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 - -diP------------------------------dTR- -
      fUN & fRiENDSHIP iSSUE jULY 2000
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                            .                     .

                      .  . .:.....................:. .  .
                            : ................... :
                            : ::::::::::::::::::: :
                            : ::::::::::::::::::: :
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                        diP : ::::::::::::::::::: : dTR
  .:.....:.                 : ::::::::::::::::::: :                 .:.....:.
   :     :                  : ::::::::::::::::::: :                  :     :
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:                                                                             :
.       Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International - July Issue 2000!         :
.                 (For sure the latest magazine in the scene !)

 NOTE: Since this is an International Gameboy Chart,(not just a European one) .
.      We include all releases from the end of the month in USA time.
.      So for example... If a group releases a game in the last hours of      :
·      the previous month in USA time it's a new month in Europe, but         :
:      it was still old month in USA. So we will of course include that....   :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:   Remember.. We are making this for fun and we are not trying to            :
:   have a war with anyone or such lame things (you know ...)                 :
:                                                                             :
:   So if you wish to contribute in some way or maybe you want to take part   :
:   in commenting on the releases, then leave an e-mail to any of the guys    :
:   behind "Monthly Gameboy Scene Charts International" listed at the end of  :
:   the mag or contact us on IRC in the elite-channels.                       :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:   The guys behind Monthly Gameboy Scene International are for July'2k       :
:                                                                             :
:                   - fazwonga            [.OLDSKOOL.]                        :
:                   - harlekin            [.CAPiTAL & DbZ.]                   :
:                   - Dipswitch           [.Dual Crew Shining Console.]       :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:                            -  C O N T E N T S  -                            :
:              _____    _____    ____    __        _____    ____    __        :
._____ ____.__\\_   \_ \\_   \_ /   //_ / //____._\\_   \_ /   //_ / //_______.
|    _/    |    /    /   /    /      _/   _/    |   /    /      _/ \___       |
|    \     |        /   /     \      \    \     |  /     \      \     /       |
|_____\____|________\ __\______\ _____\ ___\____|__\______\ _____\ ___________|
. - -diP---------------------------------------------------------------dTR- - .
:                                                                             :
:           Smarties & Sweets ..... Explanation of the Point System           :
:                                                                             :
:           Gooong .......... General Words about the actual Month!           :
:                                                                             :
:           Group Releases And Totals ...... Who Did What and When!           :
:                                                                             :
:           Results ...................... Who's Top and Who's Not!           :
:                                                                             :
:           Final Words ................................. Bye! Bye!           :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:      ________   _______     ______      ________    _______    _____        :
.___ _/       /__\\_     \_ _\\_____)_ __\\_      \_ /      //_ /   _//_______.
|    \       /     /      /          (_    /       /         _/ \____         |
|     \_____/            /            /   /        \         \      /         |
|________\ _ ____________\ ___________\ __\_________\ ________\ ______________|
. - -diP---------------------------------------------------------------dTR- - .
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:  NOTE: The point system has been nearly complete overtaken from Capital's   :
:                              "Gameboy Charts"                               :
:                                                                             :
:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:
:                          [GBC] GAMEBOY COLOR [GBC]                          :
:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:
:                                                                             :
: -1 Point :                                                                  :
:                                                                             :
:           * DUPE: Releasing a game that has been released before            :
:                   will cost you 1 point.                                    :
:                                                                             :
:           * DUPE TRAINER: A late trainer with the same or less options      :
:                           will also take you 1 point.                       :
:                                                                             :
:           * BROKEN: Releasing a not working game/trainer/crack              :
:                     means -1 point too.                                     :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
: +0 Points:                                                                  :
:                                                                             :
:           * RELEASE FIX: You get 0 points for fixing one of your own        :
:                          mistakes.                                          :
:                                                                             :
: +1 Point :                                                                  :
:                                                                             :
:           * +1, +2, +3, +4 trainers receive 1 point.                        :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
: +1 Point :                                                                  :
:                                                                             :
:           * Good, useful utility for GBC. You get one point for the major   :
:             tool once in a month, but not anymore point for simple updates. :
:                                                                             :
: +2 Points:                                                                  :
:           * AVERAGE FOREIGN: Foreign (non-English) games receive 2 points,  :
:                              even if the game has previously been released  :
:                              in another language.  JAP/GER/FRA/SPA,         :
:                              whatever.                                      :
:                                                                             :
:                              A European release of a previously available   :
:                              US release will also receive 2 points.         :
:                                                                             :
:           * QUALITY TRAINER: A +5 or above trainer will receive 2 points.   :
:                                                                             :
:           * CRACK: A crack for a protected/non-working game gets you 2      :
:                    points.                                                  :
:                                                                             :
: +3 Points:                                                                  :
:           * INT: An English-language release of a game will receive 3       :
:                  points.                                                    :
:                                                                             :
:           * QUALITY FOREIGN: A Foreign (non-English) game that is 100%      :
:                              playable.                                      :
:                                                                             :
:           * TRANSLATION: Translating a non-English game to English =        :
:                          3 points.  The points reflect the major amount     :
:                          of work this requires!                             :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:
:                [GB/SGB] MONOCHROME & SUPER GAMEBOY [GB/SGB]                 :
:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:
:                                                                             :
: -1 Point  - DUPE: Released a game, but only after another group already beat:
:             you?  -1 point then.                                            :
:             DUPE TRAINER: A Late Trainer with the same or less options.     :
:             BROKEN: If you release a game/trainer/crack that doesn't work,  :
:             -1 time!                                                        :
:                                                                             :
: +1 Point  - Good, useful Utility for GB/SGB.                                :
:                                                                             :
: +1 Point  - AVERAGE TRAINER: +1, +2, +3, +4 trainer receives 1 point.       :
:                                                                             :
: +1 Point  - Every new or unreleased GB/SGB game will get 1 Point.           :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:                 -  GENERAL WORDS ABOUT THE ACTUAL MONTH  -                  :
:                                                                             :
: harlekin: They always come back! Here we go again with another fresh mgsci! :
:           I first wanted to do NGPC separate, but since the dead of the     :
:           system in EUR & US there were far to few releases,so i dropped    .
.           that idea again. Anyways, nothing more to say then enjoy the
            issue & wish you all a good summertime !

  Dipswitch: Well, another month with only a few gbc releases but some of     
             them are real killers ! btw it's my first time to review some    
             stuff like this. I wanted to do it much earlier, but had enough
             to do with my own mag (The Ascii Charts, TAC-*.TXT). Well
             enjoy this issue...

. Fazwonga: Uh, a long time no charts and no commenting. Normally I am more   .                                                                         .
.           into that, but I had some changes (like new job and stuff) and    .                                                                        .
:           so i was absent a while. there was an idea to put together        :                                                          :
:           ngpc games with gb games in the charts, but we decided not to     :                                                             :
:           to so since many GBC fans are no NGPS fans and are not interested :                                                                 :
:           much in both systems. well, hers july then.                       :
:                                                                             :

:                                                                             :
:                        -  GROUP RELEASES & TOTALS  -                        :
:    ____     __       ___    __          _____    __        __       __      :
.___\\_ /___ / //____./  /_ _/ //____. __\\_   \_ / //_____ / //____./ //_____.
|    _/    /   _/    | _/___   _/    |/    /    / \__     /   _/    |\___     |
|    \     \_  \     | \    \  \     |    _    /    /    /    \     |   /     |
|_____\_____/___\____|______/___\____|____\____\ ________\ ____\____|_________|
. - -diP---------------------------------------------------------------dTR- - .
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:   Ok, let's take a look at the months releases and groups (A-Z Order)..     :
:   BTW.. It's a hard work to keep track of all the shit that get's released. :
:   Don't start crying if we forget a little release from you and don't       :
:   complain for more points if you release a Mahjong or Pachinko game!!      :
:                                                                             :
.                                                                             .

       ________     _________/______
 ____ /     __/ ____\_      /      /  _____
|    //     |__/      _____//     /_/\     |
                                                             Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
cpl-socm.zip - 00-07-07 - Soccer Manager             [GBC/MU4]   08M    +03
cpl-mdtr.zip - 00-30-07 - Mr. Driller +2 Trainer      [+2/TRN]   IPS    +01
Total GB Releases From 'Capital' : 2                  GB Total Points = +04

 harlekin: CPL was pretty sloopy this month. Seems like all guys lost either
           motivation or are in hollidays (or both :)). 

 Dipswitch: hmmm, not really much from the console gods from the rainy isle
            this month... One one game and no trainers. I hate soccer managing
            so I didnt play this game properly but it's sure a nice release !

 Faz: Great game for all kind of soccer manager fans. there arenït so big
      choises on the GBC till now.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  _____  _________ ________ _
._\__  \ \_ _    //  _____//      DUAL CREW
|   |   \/   \__/_\____   \        SHINING
|   !    \   !    \   \    \ _ /\  _________
l________/________/________////  \/
                                                       [GB]  Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
dcs-ws2k.zip - 00-11-07 - World Soccer GB 2000       [GBC/JAP]   16M    +02
dcs-gno.zip  - 00-11-07 - Gambare Nippon Olympics 2k [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02
Total GB Releases From 'Dual Crew Shining' : 2        GB Total Points = +04

 harlekin: DCS released a couple of jap-games this month. nothing too exiting,
           but they included intro's into the releases which stirred up some
           trouble (as usual...). Personally i like them and don't see any
	   reason for those Intro-Removers ...
 Dipswitch: Well we at DCS didnt kick ass like last month..;) but at least did
            two nice and more or less playable jap releases. Into World Soccer
            we of course packed an intro to keep the intro-removing lamers busy
            and to bring some demo spirit into GBC scene, featuring Gilligan's
            code, B's grafix and of course music by Mortimer Twang, the only
            musician able to do great music on BlackBox Music System =)...
            Well, what concerns the releases, I just can say that World Soccer
            is *quite* playable and is a nice Soccer playing game, not so cool
            as Total Soccer though. Gambare Nippon Olympic is a FULLY playable
            Athletics game with 6 kinds of athletic sports. Dont miss this one,
            I dont think it will be ever avaible in USA/Europe...

 Faz: well, i am not into that too much, only thing is thats cool other groups
      don't let us alone bringing out japanese games. anyways, cool job.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

         ___.:___ ___ _____ __.:___
H I G H  \  ||  /(___)\ __//  ||  /  H I G H
SOCIETY_/   \\          \_    \\   \_SOCIETY
____ _\\____||________________||____//_ ____
     _____ ___ _____ __ ______ _____   _____
cDr _\  _//   \\  _/(__))_   /_   _/__|    /
ms_/ /__    |    /       /__/ |   |   |  _/
_\\___________________________|___|______\ _
                                                             Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
hs-cozon.zip - 00-06-07 - Construction Zone *DUPE*   [GBC/INT]   08M    -01
Total GB Releases From 'HIGH SOCIETY' : 1             GB Total Points = -01

 harlekin: Oh dear, HS with a dupe of some really old release. Anyways i won't 
	   blame them, since I did some even lamer dupe some time ago :-)

 Dipswitch: Well what shall I say, dupe is never good... =(

 Faz: Hmm. I didnït recognized that dupe anyhow, but HS sure didnït want
      it I guess.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

        ___ _________________ 
      _/  _|_  \__  __/   __/ 
      \   \_    /    \____  \_  
                                                             Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
hts-tomb.zip - 00-08-07 - Tomb Raider *Final*        [GBC/MU5]   32M    +03
Total GB Releases From 'Hotstuffers' : 1              GB Total Points = +03

 harlekin: HTS still supplies the hottest wares to the public. Errm, wait it's
           Tomb Raider - nice Cutscenes but the game is pretty crappy IMHO. 
	   But it's still nice to see the store final, though i doubt i'll ever
           play that game :) 

 Dipswitch: Hotstuffers are hot and you are not ! =)... This game is surely
            the big major of the month ! I didnt like this jump'n'run very
            much though, but it is for sure a very important release.

 Faz: hotstuffers are cool, so is Tomb Raider. I am a big fan of Laras Boobs,
      but I better play on PSX while I am at home.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                                             Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
arp-madv.zip - 00-01-07 - Moomin Adventure *I. Rem.* [GBC/IPS]   ---    +00
arp-ojar.zip - 00-07-07 - Ojarumaru *Intro Remover*  [GBC/IPS]   ---    +00
arp-ws2k.zip - 00-15-07 - World Soccer 2k *I. Rem.*  [GBC/IPS]   ---    +00
Total GB Releases From 'Independent' : 3              GB Total Points = +00

 harlekin: Intro removers are lame and no one really needed those. Therefore 
           Arpi or whoever is this scored nada points on it.

 Faz: well, if someone wants the fresh dumped rom, then he canït use the
      intro, so itïs for people who need that.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 __.  __ ______.____________________________
 |  | (__)\_.  /|__   _/ __/ \____  \  _/___/
 | _|_|  |/ |_/ | \| |/  _/ . \ _/ _/ |  __/_
 |  | \  /  | _ _  \ /   |  |  \\  \  |__   /
 |_____\ \___ | |__/ \_  |_____/_\  \___/__/
      |__|   \|_|  |_| \_|        \__/
                                                             Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
lfc-sman.zip - 00-06-07 - Soccer Manager *US DUPE*   [GBC/MU3]   08M    -01
lfc-bbcrz.zip- 00-11-07 - Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 4  [GBC/INT]   08M    +02
lfc-tur3.zip - 00-31-07 - Turok 3 - Shadow of Obl.   [GBC/MU4]   08M    +03 
Total GB Releases From 'Lightforce' : 3               GB Total Points = +04

 harlekin: One Dupe and the US-Version BB: CC4. Nothing too exiting from LFC this
           month..but hey, what do you expect - it's summertime. So better get
           some alcoholics then spending too much tinme in fromt of your PC :)

 Dipswitch: Well nothing special from Lightforce this month... One dupe and
            a Bugs Bunny game...

 Faz: so, now I guess every version of Bugs Bunny is gonna be dumped.fine game
      btw. Also cool LFC stikes back every month now.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   __ ___.  ___.  ___  ___   ______ ____/_
 _/  /   :_/ __| / . \/ _ \_/     // __/
/   \/   ø   _/-/  |  \_.  \_ /--<_  _/-,
                                                             Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
mnc-prop.zip - 00-03-07 - Pro Pool                   [GBC/MU3]   08M    +03
mnc-xmen.zip - 00-05-07 - X-Men Mutant Academy       [GBC/INT]   08M    +03
mnc-mib2.zip - 00-06-07 - Men In Black 2             [GBC/MU3]   08M    +03
mnc-twrs.zip - 00-14-07 - Towers-Lrd Baniff's Deceit [GBC/INT]   08M    +03
mnc-warl.zip - 00-25-07 - Warlocked                  [GBC/INT]   16M    +03
mnc-kon4.zip - 00-26-07 - Konami GB Collection Vol.4 [GBC/INT]   08M    +03
Total GB Releases From 'Menace' : 6                   GB Total Points = +18

 harlekin: MNC with some rock solid releasing this month. They once again got
           all the US stuff & one EUR game too. I wonder if those guys will 
           ever stop...hmm, guess not :-) 

 Dipswitch: Menace brought many quality releases this month. ProPool is a quite
            nice, though IMHO hard to handle, pooling game. X-Men I didnt check
            out but it is said to be nice. MIB2 RULES!. It very much reminds me
            on the Apogee jump'n'run "Bio Menace" on PC, which was one of my
            first games on poc ever. The "Towers" thing is really cool too; it's
            a 3D view RPG reminding very much un "Bard's Tale" on Amiga/PC, just
            with the difference that "Towers" deals mainly with dungeon explo-
            ring. Warlocked is a cool strategy game with cool intro grafix and
            partly very nice music.

 Faz: always the same every month I guess with MNC and their dumps. great
      titles as always
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 .____________.:[fAZ!]:.___\ | /_________
.|__ _____________ _ ________/\____   ___|
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|     \  | /  \ \   |  |  _)   \\ \  |  \  |
 l________.:[ n i g h t f a l l ]:.________|
   `-'                         `-'                                                                                                                                   ----------------
                                                             Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
nfl-pyel.zip - 00-17-07 - Pokemon Yellow             [GBC/ITA]   08M    +02
Total GB Releases From 'Nightfall' : 1                GB Total Points = +02

 harlekin: NFL leaves their grave for a moment to bring us one of the most 
           anticipated titles this month - POKEMON YELLOW *ITALY*..hehehe.
	   Though pokemon is crap, especially /w italian language it's always
           nice to see NFL appear from time to time.

 Dipswitch: Oh god, again a Pokemon in another language and in another color.
            The combinations of languages and colors seem to be endless...;)
            But well, it's a valid release nevertheless and I'm glad to see
            NFL still doing something.

 Faz: this is for one reason a cool thing. itïs fine the nightfall guys still
      in business with Paolo and Dave and itïs really freaky they still use
      my ascii file_id. Greets out!
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 . OLDSKOOL (OS)         0
                 .       :_____
  :_____ _____«""|______.|    /__ _____ __.
  |  .  Y   / .  |  ____|!   /.  Y  .  Y  |__
  |  !  !  /\ !  |___ /  . _/ l  |  i  |  l  |
  l_____l____\___¡|   \__¡  \____|_____!_____|
                  l____\ |___\
                                                             Points & Info...
FILE           DATE       TITLE OF RELEASE                       SIZE   PTS
os-gensa.zip - 00-05-07 - Daikuno Gensan             [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02
os-barca.zip - 00-06-07 - Barça Total 2000           [GBC/MU7]   08M    +03
os-mkobo.zip - 00-08-07 - Mahjong Kobo               [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02
os-loder.zip - 00-08-07 - Loderunner                 [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02
os-bubbl.zip - 00-08-07 - Bubble Bobble              [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02
os-chase.zip - 00-08-07 - Chase HQ                   [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02
os_duel3.zip - 00-14-07 - Yu-Gi-Oh! D.D. Stories III [GBC/JAP]   32M    +02
os-dques.zip - 00-21-07 - Dokapon !? Millenium Quest [GBC/JAP]   16M    +02
os-hkitt.zip - 00-21-07 - Hello Kitty's Sweet Adv.   [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02
os-ddani.zip - 00-21-07 - Dear Danielïs Sweet Adv.   [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02
os-arlad.zip - 00-21-07 - Winnie The Pooh            [GBC/JAP]   16M    +02
os-skid2.zip - 00-21-07 - Survival Kids 2            [GBC/JAP]   08M    +02
os-wacky.zip - 00-30-07 - Wacky Races *EUR*	     [GBC/MU6]   08M    +02
os-m3kab.zip - 00-30-07 - Medarot 3 - Kabuto Ver.    [GBC/JAP]   32M    +02
Total GB Releases From 'Oldskool' : 14                GB Total Points = +29

 harlekin: OS with some hot jap titles this month. Too bad i can't read this
           fucking language :( Survival Kids is one of the best games for GBC
           IMHO and i can't wait to see the INT version of the sequel getting
           released. Besides Yu-Gi-Oh 3, which is also some very cool RPG, the
           rest is mainyl crap, but i still appreciate the releases for the sake
           of completness :)

 Dipswitch: OS gives us again the total JAP overkill this month. I must
            confess that I was too lazy to check this load of games out, but I
            am sure that among these are some funny and even playable games.
            And remember: most of the JAP releases never come out in USA/Europe
            so thats your only chance to check out some real seldom games...

 Faz: oh nice, that was my group again. i am sad not to have a good INT
      supplier to mix up the boring Jap Status every month. I am glad that
.     most of the people out there respect us and donït tell shit like months .
.     ago.                                                                    .
:                                                                             :
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:                          -  GRAND TOTAL RESULTS  -                          :
:         ____     __       __          ________ ___    ____    __            :
.________\\_ /___ / //____./ //______ __\_     //  /_ _/   //_ / //___________.
|   _     _/    /   _/    |\___     /    /    // _/___      _/ \___       _   |
|  (\)    \     \_  \     |   /    /    /    /   \    \     \     /      (/)  |
|__________\_____/___\____|________\ ________\ _______/______\ _______________|
. - -diP---------------------------------------------------------------dTR- - .
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:        .                                                             .      :
: - -----|-------------------------------------------------------------|--- - :
:        |            GAMEBOY SCENE RESULTS FOR JULY 2000              |      :
:     - -|-----.-------------------.--------.--------------------------|- -   :
:        | Pos : Group Name        : Points : Last Months Pos / Points |      :
:    - --|-----:-------------------:--------:--------------------------|-- -  :
:        |  1  : Oldskool........ .:.. 29 ..:. ..........  -- / --     |      :
:        |  2  : Menace.......... .:.. 18 ..:. ..........  -- / --     |      :
:        |  3  : Capital...........:.. 04 ..:. ..........  -- / --     |      :
:        |     : Dual Crew Shining.:.. 04 ..:. ..........  -- / --     |      :
:        |     : Lightforce .......:.. 04 ..:. ..........  -- / --     |      :
:        |  5  : Nightfall....... .:.. 02 ..:. ..........  -- / --     |      :
:        |  6  : Lightforce...... .:.. 01 ..:. ..........  -- / --     |      :
:        |  7  : High Society.... .:..-01 ..:. ..........  -- / --     |      :
: - -----|-------------------------------------------------------------|--- - :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:  Personal Favourites of this Month ... (Just 4 fun!)                        :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:  Dipswitch:                                                                 :
:                                                                             :
:        - SELFHTML                                                           :
:        - my Dancehall mp3's                                                 :
:        - faking the youngmiss.de chatforum =)                               :
:                                                                             :
:  harlekin:                                                                  :             
:        - Air China - b/w chinese movies ROCK!!! :)                          :
:        - RATM live in concert *DVD*                                         :
:        - Sbtl (you know who you are :))                                     :
:                                                                             :
:  Faz:                                                                       :
:        - Tomb Raider (fun like fuck!)                                       :
:        - Lode Runner (cult_status!)                                         :
:        - Ridge Racer V on PS2 (makes fun to me!)                            :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:                              -  FiNAL NOTES  -                              :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:  Dipswitch: Damn, why is everyone too lazy to do trainers ? That really     :
:             annoyed me this month. And damn I am still waiting for the      :
:             first GBC diskmag in rom format, like in the old snes days...   :
:                                                                             :
:  harlekin: Yo! This month issue kicked ass, thanks to my dudes ennay & sweed: 
:            Still waiting for the NGPC copier & even more releases....Ahh,   :
:            yeah - MGSCI will change to MHSCI next month...guess what that   :
:            mean's ? ;)                                                      :
:                                                                             :
:  Faz: Hmm.. I want my stolen car back.                                      :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:                            -  GROUP GREETiNGS  -                            :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:            CAPiTAL, MENACE, NIL, QUASAR, HS, EURASIA, NIGHTFALL             :
:            CZN, PARADOX, TRSI, DCS, TC, LFC, Napalm ....                    :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:                       -  WHERE CAN YOU REACH US ?  -                        :
:                                                                             :
:         harlekin: Is there any need to contact me ?                         :
:         faz: some fucking e-mail                                            :
:                                                                             :
: .:.....:.                                                         .:.....:. :
:  :     :                                                           :     :  :
:. : ... : ........................................................  : ... : .:
   :     :                                                           :     :
  .:.....:.     LOGOS & DESIGN BY DiPSWiTCH/DTR^DCS^BK^AHS^1OO%     .:.....:.
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