Telephone Number Mapping WG (enum)

Friday, August 5 at 0900-1130

CHAIRS: Patrik Faltstrom <>
        Richard Shockey <>



1. Review of the existing drafts - Ready to go top Last call  ( 5-10 M ? )

   Title       : ENUM Implementation Issues and Experiences
   Author(s)   : L. Conroy, K. Fujiwara
   Filename    : draft-ietf-enum-experiences-02.txt
   Pages       : 29
   Date        : 2005-7-1

   This document captures experience in implementing systems based on
   the ENUM protocol, and experience of ENUM data that have been created
   by others.  As such, it is informational only, and produced as a help
   to others in reporting what is "out there" and the potential pitfalls
   in interpreting the set of documents that specify the protocol.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

2. Final disposition of  IRIS EREG, hopefully to last call. ( 5 Min? )

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

3. New/old  work on enumservice registrations  ( 20 M )

   Title       : IANA Registration for Enumservice Voice
   Author(s)   : R. Brandner, et al.
   Filename    : draft-brandner-enum-voice-00.txt
   Pages       : 12
   Date        : 2005-7-7

   This document registers the ENUMservice ^voice^ (which has a defined
   sub-type ^tel^), as per the IANA registration process defined in the
   ENUM specification RFC3761.  This service indicates that the contact
   held in the generated URI can be used to initiate an interactive
   voice (audio) call.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

  Title        : IANA Registration for an Enumservice
                 Containing Number Portability and PSTN
                 Signaling Information
  Author(s)    : J. Livingood, R. Shockey
  Filename     : draft-livingood-shockey-enum-npd-00.txt
  Pages        : 8
  Date         : 2005-7-8

  This document registers the Enumservice "npd" and subtype "tel" using
  the URI scheme 'tel:' as per the IANA registration process defined in
  the ENUM specification, RFC 3761.  This data is used to facilitate
  the routing of telephone calls in those countries where Number
  Portability exists.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:


  Title        : IANA Registration for ENUMservice Mobile Webpage
  Author(s)    : J. Ra, et al.
  Filename     : draft-ra-shin-enum-mobileweb-00.txt
  Pages        :
  Date         : 2005-7-7

  This document registers the ENUMservice ^mobweb^ using the URI
  schemes 'http:' and 'https:' as per the IANA registration process
  defined in the ENUM specification RFC3761.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

4. ENUM Validation Issues. 3 Drafts 15 -20

4.1 ENUM Validation Architecture      draft-mayrhofer-enum-validation-arch-00

  Title        : ENUM Validation Architecture
  Author(s)    : A. Mayrhofer, B. Hoeneisen
  Filename     : draft-mayrhofer-enum-validation-arch-00.txt
  Pages        : 16
  Date         : 2005-7-11

  An ENUM domain name is tightly coupled with the underlying E.164
  number.  The process of verifying whether or not the Registrant of an
  ENUM domain name is identical to the Assignee of the corresponding
  E.164 number is commonly called ^validation^.  This document
  describes validation requirements and a high level architecture for
  an ENUM validation infrastructure.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

4.2  "ENUM Validation Token Format Definition" - 

  Title        : ENUM Validation Token Format Definition
  Author(s)    : O. Lendl
  Filename     : draft-lendl-enum-validation-token-00.txt
  Pages        : 16
  Date         : 2005-7-11

  An ENUM domain name is tightly coupled with the underlying E.164
  number.  The process of verifying whether the Registrant of an ENUM
  domain name is identical to the Assignee of the corresponding E.164
  number is commonly called ^validation^.  This document describes an
  signed XML data format -- the Validation Token -- with which
  Validation Entities can convey successful completion of a validation
  procedure in a secure fashion.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

4.3  Bernie Hoeneisen

5. PART 2  1/2 hours. 3 Items

The first order of business is to attempt to create some very basic common 
ground on what is the problem Carrier/Infrastructure/Private ENUM is trying 
to solve based on what we generally understand are the orthogonal interests 
of A. the E.164 number holder vs B. the carrier of record for that number. 
In addition try to place this problem statement in the over all context of 
converged carrier networks and the desire for interconnection and peering.

We are NOT going to solve the Carrier ENUM definition and problem statement 
in Paris but there needs to be some baseline before we can generally review 
the drafts at hand.

Steve Lind has attempted to capture some of the ongoing discussion. This 
was not ready before the ID cut off but anyone coming to Paris is 
encouraged to read and comment on this ID on the list.

Discussion of Pfautz etal drafts on Carrier ENUM - Requirements ?

  Title        : IANA Carrier/User enumservice Registration
  Author(s)    : P. Pfautz, et al.
  Filename     : draft-pfautz-lind-enum-carrier-user-00.txt
  Pages        : 10
  Date         : 2005-6-6

  This document registers, pursuant to the guidelines in RFC 3761,
  tElephone NUmber Mapping (ENUM) services to allow a single registry
  to support end user and carrier services with independent name
  servers holding the terminal NAPTR (Naming Authority Pointer) records
  identifying the communication services for each.  The to-be-
  registered enumservices make use of non-terminal NAPTR records and
  DDDS (Dynamic Delegation Discovery System) replacement to achieve
  this end.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

"Combined User and Carrier ENUM in the tree"

  Title        : Combined User and Carrier ENUM in the tree
  Author(s)    : M. Haberler, R. Stastny
  Filename     : draft-haberler-carrier-enum-00.txt
  Pages        : 10
  Date         : 2005-7-11

  ENUM as defined now in RFC3761 is not well suited for the purpose of
  interconnection by carriers, as can be seen by the use of various
  private tree arrangements based on ENUM mechanisms.  A combined end-
  user and carrier ENUM tree solution would leverage the ENUM
  infrastructure in, increase resolution rates, and decrease
  the cost per registered telephone number.  This document describes a
  minimally invasive scheme to provide both end-user and carrier data
  in ENUM.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts 

  Title        : Non-Terminal NAPTR Processing: A Modest Proposal
  Author(s)    : L. Conroy
  Filename     : draft-conroy-enum-modestproposal-00.txt
  Pages        : 12
  Date         : 2005-7-6

  Recent Discussions within the IETF and in other fora have highlighted
  differences in interpretation of the set of standards associated with
  ENUM and DDDS, on which it relies.  Specifically, the operation and
  semantics surrounding support for non-terminal NAPTRs has led to some
  confusion.  This document is an attempt to add clarification to non-
  terminal NAPTR processing.  In this, it clarifies RFC3403.  A
  subsequent document will build on this one to extend RFC3761 further,
  permitting registration of non-terminal Enumservices.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

6.  Discussion of ENUM WG recharter ?

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