IETF-54 UDLR WG minutes 

Here is the minutes of UDLR WG. 


16th July, 13:00 - 13:45 at Room 501 
Attendee 24 person 

* WG update(Izu) 5min 

* I-D update : draft-ietf-udlr-dvmrp-conf-03.txt 
(Substituted by Izu) 

* PIM-SM over UDLR(Husni) 15min 

Advice from Dave Thaler 
In case of tie break of metric, it is one solution to advertise longer prefix of 
RP or host route of RP. 

Question from Tony 
What happen more than one UDL? 
Solution-1 : split into two PIM-SM domain. 
Solution-2 : use different multicast group for each UDL, and put separate RP for 
each UDL. 
Solution-3 : use MSDP 

* Discussion 
If general document status too slow, how about to split multicast issue from 
general document ? 
---> No objection. Decide on the mailing list. 

Hidetaka Izumiyama / JSAT