Lightweight Reachability softWires BOF (lrw) Thursday, August 4 at 0900-1000 =============================== CHAIRS: David Ward <> Alain Durand < > DESCRIPTION: The LRW (Lightweight Reachability softWires) BOF is to discuss the problem space of: discovery, control and encapsulation methods for connecting IPv4 networks across IPv6 networks and IPv6 networks across IPv4 networks. Due to the fact that some networks are mandated that certain network functions must be IPv4 or IPv6 (e.g. due to financial or political reasons); dynamic tunnels or 'softwires' are suited for the inter-networking job. The goal of the BOF is to form the LRW WG that will work on these issues. AGENDA: Intro and past history: Alain and David - 20 mins Problem Statement and network deployment issues: Prof Li - 30 mins Problem Statement and network deployment issues: Comcast - 20 mins Problem Statement and network deployment issues: Sprint - 20 mins Problem Statement and network deploymentissues: 3GPP2 - 20 mins WG charter proposal and bashing: Alain and David - 30 mins Vote - 7 mins