IPv4 Multicast Address Architecture BOF (imad) Tuesday, August 2 at 1815-1945 ============================== CHAIR: David Meyer <dmm@1-4-5.net> DESCRIPTION: First, this BoF is not necessarily intended to result in a new working group. Rather, the intention is to stimulate some new thinking around the IPv4 Multicast Address Architecture and Allocation problem(s). Specifically, allocation architectures, the causes for the land grab (e.g., no lightweight service discovery protocol), and to clean up the various older allocation strategies that, while documented in various RFCs, have never been widely deployed on the public Internet. AGENDA: o Administriva 5 minutes - Mailing list: majordomo@lists.uoregon.edu subscribe imad or visit http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~llynch/imad.html - Scribe(s)? - Blue Sheets o Agenda Bashing 5 minutes Meyer o Framing it up/BOF Purpose and Objectives 15 minutes Meyer o Current Models 30 minutes Savola o SIP as a multicast Rendezvous Mechanism 10 minutes Eubanks o IANA Perspective 10 minutes Cotton o Perspective on IANA Expert review 10 minutes Eckert o Successes and Failures 30 minutes Meyer/All o Where is new work needed (if any is needed)? 20 minutes Meyer/All o Discussion/next steps 60 minutes Meyer/All