
September 1993


The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research
Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by
the participating organizations.

     The Internet Monthly Report (IMR) will be reprinted (in whole) and
     published in "NICLink" by InterNIC Information Services.

     The IMR is for Internet information purposes only, and is not to be
     quoted (in part) in other publications without permission from the

Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first
business day of the month describing the previous month's activities.

These reports should be submitted via network mail to: Ann Westine
Cooper (Cooper@ISI.EDU)

NSF Regional reports - To obtain the procedure describing how to submit
information for the Internet Monthly Report, send an email message to
mailserv@is.internic.net and put "send imr-procedure" in the body of the
message (add only that one line; do not put a signature).

Requests to be added or deleted from the Internet Monthly report list
should be sent to "imr-request@isi.edu".

     Details on obtaining the current IMR, or back issues, via FTP or
     EMAIL may be obtained by sending an EMAIL message to "rfc-
     info@ISI.EDU" with the message body "help: ways_to_get_imrs".  For

                  To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU
                  Subject: getting imrs

                  help: ways_to_get_imrs

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993


     INTERNET RESEARCH REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3
        PRIVACY AND SECURITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3
     INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3

  Internet Projects

     ANSNET/NSFNET BACKBONE ENGINEERING  . . . . . . . . . . . page  9
     ISI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12
     JVNCNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23
     MERIT/MICHNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26
     MERIT/NSFNET INFORMATION SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . page 27
     MRNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 29
     NORTHWESTNET  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30
     PREPnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 31
     SPRINTLINK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 32
     UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 34

  CALENDAR OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 35
    Rare List of Meetings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 36

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993



        The PSRG, in conjunction with the Internet Society, is
        sponsoring the Distributed System Security Symposium on February
        3-4, (1994) in San Diego.  The Symposium steering committee,
        which includes most of the PSRG plus additional members,
        completed review of submissions in mid-September and notified
        authors late this month.

        The PSRG members continue work on an Internet security
        architecture document and will be reviewing the current draft at
        the next meeting on October 5-7 at MIT.  A draft of the docuemnt
        is expected to be available before the end of 1993.

        Steve Kent (kent@bbn.com)


                          IETF MONTHLY REPORT

     1. The next meeting of the IETF will be held in Houston, Texas from
        November 1-5, 1993, and the registration reception will be held
        on Sunday, October 31. This meeting is being co-hosted by
        SESQUINET and Rice University. Following that, arrangements for
        the first meeting of the IETF in 1994 have been made. That
        meeting will be held in Seattle, Washington from March 29
        through April 1,1994. This meeting is being hosted by

        Note that information on future IETF meetings can be always be
        found in the file 0mtg-sites.txt which is located on the IETF
        shadow directories.

     2. The IESG has established a temporary ad hoc area to deal
        specifically with IPng issues. The charter for this new IESG
        area is to develop a recommendation on which, if any, of the
        current proposals should be adopted as the next IP. This
        recommendation will be submitted to the IESG and to the Internet
        community for review. Following an adequate period of review to
        surface any community concerns, the IESG will issue a final IPng
        recommendation. All of the current IPng-related working groups

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

        will be moved immediately into this new area.

        This new area will be headed by two co-Area Directors from
        within the IESG: Allison Mankin current Transport Services AD,
        and Scott Bradner, current Operational Requirements AD.

     3. Responding to a number of requests, a new content requirement
        has been announced for all Internet-Drafts submissions.
        Internet-Drafts must now contain the full "ftp" filename in the
        text of the document. The filename information should, at a
        minimum, appear on the first page (possibly with the title).

        All formatting and content requirements for Internet-Drafts can
        be found in the file 1id-guidelines.txt which is located on the
        IETF shadow directories.

     4. The IESG approved or recommended the following nine Protocol
        Actions during the month of September, 1993:

        o  An Architecture for IP Address Allocation with CIDR as a
           Proposed Standard
        o  Applicability Statement for the Implementation of Classless
           Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) as a Proposed Standard
        o  Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR): an Address Assignment
           and Aggregation Strategy as a Proposed Standard
        o  Assignment of System Identifiers for TUBA/CLNP Hosts as an
           Informational Document
        o  Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Medium
           Attachment Units (MAUs) as a Proposed Standard
        o  Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Repeater
           Devices as a Draft Standard
        o  Host Resources MIB as a Proposed Standard
        o  Definitions of Managed Objects for Source Routing Bridges as
           a Proposed Standard
        o  Exchanging Routing Information Across Provider/Subscriber
           Boundaries in the CIDR Environment as an Informational

     5. The IESG issued two Last Calls to the IETF during the month of
        September, 1993:

        o  The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
           <draft-ietf-pppext-lcp-main-02> (Draft Standard)

        o  PPP in HDLC Framing <draft-ietf-pppext-hdlc-framing> (Draft

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     6. Two Working Groups were created during this period:

           Remote LAN Monitoring (rmonmib)
           Generic Internet Service Description (gisd)

        Additionally, six Working Groups were concluded:

           FDDI MIB (fddimib)
           Bridge MIB (bridge)
           IEEE 802.3 Hub MIB (hubmib)
           Token Ring Remote Monitoring (trmon)
           Host Resources MIB (hostmib)
           MIME-MHS Interworking (mimemhs)

     7. A total of 43 Internet-Draft actions were taken during the month
        of September, 1993:

                 (Revised draft (o), New Draft (+) )

      (none)     o  A New IP Routing and Addressing Architecture
      (bgp)      o  BGP4/IDRP for IP---OSPF Interaction
      (none)     o  Source Demand Routing: Packet Format and Forwarding
                    Specification (Version 1).
      (bgp)      o  Application of the Border Gateway Protocol in the
                    Internet <draft-ietf-bgp-application-02.txt>
      (none)     o  Recommendations for Mail Based Servers
      (ospf)     o  OSPF Version 2 <draft-ietf-ospf-version2-04.txt, .ps>
      (iab)      o  The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 2
      (avt)      o  RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications
                    <draft-ietf-avt-rtp-03.txt, .ps>
      (avt)      o  Media Encodings <draft-ietf-avt-encodings-02.txt>
      (avt)      o  Sample Profile for the Use of RTP for Audio and
                    Video Conferences with Minimal Control
      (pppext)   o  PPP LCP Extensions <draft-ietf-pppext-lcpext-04.txt>
      (iplpdn)   o  Determination of Encapsulation of Multi-protocol
                    Datagrams in Circuit-switched Environments
      (iplpdn)   o  Parameter Negotiation for the Multiprotocol
      (pppext)   o  PPP over ISDN <draft-ietf-pppext-isdn-02.txt>
      (pppext)   o  PPP over SONET/SDH <draft-ietf-pppext-sonet-01.txt>

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

      (dns)      o  DNS Support for IDPR <draft-ietf-dns-idpr-01.txt>
      (tuba)     o  Assignment of System Identifiers for TUBA/CLNP Hosts
      (madman)   o  Network Services Monitoring MIB
      (ifmib)    o  Evolution of the Interfaces Group of MIB-II
      (madman)   o  Mail Monitoring MIB
      (madman)   o  Directory Monitoring MIB
      (pppext)   o  PPP in HDLC Framing
      (dns)      o  Common DNS Implementation Errors and Suggested
                    Fixes. <draft-ietf-dns-common-errors-02.txt>
      (pppext)   o  The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
      (iplpdn)   o  A Multilink Protocol for Synchronizing the
                    Transmission of Multi-protocol Datagrams.
      (none)     o  Internet Authentication Guidelines
                    <draft-haller-auth-requirements-01.txt, .ps>
      (dns)      o  Common DNS Data File Configuration Errors
      (tn3270e)  o  TN3270 Current Practices
      (osids)    +  Charting Networks in the Directory
                    <draft-ietf-osids-chart-network-dir-00.txt, .ps>
      (osids)    +  Representing IP Information in the X.500 Directory
                    <draft-ietf-osids-ipinfo-x500-dir-00.txt, .ps>
      (pppext)   +  A Multilink Protocol for Synchronizing the
                    Transmission of Multi-protocol Datagrams.
      (none)     +  Mapping between X.400 P772 and RFC-822
      (none)     +  Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
      (none)     +  Generic Routing Encapsulation over IPv4 networks
      (sdr)      +  BGP SDRP_SPEAKERS Attribute
      (pppext)   +  Requirements for an Internet Standard Point-to-Point
                    Protocol <draft-ietf-pppext-requirements-00.txt>
      (none)     +  SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Reports
      (none)     +  MIME Content-Types For Delivery Status Notifications
      (none)     +  Delivery Report Content-Type for use with MIME

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

      (none)     +  Selecting an Indirect Provider
      (none)     +  MacMIME - How to send Macintosh files with MIME
      (none)     +  Integrated Network Layer Security Protocol
      (pppext)   +  The PPP NetBIOS Frames Control Protocol (NBFCP)

     8. There were 22 RFC's published during the month of September,

        RFC     St   WG        Title
        ------- --  --------   -------------------------------------
        RFC1506 I   (none)     A tutorial on gatewaying between X.400
                               and Internet mail
        RFC1507 E   (cat)      Distributed Authentication Security
        RFC1508 PS  (cat)      Generic Security Service Application
                               Program Interface
        RFC1509 PS  (cat)      Generic Security Service API : C-bindings
        RFC1510 PS  (cat)      The Kerberos Network Authentication
        RFC1511 I   (cat)      Common Authentication Technology Overview
        RFC1512 PS  (fddimib)  FDDI Management Information Base
        RFC1513 PS  (trmon)    Token Ring Extensions to the Remote
                               Network Monitoring MIB
        RFC1514 PS  (hostmib)  Host Resources MIB
        RFC1515 PS  (hubmib)   Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE
                               802.3 Medium Attachment Units(MAUs)
        RFC1516 DS  (hubmib)   Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE
                               802.3 Repeater Devices
        RFC1517 PS  (iesg)     Applicability Statement for the
                               Implementation of Classless Inter-Domain
        RFC1518 PS  (none)     An Architecture for IP Address Allocation
                               with CIDR
        RFC1519 PS  (none)     Classless Inter-Domain Routing(CIDR): an
                               Address Assignment and Aggregation
        RFC1520 I   (none)     Exchanging Routing Information Across
                               Provider Boundaries in the CIDR
        RFC1521 DS  (822ext)   MIME(Multipurpose Internet Mail
                               Extensions) Part One:  Mechanisms for
                               Specifying and Describing the Format
                               of Internet Message Bodies

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

        RFC1522 DS  (822ext)   MIME(Multipurpose Internet Mail
                               Extensions) Part Two:  Message Header
                               Extensions for Non-ASCII Text
        RFC1523 I   (822ext)   The text/enriched MIME Content-type
        RFC1524 I   (none)     A User Agent Configuration Mechanism For
                               Multimedia Mail Format Information
        RFC1525 PS  (bridge)   Definitions of Managed Objects for Source
                               Routing Bridges
        RFC1526 I   (tuba)     Assignment of System Identifiers for
                               TUBA/CLNP Hosts
        RFC1527 I   (none)     What Should We Plan Given the Dilemma of
                               the Network?

     St(atus):  ( S)           Internet Standard
                (PS)           Proposed Standard
                (DS)           Draft Standard
                ( E)           Experimental
                ( I)           Informational

     Steve Coya (scoya@cnri.reston.va.us)

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993



     Network Status Summary

     New software was installed on ANSnet to increase the number of
     router forwarding table destinations to 25,000.  ANSnet internal
     stability improved in September over the August measurements.  New
     routing software was deployed in the ANSnet to reduce instability,
     and simplify the reconfiguration process.

     August Backbone Traffic and Routing Statistics

     The total inbound packet count for the network (measured using SNMP
     interface counters) was 35,827,580,753 on T3 ENSS interfaces, up
     12.15% from August.  The total packet count into the network
     including all ENSS serial interfaces was 41,727,682,966 up 10.82%
     from August.

     Router Table Growth

     The number of networks actually announced to ANSNET grew by about
     6.82% in September.  There were 16,558 configured networks by the
     end of September.  The maximum number of routes announced to the
     backbone was 11,621.

     A new system software version was released on the IBM routers in
     September that increases the capacity on each router interface to
     25,000 forwarding table entries.

     Rcp_routed Routing Software Changes

     The "Better IBGP Aggregation" version of rcp_routed ran on the
     ANSnet during the month of September.  Another rcp_routed release
     will be deployed in October.  This is expected to be the last
     rcp_routed release prior to the release of Gated.  This is the
     "Both IBGP and EBGP Aggregation" version.  Deployment will be in
     early October.  The "Better IBGP Aggregation" version of rcp_routed
     improved performance over previous versions.  The "Both IBGP and
     EBGP Aggregation" version further improves performance, and also
     allows the CNSS nodes to be interconnected using a FDDI ring rather

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     than point-to-point interfaces within the carrier POPs.

     Routing Stability Measured on the T3 Network

     Internal routing stability measurements are made by monitoring
     short term disconnect times (disconnects of five minutes duration
     or less).  This is intended as a measure of stability rather than
     complete connectivity.  Internal routing stability during September
     continued the steady improvement that has been observed since June.

            MONTH                 overall     excluding configs
            ------                -------     -----------------
            January                 99.1%           99.5%
            February                99.0%           99.5%
            March                   97.5%           99.1%
            April                   96.1%           97.2%
            May                     97.4%           98.0%
            June                    95.5%           96.6%
            July                    97.3%           97.7%
            August                  97.5%           97.9%
            September               98.1%           98.5%

     The number of intermittent circuit problems was very low in
     September and the problems that did occur were quickly attended to.
     Problems on the C32-C40 link occurred a few times during the month.
     The E138 link has experienced had a low level of loss but has not
     caused routing instability.  The C8-C24 link and C40-C48 links went
     hard down on Sep 16 and Sep 30, but resulted in little routing
     instability since it was not intermittent.  The C32-C48 link went
     down on Sep 26 but caused little routing instability.

     Power and UPS problems at the Los Angeles area POP caused
     significant routing instability on Sep 5.  UPS problems occurred at
     the San Francisco area POP as well.  Numerous ENSS's experienced
     local site power problems, most notably ENSS230.  ENSS230 also
     suffered some problems with the tail circuit and routing software
     problems.  Router hardware problems were not a major contributor to
     instability although there were a number of problems.  A large
     disruption (3 hours) was due to the installation of an AIX 3.2
     build on Sep 17.  The network has been very stable since Sep 17.

     The number of nodes experiencing a great deal of accumulated outage
     time improved over June and July, though ENSS230 shows up in the
     >5hr column.  The breakdown by sites is as follows (these figures
     include instability seen during configuration runs):

Cooper                                                         [Page 10]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

        MONTH     >5 hr   >2 hr   > 1hr  >30 min   >15 min  <= 15min

        January      0       0       1       8        19        55
        February     0       0       1      24        19        41
        March        0       4      18      23        23        22
        April        2       2       3      13        12        57
        May          0       4      33      32        15         5
        June         3      21      35      18        12         3
        July         0      12      28      44         6         1
        August       1       5      28      21        17        15
        September    1      38      25      10         4        13

     Although overall stability was improved, several nodes show up in
     the >2 hr and >1 hr columns.  This is because of the installation
     of the AIX build which took approximately 3 hours and credited each
     node with a significant amount of down time.  Only the 13 CNSS
     backbone nodes show under 15 minutes of instability for the month.
     Generally the T3 concentrators were in the >15 minute and >30
     minute range with the bulk of the histogram where the T1
     concentrators and ENSS fell.  This was due to the order of
     automated installation of the AIX build, proceeding from the
     outside in toward the core.

     Notable Outages in September '93

     E173 (ITESM) suffered an extended outage on 09/07 due to flooding.

     E169 (InterAccess) suffered an extended outage on 09/09 due to
     hardware failure.

     E132 (Pittsburgh) lost T3 connectivity on 09/10 due to a fiber

     E173 (ITESM) suffered an extended outage on 09/17 due to circuit

     Jordan Becker (becker@ans.net)

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993





     Bob Braden and Steve Casner, attended the ARPA Networking '93
     Meeting in Santa Rosa, CA August 27 to Sep 02 1993.  Bob Felderman,
     attended the ARPA Fall PI meeting in San Diego, California
     September 27-29, 1993.

     Jon Postel and Walt Prue attended the CALREN meeting at Aerospace,
     in El Segundo, California, September 16, 1993.  Jon Postel and Bob
     Braden attended the IAB meetings in San Franicisco, Ca, September
     12-14, 1993.  Joyce Reynolds attended the RIPE meetings in
     Amsterdam, Holland, September 11-17, 1993.  Deborah Estrin attended
     ACM Siggraph 93 Conference San Francisco, CA, September 14-17,

     22 RFCS were published this month

     RFC 1506:  Houttuin, "A Tutorial on Gatewaying between X.400
                and Internet Mail", RARE Secretariat, September 1993.

     RFC 1507:  Kaufman, C., "DASS - Distributed Authentication
                Security Service", DEC, Septemer 1993.

     RFC 1508:  Linn, J., "Generic Security Service Application
                Program Interface" Geer Zolot Associates,
                Septemer 1993.

     RFC 1509:  Wray, J., "Generic Security Service API : C-bindings",
                DEC, September, 1993.

     RFC 1510:  Kohl, J., and C. Neuman, "The Kerberos Network
                Authentication Service (V5)", DEC, September, 1993.

     RFC 1511:  Linn, J., "Common Authentication Technology Overview",
                Geer Zolot Associates, "September 1993.

     RFC 1512:  Case, J., and A. Rijsinghani, "FDDI Management
                Information Base", Univ. of Tennessee, SNMP
                Research, Inc., September 1993.

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     RFC 1513:  Waldbusser, S., "Token Ring Extensions to the Remote
                Network Monitoring MIB", Carnegie Mellon University,
                September 1993.

     RFC 1514:  Grillo, P., and S. Waldbusser, "Host Resources MIB"
                Carnegie Mellon Univ., September 1993.

     RFC 1515:  McMaster, D. (SynOptics Communications) K. McCloghrie,
                (Hughes LAN Systems) and S. Roberts (Farallon
                Computing, Inc), "Definitions of Managed Objects for
                IEEE 802.3
                Medium Attachment Units (MAUs),

     RFC 1516:  McMaster D., (SynOptics Communications) K. McCloghrie,
                (Hughes LAN Systems), "802.3 Repeater MIB",
                September 1993.

     RFC 1517:  Internet Engineering Steering Group, R. Hinden, (Sun
                Microsystems), "Applicability Statement for the
                Implementation of Classless Inter-Domain Routing
                (CIDR)", September, 1993.

     RFC 1518:  Rekhter, Y.(T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM Corp.)
                and T. Li, (Cisco Systems), "An Architecture for
                IP Address Allocation with CIDR", September 1993.

     RFC 1519:  Fuller, V. (Barrnet), T. Li, (CISCO), J. Yu (Merit),
                K. Varadhan (OARnet), "Classless Inter-Domain Routing
                (CIDR): an Address Assignment and Aggregation Strategy",
                September 1993.

     RFC 1520:  Rekhter, Y., (T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM Corp.)
                C. Topolcic (CNRI), September 1993.

     RFC 1521:  Borenstein, N., (Bellcore), N. Freed (Innosoft),
                "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
                Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing
                the Format of Internet Message Bodies",
                September 1993.

     RFC 1522:  Moore, K., "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail
                Extensions) Part Two: Message Header Extensions
                for Non-ASCII Text" University of Tennessee),
                September 1993.

     RFC 1523:  Borenstein, N., (Bellcore), "The text/enriched MIME
                Content-type", September 1993.

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     RFC 1524:  Borenstein, N., (Bellcore), "A User Agent
                Configuration Mechanism For Multimedia Mail Format
                Information", September 1993.

     RFC 1525:  Decker, E. (cisco Systems, Inc.), . K. McCloghrie
                (Hughes LAN Systems,), P. Langille (DEC),
                A. Rijsinghani (DEC), September 1993.

     RFC 1526:  Piscitello, D., (Bellcore), "Assignment of System
                Identifiers for TUBA/CLNP Hosts", September 1993.

     RFC 1527:  Cook, G., (Cook Report), "What Should We Plan Given
                the Dilemma of the Network?", September 1993.

     Ann Cooper (Cooper@isi.edu)


     ISI administers the US Domain (under a contract from the InterNIC
     Registration Service (Network Solutions)).  In this issue of the IMR a
     summary of the status of the US Domain use is presented.  In future
     issues, only the monthly changes will be listed.

     In the Domain Name System (DNS) naming of computers there is a
     hierarchy of names.  The root of system is unnamed.  There are a set
     of what are called "top-level domain names (TLDs).  These are the
     generic TLDs (EDU, COM, GOV, NET, ORG, MIL, and INT), and the two
     letter country codes from ISO-3166.  It is extremely unlikely that any
     other TLDs will be created.

     Under each TLD may be created a hierarchy of names.  Generally, under
     the generic TLDs the structure is very flat.  That is, many
     organizations are registered directly under the TLD, and any further
     structure is up to the individual organizations.  In the country TLDs,
     there is a wide variation in the structure, in some countries the
     structure is very flat, in others there is substantial structural
     organization.  The organization for the US country domain is described
     in RFC 1480.

     Each of the generic TLDs was created for a general category of
     organizations.  The country code domains (for example, FR, NL, KR, US)
     are each organized by an administrator for that country.  Descriptions
     of the generic domains and the US country domain follow.

     COM - This domain is intended for commercial entities, that is
     companies.  This domain has grown very large and there is concern
     about the administrative load and system performance if the current

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Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     growth pattern is continued.  Consideration is being taken to
     subdivide the COM domain and only allow future commercial
     registrations in the subdomains.

     EDU - This domain was intended for all educational institutions.  Many
     Universities, colleges, schools, educational service organizations,
     and educational consortium have registered here.  More recently a
     decision has been taken to limit further registrations to 4 year
     colleges and universities.  Schools will be registered in the country
     domains (see US Domain, below).

     GOV - This domain was intended for any kind of government office or
     agency.  More recently a decision was taken to register only agencies
     of the US Federal government in this domain.  State and local agencies
     are registered in the country domains (see US Domain, below).

     INT - This domain is for organizations established by international

     MIL - This domain is used by the US military.

     NET - This domain is intended to hold only the computers of network
     providers, that is the NIC and NOC computers, the administrative
     computers, and the network node computers.  The customers of the
     network provider would have domain names of their own (generally not
     in the NET TLD).

     ORG - This domain is intended as the miscellaneous TLD for
     organizations that didn't fit anywhere else.

     US - The US domain provides for the registration of all kinds of
     entities in the United States on the basis of political geography,
     that is, a hierarchy of <entity-name>.<locality>.<state-code>.US.  For
     example, "IBM.Armonk.NY.US".  In addition, branches of the US domain
     are provided within each state for schools (K12), community colleges
     (CC), technical schools (TEC), state government agencies (STATE),
     councils of governments (COG),libraries (LIB), museums (MUS), and
     several other generic types of entities (see RFC 1480 for details).

     For a name in the US Domain please request an application via the
     RFC-INFO service.  Send a message to RFC-INFO@ISI.EDU with the
     contents "Help: us_domain_application".  For example:

                     To: RFC-INFO@ISI.EDU
                     Subject: US Domain Application

                     help: us_domain_application

Cooper                                                         [Page 15]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993


     TOTAL EMAIL/FAX         556
     PHONE                    40
     Total Contacts          596

     DELEGATIONS              36
     MODIFICATIONS            40
     Total                   596

        These other messages include: application requests, discussion
        and clarification of the requests, questions about names,
        referrals to other subdomains or to/from the InterNic, resolving
        technical problems with zone files and name servers, and whois


     K12.AR.US               Arkansas K12 Schools
     CI.PHOENIX.AZ.US        Phoenix, Arizona, City Government
     IRONWOOD.PHX.K12.AZ.US  Ironwood High School, Phoenix, Arizona
     CC.CO.US                Colorado Community Colleges
     TEC.CO.US               Colorado Technical/Vocational Colleges
     OIS.STATE.DE.US         State Office of Information, Delaware
     MALABAR.MLB.FL.US       Malabar Test Facility, Phillips Lab,
     LINC.LIB.IL.US          Library Integrated Network Consortium,
     GLENVIEW.LIB.IL.US      Glenview Public Library, Illinois
     CC.IL.US                Illinois Community Colleges
     TEC.IL.US               Illinois Technical Vocational Schools
     LIB.IL.US               Illinois Libraries
     STATE.IL.US             Illinois State Government
     STATE.KY.US             Kentucky State Government
     CI.LEXINGTON.MA.US      Lexington, Massachusetts, City Government
     TEC.MI.US               Michigan Technical Schools
     CC.MI.US                Michigan Community Colleges
     ANN-ARBOR.MI.US         Ann-Arbor, Michigan
     MANKATO.MN.US           Manakato, Minnesota
     MUS.MN.US               New Mexico Museums
     KCPL.LIB.MO.US          Kansas City Public Library, Missouri
     CC.MO.US                Missouri Community Colleges

Cooper                                                         [Page 16]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     STATE.MO.US             Missouri State Government
     CC.NC.US                North Carolina Community Colleges
     K12.OR.US               Oregon K12 Schools
     CO.CHESTER.PA.US        West Chester, Pennsylvania, County Gov't.
     IGS.ASD.K12.TN.US       Ingleside Grammar School, Athens SD,
     CVU.CSSD.K12.VT.US      Champlain Valley Union HS, Hinesburg,
     DOL.STATE.VT.US         Vermont State Dept. of Libraries
     KITSAP.LIB.WA.US        Kitsap Regional Library, Washington
     CI.SEATTLE.WA.US        Seattle, Washington, City Government
     DOIT.K12.WA.US          Southeast Washington K12 Education
                             Program DOIT
     K12.WI.US               Wisconsin K12 schools
     TEC.WI.US               Wisconsin Technical/Vocational Schools
     STATE.WI.US             Wisconsin State Government



     If the host you are registering is in one of the following
     subdomains, please send your application directly to the contact
     listed below.  If your host does not fall under one of these
     categories, that means we have not delegated that namespace yet.
     Send your request directly to the US Domain registrar for
     registration (us-domain@isi.edu).  Domain applications sent to
     InterNIC, that are more suited for the US Domain will be forwarded
     to the US Domain administrator.

Cooper                                                         [Page 17]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     K12 Schools

       K12.AR.US               bfriedma@uafhp.uark.edu
       K12.CA.US               mdm@NIC.CSU.NET
       K12.CO.US               trent@xor.com
       K12.DE.US               bean@delaware.gov
       K12.FL.US               STURSA@mail.firn.edu
       K12.GA.US               Jerry@PeachNet.edu
       K12.IA.US               jay-ford@uiowa.edu
       K12.IL.US               hostmaster@spruce.cic.net
       K12.LA.US               msleger@usl.edu
       K12.MI.US               dns-admin@merit.edu
       K12.MN.US               dfazio@mr.net
       K12.MO.US               ccwam@more.net
       K12.MS.US               fwp@msstate.edu
       K12.NE.US               rbanta@docsun.doc.state.ne.us
       K12.NH.US               SALLIE@ed.state.nh.us
       K12.NJ.US               becker@nisc.jvnc.net
       K12.NM.US               cpw@noc-gw.lanl.gov
       K12.NY.US               hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       K12.OR.US               scolla@4j.lane.edu
       K12.PA.US               pscnet-admin@psc.edu
       K12.RI.US               green@IDS.NET
       K12.SD.US               cartera@cc.sdstate.edu
       K12.TX.US               bmanning@is.rice.edu
       K12.UT.US               cole@cc.utah.edu
       K12.UT.US               cole@cc.utah.edu
       K12.WI.US               ejnorman.macc.wisc.edu

     Community Colleges

       CC.CA.US                mdm@NIC.CSU.NET
       CC.CO.US                trent@xor.com
       CC.DE.US                bean@delaware.gov
       CC.FL.US                STURSA@mail.firn.edu
       CC.IA.US                jay-ford@uiowa.edu
       CC.IL.US                hostmaster@spruce.cic.net
       CC.MI.US                rgs@merit.edu
       CC.MN.US                dfazio@mr.net
       CC.MO.US                ccwam@more.net
       CC.NC.US                rlg@uncecs.edu
       CC.TX.US                bmanning@is.rice.edu

Cooper                                                         [Page 18]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     Technical Vocational Schools

       TEC.CO.US               trent@xor.com
       TEC.DE.US               bean@delaware.gov
       TEC.FL.US               STURSA@mail.firn.edu
       TEC.GA.US               Jerry@PeachNet.edu
       TEC.IA.US               jay-ford@uiowa.edu
       TEC.IL.US               hostmaster@spruce.cic.net
       TEC.MI.US               rgs@merit.edu
       TEC.MN.US               dfazio@mr.net
       TEC.NH.US               f_lance@pste.nhtech.edu
       TEC.WI.US               ejnorman.macc.wisc.edu


       LIB.CO.US               trent@xor.com
       LIB.DE.US               bean@delaware.gov
       LIB.FL.US               pace@zeppo.cc.fsu.edu
       LIB.GA.US               Jerry@PeachNet.edu
       LIB.IA.US               jay-ford@uiowa.edu
       LIB.IL.US               hostmaster@spruce.cic.net
       LIB.MI.US               rgs@merit.edu
       LIB.MN.US               dfazio@mr.net
       LIB.MO.US               ccwam@more.net
       LIB.NE.US               rbanta@docsun.doc.state.ne.us
       LIB.OR.US               randy@rain.psg.com
       LIB.TX.US               bard@utexas.edu
       LIB.UT.US               cole@cc.utah.edu


       MUS.NM.US             reynolds@technet.org

     STATE Government Agencies

       STATE.DE.US             bean@delaware.gov
       STATE.FL.US             pace@zeppo.cc.fsu.edu
       STATE.GA.US             Jerry@PeachNet.edu
       STATE.IN.US             mhuffman@ideanet.doe.state.in.us
       STATE.KY.US             sspisak@state.ky.us
       STATE.LA.US             pcavell@pcavell.noc.la.net
       STATE.ME.US             Kerry@Maine.Maine.edu
       STATE.MN.US             dfazio@mr.net
       STATE.MO.US             ccwam@more.net

Cooper                                                         [Page 19]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

       STATE.NE.US             rbanta@docsun.doc.state.ne.us
       STATE.NY.US             hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       STATE.SD.US             haskettp@cc.sdstate.edu
       STATE.TX.US             bard@utexas.edu
       STATE.UT.US             cole@cc.utah.edu
       STATE.WI.US             ejnorman.macc.wisc.edu

     Distributed National Institute

       METACENTER.DNI.US       rpg@sdsc.edu

     Federal Government Agencies

       MPLS.FRB.FED.US         dfazio@mr.net
       JUD.FED.US            hilliker@jud.fed.us


       AGENCY.TX.US            bard@utexas.edu


       DISTRICT.TX.US          bard@utexas.edu

     Locality  (4th level city and county gov't agenciies are not listed)

       TUCSON.AZ.US            leonard@arizona.edu
       BERKELEY.CA.US          cliff@NIC.Berkeley.EDU
       SANTA-CRUZ.CA.US        postmaster@scruz.ucsc.edu
       APTOS.CA.US             postmaster@scruz.ucsc.edu
       CAMPBELL.CA.US          postmaster@scruz.ucsc.edu
       CAPITOLA.CA.US          postmaster@scruz.ucsc.edu
       FELTON.CA.US            postmaster@scruz.ucsc.edu
       SCVL.CA.US              postmaster@scruz.ucsc.edu
       ZAYANTE.CA.US           postmaster@scruz.ucsc.edu
       BOULDER-CREEK.CA.US     postmaster@scruz.ucsc.edu
       CHICO.CA.US             warlock@csuchico.edu
       BOULDER.CO.US           trent@xor.com
       COLOSPGS.CO.US          trent@xor.com
       DENVER.CO.US            trent@xor.com
       DVR.CO.US               trent@xor.com
       TELLURIDE.CO.US         trent@xor.com
       FORT-COLLINS.CO.US      trent@xor.com

Cooper                                                         [Page 20]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

       LEON.FL.US              pace@zeppo.cc.fsu.edu
       ATL.GA.US               charvey@nextsupp.gatech.edu
       MT-PARK.GA.US           charvey@nextsupp.gatech.edu
       CLARKSTON.GA.US         charvey@nextsupp.gatech.edu
       IOWA-CITY.IA.US         jay-ford@uiowa.edu
       WATERLOO.IA.US          jay-ford@uiowa.edu
       WAUKEE.IA.US            jay-ford@uiowa.edu
       DSM.IA.US               jay-ford@uiowa.edu
       CHI.IL.US               crawdad@FNDCD.FNAL.GOV
       ALL MD.US "COUNTIES"    butler@brl.mil
       ANN-ARBOR.MI.US         rgs@merit.edu
       ANOKA.MN.US             dfazio@mr.net
       DULUTH.MN.US            dfazio@mr.net
       HENNEPIN.MN.US          dfazio@mr.net
       MPLS.MN.US              dfazio@mr.net
       RAMSEY.MN.US            dfazio@mr.net
       ROCHESTER.MN.US         dfazio@mr.net
       STLOUIS.MN.US           dfazio@mr.net
       STPAUL.MN.US            dfazio@mr.net
       MANKATO.MN.US           Dale_Karsten.Mankato@MSUS.EDU
       RTP.NC.US               hostmaster@concert.net
       CHARLOTTE.NC.US         hostmaster@concert.net
       CARY.NC.US              hostmaster@concert.net
       CHAPEL-HILL.NC.US       hostmaster@concert.net
       DURHAM.NC.US            hostmaster@concert.net
       RALEIGH.NC.US           hostmaster@concert.net
       MORRISVILLE.NC.US       hostmaster@concert.net
       FORSYTH.NC.US           hostmaster@concert.net
       LOS-ALAMOS.NM.US.       cpw@noc-gw.lanl.gov
       ALBANY.NY.US            hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       BINGHAMTON.NY.US        hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       BRIARCLIFF.NY.US        hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       BROADALBIN.NY.US        hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       BUFFALO.NY.US           hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       CORTLAND.NY.US          hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       CORNING.NY.US           hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       ELMSFORD.NY.US          hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       ISLP.NY.US              hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       ITHACA.NY.US            hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       JERICHO.NY.US           hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       ORCHARD-PARK.NY.US      hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       OWEGO.NY.US             hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       PENFIELD.NY.US          hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       POUGHKEEPSIE.NY.US      hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       SCHENECTADY.NY.US       hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       ROME.NY.US              hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       RYE.NY.US               hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       SIDNEY.NY.US            hostinfo@ns.psi.net

Cooper                                                         [Page 21]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

       SYRACUSE.NY.US          hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       TROY.NY.US              hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       UTICA.NY.US             hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       VSTM.NY.US              hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       VCTR.NY.US              hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       WHITEPLAINS.NY.US       hostinfo@ns.psi.net
       EUGENE.OR.US            meyer@oregon.uoregon.edu
       SPRINGFIELD.OR.US       meyer@oregon.uoregon.edu
       PORTLAND.OR.US          randy@rain.psg.com
       BEAVERTON.OR.US         randy@rain.psg.com
       PHG.PA.US               ecd@cert.org
       HOU.TX.US               bmanning@is.rice.edu
       AUS.TX.US               bmanning@is.rice.edu
       SAT.TX.US               bmanning@is.rice.edu
       DALLAS.TX.US            bmanning@is.rice.edu
       HARRIS.TX.US            bmanning@is.rice.edu
       SPK.WA.US               bobk@dogear.spk.wa.us
       MIL.WI.US               jtk@spool.mu.edu
       MORGANTOWN.WV.US        vijay@rbse.Mountain.Net
       BUCKHANNON.WV.US        vijay@rbse.Mountain.Net

     Ann Cooper (Cooper@ISI.EDU), Jon Postel (Postel@ISI.EDU)
     US Domain Administrators


     The user interface of mmcc, our session orchestration tool, was
     converted from direct implementation in XView to Tk/Tcl. The
     conversion allowed the user interface to be augmented in ways which
     would have been more cumbersome in XView, and decoupled mmcc from
     the user interface. This decoupling permits mmcc to interact with
     other Tcl-based tools directly, e.g., the nv video tool, and nevot
     audio tool. We are investigating the use of such interprocess
     communication between conferencing applications to permit
     negotiation of operating parameters and user preferences, as well
     as to coordinate the component user interfaces.

     Changes to the Realtime Transport Protocol (RTP) specification
     collected in the "next-to-last call" within the IETF Audio/Video
     Transport working group were incorporated into the document, and
     the "last call" for comments within the working group was issued
     during September.  Further comments on application-specific option
     number assignment and on port use were received.  A request has
     been submitted for the official "IETF Last Call" to be given as
     soon as these recent comments are incorporated.

Cooper                                                         [Page 22]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     Eve Schooler gave a presentation, "Distributed Music: A Foray into
     Networked Performance", at the International Network Music
     Festival, Santa Monica, CA.

     Steve Casner, Joe Touch, Eve Schooler
     (Casner@ISI.EDU, Touch@ISI.EDU, Schooler@ISI.EDU)


     JvNCnet-Global Enterprise Services, Inc.
     3 Independence Way,  Princeton, NJ  08540
     voice: 1-800-35-TIGER; 1-609-897-7300, fax 1-609-897-7310

     I.  New Information
             Network operations center (NOC) telephone numbers are:
                      609-897-7319 and 609-897-7320; noc@jvnc.net
             Customer Service:  609-897-7318 and 609-897-7337;

     II. JvNCnet Members Meeting
             Date:  Wednesday, November 10, 1993
             Location:  Princeton Marriott Forrestal Village,
             Plainsboro, NJ
             Time:  8:30am to 2:30pm; reception follows.
             To register (by November 1): registration@jvnc.net;

     III. Symposia Series (open to the public)
          A.   OSI and X.400 and X.500: Planning and Implementation
               NEW DATE:  TUESDAY, DECEMBER, 7, 1993
               Location:  Princeton Marriott Forrestal Village,
                          College Rd. and U.S. Rt. 1, Plainsboro, NJ
               Time:   8:15 (cont. breakfast); first session 9:00am;
                       conference adjourns approx. 4:15pm
               On-line seminar details: Complete program and instructors'
               biographies are located in the GES gopher server:
                       telnet gopher.jvnc.net
                       login: gopher; no password
               Go to item 3 JvNCnet, and the second level directory,
                       item 3 Symposia and Training, then item 1 Current
                       program and item 2 Directions

           The class is designed to provide overview of the Open Systems
           Interconnection Protocol (OSI) system and basic theory
           f the X.400 mail systems and X.500 directory services.
           How to plan for implementing each of these services will
           be presented. Future developments will also be described.

Cooper                                                         [Page 23]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

           Interoperability with TCP/IP in particular will be discussed.

           Who Should Attend:  Network administrators, network infor-
           mation systems specialists, computer consultants, network
           technical staff including system managers of TCP/IP-based
           networks or anyone planning for the development or
           implementation of OSI, X.400, and X.500.

           Instructors:  Sue Hares, Internet Engineer, Merit, Inc.
                         and Kevin Jordan, Senior Software Engineer at
                         Control Data Corp., Minneapolis.

           AGENDA - 12/07/93
               8:15  Continental breakfast/registration
               9:00  Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) - Sue Hares
                     a.  Overview
                     b.  Why OSI?
                     c.  OSI vs. TCP
              10:00  Break
              10:15  OSI continued:
                     e.  IP Next Generation - 20 min. (TUBA, PIP, SIP,
                     f.  OSI implementation guidelines - 20 min.
                         Routing issues; interoperability
                     g.  General status issues, e.g., current state of
                         OSI on NFSNET, BSDI, GATE D support
              11:30  Lunch
              12:30  OSI applications - Kevin E. Jordan
                     X.500 directory services
                     a.  Overview:  What are the capabilities of X.500
                         and how it works
                     b.  Why the need for X.500?  The benefits.
                     c.  Practical implementation:  what does it take to
                             set up X.500?
                     d.  Future directions
               2:30  Break
               2:45  X.400  mail systems
                     a.  Overview:  What are the capabilities of X.400
                             and how it works.
                     b.  Why the need for X.400?  The benefits.
                     c.  Practical implementation:  what does it take
                             to set up X.400?
                     d.  Future - existing in a multiple-mail environment
               4:15   Adjourn

            Contact:  hammer@jvnc.net
            Early bird registration by November 15, 1993
            JvNCnet members $250; Non-members $275

Cooper                                                         [Page 24]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

            Registration includes light breakfast, lunch, textbook
                     and/or documentation.
            Check or money order payable to GES, Inc. and send to:
                    3 Independence Way, Princeton, NJ  08540
            Mastercard or Visa accepted; fax registration to

           B.   Cisco Router Certified Technical Training (classes open
                     to public)
                Title:  Cisco router configuration course
                The five day class is held Monday to Thurs.: 9am to 5pm
                     and Friday: 9am to 3:00pm
                Dates in 1993: October 11-15, November 1-5, and November
                     29-December 3
                Outline and registration, send email to

           C.   Partial list of new on-line members  (fully operational
                July, August, September, and October):

             Kolacom, Hawthorne, NJ
             Dalcomp, Jersey City, NJ
             Republic Electronics, Hauppauge, NY
             Research for Better Schools, Phila., PA
             Synergy Software, Reading, PA
             Agfa Division Miles, Inc., Orangeberg,  NY
             Chase Manhattan Bank, New York,NY
             Circuit Cellar, Vernon, CT
             CuraGen Corporation, Bradford, CT
             D. P. Davidson, Stanford, CT
             Digital Systems Corporation, Mt. Laurel, NJ
             Ebasco, Princeton, NJ
             FARSEF, Waldwick, NJ
             Free Lance Academy, Jersey City, NJ
             P. Fry, Aston, PA
             W. Hunter, Aurora, CO
             Logicworks, Princeton, NJ
             Matsushita Electric Works, Boston, MA
             J. Murphy, New York, NY
             National Association of Scholars, Princeton, NJ
             Northeastern Research and Develop. Society, Englewood, NJ
             Peterson's Guides, Inc., Princeton, NJ
             G. Sobotka, Bridgeport, CT
             Tag Systems, Little Falls, NJ
             Telenex Corp., Mt. Laurel, NJ
             J. Toland, New Canaan,CT
             E. Collins, Suffern, NY
             International Scientific Products, Mt. Kisco, NY

Cooper                                                         [Page 25]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

             Jenisys, Storrs, CT
             W. Lipsky, Berkeley, CA
             Mintaka Technologies, Stroudsburg, PA
             Softlock Services, Rochester, NY
             Tekmark Computer Services, Inc., Edison, NJ
             Trinity Data Systems, Huntington Beach, CA
             West Windsor-Plainsboro Schools, Plainsboro, NJ
             Compusoft, Wallingford, CT
             Windsoft, Denville, NJ
             Primavera Systems, Inc., Bala Cynwyd, PA
             Turner Broadcasting, North West, GA
             Turner Home Entertainment, North West, GA
             Chi Systems, Inc., Springhouse, PA
             Decision Data, Horsham, PA
             GH Besselaar Associates, Princeton, NJ
             Phillip Morris USA, Richmond, VA
             Salem County Vocational Technical, Woodstown, NJ
             Xybion Corporation, Cedar Knolls, NJ
             Absol-puter, Bronx, NY
             Atotech USA, Somerset, NJ
             Black Star, New York, NY
             Continental Data Center, Neptune, NJ
             Cplex Optimization, Princeton,  NJ
             J. Ferron, West Haven, CT
             International School Services, Princeton, NJ
             Primetime, Wayne, PA
             J-P. Radley, New York, NY
             RTM Design Co., Scotch Plains,  NJ
             Sorden Financial Services, Wilmington, DE
             3D Technologies, Trumbull, CT
             Warner Insurance Services, Fairlawn, NJ
             Woodstown Pilesgrove Regional Schools, Woodstown, NJ
             Hamamatsu Corporation, Bridgewater, NJ
             MVP Communications, Princeton,  NJ
             Oksana International Trade, Linden, NJ
             PccP S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina

     by Rochelle Hammer (hammer@jvnc.net)


     Among the most recent of the growing number of MichNet affiliates
     are Novi Schools, Detroit Country Day, and the internetworking
     services provider, Rabbit Network.  Affiliate memberships for
     Adrian College, Aquinas College and University of Detroit-Mercy
     were possible with grant assistance from the National Science
     Foundation's Connections Program.

Cooper                                                         [Page 26]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     Oakland Community College, an affiliate member, upgraded its
     connectivity to the MichNet backbone with a Cisco Token Ring router
     and 56Kbps circuit at the Oakland University node.  Networks from
     OCC satellite campuses in the metro-Detroit area will soon be added
     to the OCC backbone link.  And putting the resources of MichNet and
     its member and affiliate institutions within a local call to even
     more Michigan citizens, the Library of Michigan has committed to
     providing four new public dial-in sites: Alpena, Petoskey, Gaylord
     and Wayne.

     A planned deployment of Network Access Servers throughout the
     MichNet backbone will provide state-of-the-art network access to
     users around Michigan.  Testing of the Livingston Portmaster at the
     University of Michigan MichNet site will conclude with the
     deployment of a 30-port production machine.  The dial-in service
     offered through the UM/MichNet NAS is configured for maximum
     flexibility regarding modem speeds, error correction and data
     compression, but will be used for PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)
     access only.

     Currently, unrestricted access using MichNet public ports requires
     the use of PPP and authorization for a full service connection.
     MichNet encourages serial TCP/IP users to move to PPP, a true
     Internet standard offering better performance and authorization for
     access to some services.

     Jo Ann Ward (jaw@merit.edu)


     New information, including announcements of upcoming conferences,
     available on nic.merit.edu, the Merit Network Information Center
     Services host computer:

     "Universal Service: New Challenges and New Options in Tomorrow's
     Network of Networks."  Announcement of this 15 October 1993 seminar
     for policymakers, public interest advocates and nonprofit leaders
     jointly sponsored by The Benton Foundation and The Columbia
     Institute for Tele-Information, Columbia University.  Available as

     Federal Networking Council Advisory Committee (FNCAC) meeting
     announcement, agenda and registration form for 21 October 1993.
     Available as /nren/nii.1993/nii.fncac.931021

     Symposium to Explore Synergies of the National Performance Review
     and National Information Infrastructure.  The Information

Cooper                                                         [Page 27]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     Technology Association of America (ITTA), the National Academy of
     Public Administration (NAPA), and GOVERNMENT COMPUTER NEWS will
     jointly sponsor this major public policy discussion on 22 October
     1993.  Available as /nren/nii.1993/nii.npr.931022

     The National Information Infrastructure: Agenda for Action.  The
     Clinton Administration's vision paper and working agenda for the
     NII released by the National Telecommunications and Information
     Administration on 15 September 1993.  Available as

     Information Infrastructure Task Force Private Sector Meeting on the
     National Information Infrastructure held 24 September 1993.  The
     meeting was summarized by Craig A. Summerhill of CNI.  Available as

     Proposed revision of OMB Circular No. A-130.  Entitled "Management
     of Federal Information Resources," OMB Circular A-130 establishes
     policies that Federal agencies follow when planning, acquiring, and
     using government information technology.  The Circular was most
     recently revised in June to improve public access to government
     information.  This second revision reflects the in-depth analyses
     conducted by OMB and the General Accounting Office of Federal
     agencies' policies and practices for managing information
     technology.  Available as /omb/omb.a130.rev3

     Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR): an Address Assignment and
     Aggregation Strategy, RFC 1519.  With Jessica Yu, Merit Internet
     Engineering, as a co-author, this Request for Comments discusses
     strategies for address assignment of the existing IP address space
     with a view to conserve the address space and stem the explosive
     growth of routing tables in default-route-free routers.  Available
     as /internet/documents/rfc/rfc1519.txt

     Countries subject to route filtering policies restricting traffic
     between NSFNET-sponsored sites and networks in those countries are
     available as /nsfnet/restrict.nets

     The distribution of U.S. networks announced to the NSFNET backbone
     service by state is available as /nsfnet/statistics/nets.by.state

     Analysis of IP class has been added to the format of files
     describing the distribution of networks announced to the NSFNET
     backbone service by country and the number of networks configured
     for announcement.  These files are available, respectively, as

Cooper                                                         [Page 28]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     The resources of nic.merit.edu are available through Anonymous FTP,
     electronic mail query and a Gopher client connecting to the Merit
     Network Gopher server on nic.merit.edu, port 70.

     Specific requests sent to Merit's mail query server will retrieve
     and send the requested information in an e-mail message.  A number
     of requests may be included in a single message, but each request
     must occur on a separate line.  The address of the Merit mail query
     server is


     To receive a specific document, use the syntax

             get filename

     Laura Kelleher and Susan R. Harris from Merit Information Services
     were invited to conduct a hands-on tutorial of Internet tools and
     resources at the Minority University-Space Interdisciplinary
     Network workshop.  NASA sponsored the mid-September MU-SPIN in
     Greenbelt, MD.  Elise Gerich, Merit Internet Engineering, attended
     the IAB meeting in San Francisco, CA, and RIPE which convened in
     Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

     Jo Ann Ward (jaw@merit.edu)


     The Minnesota Regional Network continues to grow, adding eight Twin
     Cities- area public library systems, two managed health care
     organizations, various businesses and the State Government of
     Minnesota including about a dozen different agencies.  This brings
     total membership count to about 60 organizations at 70 different

     Additional hub sites have recently been opened in Duluth and
     Rochester and will be made available soon in Mankato, St. Cloud and

     Within the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, all new connections are now
     implemented with US West's Frame Relay Service. There are currently
     about two dozen organizations on this net.

     The MRNet dialIP Service that was introduced in January has been
     well received in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area and will soon be
     expanded to other locations around the state. This has been set up
     as a dialup SLIP service for individual accounts with pre-

Cooper                                                         [Page 29]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     configured standard software and documentation provided by MRNet
     for DOS, PC, and Macintosh systems.

     To accomodate these activities, additional staff has been added,
     including Mr. Dave Bergum, Director of Engineering and Technical
     Services and Ms. Sherry Hastings, Administrator of Operations.
     Additional positions for Network Engineer and Director of Client
     Services will be filled in October.

     Plans are now being finalized with the partnership of Technology
     and Instructional Educational Services (TIES) and the Minnesota
     Department of Education to provide dialup connections, a K-12
     information server, and staff training for each school building in
     the state.

     Dennis Fazio, Executive Director
     Minnesota Regional Network
     Minneapolis, MN (612) 342-2570

     by Dennis Fazio <dfazio@MR.Net>


     NorthWestNet's Seventh Annual Meeting is scheduled from Oct.  12-
     15, 1993 in Seattle, Washington.  Our keynote speakers this year
     include Richard Mandelbaum, president of NYSERNet; Fred Dust,
     headmaster of the Bush School; Charles McClure, Syracuse
     University; and Jim Elias, Executive Director Technology
     Assessment, US West Communications, Inc.  For more information
     about this meeting, please contact Jan Eveleth at

     There are three important pieces of information about "The Internet
     Passport" that NorthWestNet would like to pass along:

     --  The retail price has been lowered from $39.95 to $29.95.

     --  NorthWestNet is pleased to have Computer Literacy Bookshops
         as our primary distributor of "The Internet Passport".
         Computer Literacy Bookshops accepts major credit cards,
         purchase orders, and fills orders worldwide.  They are
         committed to prompt order fulfillment.  (They can be reached
         at info@clbooks.com).

     --  Not-for-profit, 501(c)3 groups that want to take advantage
         of the special research and education price of $19.95 should

Cooper                                                         [Page 30]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

         place orders directly with NorthWestNet during September and
         October.  This special pricing will no longer be available
         as of November 1, 1993.

     The User Services group is pleased to announce the addition of
     Stefan Kramer, information services specialist, to our staff.
     Stefan will be actively involved in developing NorthWestNet
     training and electronic information services.  He has a masters
     degree in library and information science from the University of

     NorthWestNet                    info@nwnet.net
     5400 SE 30th Place, Suite 202   Phone: (206) 562-3000
     Bellevue, WA 98007              Fax:   (206) 562-4822

     Dr. Eric S. Hood, Executive Director
     Jan Eveleth, Director of User Services
     Dan L. Jordt, Director of Technical Services
     Anthony Naughtin, Manager of Member Relations

     NorthWestNet serves the six state region of Alaska, Idaho, Montana,
     North Dakota, Oregon, and Washington.

     by Jan Eveleth <eveleth@nwnet.net>


     PREPnet New Members:

     The Philadelphia College of Textiles and Sciences
     Research for Better Schools
     Pittsburgh Regional Library Center

     With these additions, PREPnet now has a total of 139 members.

     PREPnet News:

     PREPnet held its Fifth Annual Networking Conference on September
     14, at the Penn Tower Hotel in Philadelphia.  Over 300 people
     attended this event, which featured five technical seminars
     conducted by campus and industry specialists.  The seminars covered
     security, wiring, e-mail, routing, and information servers.
     Plenary speakers for this event included Paul Peters of CNI, Bob
     Carlitz of Pitt, and Jonathan Smith of Penn.  Breakout sessions
     were offered on library connections, K-12 connections, network

Cooper                                                         [Page 31]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     technology, fast packet services, ethernet via CATV, and the future
     of PREPnet.

     For information regarding connectivity options in the Commonwealth
     of Pennsylvania, contact the PREPnet NIC:

     305 S. Craig St.            E-Mail:     nic@prep.net
     2nd Floor                   Telephone:  (412) 268-7870
     Pittsburgh, PA  15213

     by Daryl Dolan <dolan@prep.net>
     PREPnet NIC (prepnet+@andrew.cmu.edu)


     SprintLink and NSFNET International Connections Manager (ICM)
     September Status Report

     1)  Began assigning CIDR address space to new SprintLink customers

     2) Discovered Cisco bug that resulted in excessive CPU utilization.
     The fix reduced CPU load down to approximately 50% during the busy

     3) Deployed FDDI wiring hub-embedded SGI Indigo workstations and
     terminal servers at both Washington, D.C. and Stockton, CA
     SprintLink/ICMnet nodes.  The workstations will provide DNS,
     multicasting, network time and capture router crash dump images.
     The terminal servers connect to the consoles of all the node
     devices for the purpose of remote control (via Sprint voice
     network) in the event of network (IP) failure.  Chicago and Fort
     Worth will be similarly upgraded in 1Q94.

     4) Deployed 350 SLIP/PPP dial-up ports.  Developed network-side
     auto configuration program.  Planning the deployment of another 650
     ports by end of 93.

     5) Placed orders for seven fully configured Cisco 7000 routers.
     These routers will be the new core of the SprintLink/ICM backbone.
     They will be initially connected by either T1 or T3 circuits.  In
     1Q94 they will be interconnected via Sprint's T3 ATM network.

     6) Placed orders for two HP 9000 G40 servers with mirrored disks, 8
     X terminals and HP OpenView.  Activation will take place the end of

Cooper                                                         [Page 32]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     7) Activated Vadim Antonov's SNMPSTATD to produce daily CPU, memory
     and link utilization reports, daily link errors and times of router
     unreachability, and router temperature.  SNMP polling rate: every
     router every 30 seconds.

     8) Connected Moscow node to GALSnet, FREEnet and SOVam.  This node
     is in the process of expanding to include 16 new additional access
     lines.  Utilizing Russian-made "Techno PC," which provides
     multiline SLIP with BGP, to interconnect with Russian networks.

     9) Delivered T1 connection to Mexico CONACYT.  In process of
     turning-up routing.

     10) Delivered a 768 kbps connection to the Japanese Information
     Center for Science and Technology (JICST).  In process of turning-
     up routing.

     11) Deployed a router in the Sprint Stockton Technical Office
     Center (TOC) for the Japanese Internet Initiative (IIJ).  Plans are
     for peering with SprintLink and Alternet.

     12) Sprint deployed several "non connected" managed router networks
     utilizing CIDR addressing.

     13) The 64 kbps link to Uninet-ZA (South Africa) experienced
     serious congestion as a result of extremely heavy usage.

     | Robert D. Collet                                        |
     | Principal Investigator,                                 |
     | NSFNET International Connections Manager                |
     | Director, Internet Services and Systems                 |
     | Sprint Communications Company                           |
     | 13221 Woodland Park Road                                |
     | Herndon, Virginia, 22071  USA                           |
     |                                                         |
     | Mail Stop: VAHRNA0510                                   |
     |                                                         |
     | Tel: +1-703-904-2230                                    |
     | Fax: +1-703-904-2252                                    |
     | Pager: +1-800-SKY-PAGE   PIN: 45469

     Robert D. Collet <rcollet@icm1.icp.net>

Cooper                                                         [Page 33]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993


     J Crowcroft and  Ballardie attended Sigcomm 93 in San Francisco,
     and gave two papers, on "An analysis of jitter and delay" and on
     "Core Based Trees".

     J Crowcroft also gave a seminar at ICSI, Berkeley, on "Combined
     Congestional and Admission Control for adaptive, variable bit rate
     video", or something like that.

     Many discussions in the corridors of the Westin St Francis hotels
     ensued on IPng.

     John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK)

Cooper                                                         [Page 34]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993


Readers are requested to send in dates of events that are appropriate
for this calendar section.  Please send your submissions to


     Sep 13-17       SIGCOMM 93, San Francisco
     Sep ??          6th SDL Forum, Darmstadt
                     Ove Faergemand (ove@tfl.dk)
     Sep 8-9         ANSI  X3S3.3, Boulder, CO
     Sep 13-17       OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD
     Sep 14 -?       IFIP TC6. GMD-Fokus, 2nd Intl Conf. on
                     Open Distributed Processing ICODP12, Berlin
     Sep 20-31       ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6, Seoul, Korea.
     Sep 28-29       September RIPE Technical Days, TBC
     Oct             INTEROP93, Paris, France
     Oct 5-6         IFIP WG 6.6 Intl Workshop on Distributed Systems:
                     Operations and Management DSOM'93.
     Oct 12-14       Conference on Network Information Processing,
                     Sofia, Bulgaria;  Contact: IFIP-TC6
     Oct 14-16       6th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan
                     Area Networks, San Diego, Del Mar, CA
     Oct 18-20       International Workshop on Applications of
                     Neural Networks to Telecommunications
                     Princeton, NJ
     Oct 18-22       TCOS WG, Atlanta, GA (tentative)
     Nov 1-5         IETF Houston, TX.
     Nov 2-4         ANSI  X3S3.3, TBD
     Nov 2-4         EMAIL World
                     Contact: Einar Steffurd <stef@nma.com>
     Nov 9-13        IEEE802 Plenary, Crown Sterling Suites,
                     Ft. Lauderdale, FL
     Nov 15-19       Supercomputing 93, Portland, OR
     Dec 6-10        OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD


     Feb 3-4         ISOC Symposium on network and Distributed
                     System Security, San Diego, (nessett@llnl.gov)
     May 2-6         NetWorld+INTEROP 94, Las Vegas, Nevada
                     Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)
     Jun 1-3         IFIP WG 6.5 ULPAA, Barcelona, Spain
                     Einar Stefferud (stef@nma.com)
     Aug 28-Sep 2    IFIP World Computer Congress
                     Hamburg, Germany; Contact: IFIP

Cooper                                                         [Page 35]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

     Sep 12-14       NetWorld+INTEROP 94, Atlanta, Georgia
                     Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)


     Sep 18-22       INTEROP95, San Francisco, CA
                     Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com)


     Sep 2-6         14th IFIP World Computer Congress
                     Canberra, Australia  Contact: IFIP



Ref. RSec(92)102-ac

This list of meetings is provided for information. Many of the
meetings are closed or by invitation; if in doubt, please contact the
chair of the meeting or the RARE Secretariat. If you have
additions/corrections/comments, please mail Anne Cozanet (e.mail
address: cozanet@rare.nl).

MEETING/DATE                               LOCATION
============                               ========

RARE Executive Committee
12 November                                Amsterdam (RARE Secretariat)
17 December                                Amsterdam (RARE Secretariat)

RARE Council of Administration
23/24 September                            Helsinki
3/4 February 1994                          Brussels
19/20 May 1994                             Darmstadt
18/19 May 1995                             Tel Aviv

RARE Technical Committee
18 October (TBC)                           telephone meeting

Cooper                                                         [Page 36]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

RARE Working Groups
9 November (TBC)                           Munich

11 & 14 October                            Warsaw

11 October                                 Warsaw

13-14 September                            Tampere (Finland)

11 October                                 Warsaw

11 October                                 Warsaw

24-26 January                              Amsterdam (NIKHEF)
16-18 May                                  Amsterdam (NIKHEF)

26 October                                  Brussels

DANTE Steering Committee
TBD                                         Amsterdam

DANTE Shareholders
7 October                                   Amsterdam

EBONE Management Committee
9 November                                  Copenhagen

EBONE Consortium of Contributing Organisations
15 October (TBC)                            Warsaw

EAT (Ebone Action Team)
29 November                                 Bonn (GMD)

EOT (Ebone Operations Team)
30 November                                 Bonn (GMD)

Cooper                                                         [Page 37]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993


20/21 June                                  TBD (in Europe)

INTERNET SOCIETY Board of Trustees
13/14 June                                  Prague

1-5 November                                Houston
28 March - 1 April                          Seattle

Technical Assembly
23-24 November                             Brussels
1-2 March                                  Brussels
17-18 May                                  Brussels
13-14 September                            Brussels
22-23 November                             Brussels

Steering Committee
14 December                                Brussels

17-21 January                              Brussels
11-15 April                                Brussels
27 June - 1 July                           Brussels
10-14 October                              Brussels


General Assembly
9-10 November                              Nice, France

Technical Assembly
4-6 October                                Nice, France
21-23 March                                Nice, France

Board of Directors
14-15 October                              Warsaw

Cooper                                                         [Page 38]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

INET'94/JENC5 Organising Committee
25 October                                 Prague

INET'94/ 5th Joint European Networking Conference (JENC5)

13 -> 17 June 1994                       Prague, Czech Republic

The annual conference of the Internet Society held in conjunction with
the 5th Joint European Networking Conference.


(nb.  For some of the following events, full text information is
available from the RARE Document Store under the directory calendar,
in which case the file name is specified under the information
presented below.  The files may be retrieved via:

anonymous FTP: ftp.rare.nl
Email        : server@rare.nl
Gopher       : gopher.rare.nl)

4-7 October
Marriott Hotel, Santa Clara, California
for information, please email <ches@research.att.com>

from 12 to 14 October
Warsaw, Poland
organised by EARN, in cooperation with RARE, NORDUnet, EUnet/EurOpen
and RIPE.  (file name on the RARE Document Store <nsc.12.10.93>)

from 13 to 16 October at Auberge Del Mar Resort and Spa, Del Mar,
San Diego (California)
(registration form and program available on RARE Document Store:

from 17 to 20 October at Auberge Del Mar Resort and Spa, Del Mar,
San Diego (California)

Cooper                                                         [Page 39]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

(registration form and program available on RARE Document Store:

20 and 21 October
Budapest, Hungary
organised by Hungary, RARE and NATO - by invitation only.

on 26 October in Brussels
organised by CEC DG XIII
for more information please fax +32 2 296 9132/+32 2 296 8391
before 8 October, mentioning "MANs/Frame Relay Workshop".

The German-speaking countries conference on Internetworking
from 8 to 11 November in Munich
for information, please email <Dave.Morton@ecrc.de>

22-26 November in Vienna, Austria
organised by Vienna University, supported by Digital Equipment Corp.
and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research.

more information available from:
Mrs Elisabeth Zoppoth <zoppoth@cc.univie.ac.at>
tel.+43 1 4065822-351/fax.+43 1 4065822-170
and by anonymous FTP from ftp.univie.ac.at:
/at.local/aconet/i-aconet-sem-5.ps (inviation and registration form) and
/at.local/aconet/p-aconet-sem-5.ps (preliminary program)

(From RARE Document Store, both in ASCII and postcript:

workshop organised by the Advisory Group on Computer Graphics
from 29 November to 1 December in Abingdon, UK
for more information please email Dr. Anne Mumford

Cooper                                                         [Page 40]
Internet Monthly Report                                   September 1993

on 2 February 1994, in Brussels

on 3 and 4 February 1994
at the Catamaran Hotel in San Diego, California
more information from Mr. Robert Shirey of the MITRE Corporation
email <shirey@mitre.org>
(also on RARE Document Store, file name <isoc-security.03.02.94>)

from 18 to 21 April 1994 in Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal
For information, please email Prof. Pedro Veiga <pmv@inesc.pt>

NORDUnet 94
from 31 May to 2 June 1994
in Umea, Sweden
for information, email <nordunet94@umdac.umu.se>

from 18 to 20 October 1994
in Bournemouth (UK)


23/24 November        Winter Conference Meeting               Athens
                      "Electronic Messaging - The Business Benefits,
                      with illustrations from the Transport Industry"


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