Presence and Instant Messaging Protocol BOF (prim)

Monday, December 11 at 1530-1730

CHAIR: Athanassios Diacakis <> 


PRIM (PResence and Instant Messaging) is the consolidation of several
proposed protocols (Fujitsu, Hudson, MITRE and Network Projects) submitted
to the IMPP working group earlier this year.

PRIM is a protocol that:
o Does not carry unnecessary features.
o Maps well on existing offerings providing for painless migration
o Is simple and easily understood at a technical level.
o Lacks critical dependencies to other efforts in unrelated areas.
o It does not rely on non-existing technology and implementations.

The IMPP working group recently published a draft (CPIM: Common Presence and
Instant Messaging) describing the semantics and data formats for Presence
and Instant Messaging services.

The goal of this effort is to verify RFC 2779 and CPIM compliance, and make
any necessary changes to finalize PRIM.


RFC 2778: A Model for Presence and Instant Messaging
RFC 2779: Instant Messaging / Presence Protocol Requirements


- Agenda bashing (5 mins)
- Report on first PRIM draft (10 mins)
- Identify open issues (15 mins)
- Discuss & review wg charter (20 mins)
- Discuss future steps (10 mins)