Mobility for IPv6 BOF (mip6)

Wednesday, July 16 at 0900-1130

CHAIRS: Basavaraj Patil <>
        Gabriel Montenegro <>


NOTE: MIP6 is in the process of being approved as a working group.
      Final approval MAY happen before Vienna IETF. Details,
      work items, chairs, etc are likely to change.

1.      Charter discussion: 10 min

2.      Thoughts on Bootstrapping a mobile node securely: 15 min
        I-D: none
        Presenter: Chairs
        There are still some unanswered questions on how a MN can remotely
        configure itself in the presence of changing prefixes, obtain
        a home address (perhaps dynamically generated via RFC 3041) and
        home agent, and, most importantly, how it can obtain a security
        association to protect its MN-HA signaling. Another related
        question is to define the relationship (if any) with ENROLL.

3.      Alternate HA-MN Signaling Security Ideas: 20 min
        I-D: none
        Presenters: Jari Arkko, Charlie Perkins
        The base spec requires draft-ietf-mobileip-mipv6-ha-ipsec-06.txt.
        However, this document has generated lots of discussion on
        alternate ways to configure the signaling protection using IPsec
        (and IKEv1/IKEv2), as well as without using IPsec.
        These discussions will be summarized and presented to the WG
        for discussion and to set a future course of action.

4.      Multiple Care-of Address Registration on Mobile IPv6: 10 min
        I-D: draft-wakikawa-mip6-multiplecoa-01.txt
        Presenter: Ryuji Wakikawa
        This item has generated discussion lately, not all
        strictly related to just this draft (multiple
        CoA's, flow movement, multiple interfaces). These
        discussions will be summarized in order to determine
        how to proceed.

5.      Extension to Advanced Socket API for Mobile IPv6: 10 min
        I-D: draft-chakrabarti-mobileip-mipext-advapi-01.txt
        Presenter: Samita Chakrabarti
        Summary of latest discussions and changes to this draft,
        based on discussion on Should the
        WG consider it for informational?

6.      Backbone interoperability testing: 10 min
        I-D: none
        A group of interested folks (ETSI, TAHI, etc) have been making
        progress towards establishing a backbone for MIPv6 testing on
        the Internet (discussed on the alias). A
        quick update will be presented.

Status of WG I-Ds (Mobile IPv6 related):
1. draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6-24.txt
        Approved by IESG for proposed standard
2. draft-ietf-mobileip-mipv6-ha-ipsec-06.txt
        Last discussions with IESG ongoing...


Mobile IPv6 specifies routing support to permit IPv6 hosts to
continue using its "permanent" home address as it moves around
the Internet. Mobile IPv6 supports transparency above the IP
layer, including maintenance of active TCP connections and UDP port
bindings. The specifications for these mechanisms consist of:

   draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6-xx (or RFC) and
   draft-ietf-mobleip-mipv6-ha-ipsec-xx (or RFC)

The protocol currently consists of the base specification (as per the
above documents), which contain the base elements for enabling IPv6
mobility. During the development of the base protocol, a few
additional features were identified as necessary to facilitate
deployment (described below).

The primary goal of the MIP6 working group is to improve the base
specification and to work on items that are deemed critical to getting
MIPv6 deployable on a large scale.  Specifically, this includes:

1) Refining the base specifications based on experience of initial
   implementations and interoperability testing.

2) Splitting up the two base specifications into smaller, modular,
   interworking pieces. For example, features such as Route
   Optimization, HA Discovery, Movement detection and renumbering of
   the home link, which are currently a part of the base
   specification, may be the subject of separate specifications.

3) Work on items identified during the development of the base
   specification. Specifically:

    - A bootstrap mechanism for setting up security associations
      between the MN and HA that would enable easier deployment of
      Mobile IPv6.

    - Improving home agent reliability: in the event of a home agent
      crashing, this would allow another home agent to continue
      providing service to a given mobile node.

    - Support for the MN's changing addresses either because of
      renumbering in its home network or because it periodically
      changes addresses (perhaps via rfc3041)

    - Return-routability is the basic mechanism for
      route-optimization. There may be other means for establishing a
      security association between the mobile node and the
      correspondent node. The working group will also specify how to
      effect route-optimization using these methods. Particularly
      interesting are methods more secure than return-routability, as
      these would allow for a reduction in signaling load.

    - multicast support. Further specification work may seek to further
      specify MLDv2 proxying at the home agent, handoff survival of
      local (at a foreign link) multicast sessions, addressing
      bandwidth inefficiency inherent in the home agent's unicasting
      multicast packets through the tunnel to the mobile node, for example.

It should be noted that there are potential optimizations that might
make mobile IP more attractive for use by certain applications (e.g.,
making handovers "faster"). The latter category of optimizations is
explicitely out-of-scope at this time; this WG will focus on issues
for which there is strong consensus that the work is needed to get
basic mobility deployable on a large scale.