__________________________________________________ _________ \ \ \ \ / \ \ \ \ ______ / / \ \ _____________\ \ / \ / / \_______ _______\ \ \ \/ \/ / \ \ \ \ \ / \ \ \ ________\ \ / \ \ \ \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ / \ / \________\ \_______\ \______/ \_______/ -A Weekly Game Review- **** 3rd Edition **** Issue for: 11/10 - 11/16 ********************************************************************** NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS ********************************************************************** Thought we were done with just one issue?? Think again! TFW Will now be app- earing in RCN. As long as there are games there will be TFW! Q-Ball & CyberPhreak THIRD EDITION JOKE... Ok, so there's an American guy, a Scottish guy, and a Polish guy and they are all gonna be put in a pit for ten years qith nothing but food and water to survive on as torture. Luckily, the people who are gona put the three guys in the pit were feeling extra nice when the day came for them to go in the pit so they said that each man could have his choice of a year's supply of anything he wanted to take down in the pit with them. So, first they went to the American guy and asked him what he wanted to take down. He said he'd like a year's supply of good old Jak Daniel's to take with him. So, they give him Jack Daniel's and he goes into the pit. Next, they went to the Scottish guy and asked him what he wanted and he said he'd have a year's supply of scotch. So they give him his year's supply of scotch and he goes into the pit. Finally they get to the Polish guy and ask him what he wants. He says he wants a year's supply of cigarettes to take with him. So they give him his smokes and he goes into the pit. A year later they open up the pit to let out the men. First the American guy steps out and dies of alcohol poisoning. Next, out comes the Scottish guy and he dies of alcohol poisoning. Finally, out comes the Polish guy and says, "Anybody got a light?" ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ IN THIS ISSUE WE'VE GOT A HELL OF ALOT OF GAMES TO REVIEW, SO BEAR WITH US. BUT FIRST, THE WHORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... JUST KIDDIN'...HERE ARE THE GAMES FOR THIS WEEK. List of games from 11/10 - 11/16 x Full Tilt 2 11/10 21 Disks X FX Fighter Turbo 11/12 42 Disks x Screamer2 11/12 23 Disks x 2 x Decathlon 11/13 16 Disks X Gubble 11/13 27 Disks x Heroes of Might & Magic 11/13 16 Disks x Cyber Gladiators 11/13 9 Disks x Grid Runner 11/13 23 Disks x IronMan 11/13 57 Disks X Race Mania 11/13 38 Disks X Creatures 11/13 14 Disks X Rocket Jockey 11/14 26 Disks x Agile Warrior 11/14 13 Disks x Privateer II 11/14 46 Disks x SimGolf 11/15 27 Disks x Blood & Magic 11/16 25 Disks X Sky Net 11/16 11 Disks X Tomb Raiders 11/16 21 Disks ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ FULL TILT PINBALL 2 (c) Maxis [xx/21] ________________________/Ŋ|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ũeũ/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS : 486/66, 8M RAM, WIN95, 47 MEGS HD SPACE Full Tilt Pinball 2 is a nice pinball game for windows 95. What can you expect from a pinball game. This one however is nicely done with three tables and nice sound effects, too bad they only work on one of the tables. You can play the mad scientist table or be a super hero. But if you really like pinball buy a table. Playability -- 75% How hard could it be to play pinball? Hit the Z and / to move your flippers and away you go. Takes a while to figure out all the special spots on the table. The ball does go down the middle too easily though. Ingenuity -- 38% Seen it before...Full Tilt 1, Pinball Dreams, Pinball Deluxe, then part 2....etc etc etc. Nothing new here, except that it has special "missions" on the table. Graphics/Sound -- 65% Too bad the sound effects only worked on one level. They are pretty nice. The music was nothing memorable. Graphics were nice but the table could havbe scrolled giving you a more blown up view of the table. You are too far away to see much. GamePlay -- 80% Pretty fun game...kept our play testers occupied for hours. Gets old fast though. Not something you wanna keep around for long. OVERALL 68/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ FX FIGHTER TURBO (c) GTE [xx/42] ________________________/Ŋ|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ũeũ/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS : Pentium 60, 8 Megs RAM, WIN 95, 77 MEGS HD SPACE When it comes to arcade-style fighting games for the pc they usually aren't worth the time it takes to download them, but this game may surprise you. I'm not saying it compares to Virtua Fighter for the pc, but it's better than most of the other fighting games I've seen. I'd say, if you like arcade fighters like Tekken and Virtua Fighter, then you might find this game enter- taining. Playability -- 82% When I frist loaded the game I had no idea what the keys were and that made doing anything, especially changing the keys, sorta difficult. Once I had gotten the keys down and changed them I got into the fight scenario. Once you get there all you gotta do is kick some ass. Ingenuity -- 65% The game is the same as Virtua Figher except that the diff- erent fighters have a more comic book look, sorta cartoony. It's just like every other 3D fighting game...especially Virtua Fighter. Graphics & Sound -- 73% Graphics resembled a poorly programmed VGA version of Virtua Fighter for the pc. Rough polygons just don't do it for me I guess. The sound was nothing to rave about either. Just a very average game in this category. GamePlay -- 50% If you haven't played a Virtua Fighter-style game before you will probably get your ass kicked constantly by the computer. The special moves are what you need to know. I knew Virtua Fighter back and forth, and I could only figure out one or two special moves for each of the characters, and I still got my ass kicked by the copmuter. Not exactly the most fun thing in the world to play a game to just get your ass whooped. OVERALL 65/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Screamer 2 (c) Virgin [1/24] * ENGLISH FINAL SALES VERSION * _______ _____ ____ _____ ________________ \_ | \ \/ / _ /__\_ \_/ _ \ | _ \_ \ _/ \ \ __/___/ | / / |___| |____|___/ /_\ \___|_______/ ::d|___|::::::.\___/.:.\___\::::::::: Min. Req's Pentium 75MHZ, MS-DOS, 8MB RAM, 90MB FREE HD SPACE Well Virgin has done it again. Screamer was one of the best racing games ever now they are back with the second version. They made the graphics better but the gameplay has gotten worse...there are different modes to play now like arcade etc. It is nearly impossible to control your car and look at the hi res gfx...you have to turn it to low res and then it is still hard to control on a P133 with 64 megs of ram. The Setup program is cool as shit though. Playability -- 80% No rocket science involved here. Just straight racing. No fancy weapons or anything like that. Lots of scenery though. Hit shift to change gears up and ctrl to shift down. Easy. Ingenuity -- 50% Well you are in a car ... it goes vroom. Nothing new. But you do get to pass by construction vehicles that actually move. The scenery is the best part of this game. Graphics & Sound -- 95% The graphics in the game were unreal. And the sound was cool too...too bad you couldn't control the car with the gfx in high res mode. GamePlay -- 75% Pretty cool game overall, but maybe I am biased since I liked the first one so much. Woulda been nice to be able to control the car. OVERALL 80/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 3DO GAMES: DECATHLON (c) Studio 3DO [xx/16] ________________________/_|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/öeö/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS : 486/66, 8M RAM, WIN95, 47 MEGS HD SPACE Remember those old nintendo games where you run the 100M dash in under 9 seconds by banging on the buttons real fast?? Well now you can play it on your pc. This game is really cool, and kept us all occupied for a while. There are about 10 different events you can play and you have to bang the run keys while hitting the action key (jump etc). Fun to beat the world records! Playability -- 70% Was hard to get used to. You have to bang the keys one after another, not at any time. But after that the track events are easy. The field events are a bit harder...like the pole vault and the shotput. Ingenuity -- 70% Nothing new....not even for the pc. But it is still nice. What else is there to say?? Graphics & Sound -- 65% The guys have shitty "victory" and "defeat" dances. The Sound sucks big time, but overall it gives a nice picture. GamePlay -- 85% Very smooth. Your hand WILL cramp up though!! Anyways cool game...try to beat hosis' record of 8.99s in the 100M dash! OVERALL 78/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Gubble (c) Actual Entertainmment [xx/27] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===ų1911ųCDųDIVISIONų======\___/ I'm not quite sure why Razor decided to release this. Prestige passed it up like four weeks ago. The only thing I can think of is that Razor is just really hard up for releases...but guys, this is just pathetic. The game consists of you, this litle alien dood, walking around the screen avoiding the "enemies" and taking screws or nails out of the ground. HOLD ON!! Don't go rushing off to download it already. Playability -- 90% Considering the game was made for two year olds I would hope it would be pretty easy to play. Walk around...don't touch bad things...unscrew screws...WIN! Ingenuity -- 50% The format is the same as all the other $10 kiddie titles that you find in that bin in the poorly lit corner of the computer store that you go dig through when you know that your group is getting it's ass kicked and you've been beaten on all the big titles already this month. But I've never seen a game where the concept is to unscrew screws from the ground...you have to give it that. Graphics & Sound -- 75% The graphics for this game were truly pretty good. The 3D imaging used was probably the coolest thing about this game. The sounds were...uhhhhh...sound. GamePlay -- 20% Unless you are either a metally unstable three year old or one of the people who released the game I would strongly advise you from playing the game...it may cause permanent damage. OVERALL 35/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Heroes of Might & Magic II (c) NWC [01/16] ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜ ÛÛ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÞÛ Ü ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÞÛÛ ÛÛ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÛÜ ÜÜ ÜÜÛÝÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÞÛÛ ÛÛÞÛ ÛÛ ÛßÛÛÛÞÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ Û ÛÛ ÞÛÛÜÛßÞÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ß ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ē ÛÛ ÞÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ą ÛÛ ÞÛÛ ßßßßßßß ßßßßß ßßß ßß ßßÛÝßß ßß ÄÄÄÄÄþ P A R A D I G M þÄÄÄÄÄÄ ßÛÜÛ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ REQUIREMENTS: Pentium, 8 Megs RAM, 60 meg HD, DOS Wow....fucking cool game. Too bad Paradigm didn't give us the Win95 version!! This game adds new creatures, new heroes, new buildings, new spells, and a whole new meaning to strategy games! Rocking game. Playability -- 80% After while you get the hang of where you have to click to do what. Once that happens "Another 20 minutes" turns into 2 hours. Ingenuity -- 90% Well it is HMM1 all over again, but that was pretty original. One of the best strategy games ever seen. By far. Graphics & Sound -- 70% They could have updated the graphics a little more between this and the old one. The graphics in this are nicer, but not by much. Didn't get any midi music...guess there is none? Game Play -- 98% Rock Rock Rock!!! I have been waiting for this game. If only we had the windows 95 version so we could netplay and I have heard you can also enable simultaneous turns...we will see as PDM promises a win95 version soon! OVERALL 90/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Cybergladiators (c) Sierra [01/09] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===ų1911ųCDųDIVISIONų======\___/ NO WORKY SENOR TSR! If anyone out there got it working contact me, cause the pretty white screen and then watching my ram count up is not a fun game. ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Grid Runner FINAL (c) Virgin [01/23] ________________________/_|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/öeö/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS : P60, 8M Ram, 38 Megs Fun little arcade game...for about 10 minutes. You go around getting flags untill you get tagged at which point you are "it" and you opponent collects flags. This alternates till one of you gets the amount needed for that level. You can cast spells to slow down your opponent, or build bridges...fully 3d. NOTE: If you cannot get this to work, edit your registry!!! Playability -- 80% Read the key definitions....too many spells, hard to remember the key for each spell. Other than that it is cool. Ingenuity -- 80% Well I woulda never thought to see something like this on PC. It was pretty new. The beta didn't seem too much different though, except this one had sound. Graphics & Sound -- 80% They weren't actually that bad. The sound is very fitting and futuristic sounding. Graphics are exactly what you would expect. GamePlay -- 65% Too easy, but otherwise fun. You have to play a LONG time to get to a hard level. This will get boring fast. OVERALL 75/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Iron Man/X-O Manowar (c) Acclaim [30/57] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===-1911-CD-DIVISION-======\___/ Why would a respectable group release a 57 disk game? I don't know. I guess if it was diablo or something people would leech it anyways, but who wants 57 disks of this trash. If you need a 2d scroller get 9 disks of batman. Playability -- 60% Shoot Run Jump, fly a little with your rockets. yaay! The bosses are too hard...and you have too many lives(10 or more) was exciting for about 20 minutes...not worth the DL. Ingenuity -- 35% What is there to say? it is a 2-d scroller...blah! Graphics & Sound -- 50% The Graphics in this SUCK! They are old and crappy and ewww! For 57 disks, you would expect a bit more! Game Play -- 70% Not too bad overall, the bad guys WERE too hard, but other than that it was not too bad. I surely do not suggest this for the low of hdd space, or those with 28.8s. OVERALL 00/100 (OVER THE LIMIT) ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ RACE MANIA (c) Flair Software [xx/38] ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜ ÛÛ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÞÛ Ü ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÞÛÛ ÛÛ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÛÜ ÜÜ ÜÜÛÝÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÞÛÛ ÛÛÞÛ ÛÛ ÛßÛÛÛÞÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ Û ÛÛ ÞÛÛÜÛßÞÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ß ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ē ÛÛ ÞÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ą ÛÛ ÞÛÛ ßßßßßßß ßßßßß ßßß ßß ßßÛÝßß ßß ÄÄÄÄÄþ P A R A D I G M þÄÄÄÄÄÄ ßÛÜÛ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ REQUIREMENTS: 486DX2-66, 8 Megs RAM, 88 meg HD, DOS If you had read the nfo for this release and looked at the description of the game thought up by whichever moron wrote the nfo you would've read something that said something like..."Race Mania is like Death Rally with an attitude." Now, I don't know which game this person was playing cause the game that I got that says Race Mania is like Death Rally - Lego style. The game is almost a replica of the Off Road arcade game, but made for people still in diapers. What is with all the kiddie games this week guys? Playability -- 90% Easy as shit. Drive, turn, win. Nothing fancy. Ingenuity -- 30% Like I said, it's JUST like Death Rally...except it sucks. Where do they get these new ideas from? Race around a track, try and beat the other cars...geez, never woulda thought of that! Graphics & Sound -- 60% The intro had some pretty cool graphics, but the game itself, like Paradigm said, reminded me of the Amiga. And there was music...be it ever so humble. GamePlay -- 82% I actually had some fun with it. The game made me reminice about the old days when I used to go to the arcade in the mall and waste a couple bucks on Off Road. If you want a simple racing game, here it is. OVERALL 67/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ CREATURES (c) iNSCAPE [xx/14] ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜ ÛÛ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÞÛ Ü ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÞÛÛ ÛÛ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÛÜ ÜÜ ÜÜÛÝÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÞÛÛ ÛÛÞÛ ÛÛ ÛßÛÛÛÞÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ Û ÛÛ ÞÛÛÜÛßÞÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ß ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ē ÛÛ ÞÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÝÛÛ ą ÛÛ ÞÛÛ ßßßßßßß ßßßßß ßßß ßß ßßÛÝßß ßß ÄÄÄÄÄþ P A R A D I G M þÄÄÄÄÄÄ ßÛÜÛ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ REQUIREMENTS: Pentium 60+, 8 MEGS RAM, WIN95, 20MEG HD SPACE, 256COL WIN This isn't a fuckin' game! It's us an interactive screen saver. Playability -- 10% There isn't anything to play. You can touch stuff and pick stuff up and drop it...that's it! Ingenuity -- 0% Uh...I'm not gonna give this a rating cause it's not even a game! Graphics & Sound -- 70% The graphics and sound for the "game" were the only slightly ok parts. The graphics were good, and the sound was pretty cool. GamePlay -- 0% Nope. OVERALL 15/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ROCKET JOCKEY (c) SegaSoft [xx/26] ________________________/Ŋ|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ũeũ/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS : P90, 8M RAM, WIN 95, 145 MEGS HD SPACE When I first saw the title of this game I thought I had another stoopid kiddie game to review. Much to my surprise he game was really cool. You are this guy who rides this speeder bike type deal in an arena. It's like a big soccer game strapped to a rocket. Playability -- 84% AHHHHHH...to many keys. Here's a very helpful hint: when you start the game go straight to the options menu and learn the keys!!! They are set up well, so you probably won't have to change them, but it is a real help to know them. It's a bit hard to control your rocket, but once you understand how fast you are going you will soon be scoring points left and right. Ingenuity -- 94% I have never seen ANYTHING like this before! Maybe there is one or two other games like this, but I've never seen them. If anybody knows of any other games like this please tell me so I can grab those too. Graphics & Sound -- 75% The graphics were pretty good, sorta like some guy from Virtua Fighter on a speeder bike. The sound was nothing memorable. Actually, the only thing I remember hearing was the speech that was pretty cool. GamePlay -- 83% I thought the game was really fun. Because there hasn't been anything like this before it was interesting to find out how the game worked and that in itself was pretty cool. The game kept me entertained me for a while, and if you are tired of all the same types of games then I would strongly recommend this. OVERALL 85/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Agile Warrior F-111X (c) Virgin [01/13] ________________________/_|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/öeö/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS : P60, 8M Ram, 38 Megs Holy shit did this game suck. How could virgin put out screamer 2, red alert and this piece of shit?!? We will never know. But what we DO know, is that this "flight sim" has graphics from pre-pacific strike era. And plain SUCKS! Playability -- 60% Shoot and fly around. You can't kill yourself unless you turn on ground collision. Blow up the enemies...w00p! Ingenuity -- 23% Holy shit was this new....NOT! Cmon, how often can you see a flight sim before you throw up. And then go back in time 3 years to when flight sims were shoot em up games more than "Sims". Lame. Graphics & Sound -- 25% Sound was lame, and the graphics were horrendus. It installed DirectX, but why?? beats me. Didn't seem to make any use of it. GamePlay -- 17% Total shit. Blow up planes and other targets. Kept this game for about 5 minutes! OVERALL 28/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Sim Golf FINAL (c) Maxis [xx/27] ________________________/Ŋ|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/ũeũ/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS : 486/66, 12M Ram, 104 Megs, Win95 Wow! Another golf sim...don't the companies that put out games think that there are enough of these already? Hey, if you want a game of golf then go out and play. It would probably take more energy to download and install the game than it would to play a round of golf anyway. Playabililty -- 85% Pretty easy to understand. Pull the mouse back to swing back and move it forward to hit the ball. Even a golfer could do it. Ingenuity -- 30% HAHHAHAHAHHA...Like there aren't fifty million other golf sims out there. The only new thing is that you use the mouse to hit the ball instead of the keyboard. Graphics & Sound -- 75% The graphic and good and the sound is good. Just a "good" game. GamePlay -- 25% Huh...somebody wake me up when it's over. OVERALL 50/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ AD&D - BLOOD & MAGIC (C) INTERPLAY [01/25] _____ _____ ____ _____ ________________ \_ | \ \/ / _ /__\_ \_/ _ \ | _ \_ \ _/ \ \ __/___/ | / / |___| |____|___/ /_\ \___|_______/ ::d|___|::::::.\___/.:.\___\::::::::: Min. Req's Dos, 486dx2/66Mhz, 75MB HD Space, 8MB Ram, Mouse. Nice strategy role playing game from interplay. Should have been out a few years ago to be considered new though. Graphics are not stunning, and if you want a strategy game, get warcraft. Playability -- 50% Takes a while to get used to what is going on, but there is a little help icon which will tell you what something does. Basically you build an army and go wipe the other guy. Sort of like warcraft, except the more guys you kill the more experience you get the better guys you can build. Ingenuity -- 40% Well....what is new about a strategy game?? Master of Magic was way better. Get it instead. Graphics & Sound -- 60% I got no midi, doesn't mean you won't. The Sounds were ok lotsa voice. As for graphics, they were from the same era as Master Of Magic. GamePlay -- 85% Very nice play....wasn't bored for a while. Got some cool gargoyles and started whipping some butt! OVERALL 70/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Privateer 2 The Darkening (c) Origin [01/46] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===ų1911ųCDųDIVISIONų======\___/ <DavidA> okay, here are some bugs in the one month old beta version of Privateer 2 <DavidA> if you start a new game once one has already started, the flags do not get reset properly, and you start the game having already met people, and sometimes with things already in your inventory <DavidA> and here are some bugs from the 27th October <DavidA> 1.) The game locks up when you are on the planet Anhur, in Customs Area, have CD two in your CD-Rom drive and you close your PAD. (I have been able to recreate this) <DavidA> 2.) There are random lockup's when exiting a planet. The screen locks just after the wording 'Lift of Initiated'. <DavidA> 3.) When exiting from Sinner's Inn to the Custom's area the screen is distorted and overlapping. (Under Win95 but ok under Dos, this did not happen with the last version) <DavidA> 4.) It locked up once when landing the planet Cirus. Can we say BETA??? cool! OVERALL 00/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ SKYNET (c) Bethesda Softworks [xx/11] ________________________/_|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/öeö/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Why do software companies keep releasing the same games? I mean, this game really hasn't been released before, but it might as well have been. This game is just like every other 3D game except this one sucks more than most. It's just Doom in T2 land. Playability -- 73% Similar to almost all 3D action games the game took about 2 seconds to master. But with the inevitable crashing of the program it really doesn't matter. Ingenuity -- 10% Oh yeah...real original! T2 in 3D...hahahaha! Graphics & Sound -- 40% The graphics were quite poor for a 3D action game. And I could make better sound effects with my ass. GamePlay -- 1% The game had a slight bug...IT ALWAYS CRASHES AFTER 2 SECONDS!!!! I guess that's a bit more than minor. OVERALL 25/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ TOMB RAIDER (c) Eidos [xx/21] ________________________/_|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/öeö/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ I've been waiting for this game for a very long time and every time I would see it in a store window or in a magazine it would make me even more anxious. It really sucks when you get all worked up over a game and then you find out that you have been waiting for a really shitty game...I'm glad it didn't happen this time! This game really fuckin rocks! You are this chick and who goes exploring through these caves and shit and it's just killer. Playabililty -- 91% There is actually a trainer level in the main character's house that is damn cool and really helps you figure out all the jumping and manuevers, but you might want to figure out the keys in the options menu first. Ingenuity -- 92% At first it may seem that this is gonna be another mindless Doom clone, but you will soon find out that that really isn't the case at all. The action in this is much more realistic, and the game itself only really resembles Doom in that you are somebody in a 3D world...this time the fate ot the world isn't in your hands...it's just your life. Graphics & Sound -- 94% The graphics were really cool, especially the way the camera angles change to suit the position you are in. The sound is way cool too. Sound effects are da bomb! GamePlay -- 96% I don' know how someone couldn't love this game! All in all there is just so much cool stuff to do that you have to appreciate this game. I think this one is gonna go down in the books! OVERALL 95/100 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ OVERALL RATING SECTION GROUP # OF RELEASES TOTAL POINTS AVERAGE PTS. RANKING Prestige 9 569 63.2 1 Paradigm 3 172 57.3 2 Hybrid 2 150 75.0 3 Razor 3 35 10.6 4 Records Average Pts. 75.0 Hybrid Releases 11 Prestige Total Points 713 Prestige Greets RAZOR, PRESTIGE, HYBRID, PARADIGM Bash, Jazz, Mr.Skill, Shadow Master, Ed__ from #bearcave, Spoiled, Pr0zac Addict, BoSS of d00dz! This Mag is dedicated to Q-Balls girlfriend and Smaster's boyfriend. Also Bash's negro friends who almost beat him up for brenda.