Intellectual Property Rights WG

Monday, March 7 at 1300-1500

CHAIR: Scot Brim 


 5    Administrivia, agenda bashing

30    Trademarks: draft-ietf-ipr-trademarks-00.txt
            Assuming that someone wants to note that some term
            in a document is a trademark, how should this be
            done?  What other disclosures should/must be filed?
            What are the timing constraints, if any?

            Desired output: sense of the room about general
            principles, to be folded into a revised draft.

20    Rechartering
            Discuss the proposed new draft charter

30    Copying draft-bradner-rfc-extracts-00.txt
            In accordance with the outcome of the charter
            discussion, under what conditions may people copy
            some or all of an RFC?  The current position is
            (a) for IETF RFCs, anything goes within the IETF
            standards process; (b) anyone can make full copies
            or translations; (c) MIBs can be extracted and
            embedded in devices.  Do we want to permit more
            copying?  With what limits, if any?

            Desired output: sense of the room about general
            principles.  Note that the draft under discussion
            is not a WG document.

35    Defensive patent licenses
            In accordance with the outcome of the charter
            discussion, and in particular on the defensive
            patent issue, start the discussion.  Discussions
            of the current IETF patent policy are out of scope
            -- we settled it for 3668, and I see no reason to
            reopen at this time.

            Desired output: the beginning of a list of points
            to include in the document.