Distributed Management WG (disman) Monday, March 19 at 1300-1500 Tuesday, March 20 at 1700-1800 ============================== CHAIR: Randy Presuhn <rpresuhn@dorothy.bmc.com> AGENDA: 0. Reading List: (***use most recent versions available***) Alarms: <draft-ietf-disman-alarm-mib-01.txt> <draft-ietf-disman-itualarm-mib-01.txt> <draft-huynh-disman-conditionmib-00.txt> <draft-lam-disman-arcmib-00.txt> <draft-ietf-disman-snmp-alarm-mib-00.txt> RFC 3014 (notification log MIB) Scheduling: <draft-ietf-disman-schedule-mib-v2-03.txt> Scripting: <draft-ietf-disman-script-mib-v2-02.txt> <draft-bierman-disman-see-00.txt> <draft-schoenw-rfc-2593-update-00.txt> 1. Administrative matters 1.1 introductions 1.2 selection of minute-taker PLEASE read http://www.ietf.org/instructions/minutes.html 1.3 circulation of sign-up sheet 1.4 Review of Agenda 1.5 Allocation of time 2. Status of Current work 2.1 Script MIB: updates to RFC 2592 (Proposed Standard) <draft-ietf-disman-script-mib-v2-02.txt> 2.2 Schedule MIB: updates to RFC 2591 (Proposed Standard) <draft-ietf-disman-schedule-mib-v2-03.txt> 2.3 Expression MIB: RFC 2982 (Proposed Standard) 2.4 Remote Operations MIB: RFC 2925 (Proposed Standard) 2.5 Event MIB: RFC 2981 (Proposed Standard) 2.6 Alarm MIB: currently two I-Ds, <draft-ietf-disman-alarm-mib-01.txt> <draft-ietf-disman-itualarm-mib-01.txt> and several contributions: <draft-huynh-disman-conditionmib-00.txt> <draft-ietf-disman-snmp-alarm-mib-00.txt> <draft-lam-disman-arcmib-00.txt> 2.7 Notification/Log MIB: RFC 3014 (Proposed Standard) 3. Other relevant work 3.1 syslog, idwg, ??? 3.2 RmonMib 3.3 SnmpConf 3.4 Eos 4. Technical Discussions Please see http://www.ietf.org/instructions/slides.html and contact Randy_Presuhn@bmc.com if you need time to for focused discussion of specific drafts or issues. 4.1 Alarm management 4.1.1 Requirements wrap-up (25 minutes) 4.1.2 current WG I-Ds (Chisholm & Romascanu, 15 minutes) <draft-ietf-disman-alarm-mib-00.txt> <draft-ietf-disman-itualarm-mib-00.txt> 4.1.3 SNMP Alarms and MIB Module (Perkins, 10 minutes) <draft-ietf-disman-snmp-alarm-mib-00.txt> 4.1.4 CONDITION MIB (Huynh, 10 minutes) <draft-huynh-disman-conditionmib-00.txt> 4.1.5 Alarm Reporting Control MIB in-depth (Huynh & Lam, 10 minutes) <draft-lam-disman-arcmib-00.txt> 4.1.6 How many documents? Slice & dice. (25 minutes) 4.2 Do we re-open the notification log MIB (RFC 3014)? (10 minutes) 4.3 Extensions to the Script work 4.3.1 Discussion of issues raised by (Bierman, 30 minutes) <draft-bierman-disman-see-00.txt> 4.3.2 Does the WG have any feelings about (Schoenwaelder, 5 minutes) <draft-schoenw-rfc-2593-update-00.txt>? 5. Charter updates. Please see http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/disman-charter.html 5.1 completed items 5.2 changes to target dates 5.3 Possible additions to charter 5.3.1 "Script MIB Extensibility" (RFC 2593 update)? 5.3.2 Anything from <draft-bierman-disman-see-00.txt>? 6. Wrap-up 6.1 review of action items 6.2 reminders to minute-takers and presenters PLEASE read http://www.ietf.org/instructions/minutes.html and http://www.ietf.org/instructions/slides.html, respectively. 6.3 retrieval of sign-up sheet