Telephone Number Mapping WG (enum)

Wednesday, March 9 at 1300-1500

CHAIRS: Patrik Faltstrom <>
        Richard Shockey <>


Report from APEET SIP/ENUM trial at Arpicot 2005 at Kyoto.

WG business.

1. Discussion of the ENUM dip indicator on behalf of the IPTEL WG.

2. Status from Patrik on what is happening with the IANA and enumservice registrations.

2b. There seems to be a sense that we need to at least discuss some of the structure issues in enumservice registrations in general terms ..this seems to be a warm issue recently with various requirements coming out of 3GPP etc . In particular we do not have a TEL URL enum registration document as of yet and someone needs to take on that task.

3. Issues related to  IRIS for ENUM  -- We have had no in-depth discussion of this draft on the list and we'd like to see more.

4. New Item Enumservice registrations for Conferencing  Alan Johnston  20M

   A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

5. In private discussions with folks there seems to me a demonstrable need 
   to create a SOAP binding for EPP-164. I believe this is an extremely 
   important project and I'd like to see if there is A. sufficient interest 
   in the project and if there is sufficient interest B. find some folks 
   who would be willing to work on the draft.

6. ENUM Validation update w/Bernie Hoeneisen - Bernie do you have a update 
   in the ID hopper?

7. Status of ENUM Operational Experiences draft?

8. WG next steps?