MIPv6 Signaling and Handoff Optimization WG (mipshop)

Tuesday, August 2 at 0900-1000
Tuesday, August 2 at 1030-1230

CHAIR: Gabriel Montenegro <gabriel_montenegro_2000@yahoo.com>


TUESDAY, August 2, 2005
0900-1000 Morning Session I
Room 353  INT  mipshop  MIPv6 Signaling and Handoff Optimization WG

FMIPv6 MN-AR security: SeND-based keys
        Rajeev and James
        10 min

Mobile IPv6 Fast Handovers for 3G CDMA Networks
        "Hidetoshi Yokota" <yokota@kddilabs.jp>
        10 min

Mobile IPv6 Fast Handovers over IEEE 802.16e Networks
        "Heejin Jang" <heejin.jang@samsung.com>  
        10 min

Total: 30 min

TUESDAY, August 2, 2005
1030-1230 Morning Session II
Room 353 INT  mipshop MIPv6 Signaling and Handoff Optimization WG

HMIPv6 MN-MAP security 
        No draft yet. 
        Hesham to lead discussion on alternatives and issues.
        20 min

Applying Cryptographically Generated Addresses
and Credit-Based Authorization to Optimize
Mobile IPv6 (OMIPv6)
        Jari, Wassim and Christian
        20 min

FMIPv6 MN-AR security: AAA-based Keys
        Vidya to present.
        20 min

--------- 1st hour of 2nd session up to here -----------------

NOTE: The following 3 items have a total of 40 minutes. These items may have
input from folks who participate in the IEEE 802.21 efforts. In particular,
the first item (Information Elements) has been initially identified as
a potential area of collaboration, but such coordination probably also
applies to the "transport" issue (how to carry those information elements
across links) and the "local repair" issue. As such, the descriptions below
are just approximations, and the folks who have
been identified to talk on these issues are urged to coordinate these slots.

Common Information Elements for Use in Mobility Protocols

        Some discussion brought over from proposed MIHEP BoF and 
        IEEE 802.21.
        Greg, Stefano, Michael Williams to present MIHIS and 802.21.
        Rajeev and James

        Relevant drafts: 
                Some Requirements for a Media Independent 
                Handover Information Service

                Neighborhood Information Elements Discovery (NED)
                provides a generic protocol for carrying information 
                elements of interest to IEEE 802.21."

        Total: 30 min

Information Element Transport

        Could be done as part of the above or the following.

Local Repair 
        FMIPv6 bis? no draft yet. Must coordinate with above item. 
        Rajeev and James?
        10 min

Rechartering Discussion, next steps
        20 min

------ 2nd hour of 2nd session ------------------