Subject: Info-Mac Digest V19 #17 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Mon, 11 Feb 02 Volume 19 : Issue 17 Today's Topics: (Q) What is an .lproj? (Q) Where does iTunes get song and album info? [*] NimNums [*] Ultralingua English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua French Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua French Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua French-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua French-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua French-English Medical Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua French-English Medical Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua French-German Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua French-German Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua French-Spanish Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua French-Spanish Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua German-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua German-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua Italian-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua Italian-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua Portuguese-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua Portuguese-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua Spanish-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 [*] Ultralingua Spanish-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 [*] Virtual Composer v 2.9.5 importing from Outlook .pst files The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Working with the Info-Mac Digest: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with the words subscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with the words unsubscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. * Please send administrative queries to <>. Downloading and Submitting Files from the Info-Mac Archive: * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at: <> * Search the archive via the MIT HyperArchive at: <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. * To submit files larger than 2 MB, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts" and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Hugh Lewis, Tom Coradeschi, Shawn Bunn, Christopher Li, Patrik Montgomery, Ed Chambers, and Chris Pepper. America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine <>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V19 #17" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2002 13:24:28 -0700 From: Dave Trautman <> To: "digest@info-mac" <> Subject: (Q) What is an .lproj? I was doing a search for the suffix ".rsrc" recently and found many thousands of files. Most of them were inside folders with an ".lproj" suffix. For example - "French.lproj" folder. I did another search for lproj suffix and came back with 4,070 folders and files (many more folder than files). I occurs to me this is just so "unMac" that it begs the question. Why would iTunes place a ton of resource files in a series of lproj folders in exactly the same way iMovie, or iView would put these? I'm wondering if there isn't a better way to handle this? The Prefs folder used to be where all this "language" (and I'm presuming most of these are language resources) stuff used to be and the way Macintosh has previously handled commonly used resources is to have one place where everything is and have all the applications check there instead of having copies of (what must be) the same stuff sprinkled all over the hard drive. I'm curious about a couple of things. As the vast majority of these are little 4KB documents (although some are 500KB) are they just taking up space on my drive? I used HFS+ so I presume that is a small concern. And, as these seem to have the same names over and over and over again are they the same resources simply installed repeatedly by different apps? For instance, I have only 8 documents visible in the plug-ins folder for iTunes but the search result is 145 ".rsrc" documents (most of which are called "Localized.rsrc"). But my Applications folder has 535 "localized.rsrc" documents hiding inside 986 invisible "lproj" folders. I'm comfortable with the old ResEdit RSRC files but these seem a bit like overkill to me. Perhaps someone who is from the Apple Developer community (or Mr. Engst?) could enlighten me a little about how valuable these files are, and whether there is a chance I don't actually need all of them. Dave Trautman Edmonton, AB Canada "Whom the mad would destroy they first make Gods." -- Bernard Levin ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 11:56:14 -0800 From: David L Hirschberg <> To: Subject: (Q) Where does iTunes get song and album info? I am trying to reorganize my mp3 collection. For example I have all my Beatles CD's in there and some are filed under 'The Beatles' and some are filed under 'Beatles'. I went to the folder where all my music is and they are all in a folder called 'Beatles'. Changing other folders had no effect on how iTunes ordered everything? I double checked by dragging my entire list from the iTunes window to the trash and then rebuilt it by dragging the folder of my CD's into the window. So where is iTunes getting the info? Is it embedded in the MP3 file? Is there an MP3 editor program out there that allows me to batch edit music files or will I have to open each one separately and edit the artist and title? Thanks, David ------------------------------ Date: 10 Feb 2002 From: Joe Hammons <> To: Subject: [*] NimNums Nimble Numbers consists of educational math games that help kids learn to change math words into numbers, understand greater and less than, and use on-screen objects to learn addition and subtraction. They will better understand number fact families and what next? Play EvenLand and improve mental math with two bonus programs in this fully functional shareware application. Requires Mac 7.6+ with text to speech. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/nim-nums.hqx; 685 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 Collegiate level English dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains over 150,000 indexed definitions. Special features: auxiliary definition, number-to-text converter, multi-criteria search, on-line language (and ESL) references. This version is for Mac OS 9.x- OS X (a version for 7.1-8.6 is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $23.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-eng-cbn-342.hqx; 4789 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 Collegiate level English dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains over 150,000 indexed definitions. Special features: auxiliary definition, number-to-text converter, multi-criteria search, on-line language (and ESL) references. This version is for Mac OS 7.1-8.6 (a version for 9.x-OS X is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $23.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-eng-fat-342.hqx; 5043 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua French Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 French dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains over 150,000 indexed definitions. Special features: auxiliary definition, number-to-text converter, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 9.x- OS X (a version for 7.1-8.6 is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $23.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-fr-cbn-342.hqx; 2181 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua French Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 French dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains over 120,000 indexed definitions. Special features: auxiliary definition, number-to-text converter, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 7.1-8.6 (a version for 9.x-OS X is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $23.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-fr-fat-342.hqx; 2392 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua French-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 French-English/English-French translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 9.x- OS X (a version for 7.1-8.6 is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-fr-eng-cbn-342.hqx; 1798 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua French-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 French-English/English-French translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 7.1-8.6 (a version for 9.x-OS X is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-fr-eng-fat-342.hqx; 1998 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua French-English Medical Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 French-English/English-French MEDICAL translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries, including over 120,000 entries focused on medecine and life sciences. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 9.x- OS X (a version for 7.1-8.6 is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-fr-eng-m-cbn-342.hqx; 2216 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua French-English Medical Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 French-English/English-French MEDICAL translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries, including over 120,000 entries focused on medecine and life sciences. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 7.1-8.6 (a version for 9.x-OS X is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-fr-eng-m-fat-342.hqx; 2481 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua French-German Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 French-German/German-French translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 9.x- OS X (a version for 7.1-8.6 is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-fr-de-cbn-342.hqx; 900 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua French-German Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 French-German/German-French translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 7.1-8.6 (a version for 9.x-OS X is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-fr-de-fat-342.hqx; 1106 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua French-Spanish Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 French-Spanish/Spanish-French translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 9.x- OS X (a version for 7.1-8.6 is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-fr-es-cbn-342.hqx; 1627 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua French-Spanish Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 French-Spanish/Spanish-French translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 7.1-8.6 (a version for 9.x-OS X is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-fr-es-fat-342.hqx; 1844 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua German-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 German-English/English-German translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 9.x- OS X (a version for 7.1-8.6 is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-de-eng-cbn-342.hqx; 2135 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua German-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 German-English/English-German translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 7.1-8.6 (a version for 9.x-OS X is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-de-eng-fat-342.hqx; 2398 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua Italian-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 Italian-English/English-Italian translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 9.x- OS X (a version for 7.1-8.6 is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-it-eng-cbn-342.hqx; 1079 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua Italian-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 Italian-English/English-Italian translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 7.1-8.6 (a version for 9.x-10.x is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-it-eng-fat-342.hqx; 1295 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua Portuguese-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 Portuguese-English/English-Portuguese translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 9.x-10.x (a version for 7.1-8.6 is also available). Shareware version with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-port-eng-cbn-342.hqx; 1229 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua Portuguese-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 Portuguese-English/English-Portuguese translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 7.1-8.6 (a version for 9.x-OS X is also available). Shareware version with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-port-eng-fat-342.hqx; 1446 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua Spanish-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X) 3.4.2 Spanish-English/English-Spanish translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 9.x- OS X (a version for 7.1-8.6 is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-es-eng-cbn-342.hqx; 2380 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Scott Carpenter <> To: Subject: [*] Ultralingua Spanish-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.2 Spanish-English/English-Spanish translation dictionary for business, education, and industry. Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed entries. Special features: reverse translation, number converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language references. This version is for Mac OS 7.1-8.6 (a version for 9.x-OS X is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic or OS X version). Main improvements in this version: Enhanced indexing of data; fixed first launch indexing bug (which caused a crash on some systems). Ultralingua homepage: Support e-mail: This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration codes are included. Please contact us with any questions or comments, Scott Carpenter Ultralingua [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultra-es-eng-fat-342.hqx; 2618 K] ------------------------------ Date: 7 Feb 2002 From: Ioannis <> To: Subject: [*] Virtual Composer v 2.9.5 Virtual Composer is a graphical multichannel musical compiler, sequencer and analyzer, designed for perfect execution of complex polyphonic music using QuickTime's Musical Architecture. It is mainly intended for serious performers who want to simulate human-like performances or who wish to manipulate musical scores in ways similar to those when performing live. Playing is effected via QuickTime's internal Musical Instruments synthesizers so you don't need MIDI cables or external devices and all upsampling and downsampling is done automatically via QuickTime. It requires MacOS 7.x or higher and QuickTime 2.1 or higher. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/virtual-composer-295.hqx; 2006 K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 11:39:35 -0800 From: "Raul H. Erazo, MD" <> To: Subject: importing from Outlook .pst files I'm was working for a big company and I have my personal mail folders in .pst files from Outlook2001 and I need import to Eudora 5.1. I trying to get software or scripts to do that but I haven't solution. Are there in the community some one who can help me? I'm base on G3 Imac. Raul Erazo - Colombia -- -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************