- again no file_id added. there are still boards around, hey ,) -zNr

Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International
MGSCI - Issue3

                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
    · _____________ _    c!|______|mSS|____| |______ _  _ _____________ ·
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    |           /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /            |
    |           \___       \_____/    \____\     \__   \   \            |
    |             \  _______\   /______\    \  ___\ \_______\           |
    |              \/                        \/                         |
    |                                                                   |
    |             ÷  THE YARD BULLETiN BOARD SYSTEM 2k! ÷               |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                       WORLD HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |         AEROHOLiCS (GRAFFiTi) ÷ DiSCiPLES OF AGEEMA (MUSiC)       |
    |      ARCADE (ASCii) ÷ AEROSOL (ASCii) ÷ DREAM THEATRE (ASCii)     |
    |          SOUL SURViVORZ (MP3) ÷ THE ASCii CHARTS (ASCii)          |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      GERMAN HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |   LOW PROFiLE (ASCii) ÷ SOiA (GRAFFiTi/DRUGS) ÷ SODiUM (AMiGA)    |
    |       OMEN (GRAFFiTi) ÷ TEQUiLA (MUSiC) ÷ PUNGAS (DAYDREAM)       |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |          AMiGA/N64/HANDHELD/PSX/SNES/ASCii/LiNUX/DAYDREAM         |
    |             GRAFFiTi/DRUGS/CLASSiCS/MP3/MOD/CHiPTUNES             |
    |                                                                   |
    |                 2 NODES DiAL-UP 33k6 AND 64k iSDN                 |
    |                  4 NODES TELNET 24/7 AT 64k iSDN                  |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      [ THEYARD.DARKTECH.ORG ]                     |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      [ +49-SCENESTYLiSHiOUS ]                     |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
 _ _|__   " THE iDEA OF STYLE iS THE KEY TO ALL FORMS OF ROCKiNG "    __|_ _
    · /_______________________________________________________________\ ·

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/
                                   \    /
                                    \  /
                                    \  /


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 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International - January  Issue 2000!

             ( Probably The latest Magazine In The Scene! )

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/

Faz!: Yo. Due to some problems the staff had, the charts got a little late
      this month. But who cares, here they are. I wasnït really surprised that
      not much games came out this month after december was really the Bomb.

      So okay, no long sentences here, there wasnït really much happening
      since the last issue.

      Ah, by the way. These charts are no GROUP charts (whoever thinks that).
      MGSCI isnït an Oldskool or other "group" release (this would be silly).
      MGSCI is an independent magazine, not group related or whatever.
      It is made from some scene-people for some people from the scene.

         Welcome to the the 3rd issue of MGSCI!
         Unfortunately January was a horrible month after the great December.
         Boring month, boring charts :-(

         At the moment I really prefer to play Sonic Pocket Adventures on
         my NGPC, or some nice NegeoCD games.
         Sorry for the crappy charts - i hope next issue will be faster,
         bigger & better
         PS : thanks to b for the quick file_id

amptor: Looks like not many releases this month.  Maybe it's a record month
        for the least games?  Nah.. I think I remember slower months :)

        I haven't been getting much use out of my gbc at all lately, but
        there's plenty of good stuff out for PC at the moment.  I'm kinda
        getting into playing older releases for both systems now.  Also
        completing a small SNES cartridge collection.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 NOTE: Since this is an International Gameboy Chart,(not just a European one)
       We include all releases from the end of the month in USA time.
       So for example... If a group releases a Game in the last hours of
       the previous month in USA Time it's a new month in Europe, but
       it was still old month in USA. So we will of course include that....

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 .  Remember.. We are making this for fun and we are not trying to
    have a war with anyone or such lame things (you know ...)

    So if you wish to contribute in some way or maybe you want to take part
    in commenting on the releases, then leave an e-mail to any of the guys
    behind "Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International" listed at the end of
    the mag or contact us on IRC in the elite-channels.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 .  The guys behind Monthly Console Scene International are for Decemberï99

                    - amptor              [.OLDSKOOL.]
                    - Gilligan            [.DCS/TRSI.]
                    - fAZWONGA!           [.OLDSKOOL.]

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  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/

 .  Contents:

              . Smarties & Sweets ..... Explanation of the Point System

              . Gooong .......... General Words about the actual Month!

              . Group Releases And Totals ...... Who Did What and When!

              . Results ...................... Who's Top and Who's Not!

              . Scene Interview....Interview with some cool scene dude!

              . Final Words ................................. Bye! Bye!

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\

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   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/

         The Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International Point System :

  NOTE: The point system has been nearly complete overtaken from Capital's
                              "Gameboy Charts"

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                          GAME BOY COLOR .GBC.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 -1 Point :

           * DUPE: Releasing a game that has been released before
                   will cost you 1 point.

           * DUPE TRAINER: A Late Trainer with the same or less options
                           will also take you 1 point.

           * BROKEN: Releasing a not working game/trainer/track
                     means -1 point too.

 +0 Points: 
           * RELEASE FIX: You get 0 points for fixing one of your own mistakes.

 +1 Point : 

           * +1, +2, +3, +4 trainers receive 1 point.

 +1 Point : 

           * Good, useful Utility for GBC. You get one Point for the Major
             tool once in a month, but not anymore point for simple updates.

 +2 Points:
           * AVERAGE FOREIGN: Foreign (non-English) games receive 2 points,
                              even if the game has previously been released
                              in another language.  JAP/GER/FRA/SPA, whatever.

                              A European release of a previously available US release will
                              also receive 2 points.

           * QUALITY TRAINER: A +5 or above trainer will receive 2 points.

           * CRACK: A crack for a protected/non-working game gets you 2

 +3 Points:
           * INT: An English-language release of a game will receive 3

           * QUALITY FOREIGN: A Foreign (non-English) game that is 100%

           * TRANSLATION: Translating a non-English game to English =
                          3 points.  The points reflect the major amount
                          of work this requires!

  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 -1 Point  - DUPE: Released a game, but only after another group already beat
             you?  -1 point then.
             DUPE TRAINER: A Late Trainer with the same or less options.
             BROKEN: If you release a game/trainer/crack that doesn't work,
             -1 time!

 +1 Point  - Good, useful Utility for GB/SGB.

 +1 Point  - AVERAGE TRAINER: +1, +2, +3, +4 trainer receives 1 point.

 +1 Point  - Every new or unreleased GB/SGB game will get 1 Point.

  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/

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                  General Words about the actual month

amptor: Not much happened this month, but it always seemed to me like there
        was plenty to play or do.  So I really didn't notice the slow down.
        Everyone's still waiting for the rest of the Capcom titles to come
        out that we've been hearing about.  A couple of those titles are
        1942 and Resident Evil.  I thought Bionic Commando and SFA were
        good enough though.


Faz!: Hmm,dunno... there wasnït much happening (like I said in the beginning).
      But itïs not too bad, I mean lotsa games are pronounced to be released
      soon. For example Resident Evil or other stunning titles.


          I`ve got absolutely no motivation.. boring month, boring games.
          Only Ghost `n Gobblins and Bionic Commando are nice releases.
          Let`s pray that Feburary won`t be such a disappointement too.
          (Update : 19th feburary : ...it actually is )

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                        Group Releases & Totals....

 .  Ok, let's take a look at the months releases and groups (A-Z Order)..
    BTW.. It's a hard work to keep track of all the shit that get's released.
    Don't start crying if we forget a little release from you and don't
    complain for more points if you release a Mahjong or Pachinko game!!

_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___  ____ ___ ___\/___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _  _ __  _ __ _ _
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CPI (Console Pyritz Inc.)
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
DPI-BUBB.ZIP   16-01-00   Bubble Bobble - English                 08M   +02
Total GB Releases From 'Capital' : 6                  GB Total Points = +02


amptor: Looks like another indie to me.  When I went to their web page, it was
        already down.

gilligan : i didn`t bother

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       ________     _________/______
 ____ /     __/ ____\_      /      /  _____
|    //     |__/      _____//     /_/\     |
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
cpl-sftr.zip - 00-01-01 - Street Fighter Alpha [+4/TR]           IPS    +01
cpl-zrtr.zip - 00-06-01 - Mask of Zorro [+2/TR]                  IPS    +01
cpl-ystr.zip - 00-15-01 - Yoda Stories  [+1/TR]                  IPS    +01
cpl-ggtr.zip - 00-20-01 - Ghost 'n Goblins [+5/TR]               IPS    +02
cpl-bctr.zip - 00-27-01 - Bionic Commando Elite Forces [+6/TR]   IPS    +02
cpl-mitr.zip - 00-29-01 - Mission Impossible [+3/TR]             IPS    +01
Total GB Releases From 'Capital' : 6                  GB Total Points = +08


amptor: As usual, good quality trainers from CPL this month.  Good to see all
        the work put into quality on these trainers.


Faz!: Yo, this month Capital havenït released a game, but 6 trainers.
      Its always the same each month. No other group seems to be able to
      train games. I think there are also some more games which are worth
      to be trained, but when theres no one able to do it, you can not 
      await that Capital do it all for you.


          As always Capital release tons of quality train.... HANG ON! ...
          only 6 trainers from capital this month ?
          Well, as there aren`t cool games to train...

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MTX!____.--._)\____  .-.  ____/(___:.___
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       \(        \(     )/         `-'
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
eur-batb.zip - 00-19-01 - Beauty and the Beast [GBC/MUL]          08M   +03
eur-gx15.zip - 00-15-01 - GBX Tool V1.5       [GBC/TOOL]         UTIL   +01
eur-gx5a.zip - 00-17-01 - GBX Tool V1.5a      [GBC/TOOL]         UTIL   +00
eur-gx5d.zip - 00-27-01 - GBX Tool V1.5d  [GBC/TOOL/WIN]         UTIL   +00
eur-tgp2.zip - 00-29-01 - Top Gear Pocket 2    [GBC/JAP]          08M   +03
Total GB Releases From 'Eurasia' : 5                  GB Total Points = +07


amptor: Ah Eurasia.  Good tools coming out from these guys.  I guess some
        bugs are hard to catch, but they quickly released 1.5a of GBX tool
        after they found something wrong.  Then they released 1.5d soon after
        when they realized previous versions weren't working in Win2k.  Well
        I don't know about you, but I'm not planning on running Windows 2000
        as my home O/S any day soon.  I may even wait a year or so.  But
        this is still great so people can use it on whatever MS O/s they choose :)

Faz!: Well, the only game worth talking about is Top Gear Pocket 2. Its
      language is in English, but its the Japanese Cartridge. Personally,
      I like that game. Beauty and the Beast we all know from the USA Version
      KEL released some months ago.

         2 games from eurasia in this horrible month...
         Top Gear Pocket 2 is another attempt to make a decent gb racing game
         - and imho another failed attempt. Is there any good racing game
         on gb(c) at all ?!

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         ___.:___ ___ _____ __.:___
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_\\___________________________|___|______\ _
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
hs-toso2.zip - 00-18-01 - Total Soccer 2000   [GBC/INT]          08M    +03
Total GB Releases From 'High Society' : 1             GB Total Points = +03


amptor:  Not much I can say for soccer, but HS truely is among the elite groups.
         Glad to see some action from these guys.

Faz!: Yeah, High Society again this month. Actually I am in soccer, so I
      like this game!

         Looking at this release from HS I have to say it`s not quantity
         but quality from HS in january - this soccer games looks nicely done

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                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
cgbtoc.zip   - 00-11-01 - Columns GB               [GBC/JAP]     04M    +03
vrce.zip     - 00-11-01 - V-Rally Championship Ed. [GBC/JAP]     08M    +03
QuestRPG.zip - 00-20-01 - Quest RPG                [GBC/INT]     16M    +03
Total GB Releases From 'Independent' : 3              GB Total Points = +09


Faz: Oh, Columns GB is a funny thing to play. I remember me playing it on
     my Genesis ages ago. Its cool to see a good conversation for the GBC.
     I dunno whats new on V-Rally, but it makes fun anyways.

         boring, boring, boring.. only quest rpg might be worth to spend time on.

amptor: Some cool Japanese releases from independant suppliers.  I didn't think
        Columns was going to come out any more since Sega seems to be fully
        sided with SNK now.  Would hope to see a port of Sonic Pocket next, but
        I bet that isn't ever going to happen.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   __ ___.  ___.  ___  ___   ______ ____/_
 _/  /   :_/ __| / . \/ _ \_/     // __/
/   \/   ø   _/-/  |  \_.  \_ /--<_  _/-,
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
mnc-hwst.zip - 00-05-01 - Hot Wheels Stunt Track Drv. [GBC/INT]  32M    +03
mnc-pcmj.zip - 00-13-01 - Pocket Color Mahjong        [GBC/JAP]  08M    +02
mnc-sbdx.zip - 00-13-01 - Super Bombliss DX           [GBC/JAP]  02M    +03
mnc-rtdx.zip - 00-13-01 - R-Type DX                   [GBC/JAP]  08M    +03
mnc-tw2k.zip - 00-14-01 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000   [GBC/INT]  08M    +03
mnc-gng.zip  - 00-20-01 - Ghost 'n Goblins            [GBC/INT]  08M    +03
mnc-pong.zip - 00-24-01 - Pong                        [GBC/INT]  08M    +03
mnc-dwm.zip  - 00-25-01 - Dragon Warrior Monsters     [GBC/INT]  16M    +03
mnc-bcef.zip - 00-26-01 - Bionic Commando : Elite F.  [GBC/INT]  16M    +03
mnc-nbas.zip - 00-26-01 - NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC    [GBC/INT]  08M    +03
mnc-itaf.zip - 00-29-01 - International Track + Field [GBC/INT]  08M    +03
mnc-odd2.zip - 00-18-01 - Oddworld Adventures 2       [GBC/MUL]  08M    +03
Total GB Releases From 'Menace' : 12                  GB Total Points = +35


amptor: I hope Menace is still happy that they come out #1 this month, but
        I know they aren't.  Some people just can't ever be pleased.  Not
        only do these guys have the most points but they also have the most
        game title releases out of any group this month.


Faz!: When will it be changed that only Menace is releasing most of
      the major titles each month. Arenït there more people in the
      States who can dump games? Anyways there you see many, many 
      good games. Oddworld Adevntures 2, Track and Field (now INT),
      Bionic Commando etc etc. they are all pretty good!! 

         Menace saves this boring month with Ghost `n Gobblins and Bionic
         Commando! Hm.. Ghost n` Gobblins is much too hard, isn`t it ?!
         (thanks for trainer cpl:)

         Pokemon/RPG genre fans will prolly also like Dragon Warrior Monsters.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 . OLDSKOOL  (OS)        0
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  |  .  Y   / .  |  ____|!   /.  Y  .  Y  |__
  |  !  !  /\ !  |___ /  . _/ l  |  i  |  l  |
  l_____l____\___¡|   \__¡  \____|_____!_____|
                  l____\ |___\
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
OS-DENSH.ZIP - 00-05-01 - Densha De Go!              [GBC/JAP]   32M    +02
OS-PBILL.ZIP - 00-05-01 - Pocket Billiard            [GBC/JAP]   08M    +03
OS-MINNA.ZIP - 00-05-01 - Minna No Shogi             [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02
OS-UNO.ZIP   - 00-06-01 - Uno                        [GBC/INT]   08M    +03
OS-ATMAR.ZIP - 00-07-01 - Marieïs Atelier            [GBC/JAP]   16M    +02
os-ateli.zip - 00-07-01 - Elieïs Atelier             [GBC/JAP]   16M    +02
os-legos.zip - 00-07-01 - Legend of Sokuban          [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02  
OS-DKONG.ZIP - 00-29-01 - Donkey Kong                [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02
OS-JORYU.ZIP - 00-29-01 - Joryu Janshi No Chousen    [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02     
OS-GRANT.ZIP - 00-29-01 - Gran Duel Trial Version    [GBC/JAP]   16M    +02
OS-RFIGH.ZIP - 00-29-01 - Super Blackbass:Real Fight [GBC/JAP]   32M    +02
Total GB Releases From 'Oldskool' : 11                GB Total Points = +24


amptor: Well I took too much shit for OS this month even though I didn't
        release anything above.  Sometimes I don't know why I even bother.
        Great release from Duz though.  You can't say anything bad about that
        and if you do, you should go hump a tree.

Faz!: Hmm. Well to be honest. Donkey Kong was released one day it appeared
      in the shops in japan (Thanks jT!). After all said they got problems
      by playing it on a Bung V1 Card etc. I tried other dumps. They all got
      the same checksum and they were all copied by different people. So I
      just think it might be the same "hard" protection we got on the SNES
      in former times, when many people tried to crack it. I hope that someone
      will fix that soon.
      On the other hand there are some more Japanese games, I personally
      liked Super Chinese Fighter EX (Trainer appreciated).

      The other thing I want to talk about is the hassle and the high ammount
      of bad words Oldskool get in the last days (I think people mean my

      Oldskool releases games which they download from websites: WRONG
      I really donït know why people tell with every single release we have,
      that we have it from a website.

      Whats with the roms from MENACE, Eurasia and what other groups release?
      These games are presented on websites, too. I think it takes 2 hours
      and your release is on Jean Luc Picardïs Site or other sites which
      have "Roms" online.
      So, whereïs the point? If you all know these websites then why donït you
      release them yourself faster? And why is it worth talking about that?
      Do you hear something from me? Itïs really not easy these days, but
      people better should ask more exactly and think before they spread
      their words about OS and poison the whole channels against us.   

          The first game to put your scene eye on has of course to be Donkey Kong!
          But don`t get to enthusiastic... try to play it on your gbc and u`ll see..
          I`m not 100% sure if this is really a good dump. It works fine on emus (at least
          it does on no$gmb) but the code looks really strange on several places.
          Cross your fingers and hope for a crack or another dump.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

          _______________/\  __|__  _________  ______
          \___   \  _____  \/  :  |/   ____  \/  __ / 
           / / __/ /\  \ \    _:__   _/  | \  \__  \/  
          /  \  \__\/   \ \  / |  \   \  | /   \|   \_ 
          \__|\_________/__\/__|__|\  /__|_____/_____/ 
            . .. ...  ... .:.::|::::\/.::::::::::::::: 

                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
rmk-jura.zip - 00-20-01 - Jurassic Park 3 [GB/JAP]               04M    +01 

Total GB Releases From 'ROMKIDS'  : 1        GB Total Points =   +01


amptor: I don't know why this was released.  It just has a different checksum
        than the one I already had for a month or so.  Might be bad?  Some
        people from a new group, which may or may not be mentioned in this
        issue, were telling me they want to release more stuff that is already
        out.  I think this isn't a good idea especially because you don't see
        me going through my GB collection and pulling out old shit that people
        already have.

         Some strange japanese GB Game..hmm.. skip it unless u are some kind of
         hardcore collector

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 . RPF (RPF)

                           _______| __         _____
               _______  ___\_     |    _______ \_  /  __ _|_____.
        _ .____\_     \/    _    .|____\_     \__\/_ _____|     |
          |.    /    ///    |    ||.    |    //.    /     _    .|
  .-----> ||    \     \___________||    _____/||    \\    |    || <-------.
  |:..    |_____|\_____/ -rtx/art |_____|     `-----'\__________|      .::|
   |       '                  _____'                             `     . .:|
   |: Rapid Fire  .___________\_  /     _______     _______    Rapid Fire :|
  |. .           |     _    /__\/_|____\_     \____\_     \              .|
   |::..          |.    |___/|.    |.    /    //     /    //               |
  `------------> ||    _/   ||    ||    \     \_   ______/ <--------------'
                 l_____|    `-----|_____|\_____/________/

                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
rpf-elie.zip - 00-07-01 - Atelier Elie [GBC/JAP]                 16M    +00
rpf-mari.zip - 00-07-01 - Atelier Mari [GBC/JAP]                 16M    +00
Total GB Releases From 'Rapid Fire'  : 2        GB Total Points =   +00


amptor: Maybe RPF was faster than OS or maybe vice versa.  All both sides say
        is eachother got this from a web site.  Well whatever.  At least
        I didn't have anything to do with any Japanese releases.  Don't
        bother me about this shit any more.  It isn't even a good game so I
        really could care less.

         No Points for those 2 ones from RPF because OS was faster..
         OS and RPF released the games on the same day, but the OS release was
         first on the major sites - that`s why.

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\

  [========================[  NOW THE RESULTS.. ]========================]
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___  ____ ___ ___\/___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _  _ __  _ __ _ _
  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/
                                   \    /
                                    \  /
                                    \  /


 . GRAND TOTAL results...

       : *  *  *  NINTENDO GAMEBOY RESULTS FOR JANUARY 2000  *  *  * :
       : Pos : Group Name        : Points : Last Months Pos / Points :
       :  1  : Menace.......... .:.. 35 ..:. ..........  01 / 80     :
       :  2  : Oldskool........ .:.. 24 ..:. ..........  02 / 33     :
       :  3  : Capital......... .:.. 06 ..:. ..........  03 / 29     :
       :     : Eurasia......... .:.. 06 ..:. ..........  06 / 06     :
       :     : High Society.... .:.. 06 ..:. ..........  04 / 12     :
       :  4  : Romkids......... .:.. 01 ..:. ..........  -  /   -    :
       :  5  : Console Pyritz Inc:.. 02 ..:. ..........  -  /   -    :
       :  6  : Rapid Fire...... .:.. 00 ..:. ..........  08 / 01     :
       :  7  : ................ .:.. .. ..:. ..........  -  /   -    :
       :  8  : ................ .:.. .. ..:. ..........  -  /   -    :
       :  9  : ................ .:.. .. ..:. ..........  -  /   -    :


amptor: Not a good month for the scene in general.  I don't really think
        too many more good games are going to come out on the Gameboy Color
        system anyway.  Enjoy what is already out!




          Now look at that.. Menace got 80 points in december, and now
          not even the half. However first 2 positions are the same from
          last month - Menace followed by Oldskool.. but look at position 3..
          Cpl,Eur,Hs,RMK,RPF are all on position 3 with only 6 points each.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

. Personal Favourites of this Month ... (Just 4 fun!)

    amptor: Favourite Gameboy Game(s) of January

              -Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driving
              -Bionic Commando
              -Ghosts 'n Goblins

    Gilligan: Favourite Gameboy Game(s) of January

              - Bionic Commando
              - Ghost `n Gobblins

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\

  [========================[  SCENE INTERViEW ]========================]
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___  ____ ___ ___\/___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _  _ __  _ __ _ _
  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/
                                   \    /
                                    \  /
                                    \  /


 -= DOH! Didn`t find anyone to interview this month.. tell us if u have any suggestions! =-

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

     __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
    / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
   /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
    \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/


                                Final Notes..

   Hope ya liked the chart... We hope to see some cool releases next month!
   Keep awake and trade like hell so ya can be the number one!! Cya Later..

amptor:  Greets to all my friends.  You know who you are.  I'll list a few to
         give props out to:
         Spoonman: good chatting with you lately.  I haven't heard you in a
                   long time man :)  I appreciate your acquantance as you
                   already well know.
         Kyoshiro: thanks for being a good friend in real life.  I don't know
                   why you put up with me sometimes but at least we've been
                   friends for many years :)
         Fazwonga: You rule and I won't let anyone change my mind :)
         Loaded/EURASiA: It's been a great pleasure knowing you since the late
                         SNES days.
         MFM/EURASiA: Nice knowing you man.  I know we've had our differences
                      of opinion, but at least you are level headed.
         Gilligan: You aren't around much, but you're a pretty good guy!
         WayneKerr: Thanks for trying to help me get started coding, but I really
                    don't know if I'll ever really be able to get into it.  With
                    the gameboy dying out, I don't feel like I have enough time to
                    get anything accomplished.  I'm also glad that you respect that
                    everyone has their own opinion about things in the scene.  I can
                    name several people who don't.
         Crisis: You are the best.  I'm glad I can catch you on irc sometimes.
         Cowering: Thanks for your help getting my GB stuff straightened out.  I'll
                   continue supporting you for as long as I can.
         fulgore: I've been trying to find you, but I don't see you any more.
                  We had some good times in the SNES scene in the past man.
         digital messiah:  Haven't seen you in a long time.  I bet you're pretty
                           busy.  Thanks for the good times in the SNES scene.
         Parker Lewis/Quasar: You're a real cool guy.  I haven't seen you around
                              lately though but I know you'll be showing up again :)
         Elementl1/LiGHTFoRCE: Cool guy to know.  I never knew much about you but
                               you are around a lot and good to chat with.
         kel & duz: Pretty good guys to know.  Easy to get along with.
         twk/anthrox: My wildcard still works great.  Thanks :)

         Allright well other people I haven't mentioned I probably haven't
         chatted with in a while :/ sorry :) maybe next issue if I'm still




          Some incomplete greets....

          b, waynkerr, rtx, tuff, rza, amtpor, rip, danzig, midfit
          crackltd, ennay, ninja, legend, rico, cqbs, hudson hawk,
          xad, zaner, ayatollah, zinko, ne7, uxorious, jihad, xor37,
          twinsen, renderman, placebo, pahn, opoth, konfused, zinko,
          rkr, nil, zaner, twk, turok, pahn, lutka, zeff, crazy and
          everyone else i fergot in the usual efnet channels

          PS : If u`ve got a SMD to sell - tell me! :-)

[========================[  GROUP GREETINGS : ]========================]

             ...Greetings to the following active scene groups...

             CZN, PARADOX, TRSI, DCS, TC, LFC, Napalm ....


                        WHERE CAN YOU REACH US ?

            amptor: Death Row if ya can get in ;)
          Gilligan: #gbc
          FAZWONGA: fazwonga@gmx.de

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
  /_//__//___//____//_____//______//    \\______\\_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
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     ____\  /____________________\     /____________ _ _____     .:____
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   /             /    /    /        //    /      \    /   /   /  /   / /
  /____/   /____/_________/   /_____/____/____/      /_______/___   / /
  \___/___/\____\________/____\_____\____\___/______/ /____________/ /
      \___\/             \____/              \______\/_____________\/
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           |                                                     |
           |                M  O  N  T  H  L  Y                  |
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           |.:.                                                  |
                ______|_ _            ______                     :
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 \______    \_________||   \/    \________/||   |   //\________/\_____   /
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           |                   G A M E B O Y                     |
           |                                                     !
           !                                  .:______           |
           |  ___________    .:_________________\    /________   o
           |  \    _____/______\    __    /     /   /  __    /_  |
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     _/_/   \______/           /   .   \  _/  _/     /___     / /|
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      Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International - January Issue 2000!

                                    E  N  D

    __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ /\ _______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
   / //  //   //    //     //      //  \\      \\     \\    \\   \\  \\ \
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  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______\      /_______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __
  \ \\  \\   \\    \\     \\      \\   ///      //     //    //   //  // /
   \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\______\\  //______//_____//____//___//__//_/

                         /___________ø_ [%* tHE YARd BBS 2k! *%]
     ._________________///   ________:                          ____
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  \     _   //   _|__  __/_    \     |   \ /    \  __/_    \/   /    \
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    ÷ 2 nODES dIAL-UP 33k6 aND 64k iSDN ÷ 4 nODES tELNET 24h/7 64k iSDN ÷