Skool Stuff...

Gilligan: Seems like someone wanted to make some xmas present to jap game lovers
          with these 3 titles :)

          Nobody knows who the original supplier is so it was released
          independantly. The 3 titles are completly unplayable.

        Hmmm.. 3 more Japanese titles that were released by other people.
        Good work.  Maybe you can join a group :)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   __ ___.  ___.  ___  ___   ______ ____/_
 _/  /   :_/ __| / . \/ _ \_/     // __/
/   \/   ø   _/-/  |  \_.  \_ /--<_  _/-,
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
MNC-PMCL.ZIP - 01-12-99 - Pumuckl's Abenteuer bei den P. [GBC/GER] 08M  +02
MNC-BABE.ZIP - 01-12-99 - Babe and Friends [GBC/INT]               08M  +03
MNC-MRBL.ZIP - 02-12-99 - Marble Madness [GBC/INT]                 08M  +03
MNC-PUZZ.ZIP - 03-12-99 - Puzzle Master [GBC/INT]                  08M  +03
MNC-GODZ.ZIP - 05-12-99 - Godzilla: The Series [GBC/MULTI]         08M  +03
MNC-EP1R.ZIP - 07-12-99 - Star Wars Episode I Racer [GBC/INT]      16M  +03
MNC-NBA3.ZIP - 07-12-99 - NBA 3 on 3 featuring K.Bryant [GBC/INT]  08M  +03
MNC-GWG3.ZIP - 07-12-99 - Game and Watch Gallery 3 [GBC/INT]       08M  +03
MNC-BLTZ.ZIP - 09-12-99 - NFL Blitz 2000 [GBC/INT]                 08M  +03
MNC-DEJA.ZIP - 09-12-99 - Deja Vu I + II [GBC/MULTI]               08M  +03
MNC-R2RB.ZIP - 09-12-99 - Ready 2 Rumble Boxing [GBC/INT]          16M  +03
MNC-GEX3.ZIP - 10-12-99 - Gex 3 - Deep Pocket Gecko [GBC/INT]      16M  +03
MNC-ZORR.ZIP - 15-12-99 - The Mask of Zorro [GBC/INT]              08M  +03
MNC-VIG8.ZIP - 16-12-99 - Vigilante 8 [GBC/INT]                    08M  +03
MNC-HKCF.ZIP - 17-12-99 - Hello Kitty's Cube Frenzy [GBC/INT]      08M  +03
MNC-APRS.ZIP - 17-12-99 - Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M [GBC/INT]  08M  +03
MNC-KKNG.ZIP - 18-12-99 - Knockout Kings [GBC/INT]                 08M  +03
MNC-MKAS.ZIP - 18-12-99 - The New Adventures of M.+ A [GBC/INT]    08M  +03
MNC-NASC.ZIP - 21-12-99 - Nascar Challenge [GBC/INT]               08M  +03
MNC-DDFP.ZIP - 22-12-99 - Duffy Duck - Fowl Play [GBC/INT]         08M  +03
MNC-TDOR.ZIP - 22-12-99 - Test Drive Off-Road 3 [GBC/INT]          08M  +03
MNC-SFA.ZIP  - 24-12-99 - Street Fighter Alpha [GBC/INT]           08M  +03
MNC-MCCZ.ZIP - 27-12-99 - Caterpillar Construction Zone [GBC/INT]  08M  +03
MNC-WING.ZIP - 28-12-99 - Wings of Fury [GBC/INT]                  08M  +03
MNC-DOGZ.ZIP - 30-12-99 - Dogz [GBC/INT]                           08M  +03
MNC-CATZ.ZIP - 31-12-99 - Catz [GBC/INT]                           08M  +03
MNC-SGAA.ZIP - 31-12-99 - Speedy Gonzales A.Adventure [GBC/INT]    08M  +03

Total GB Releases From 'Menace' : 27                   GB Total Points = +80


        Wow 80 points to Menace this month.  Due to the large amount of
        titles here, we see most of the best quality games out this month.
        I remember hearing Rotox say that Armorines GBC is better than the
        N64 version.  Well, maybe the company who made it can learn from this
        hehe.  A different developer probably made the GBC title after the
        N64 version was in progress anyhow.

        Here we see several games people were waiting for for a long time.
        Among them are Deja Vu 1 & 2, Game and Watch Gallery 3, Vigilante 8,
        Street Fighter Alpha, and Star Wars Episode 1 Racer.  Each of these
        games are great.  Good work on getting these out to the scene!

        There are mixed feelings about how Street Fighter Alpha came out.
        Personally, I think it's the best fighter on GBC (well really I find
        Transformers to be more fun though because I'm sick of the same old
        SF characters in SFA).  I'd probably be more exstatic if they would've
        ported SFA2.  SFA seems to have had a short life in the arcades and
        consoles.  Too bad SNK isn't going to port any of their fighters to
        GBC.  I bet theirs would be fine on the GBC, but then I haven't used
        the NGPC enough to be able to definitely say they'd work.


      No comments, Boombastic like last month. most of the releases are
      very good games! No Japanese games this month? What went wrong?

         Wow! A total of 27 releases from menace in december 99.. 80 points!
         Several nice games including Wings of Fury, Star Was Episode 1 Racer..
         and that Caterpillar Construction Zone was somehow amusing =)
         Unfortunately SF Alpha was a utter disappointment - for me at least.
         I guess if u want to play beat em up`s on handheld u better give ngpc a try.
         Anyway this is a great month for menace..

         And I think I know the secret of their success...
         They must have an insider supplier from Old Santa's little house at the northpole,
         where all the presents are stored until deliverence on december 24th :-]

          A great month for Menace. Some very good games, Episode 1 Racer,
          some disapointments, Street Fighter Alpha, some wierd stuff, Catz
          & Dogz, some bad games Nascar Challenge, and some games for kiddies among
          us, Mary Kate & Ashley. A very mixed bag from Menace this month.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

           ______                _______
    _______\    /___ ____________\     /_____             ______
   _\       \  /____) ______/    /    /    _/____________/     /____
 _/_/   \     /    /  \    /        //   _____/ _____/  _\    /    /_
 \ \____/   //____/_______/____/    /     /   ___/       \\_______/_/_
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       \____\/               /_____\____/ /____\_____/______\  /    /    /_
                             \_____/____\/           \______/ /_________/ /

                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
NFL_STRK.ZIP - 07-12-99 - Stranded Kids [GBC/INT]                       +03
NFL_DENG.ZIP - 11-12-99 - Deja Vu I+II [GBC/INT]                        +03

Total GB Releases From 'Nightfall' : 2                GB Total Points = +06


     Hello Dave, hi Paolo. Nice to see some great games from the Italian

         2 games from Nightfall.. Seems like many people like that stranded kids game.
         Will we see some more nfl trainers any soon ? :-)

         Nightfall releases some games for the all the collectors.

        Ah Stranded Kids, the European version of Survival Kids.  I like the
        name.  Reminds me of people's stories of when they were kids in
        shopping malls.

        Haha..well here's Deja Vu again (didn't I see this one earlier? ooh!
        that's deja vu!).  Oh it's the US version and MNC released the Europe
        version.  Phew.. that was almost eerie.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 . OLDSKOOL  (OS)        0
                 .       :_____
  :_____ _____«""|______.|    /__ _____ __.
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  l_____l____\___¡|   \__¡  \____|_____!_____|
                  l____\ |___\
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
OS-MANI2.ZIP - 04-12-99 - Beat Mania 2 [GBC/JAP]                   08M  +00
OS-MUSCL.ZIP - 04-12-99 - Muscle Ranking [GBC/JAP]                 08M  +02
OS-GOLFD.ZIP - 05-12-99 - Golf Daisuki: Let's Play Golf [GBC/JAP]  16M  +02
OS-UNPAN.ZIP - 07-12-99 - Unpanma [GBC/JAP]                        08M  +02
OS-HALLO.ZIP - 15-12-99 - Halloween Racer [GBC/MULTI]              08M  +03
OS-SANGE.ZIP - 19-12-99 - Sweet Ange [GBC/JAP]                     08M  +02
OS-POCKG.ZIP - 19-12-99 - Pokemon Gold V1.1 [GBC/JAP]              08M  +02
OS-POCKS.ZIP - 19-12-99 - Pokemon Silver V1.1 [GBC/JAP]            08M  +02
OS-BOMAX.LZH - 20-12-99 - Bomberman Max-Shadow of D [GBC/JAP]      08M  +02
OS-BOMHI.LZH - 20-12-99 - Bomberman Max-Hero of Light [GBC/JAP]    08M  +02
OS-AQUAL.LZH - 21-12-99 - Aqua Life [GBC/JAP]                      08M  +02
OS-MFARM.LZH - 24-12-99 - Monster Farm [GBC/JAP]                   16M  +02
OS-MAGIC.LZH - 24-12-99 - Little Magic [GBC/JAP]                   08M  +02
OS-BPOCK.LZH - 26-12-99 - The Great Battle Pocket [GBC/JAP]        08M  +02
OS-KOCHU.LZH - 26-12-99 - Yakochu [GBC/JAP]                        16M  +02
OS-MICKT.LZH - 26-12-99 - Mickey's Tetris Adventure [GBC/JAP]      08M  +02
OS-DJAVU.LZH - 29-12-99 - Deja Vu I+II [GBC/JAP]                   08M  +02

Total GB Releases From 'Oldskool' : 17                GB Total Points = +33


        OS releases almost all Japanese games this month.  About half of these
        are great.  Check them out.  The Bomberman games are classic Bomberman
        games this time, making them better than all the rest that were
        released previously.  Hopefully these will get ported to the English

        The exception in this list is Halloween Racer.  I don't understand why
        this wasn't held until Halloween 2000.  It's a real nice racing game and
        by that time, I'm willing to bet that its quality will not have faded,
        as I'm expecing that there's going to be a few more rancid racing games
        coming out this year as usual.

        Mickey's Tetris Challenge was a suprise to see come out because of all
        the rumors that Pokemon carts were #1 on Nintendo's priority list.

        Well, as always, I'm hearing about shortages of Nintendo cartridges for
        several games.  This includes Beat Mania 2.  The supplier of this title
        managed to nab it just when it came out in stores.  Good work on that!

      Howdy. this group is lame as hell.... oh... Hmm, Muscle Ranking
      is a great game. Someone could have trained it. Its an action/Sports
      game and you can run along hurdles and stuff... I played it for ages.
      Hmm, its not cool to comment to his own group. All in all I released
      14 of these OS releases, so I can be satisfied with my status.


         The month starts with a re-release of Beatmania..
         Last month`s release was a bad dump

         As always lots of JAP releases from Oldskool and one multi langauge
         release : Halloween Racer, which looks quite nice.

          Again, lots of Jap stuff from OS. There were two bad dumps, which
          were quickly corrected. Wonder what copier they were using? Anyway most
          of the titles were completey jap, and unplayable. Little Magic was
          a nice supprise, very addictive.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 . RPF (RPF)

                           _______| __         _____
               _______  ___\_     |    _______ \_  /  __ _|_____.
        _ .____\_     \/    _    .|____\_     \__\/_ _____|     |
          |.    /    ///    |    ||.    |    //.    /     _    .|
  .-----> ||    \     \___________||    _____/||    \\    |    || <-------.
  |:..    |_____|\_____/ -rtx/art |_____|     `-----'\__________|      .::|
  |       '                  _____'                             `     . .:|
  |: Rapid Fire  .___________\_  /     _______     _______    Rapid Fire :|
  |. .           |     _    /__\/_|____\_     \____\_     \              .|
  |::..          |.    |___/|.    |.    /    //     /    //               |
  `------------> ||    _/   ||    ||    \     \_   ______/ <--------------'
                 l_____|    `-----|_____|\_____/________/

                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
RPF-G3FX.ZIP - 10-12-99 - Gex 3 - Deep Pocket Gecko V1FIX          IPS  +01

Total GB Releases From 'Rapid Fire'  : 2        GB Total Points =   +01


     Another month and a fix from RPF. Will it be the last one?
     I heard that ROBO MOON also needs a cart fix, nobody did it until now.

         Fix for the v1 bung cards.. Guess owners of v1 cards will be pleased to
         see that.

         Way to go Elemental1, v1 owners will worship you a God.

         I guess a lot of people have V1 carts.  I don't because I waited.
         I'm not really one to buy first generation copiers anyway.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 __________|   /______/\_________/\_______
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|____/  \_____ /  !__ //    /___!   \__!   /
    /____\   \/___| \//_____\   |____\ |___»
[QSR] QUASAR                                                 ----------------
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
                                                                 SIZE   PTS
QSR-YODA.ZIP - 24-12-99 - Yoda Stories [GBC/INT]                  08M   +03

Total GB Releases From 'Quasar' : 1                 GB Total Points =   +03


     Greetings to my old friends Trooper and Parker Lewis. Itïs always nice
     to see 1) my Asciis and 2) see QSR back in the scene. Remember good old
     times on NOISETTE BBS and Freek World!

     I am a Star Wars fan...

         Finally! Finally, after a peroid of silence from Quasar the guys are back
         with Yoda Stories.. unfortunately however this game seems to suck big times.hehe
         but that`s not their fault :-]

          I remeber playing the PC version of this a while ago, it was
          decent. This version is really bad, but I was looking forward to it and it was
          nice to see it released.

        This is an interesting game, but the PC version was better in some ways.
        At least this game is totally linear so you can pick up where you left
        off.  I found this game to be boring after a little while though anyway.

        Aside from that, it's great to see our friends at Quasar back in action.
        They haven't been releasing much, but at least they can kick out one or
        so releases every now and then.  Good work guys.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


		 .                                     .
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     .                 :                 .          .              :
     :                 .                                           .
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
TC-DHUNT.ZIP - 22-12-99 - Deer Hunter  [GBC/INT]                   08M  +03
TC-BRDZN.ZIP - 22-12-99 - Boarder Zone [GBC/INT]                   16M  +03
Total GB Releases From 'The Corporation' : 2        GB Total Points =   +06


     The Corporation... Again another group expands from the N64 to the GBC.
     Thats always cool. It would be boring to see always the same group names
     in the charts. Deer Hunter is a very funny game, btw. Greetings to Zodi.

         TC starts their GBC activity with 2 games in december which means a
         total of 6 points for the gbc newcommers. Wonder what other groups
         are yet to come to start gbc activity...
         CZN fighting CPL with trainer releases ? :))

          TC is mainly and N64 group, but they joined in the GBC fun towards
          the end of the month. A challenge to MNC domination of the US
          releases? we'll see...

        Two quality releases from TC this month.  This is the first month
        TC has released GBC titles.  Good work and we look foreward to seeing
        more competition in future months!

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\

  [========================[  NOW THE RESULTS.. ]========================]
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___  ____ ___ ___\/___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _  _ __  _ __ _ _
  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/
                                   \    /
                                    \  /
                                    \  /


 . GRAND TOTAL results...

       : *  *  *  NINTENDO GAMEBOY RESULTS FOR DECEMBER '99  *  *  * :
       : Pos : Group Name        : Points : Last Months Pos / Points :
       :  1  : Menace.......... .:.. 80 ..:. ..........  1  /  44    :
       :  2  : Oldskool........ .:.. 33 ..:. ..........  2  /  31    :
       :  3  : Capital......... .:.. 29 ..:. ..........  3  /  31    :
       :  4  : High Society.... .:.. 12 ..:. ..........  7  /   1    :
       :  5  : Gameboy Lamers.. .:.. 09 ..:. ..........  6  /   3    :
       :  6  : Eurasia......... .:.. 06 ..:. ..........  4  /  17    :
       :  6  : Nightfall....... .:.. 06 ..:. ..........  -  /   -    :
       :  6  : The Corporation. .:.. 06 ..:. ..........  -  /   -    :
       :  7  : Quasar.......... .:.. 03 ..:. ..........  -  /   -    :
       :  7  : HTS............. .:.. 03 ..:. ..........  -  /   -    :
       :  8  : RPF............. .:.. 01 ..:. ..........  -  /   -    :


        Amazing to see OS still in second position with all the action
        coming from CPL this month.  Great work to everyone in the scene,
        making this month have the most game releases.  It's also great
        to see more innovations in trainers from CPL, including them starting
        to do in-game options.


      Yo... Hmm, I am not that analyzer, people can read numbers...
      Its nice to see my group is still active in 2k. I never thought of that
      before, when I decided to quit the scene 1 year ago. I guess some
      people will be glad that I am still here.


         The TOP 3 ranks are absolutely equal to last month: Menace on top, leading
         with a point difference of 48 points! before Oldskool followed by
         Capital on position 3 with 4 points less. High Society made the biggest
         jump from last month` position 7 to 4 in december. Eurasia and Nightfall and
         TC sharing position 6, Quasar and the hotstuffer both 3 points, both on position 7..
         And finally RPF on pos 8.

          This was a good month, lots of groups who were inactive joined in.
          There were also tons of releases. Menace ends up on top, and Oldskool
          and Capital follow. GBL is number 5, it's been a good month for them.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

. Personal Favourites of this Month ... (Just 4 fun!)

    amptor: Favourite Gameboy Game(s) of December

             - Konami GB Collection Vol. 1
             - Bomberman Max
             - Game & Watch Gallery 3
             - Micro Machines 1 & 2

    Konfused: Favorite Gameboy Game(s) of December:

             - Caterpillar Construction Zone
             - Deja Vu I & II
             - Little Magic
             - Muscle Ranking


    Faz!: Favourite Gameboy Game(s) of December:

             - Stranded Kids
             - Mask of Zorro
             - Mickeys Magical Tetris Adventure
             - NHL 2000
             - Vigilante 8


    Gilligan: Favourite Gameboy Game(s) of December:

             - CAT Construction Zone
             - Little Magic
             - Konami GB Collection Vol. 1

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  [========================[  SCENE INTERViEW ]========================]
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          This is a new section in mgsci and we hope everyone will enjoy it...
          It`s meant to make the charts more interresting to read.. From now
          on there will (hopefully:) be an intreview with some scene dude
          in every issue. And for this first time we picked
          Mr.GBC-Trainermaker himself...:) ....

Gilligan : 
           Hi Wayne! 
           Hi Gilligan :) 
Gilligan : 
           Let`s start the interview with some general questions.. 
           What was your first computer u spend hours in front of ? 
           ZX Spectrum...16k then 48k...great machine, although I 
           never did much beyond using my Multiface cart to transfer 
           tape games to microdrive...now I see they are popular in 
           Russia and there's a cracking scene since the 90's 
           My first "scene" machine was the amiga really...I was in 
           many demo & cracking groups over the years 
Gilligan : 
           So u started scene life in the amiga demo scene ? 
           Yeah, just as a swapper then I got into making soundtracker 
           music (.MOD)...made my way through several groups, stayed in 
           Dual Crew/Shining for the majority of these years... 
           But I really preferred the cracking scene so I had an 
           "alter-ego" and was in several amiga groups like Nemesis, 
           Ministry, and of course QTX... 
Gilligan : 
           How did u get into console scene then ? 
           A lot of amiga guys got into the SNES/Genesis scenes in 
           those days, and I followed suit...I was in a lame little 
           group called Parsec for a while, which later became PREMIERE, 
           but by that time I had lost interest and I was too lame to 
           do anything major anyway :) 
Gilligan : 
           So CPL is the first console scene group u are 
           actually active in ? 
           No, I wouldn't say that...I did some things for amiga/pc 
           groups that had console sections (like TRSI and QTX) but I 
           didn't produce stuff on console myself until CPL 
Gilligan : 
           Lots of people keep on grumbling how much better the old 
           days were, the times of BBSs and real elite groups... and 
           that everything is so lame nowadays because of the internet... 
           What do u think about that ? 
WayneKerr : 
           They are totally right...:)  I guess people always think 
           "the old days" were better, partly because it all seemed 
           fresh and new then...it's hard to have the same enthusiasm 
           when you've been doing it for 10 years or more...:) 
           BUT, I do think the scene was better when it was... 
           a little more exclusive than it is now...take a look 
           around #gbc someitme...:) 
Gilligan : 
           What do u think about intros on game releases and 
           patches to remove these intros ? 
           Intros on game releases is cool...the scene has done this 
           ever since the first ever cracks...the console scene has 
           also always done it, ever since ppl learned to code on each 
           Having said that, the only time when I personally think you 
           _shouldn't_ put an intro on a game, is if there are multiple 
           copiers that differ for a system, and you can't test the patched 
           game on each of them. 
           Removing intros for any other reason than to fix them 
           (ie: they didn't work on your copier) is in my opinion just 
           as lame as downloading MNC-GAME.ZIP and re-releasing the 
           rom as GIMPS-GAME.ZIP... 
Gilligan : 
           Do u think there is a lack of sharing technical info in 
           the console scene ? 
           Nope, not really...all the info is out there somewhere, I 
           get quite annoyed with people who beg for info when.. 
           (a) they didn't even look for themselves, or 
           (b) didn't ever try it, and just want to use someone elses 
               code to save them the effort 
           However, I really don't mind helping people who have tried 
           something and don't quite understand it, or they can't 
           remember something they've done...that is no problem... 
           I hope they would do the same for me :) 
Gilligan : 
           What do u think about the n64 and the psx scene ? 
           Well, I'm quite surprised the N64 scene isn't more advanced, 
           seems like only a few guys (CZN, PDX and few others) have any 
           idea in the 'warez' scene...PSX is getting slowly better, 
           a lot of nice trainers and cracks, although I'm probably 
           biased because I made a few psx trainers myself hehe 
           but these are the last of the 'pirate-scene' consoles I 
           think...ppl will copy dvd-based games, but I doubt there will 
           be much coding on them in terms of intros/trainers 
           Are u looking forward to a ngpc scene ? I`ve hear rumours 
           that Bung will start selling gbx adaptors to copy ngpc games 
           in feburary. 
           YES!  In my opinion, the handheld scenes will be _THE_ only 
           scenes in the future due to the storage requirements of 
           other formats...so I'm _really_ looking forward to taking 
           CPL onto NGPC and then GBA too :) 
Gilligan : 
           What's your all time favorite console system ? 
           Hmmm...probably SNES, even tho I didn't code on it, it had 
           the best in terms of groups doing cracks/trainers (ATX!) 
           and some real quality people, most other scenes since have 
           kinda sucked but there are always cool people who rescue 
           even the lamest scenes (Titanik on N64, Freefall & Xor37h on PSX) 
Gilligan : 
           Can u make me a trainer for xyz ? :) 
           No, but I can help you make a trainer for xyz :) 
Gilligan : 
           I`ll give u some words and you gimmie your spontaneous 
           thoughts in 3 words max 
           hehe, ok... 
Gilligan : 
           Cool games! 
Gilligan : 
           dolphin vs psx2 
           psx2 by miles 
Gilligan : 
           with debugger = rules! 
Gilligan : 
WayneKerr : 
           are for lamers... 
Gilligan : 
           Okay.. that was it.. thanks for your time! anything you`d 
           like to tell the zillions of readers out there ? :) 
           Heh, thanks for the interview!  And greets to anyone who 
           is actually _doing something_ for the console scene, and 
           anyone who will in the future!  Seeya on NGPC...bye. 
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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                                Final Notes..

   Hope ya liked the chart... We hope to see some cool releases next month!
   Keep awake and trade like hell so ya can be the number one!! Cya Later..

        Not much more to say.  Hopefully better games will keep coming out!


Faz!: Oh yeah, another month passed... not much to say... life is short.


          Another month with lots of nice releases has passed away :)
          And actually I am tired of typing now.. so I`ll just say
          bibi.. cu in the next issue! ....

          Some incomplete greets....

          b, waynkerr, rtx, tuff, rza, amtpor, rip, danzig, midfit
          crackltd, ennay, ninja, legend, rico, cqbs, hudson hawk,
          xad, zaner, ayatollah, zinko, ne7, uxorious, jihad, xor37,
          twinsen, renderman, placebo and everyone else I know out there :)

Konfused: Another month, another charts. I have a feeling January is going
          to be a let down after this great month. Tune in next month for
          the next installment of MGSCI.

          imid, ennay, fazwonga, cqbs, hudson hawk, loaded, rotox,
          waynekerr, saska, poyz, ego, rudra, sixpac, netfucker, rico,
          unit, mtx, nil, cyryx, redbox, fusel64, flower, att64, ninja,
          speedevil, nup, swasti, thallium, fallen angel, scrotey,
          jb0395, andy bell, and all our friends.

[========================[  GROUP GREETINGS : ]========================]

             ...Greetings to the following active scene groups...

             CZN, PARADOX, TRSI, DCS, TC, LFC, Napalm ....


                        WHERE CAN YOU REACH US ?

            amptor: Death Row if ya can get in ;)
          Gilligan: #gbc
          FAZWONGA: fazwonga@gmx.de

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      Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International - December Issue 1999!

                                    E  N  D

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