Subject: Info-Mac Digest V19 #13
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 29 Jan 02       Volume 19 : Issue 13

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#614/28-Jan-02
      [*] cleaning_agent_12.hqx
      [*] Extension Overload 5.9.5
      [*] jewel-of-arabia-15.hqx
      [*] logo-sender-10.hqx  Sending logos and SMS to Nokia mobile phones.
      [*] MpegDec 2.0
      [*] RPGMapMaker 1.2.0
      [*] ScheduleOnline Mac Sync 1.4.2
      [*] Script Timer 1.2 -AppleScript scheduler 
      [*] Sniffer v1.0 for MacOSX
      [*] Three's 3.0.0
      [*] Time Ballz 2.1
      [*] Ultimate Pool 1.4
      [*] Ultralingua Portuguese-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.1A
      [*] Ultralingua Portuguese-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.1A
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.8fcJ - Japanese Version
      [*] URL Manager Pro 3.0fc2J - Japanese Version
      [*] URL Manager Pro 3.0fc4J - Japanese Version
      [Q] USB for Power Tower 240
      Apparent Acrobat and HP Incompatibility (fwd)
      AppleScript - Play sound through output device
      Q Adaptor appleTalk/USB
      QuickTime 5
      Virtual Memory on G4 (AGP)
      Where are the background colors of windows stored in Mac OS X?

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP
sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software.

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America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine


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Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 21:00:00 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#614/28-Jan-02


  Last week brought some of the weirdest news in a long time from
  companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Palm. Read on to get Adam's
  take on these and other stories, along his look at the utility
  of keeping old Mac hardware around. Product releases are coming
  fast and furious as well, with speed-bumped Power Macs, the
  wireless Palm i705, Opera 5.0, Now Up-to-Date & Contact 4.1.1,
  iView MediaPro 1.4, QuarkXPress 5.0, and drivers for Griffin's
  PowerMate controller.

    Weird Week in the News
    Being a Mac Pack Rat


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-614.etx; 29K]


Date: 24 Jan 2002
From: LFO Works <>
Subject: [*] cleaning_agent_12.hqx

Filename:  cleaning_agent_12.hqx

Application Name:  Cleaning Agent

Version:  1.2.0

Category:  Utilities

Utility that cleans your disks with a click. Sweeps out all unwanted files 

Handy disk and file cleaning utility. It cleans your disks with a click 
and sweeps out all unwanted files and folders fast. It wipes out mess that 
some applications can do on your disk. Removes all those log files, 
reports, cache files, temporary folders. It is more than just a space 
saver. It improves your disk performance, speeds up file searches, virus 
scans, disk scans, file defragmentation, desktop rebuildings (mac only), 

Lubos Tilka  (LFo)

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/cleaning-agent-12.hqx; 1877 K]


Date: 24 Jan 2002
From: Teng Chou Ming <>
Subject: [*] Extension Overload 5.9.5

Announcing the release of Extension Overload v5.9.5

Extension Overload is an extensions, control panels, control strip 
modules and contextual menus management application. It offers detail 
information of 5583 extensions and control panels, control strip 
modules and contextual menu items in your system. It also lets you 
activate and deactivate them, so that you can always easily tailor 
your system to your current requirements. In addition, Extension 
Overload includes a useful collection of helpful information and 

5.9.5 released January 21, 2002
* Compatible with Mac OS 9.2.2
* Now with definitions of 5583 extensions, control panels, CSM and 
CMM, up from 5475 previously.

You can download the latest version from any info Mac site or

System Requirements.
Min. System..: 8 on up through Mac OS 9.2.2
Min. Hardware: Mac with 601 or newer processor
Shareware....: $29
Author.......: Teng Chou Ming & Peter Hardman
Email address:
Home Page....:

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/extension-overload-595.hqx; 1672 K]


Date: 29 Jan 2002
From: James Shaw <jhs@CS.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: [*] jewel-of-arabia-15.hqx

Jewel of Arabia: Dreamers is a fantasy role-playing game (RPG)
set in ancient Arabia. Jewel of Arabia takes the RPG to new heights 
by coupling a rich world and engrossing storyline with beautiful 
animated graphics. The game requires 13MB of memory and 15MB of
hard-disk space. For more information, visit Quarter Note Software's
web page at

[Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/jewel-of-arabia-15.hqx; 8748 K]


Date: 24 Jan 2002
From: info <>
Subject: [*] logo-sender-10.hqx  Sending logos and SMS to Nokia mobile phones.

LogoSender can send operator logo, picture SMS, and text SMS to another 
(or your own) Nokia mobile phone from the phone connected to your 
computer. Bigger operator logos (78 x 21 pixels, for Nokia 71xx, 62xx, 
63xx), smaller logos (72 x 14 pixels, for Nokia 32xx, 33xx, 51xx, 61xx, 
82xx, 83xx, 88xx) and picture SMS (72 x 28 pixels for almost all Nokias) 
are supported.

A picture of required size and black&white bitmap format must be prepared 
in a standard graphic editor (GraphicConverter, Adobe Photoshop or 
similar) or downloaded from the Internet and then opened in LogoSender. 
After entering the recipient phone number the connected mobile phone will 
send the logo or SMS.

Graphics can be sent to Nokia phones only, text messages can be sent to 
any phone.

MacOS PPC computer
MacOS 7.5 - 9.x
Nokia 71xx, 62xx, 63xx, 82xx, 83xx, 88xx mobile phone

Shareware $15.

Csl. armady 8
040 01 Kosice
Slovak Republic

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/logo-sender-10.hqx; 877 K]


Date: 25 Jan 2002
From: "mark white" <>
Subject: [*] MpegDec 2.0

MpegDec 2.0 is a mp3 decoder for 68k macs.

It is a macintosh port of the MpegDec package.
It uses 68k assembly optimizations.

MpegDec 2.0 can decode mp3 files to aiff files
and play them in realtime.

Changes since version 1.0:

New Drag and Drop Interface.
Implemented mono singlemix mode.


68020 cpu.
68040 or 68030 50Mhz recommended for realtime playback.
fpu not required.
Quicktime 2.1 ((Quicktime 2.5 and SoundManager 3.2.1)
and higher recommended).
MacOS 7.0 with Drag and Drop 1.1 and Finder 7.1.3
(MacOS 7.5 and higher recommended).

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/mpegdec-20.hqx; 1144 K]


Date: 24 Jan 2002
From: <>
Subject: [*] RPGMapMaker 1.2.0


[New] Terrain Organizer (cmd-G).
[New] Random terrain generator.
[Imp] Internal contexts drag in Drawing Context Area.
[Imp] More tiles in Terrain Tiles Area.
[Imp] More tools in Zooming Area pallet.
[Chg] Minor interface changes in Main window layout.
[Chg] "Show/Hide Terrain Grid" now located into Edit menu. Keyboard equivalent is now cmd-T.
[Bug] Save library dialog after save file dialog no longer crashes the application.
[Bug] Tiles are now correctly updated in Terrain Drawing Behaviour pallet when a new lib is selected.


RPGMapMaker is a tool for drawing maps with polygonal grids. This kind
of maps is used in Role Playing Games, but of course can be designed for
any other purposes.

In addition to having most of the capabilities of a real painting
program (such as lines, rectangles, ovals and round rectangles, drawing
and filling with color and pattern, text, rubber, pipettes tools, etc.),
RPGMapMaker has also unique features that greatly simplify the
building of this kind of map, such as:

- Seven layers map. One layer for the grid, three pre allocated layers
  (one for color and drawing, one for terrain tiles and one for text and
  lines). Also three extra layers (also one for drawing, one for terrain
  tiles and one for text and lines) can be allocated on demand. For
  example you can change a polygon color without loosing the terrain that
  lies on top of it, build a map for the DM eyes only and a map for his
  players, etc.

- Layers manager. It allows you to allocate and free the three extra layers,
  to choose which layer is visible and which layer is not, and select which
  layer is the active one (an active layer is a layer where drawing occurs).

- Various kinds of grids. You can create a grid map made of hexes (well
  suited for world, region or village maps), or with squares (well suited
  for dungeon maps) or with lozenges (well suited for pseudo-3D castle and
  dungeon maps).

- Various dimension units. You can specify the map dimensions in either cm
  or m or km. Alternatively, you may prefer to use the ft, ya or mi
  dimension units.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/rpg-map-maker-120.hqx; 3010 K]


Date: 25 Jan 2002
From: ScheduleOnline Mac Sync Team <>
Subject: [*] ScheduleOnline Mac Sync 1.4.2

The first and only Macintosh Sync application that syncs ScheduleOnline's
web tools with the Palm OS Date Book, To Do List and Address Book.  Easily
keep your Palm OS based PDA in sync with ScheduleOnline's calendaring tools
and vice versa.

PPC Macintosh
Mac OS 8.6 - 9.2.2 (A Mac OS X native version is on the way)
10 MB free memory
Palm Desktop 2.6 or higher
At least a ScheduleOnline Silver Account which can be obtained at

What's new in this version:

* Fixed a problem with recurring items created in ScheduleOnline not
synchronizing properly onto the Palm Date Book.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mac-sync-142.hqx; 1064 K]


Date: 24 Jan 2002
From: "Donald S. Hall" <>
Subject: [*] Script Timer 1.2 -AppleScript scheduler 

Script Timer 1.2

Script Timer 1.2 is an easy to use native AppleScript scheduler for
Macintosh OS X that also works in OS 9.2.1. It lets you schedule the
execution of OSA based scripts, such as those created using AppleScript. It
will run your scripts at any time on a daily, weekly, weekdays only,
monthly, or one time basis as well as at regular intervals ranging from
minutes to weeks. Script Timer has an extremely small memory footprint and
is designed to run unobtrusively in the background. The program comes with
several sample scripts that illustrate the use of the program, including
examples of Finder and third party application scripting, and the use of
parameterized scripts.

New features for version 1.2 include the following:

- the ability to run scripts both synchronously and asynchronously

- the ability of scripts to return data to be saved in the Script Timer log

- the ability to launch stay open script applets

- the ability to directly launch any application or open any file for which
the user has sufficient access privileges

- automatic detection of changes to the data file

To learn more about Script Timer 1.2 and to try it out, go to and click on the Shareware and Freeware
button. Version 1.01, for users of Macintosh OS 7.5 to 9.1, is still
available and fully supported. It can be obtained at the same location.

System Requirements: Macintosh System OS X or OS 9.2.1

Purchase Information: Script Timer 1.2 is $10 trialware, with site and
academic licenses also available. Registered users of a previous version of
Script Timer are eligible for a free upgrade.

Developer: Apps & More Software Design, Inc. 

[Archived as /info-mac/app/script-timer-12.hqx; 185 K]


Date: 25 Jan 2002
Subject: [*] Sniffer v1.0 for MacOSX

Sniffer is a free, general purpose network traffic monitor and packet 
capture program for MacOSX. It is capable of monitoring and logging all 
network traffic on ethernet and ppp network interfaces. ICMP, UDP and TCP 
message payloads can be viewed directly in the program's hex-editor view. 
Sniffer is a very useful network monitoring tool, and it's free! 
Requires MacOSX.


[Archived as /info-mac/comm/sniffer-10.hqx; 102 K]


Date: 28 Jan 2002
From: M Conrad Tilstra <>
Subject: [*] Three's 3.0.0

A simple puzzle game where you try to line up each of the different 
of pegs.  The trick is that once the pegs of the same color are in a row 
column, they lock in place and cannot be moved anymore.  Once all of the 
are thus locked, you have won. It is a simple idea that is harder to do 
than it

Version 3.0.0 is a complete rewrite in Java.  It works best on MacOSX, 
but should work on any system with a JavaVM.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/threes-300.hqx; 45 K]


Date: 25 Jan 2002
From: Travis McLeskey <>
Subject: [*] Time Ballz 2.1

Time Ballz is a screen saver module for Mac OS X that displays a clock. 
The current time is displayed in "HH:MM" or "HH:MM:SS" format. Each 
digit is composed of a matrix of small 3D shapes which rotate to form 
numerals. Several shapes are available, including one Christmas-themed

New in this version:
* Cleaned up graphics
* Added "Smiley Face" and "Boney Thing" schemes
* Added graphic indication of random mode
* Fixed bug that crashed with Energy Saver
* Fixed bug with opening the config box
* Added online documentation
* Extended trial period to 7 days

Mac OS X

Shareware US$2.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/timeballz-21.hqx; 2799 K]


Date: 29 Jan 2002
From: James Shaw <jhs@CS.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: [*] Ultimate Pool 1.4

Ultimate Pool is a physically realistic pool simulation game for 
the Mac. The balls, pool table, and cues are all scaled versions of 
their real-world counterparts, and the balls roll and collide just 
as they would on a real pool table. Ultimate Pool comes with 7
computer opponents of widely varying abilities, and these games:
Stripes & Solids, 8-ball, 9-ball, 14.1 Continuous, Cutthroat 
Rotation, and the ALL NEW GAME 41.
Ultimate Pool requires: A Power PC Macintosh, System 7.0 or greater; 
256 colors or greys; a 640 x 480 display; Sound Manager 3.0; 8 Meg 
of RAM; and 4 Meg of hard disk. Ultimate Pool is $20 shareware.  

[Archived as /info-mac/game/ultimate-pool-14.hqx; 3651 K]


Date: 24 Jan 2002
From: Scott Carpenter <>
Subject: [*] Ultralingua Portuguese-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.1A

Portuguese-English/English-Portuguese translation dictionary for 
business, education, and industry.  Contains hundreds of thousands of 
indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number 
converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language 
references.  This version is for Mac OS 9.x-10.x (a version for 
7.1-8.6 is also available). Shareware version with a 30 day trial 
period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of 
either Mac Classic or OS X version).

Ultralingua homepage:
Support e-mail:

This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration 
codes are included.

Please contact us with any questions or comments,

Scott Carpenter

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-port-eng-cbn-341a.hqx; 1224 K]


Date: 24 Jan 2002
From: Scott Carpenter <>
Subject: [*] Ultralingua Portuguese-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.1A

Portuguese-English/English-Portuguese translation dictionary for 
business, education, and industry.  Contains hundreds of thousands of 
indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number 
converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language 
references.  This version is for Mac OS 7.1-8.6 (a version for 9.x-OS 
X is also available). Shareware version with a 30 day trial period; 
cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac 
Classic or OS X version).

Ultralingua homepage:
Support e-mail:

This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration 
codes are included.

Please contact us with any questions or comments,

Scott Carpenter

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-port-eng-fat-341a.hqx; 1425 K]


Date: 27 Jan 2002
Subject: [*] URL Manager Pro 2.8fcJ - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the URL Manager Pro package.

"In the shareware arena, my pick is URL Manager" - Adam C. Engst 

"You have got me addicted" - Henry Norr, San Francisco Chronicle 

"A must have for serious Web users" - Tucows rating: 5 out of 5 

"It's a polished, professional-standard application packed with useful 
features, neat shortcuts and quality design. Brilliant." - MacFormat UK.

URL Manager Pro is a repository for your favorite Internet addresses or
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). URL Manager Pro allows you to organize
and collect URLs in a hierarchical structure. Organizing bookmarks
between and within folders is easy with Drag & Drop. Drag HyperText
links from your Web Browser to the URL Manager Pro window to add a URL
to the repository. To go to a URL, Drag & Drop a bookmark to the window
of a Web Browser or double click.

URL Manager Pro adds tight integration with Navigator, Explorer, iCab,
Anarchie, Fetch, NetFinder, Claris Emailer, Outlook Express and Eudora.
With URL Manager Pro you can add bookmark menus to the menu bar of these
applications. Also, URL Manager Pro adds the URL Manager shared icon
menu to the menu bar. With this menu you can create bookmarks for Web
Pages from --within-- Navigator, Explorer, iCab, Add Notes, Grab All
URLs on a Web Page or in an E-Mail message, and explore the Internet
with a predefined set of Search Engines.

What's New in 2.8

URL Manager Pro 2.8 is an update of the popular bookmark manager. In
particular, the audience of this version is Mac OS 8 users. Mac OS 9 and
Mac OS X users are advised to start using URL Manager Pro 3.0, which is
a Carbon application.

URL Manager Pro 3.0 requires Mac OS 9 and therefore Mac OS 8 users can
not use it. URL Manager Pro 2.8 makes sure that Mac OS 8 users still can
profit from the improvements made to URL Manager Pro's code as we move
along to Mac OS X. URL Manager Pro 2.8 fixes bugs, but also adds new
features (see below).

URL Manager Pro 2.8 requires Mac OS 8.1 or higher. If you are still
running Mac OS 8.0, you should have no problem downloading the Mac OS
8.1 update from Apple.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/urlmpro28fc-jp.hqx; 1069 K]


Date: 27 Jan 2002
Subject: [*] URL Manager Pro 3.0fc2J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the URL Manager Pro package.

This version of URL Manager Pro 3.0 runs on Mac OS X and Mac
OS 9 and higher with CarbonLib 1.1 or higher. Please check the Web Site 
regularly for new updates.

"In the shareware arena, my pick is URL Manager" - Adam C. Engst 

"You have got me addicted" - Henry Norr, San Francisco Chronicle 

"A must have for serious Web users" - Tucows rating: 5 out of 5 

"It's a polished, professional-standard application packed with useful 
features, neat shortcuts and quality design. Brilliant." - MacFormat UK.

URL Manager Pro is a repository for your favorite Internet addresses or
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). URL Manager Pro allows you to organize
and collect URLs in a hierarchical structure. Organizing bookmarks
between and within folders is easy with Drag & Drop. Drag HyperText
links from your Web Browser to the URL Manager Pro window to add a URL
to the repository. To go to a URL, Drag & Drop a bookmark to the window
of a Web Browser or double click.

URL Manager Pro adds tight integration with Navigator, Explorer, iCab,
Anarchie, Fetch, NetFinder, Claris Emailer, Outlook Express and Eudora.
With URL Manager Pro you can add bookmark menus to the menu bar of these
applications. Also, URL Manager Pro adds the URL Manager shared icon
menu to the menu bar. With this menu you can create bookmarks for Web
Pages from --within-- Navigator, Explorer, iCab, Add Notes, Grab All
URLs on a Web Page or in an E-Mail message, and explore the Internet
with a predefined set of Search Engines.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/urlmpro-30fc2-jp.hqx; 2189 K]


Date: 29 Jan 2002
Subject: [*] URL Manager Pro 3.0fc4J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the URL Manager Pro package.

This version of URL Manager Pro 3.0 runs on Mac OS X and Mac
OS 9 and higher with CarbonLib 1.1 or higher. Please check the Web Site 
regularly for new updates.

"In the shareware arena, my pick is URL Manager" - Adam C. Engst 

"You have got me addicted" - Henry Norr, San Francisco Chronicle 

"A must have for serious Web users" - Tucows rating: 5 out of 5 

"It's a polished, professional-standard application packed with useful 
features, neat shortcuts and quality design. Brilliant." - MacFormat UK.

URL Manager Pro is a repository for your favorite Internet addresses or
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). URL Manager Pro allows you to organize
and collect URLs in a hierarchical structure. Organizing bookmarks
between and within folders is easy with Drag & Drop. Drag HyperText
links from your Web Browser to the URL Manager Pro window to add a URL
to the repository. To go to a URL, Drag & Drop a bookmark to the window
of a Web Browser or double click.

URL Manager Pro adds tight integration with Navigator, Explorer, iCab,
Anarchie, Fetch, NetFinder, Claris Emailer, Outlook Express and Eudora.
With URL Manager Pro you can add bookmark menus to the menu bar of these
applications. Also, URL Manager Pro adds the URL Manager shared icon
menu to the menu bar. With this menu you can create bookmarks for Web
Pages from --within-- Navigator, Explorer, iCab, Add Notes, Grab All
URLs on a Web Page or in an E-Mail message, and explore the Internet
with a predefined set of Search Engines.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/urlm-pro-30fc4-jp.hqx; 2292 K]


Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 23:21:05 -0600
From: "Gib Henry" <>
To: Ken Laskey <>,
Subject: [Q] USB for Power Tower 240

>Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 11:20:59 -0500
>From: Ken Laskey <>
>Subject: [Q] USB for Power Tower 240
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>I have a Power Computing Power Tower 240, and printers and the like
>using the old Apple serial and ADB ports are getting scarce.  Any
>suggestions on a USB card I can install?

In my PowerCenter Pro 210, I installed an Orange FireWire/USB card, 
and both busses work fine.  Cheers,
Gib Henry


Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:17:30 -0500 (EST)
From: Arthur Snoke <>
To: Info-Mac <>
Subject: Apparent Acrobat and HP Incompatibility (fwd)

	There appears to be an incompatibity between Adobe Acrobat 5.0 and
the HP DesignJet 755CM on Macintosh computers. The Mac is a G4 running
OS9.2. The HP driver was downloaded from the HP website ( There
is only one driver to download for the 755 (HP Designjet printer driver
4/17/97). When attempting to print a PDF file created by Adobe Canvas 7.0
via ethernet connection, the data would seem to be transmitting to the
printer (green light on printer blinking) but then the computer would lock
up. Removing the ethernet connection and restarting would allow the
computer to cancel the job and the computer would operate normally. If
restarted without disconnecting ethrenet the computer would restart and
still be locked up. Microsoft Word would print normally on the printer
using the HP driver. Acrobat would print on a HP8100 using the generic
driver. Canvas 7.0 would print the same file on the 755 with no problems.


Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 18:40:17 -0600
From: Rob Pluta <>
Subject: AppleScript - Play sound through output device

Greeetings IM'ers,

You mean that the mighty, ahem, power of AppleScript can help recover a 
stolen iMac:


But if I want to play my FM tuner through my Mac output I have to come 
up with a Key Quencer macro to Open:Control Panels:Sound and mark the 
check box "play sound through output device". This setting is never 
retained through various restarts. I tried using Script Editor to record 
the events but ended up with a totally blank screen.

What am I missing here?

MacOS 9.2.1
Sound 8.5.6
B/W G3

Rob (an AS-flunkie)
rpluta [at] inebraska [dot] com


Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 17:59:34 +0100
From: Gauthier <>
Subject: Q Adaptor appleTalk/USB

Is there somewhere a firm selling an adaptor to connect an old Mac running
system 7.6 to a priinter with an USB interface. Something like a device
that would convert the appletalk protocol to usb standard or link the
simple printer output of the mac to the USB or serial input of a printer.
answer directly to

Robert Gauthier
Universit‰ Toulouse-le Mirail
Sciences du Langage


Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 23:41:48 -0600
From: Daniel Becque <>
Subject: QuickTime 5

I updated my mac G3 beige at home to QUICKTIME 5 and the machine 
totally bogged down. No crash, just incredible slow and no desktop 

I'm running 8.6 at home and the office. The office has a G4 with 
QUICKTIME 5 running with no problem. I upgraded at the office awhile 
ago and maybe the newest version has problems?

Any clues.



Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 07:32:22 +0100
From: "Wechsler, David {PRBC~Basel}" <DAVID.WECHSLER@Roche.COM>
To: "''" <>
Subject: Virtual Memory on G4 (AGP)

Hi all

I have a G4 with 1GB (4x256MB) od SDRAM.
in the memory control panel now os written" too much ram to turn VM ON" - VM is OFF
is there no way to turn it on?

BTW I have 133MHz SDRAM, in the system profiler Info, they are listed as 100Mhz- but it works...

many thanks for your ideas!

please post me directly, I dont read often the InfoMac Digest


Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 19:13:28 -0500
From: Duane Williams <>
Subject: Where are the background colors of windows stored in Mac OS X?

I ran a CD label making program (CD Stomper) on my iMac under Mac OS X.
I didn't actually do anything with it; I was just checking it out.  When
it exited (normally), it left the background color of all my windows
Black!  I tried to change them back to White using the View Options
window, which has a button to set the window background to White, but
that button now sets the background to Black.   Just about every window
created by Mac OS X is now useless, because no text in it is readable
(black on black).

Can anybody tell me where the info about the background color of windows
is stored?  (It's not in the PRAM.)

Note:  I'm NOT talking about the desktop.  I'm talking about the
background color of windows.




End of Info-Mac Digest