IP Storage WG (ips) MONDAY, March 19 at 0900-1130 WEDNESDAY, March 21 at 0900-1130 ================================ CHAIRS: David Black <black_david@emc.com> Elizabeth Rodriguez <egrodriguez@lucent.com> AGENDA: (subject to change) NOTE: TCP Framing issues are in the domain of the Transport Area Working Group (tsvwg), and will not be discussed in these IPS working group meetings. March 19, 0900-1130 =================== - Agenda Bashing and Administrivia (10 min) This will include a brief announcement of a possible T10 SAM-3 SCSI Architecture Model project to solicit interest. The project would be pursued in T10, not IETF. - iSCSI Requirements and Design Considerations (15 min) draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-reqmts-01.txt NOTE: The WG co-chairs intend to issue a Last Call on this draft in the near future. - iSCSI (75 min) draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-05.txt Topics to be covered include: - Checksum/CRC draft-cavanna-iscsi-crc-vs-cksum-01.txt - Security - Error Recovery - iSCSI Bootstrapping (5 min) draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-boot-02.txt - iSCSI MIB (15 min) draft-bakke-iscsimib-02.txt Structure diagram available at: http://www.haifa.il.ibm.com/satran/ips/iscsi-mib-structure-02.pdf NOTE: The authors would like the WG to adopt this as an official work item. - iSCSI Naming and Discovery Requirements (20 min) draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-name-disc-00.txt NOTE: draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-disc-reqts-00.txt is an older version of this draft, and should be ignored in favor of draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-name-disc-00.txt - URN Namespace for iSCSI WWUIs (10 min) draft-bakke-iscsi-wwui-urn-00 NOTE: The authors would like the WG to adopt this as an official work item. March 21, 0900-1130 =================== - iSNS (20 min) draft-ietf-ips-isns-01.txt - Finding iSCSI Targets and Nameservers using SLP (15 min) draft-bakke-iscsi-slp-00 NOTE: The authors would like the WG to adopt this as an official work item. - FCIP/iFCP Common encapsulation discussion (70 min) draft-monia-ips-ifcpenc-00.txt draft-weber-fcip-encaps-00.txt Also, please see Vi Chau's email to the list on this topic: http://ips.pdl.cs.cmu.edu/mail/msg03565.html The goal of this discussion is to establish a rough consensus on direction for a common encapsulation of FC-2 Fibre Channel frames in TCP/IP to be used by both FCIP and iFCP. A design team will be formed to produce an initial proposal in line with this direction. - FCIP (5 min) draft-ietf-ips-fcovertcpip-01.txt A brief update, as this draft has not been changed since the San Diego meeting - FCIP Model (15 min) A discussion of formalizing the interface between FCIP and the Fibre Channel Fabric, including which Fibre Channel port type(s) are involved. The goal is to crisply separate IETF specification of the FCIP protocol from T11.3 specification of how it is used by a Fibre Channel Fabric. - iFCP (25 min) draft-ietf-ips-ifcp-00.txt DESCRIPTION: The IP Storage WG works on using IP-based networks to transport block storage traffic. See http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/ips-charter.html