Calendaring and Scheduling WG (calsch)

WEDNESDAY, March 21 at 1530-1730

CHAIRS:	Pat Egen <>
        Bob Mahoney <bobmah@MIT.EDU> 


1. Agenda Tweaks                -Bob Mahoney
        The usual bashing

2. IPTEL/CALSCH issues  -John Stracke
        Overview of major issues
        (Will also be covered in WG dinners and such)

3. CAP status                      -Steve Mansour/George Babics

4. CALSCH.ORG web site  -Bob Mahoney

5. Have we bit off more than we can chew? -Steve Mansour
        Are the sheer size of the documents & scope of effort impeding adoption?

6. "Guide to Internet Calendaring" Last Call   -Bob/George

7. RFC updates and status  -TBA

8. Plans for further informal meetings during the week.

9. Adjourn.