          _______        _____  ___/   _____    ________     \___
       ___\_     \_______\    \_|____ /     \___\_     /__      |
    __/    /_           \/          \/  __        \_      \_    |
    \__       __________       ____\     /_________/     __/    |
       \_____/___     __\_____/     \___/__      __\____/   ____|__
         _/   __/_____\_    /_________\    \_____\    \_____\_    /__
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     /__       \     ____/     _/____       __\       \________/      __/
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            \_____/             |                               | _an
                                |__    j u m a l a u t a !    __|
Jumalauta 24 years 2024                                        Aug 23 - 25, 2024

-----------------------------[ Jumamemories compo ]-----------------------------

  1.  125 pts   Season's Greetings from Gävle
                  by Jumalauta pyrotechnics committee
  2.  113 pts   Simulaatio 8
                  by Neil deGrasse Tynkkynen & Haluttu Maksullinen Peltokangas
  3.  105 pts   Four more years! by Jumalauta Party Organizing
  4.   98 pts   Oh no, she better don't! by Jutta-Laura x Tonya
  5.   88 pts   Tower of Ultimate Party Place by Kaunis Espanjalainen Tyttoe
  6.   87 pts   Guy comes to JML party after getting pissed off with company
                recreation day nearby. Asks if he can join us, since everyone
                seems to be having fun and people seem nice and nothing alike
                his jerk co-workers
                  by Anteeksi
  6.   87 pts   Aulankofärjan by Anteeksi & Engine
  8.   82 pts   Mr. Sunshine by norppa / Znorgonzola

-------------------------------[ Fast Graphics ]--------------------------------

  1.  103 pts   No more by Felor
  2.   89 pts   Grab a friendly hold by Tom of Lahti
  3.   73 pts   Ja, bitte by Oon toivonut joulupukilta rauhanomaista ratkaisua
  3.   73 pts   Poop of peace by nipnap
  5.   59 pts   half hd by bad felix
  6.   55 pts   kill ur enemies by kaunis espanjalainen tyttoe
  7.   51 pts   Diplomatic 320 x by Anteeksi Henkilö
  8.   49 pts   It's all I have by U+1F525 U+1F5D1
  9.   43 pts   1920 by Magnetismin Taiteilukerho
 10.   38 pts   Sillee tyhmästi by Riidan osapuolet

----------------------------------[ AI wild ]-----------------------------------

  1.  102 pts   Tech & Hearts by MiesJokaJuo of Jumalauta
  2.  100 pts   Shiptune by NR4/Team210
  3.   94 pts   Pyhän Krebantiinuksen kymmenen käskyä by epo / CWD
  4.   72 pts   aatekorjaamo by nosfe
  4.   72 pts   jumalauta by kaunis espanjalainen tyttoe
  6.   70 pts   nimimerkki "riikka" by amerikkalainen donkkaava koripallotaehti
  7.   68 pts   Now in Technicolor! by Jumalauta
  8.   66 pts   jumalauta fest by nosfe
  9.   65 pts   AI-rot meren pohjalla (oars on the ocean floor)
                  by Marin-Niinistoen Linja & Papu / Magnetismin Tietokonekerho

-----------------------------------[ Photo ]------------------------------------

  1.  116 pts   no face in the void by b0nnie dialer / iL0bit
  2.  103 pts   Oh Atk by Astu
  3.   92 pts   RTX-lisko by M.O.T.
  4.   90 pts   Jumalauta infinite by Astu
  5.   87 pts   Bzzz by Meritaehti
  6.   85 pts   Tourist Photo by U+1F525 U+1F5D1
  6.   85 pts   I'll be back by Punainen valo
  6.   85 pts   Mauno by Naetti tyttoe/jml
  9.   79 pts   Kuljin läpi tämän portin kertoakseni teille Jyvääskyläläisestä
                  by Magnetismin Tietokonekerho / Mikroudz
 10.   77 pts   Transition by Tom of Lahti
 11.   72 pts   Cloud: Enterprise Edition by nipnap
 11.   72 pts   an object in front of a house by nosfe
 13.   70 pts   Maisemakuvia Virosta 2 by Magnetismin Aavekerho
 14.   62 pts   Maisemakuvia Norjasta by Magnetismin Kokkokerho
 14.   62 pts   Medusa Slayer by Mop
 14.   62 pts   jml by nosfe
 17.   60 pts   Making of by Cat servant/Kesäkissa Kvartetti
 18.   56 pts   Original political prisoner, 1 AD
                  by Haluttu maksullinen / Jumalauta
 19.   55 pts   Valintoja, valintoja by epo / CWD
 20.   53 pts   Maisemakuvia virosta 1 by Magnetismin Matkailukerho
 20.   53 pts   Field Work by JML Automotive Committee
 22.   48 pts   Maisemakuvia suomesta 1 by Magnetismin Matkailukerho
 23.   39 pts   Magnetismin Valokuvakerho by Magnetismin Valokuvakerho
 24.   36 pts   Photo by Magnetismin Mökkikerho

------------------------------[ Turtle Graphics ]-------------------------------

  1.  129 pts   Hukkajoen metsätyömaa by metsätyökomitea
  1.  129 pts   Hailautta by The Bubus
  3.   88 pts   Keep Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
                  by Where's your wanted, sexy turtle now / Jumalauta
  4.   74 pts   Magnetismin Teinimutanttikilpikonnat
                  by Magnetismin Teinimutanttikilpikonnakerho

------------------------------[ Listening Music ]-------------------------------

  1.   87 pts   Watch by Meritaehti
  2.   60 pts   Sarvi-Jaakko Metsällä by Voin Olla Mitä Haluan
  3.   49 pts   with rakkaus from fuge by kaunis espanjalainen tyttoe
  4.   42 pts   Ö⛴ by Magnetismin Kebabkerho

---------------------------------[ Fast Music ]---------------------------------

  1.  105 pts   Great Success by Jumalauta Garage Committee
  2.   95 pts   Garage at Aulangon-Heikkilän tie 168 by Tom of Lahti
  3.   94 pts   Intelligent Garage Music by Naetti tyttoe
  4.   91 pts   Färjan Garage by U+1F525 U+1F5D1
  5.   52 pts   Autotallin äänimaailma by vurpo

----------------------------------[ Graphics ]----------------------------------

  1.  114 pts   Fiery Baltard by Mop
  2.  113 pts   Jumala auta -juhlat v. 1954 by vurpo
  3.  102 pts   Purple feather by Felor
  4.   84 pts   Galactic Tea Dreamscape by Naetti tyttoe/jml
  5.   58 pts   Magnetismin Säteenseurantakerho
                  by Magnetismin Säteenseurantakerho

------------------------------------[ Wild ]------------------------------------

  1.  147 pts   Yamaha Organ FRJ4N by Kahvi / Magnetismin Urkukerho
  2.  124 pts   Penis^3 by Jumalauta
  3.  103 pts   Scream Tracker 4.0 by Hjuumorweicot
  4.   96 pts   ATC experience point by Puputsi
  5.   78 pts   Jumamemories ploopers by Astu
  6.   70 pts   pala riikka pala by kaunis espanjalainen tyttoe
  7.   69 pts   burned seconds by nosfe
  8.   64 pts   Farjan Clicker by Oispa artesaanikaljaa

--------------------------------[ Dance Music ]---------------------------------

  1.  105 pts   Laulu vallankumouksen väistämättömyydestä by Kesäkissa Kvartetti
  2.   88 pts   tilted track by toinen käsi raamatulla, toinen isän lompakolla
  3.   76 pts   Mac in the House by 1337 h4x0r / jML!
  4.   74 pts   Sjösjuk polka by Kultakala
  5.   73 pts   humppaviikinki Aulangolla by Hämeen nopeet
  6.   66 pts   Modular Dub Radio Mix by Mummotiskin Viides Liukusaeaedin / JML

------------------------------------[ Demo ]------------------------------------

  1.  126 pts   Is it too late? by vurpo
  2.  106 pts   Innocent Fruits and Vegetables Demo by Jumalauta
  3.  103 pts   A technical demonstration of MakaronEngine 2 by CAT
  4.   97 pts   All Stars by JML & TEOS
  5.   95 pts   AK-19 Procrastination by Jumalaudan Aatteiden Korjaus Komitea
  6.   92 pts   Empires in Motion by Jumalauta
  7.   89 pts   Search and Rescue by Mummotiskin Viides Liukusaeaedin / JML
  7.   89 pts   Finspired by Team210
  9.   88 pts   So, is your demo ready yet? by Mehu
  9.   88 pts   R&M by Hiihtoliitto
 11.   86 pts   Au pairit Lohjalla by JUMALAUTA
 12.   70 pts   Invitation to Demohaessaekkae 2024
                  by Mummotiskin Viides Liukusaeaedin of JML for TiTTu
 13.   67 pts   jumalauta classics 2024 by JUMALAUTA
 14.   55 pts   Pärlostronfarjan by Magnetismin luonnontuotekerho
 15.   53 pts   Magnetismin Fantasiakonekerho by Magnetismin Fantasiakonekerho
 16.   41 pts   Duck by Magnetismin Kauhakerho
 17.   39 pts   A4 by Magnetismin Konservatorio
 18.   35 pts   Farjan fresh from the Jeff's arse by Jumalauta


                Votes were counted using Cumulative calculation                 
                 2645 votes were cast by 54 registered visitors                 
                43 votekeys were activated (79.63% of visitors)                 
           41 voting visitors, 2 non-voting visitors (95.35 Voting-%)           
                         6 visitors voted in all compos                         

                      20.24% of entries used Generative AI                      

                 Results generated by Partyman - Primitive 2024