Subject: Info-Mac Digest V19 #24
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 07 Mar 02       Volume 19 : Issue 24

Today's Topics:

      [*] 1.5 UPDATE of Email Magician.sit (abstract and file)
      [*] About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) 8.03
      [*] AlgebraTurboSeries
      [*] AutoCat 3.0.4
      [*] Baker 1.5.3
      [*] Boom 1.3
      [*] Colibricks: new version 1.5.0 for MacOS 8,9,X
      [*] EnglishLeagueManager116
      [*] eTktab 2.5: guitar tablature editor
      [*] eTktab 2.5: guitar tablature editor
      [*] Euro Assistant Pro
      [*] Euro Assistant Pro 2.5 X
      [*] EuroSoccerManager105
      [*] Hex Appeal - Original puzzle game for Mac OS 9/X
      [*] Lingo Library 1.5
      [*] List inspector Xtra
      [*] LockOut Classic 3.3J - Japanese version
      [*] logo-sender-107.hqx  Sending logos and SMS to Nokia mobile phones.
      [*] MI Convert 1.1 Light
      [*] MI Convert 1.1 Light (Espanol)
      [*] Moon Menu 1.8J - Japanese Version
      [*] PandoCalendar 5.7.6 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] Sputnix 0.6B; a Mac OS X music sharing client for
      HELP! Word 98 and 2001 won't print!
      PC monitor to Mac

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP
sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software.

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America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine


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Date: 4 Mar 2002
From: Christopher Yavelow <>
Subject: [*] 1.5 UPDATE of Email Magician.sit (abstract and file)

This is a Stuffit archive of Email Magician 1.5 for Eudora« (Mac),
the one-button solution to managing your email from YAV Interactive
Media, the company that produced the internet power-tool MetaTag
Manager, and developed LEGO's award-winning first CD-ROM. The
software automatically creates filters, mailboxes, and nicknames
(address book entries) with one click. You can generate hundreds of
filters in the time it takes to construct one manually. Email
Magician creates mailboxes to go with your new filters, and can also
add new nicknames to your address book corresponding to your new

This "Swiss Army Knife" for Eudora« includes powerful spam filtering
and comes with well over a hundred spam filters. Email Magician lets
you organize and edit your filters, mailboxes, and nicknames too. The
program also offers one-click archiving of mailboxes, as well as
automated archiving of messages within mailboxes exceeding a
specified message limit, or of entire mailboxes that haven't been
modified within a certain time-period.

Version 1.3 automatically collects spammer addresses from your spam
box, or other holding area with a single click. Email Magician uses
this ever-growing collection to generate new four new types of spam
filters so you won't be bothered by such message clutter again. These
new spammer address filters supplement the nearly 200 existing
subject-based spam filters included with Email Magician.

Version 1.4 adds FileMaker export options, including stripping html
tags in the export process.

Version 1.5 doubles the number of spam conditions that are checked in
the default spam filters set to approximately 1,000.

Email Magician introduces an intelligent Urgent Filter note-pad where
you jot down phrases and email addresses that tell Email Magician to
override existing filters and gather all your "to do" items into a
single mailbox for quick disposition.

Email Magician automates many email "house-cleaning" chores one
performs periodically -- besides message and mailbox archival, the
software offers deletion of empty mailboxes and "orphan-filters,"
meaning filters targeting missing mailboxes, creation of filters
and/or mailboxes for all nicknames in your address books, creation of
"group" addresses for use with Eudora's "Intersects Nickname"
options, and much more.

This file may be included on the commercially available CD-ROM of the archives.

********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/email-magician-15.hqx; 2425 K]


Date: 4 Mar 2002
From: "A. Lee Bennett, Jr." <>
Subject: [*] About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) 8.03

This is the print-optimized PDF edition of the March 2002 issue of ATPM.
About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) is a free monthly e-zine about the
*personal* computing experience. If you prefer a screen-optimized PDF or an
offline Webzine format, visit <> to download
current and past issues in your preferred format.

The contents of ATPM 8.03 are as follows:

    Apple Cider: And now, the end is near...
    Beyond the Barline: And the Award Goes to...
    Hollywood: I'm Not Happy
    Segments: I Hate it When That Happens
    About This Particular Web Site
    Networking: Setting Up AirPort
    How To: The Mops Programming Language--Part I
    How To: Downloaded Files Challenge--Followup
    Can Combine Icons 2.1
    Mac OS X: The Missing Manual (book)
    Nisus Writer 6.5
    Survivor: The Interactive Game
    Workflow Automation with AppleScript Training CD
    Cartoon: Hambone
    Desktop Pictures: Oregon and Washington

[Archived as /info-mac/art/zine/atpm-803-print.hqx; 1446 K]


Date: 4 Mar 2002
Subject: [*] AlgebraTurboSeries

(section mathematics & education)

AlgebraTurboSeries writes a lot of worksheets on arithmetics and basic algebra
in a few seconds.

The section arithmetics includes the four basic operations.

لexamples: 3*4=12; 13*8 = 104; 8*(12-4)=64

The section algebra includes 1) distributive rule, 2) factorizing

للexamples to 1): 3(a-b) = 3a - 3b
لللللللللللللللللل(x+2)(x-3) = x^2 - x - 6
لللللللللللللللللل(a+2b+c)(d+e-f) = ad+ae-af+2bd+2be-2bf+cd+ce-cf

للexamples to 2): ab - 3a = a(b-3)
لللللللللللللللللل4t^2 - u^2 = (2t+u)(2t-u)
للللللللللللللللللad+ae-af+2bd+2be-2bf+cd+ce-cf = (a+2b+c)(d+e-f)

للThe most common types of polynomials are available in
للAlgebraTurboSeries, e.g. "(A+B)(A-B)", "(X+...)(X+...)", etc.

للAlgebraTurboSeries can also create and print out several different
للsheets with the same difficulty. So, you can spend your time doing
للbetter activities than writing worksheets on factorizing, your Macintosh

للwill do this for you!

للAlgebraTurboSeries ist shareware (one single user license coasts 20US$,

لللsite/school licenses are also available).

للFor more informations:

لل- simply try AlgebraTurboSeries and see how easy it is...
لل- read the ReadMe-file included
لل- contact the author at
لل- see at (online order page with link to the

للmain page)

للThank you

للEnrico Felice

********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/algebra-turbo-series-24.hqx; 143 K]


Date: 5 Mar 2002
From: Olivier Lebra <>
Subject: [*] AutoCat 3.0.4

AutoCat 3.0.4 - Shareware $15

Catalog different.

AutoCat Home Page:
Online Registration:
Author email:

AutoCat got 4 mice at Macdownload and Tucows, and 5 mice at FileDudes.

AutoCat is a very intuitive software for keeping track of your MP3s, videos,
pictures, any kind of files on your CDs, or any kind of disks, by using
aliases. You navigate through your catalog with the best interface: there is
no interface! You just use the Finder, so you can access your catalog via
all the Finder features, and also via Open dialogs, or remotely via the

- Catalog all your CDs, CDRs, DVDs, any kind of discs or folders, in a very
Mac way.
- Navigate through your catalog directly from the Finder.ل
- Navigate through your catalog from Open/Save dialogs.ل
- No application to launch to navigate through your catalog.ل
- Use the Finder's 'Find' command (aka Sherlock) to search your catalog.ل
- Navigate through your catalog remotely via the network.
- Work with a super-easy drag & drop interface and in the background.
- Catalog the contents of StuffIt archives.
- Appearance-savvy, Navigation Services-savvy, Aqua-savvy on MacلOSلX.

AutoCat 3 requires Mac OS X or Mac OS 8.6 or later with CarbonLib.

AutoCat can be included in CD-ROMs.

Happy AutoCataloging!

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/autocat-304.hqx; 504 K]


Date: 1 Mar 2002
From: Mike Trivisonno <>
Subject: [*] Baker 1.5.3

Eridanus today released Baker 1.5.3.

Among the enhancements in this release of the OS X utility designed to 
ease common newsgroup related activities are:

A bug that caused files to become corrupted under certain conditions has 
been fixed. If you had re-defined the default folders in the Baker 
Preferences window or if you had a newsgroup being downloaded to a 
user-defined folder, Baker would eventually corrupt files. This no 
longer happens: the files are saved normally.

Also fixed several minor bugs that caused overview and article queues to 
be left behind when a newsgroup was deleted.

In addition a bug that prevented the creation of filters based on Cross 
Post information has finally been removed.

Baker is now much faster than earlier releases.

Baker now provides an easy and convenient way to share your pictures 
with others in the newsgroup community. Simply select a newsgroup and 
select Post Some Pictures from the News Group Commands menu. Baker will 
open a Post Pictures window where you can select the pictures you want 
to post from a gallery of thumbnails.

Baker now includes an Identity Preference. This lets you store email 
address information that you use when posting pictures. If you want 
correspondence from the various newsgroups to which you have subscribed 
to be delivered to different email addresses, then the Identity 
Preference will do the job. When you are ready to post some pictures, 
simply select the appropriate Identity for the newsgroup and your email 
information will be automatically filled in for you.

Baker 1.5.3 is a free upgrade to current owners.

Unregistered versions of the $30 program are fully functional but will 
occasionally display reminders to register.

Baker and the Baker MacOS Help Center Book can be downloaded from the 
Eridanus web site:

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/baker-153.hqx; 1857 K]


Date: 1 Mar 2002
From: Federico Filipponi <>
Subject: [*] Boom 1.3

What is BOOM?
BOOM is an arcade game in the grand tradition, bringing the
playability and feel of the glorious 8-bit consoles on the
Macintosh. It can be described as "Bomberman meets Doom".
Actually, I took the basic Bomberman idea and dropped it in a
"Super-Deformed Doom" scenario (whatever this means).
As a space marine your mission is to penetrate 8 alien infested
areas, each one divided in 10 sub-zones, eliminate all enemies
using your bombs and finally kick the Big Alien Boss back to
where he came from.

System Requirements:
PowerPC processor;
9 MBytes free memory;
Mac OS 8.6 through X;
CarbonLib 1.1 or later.

What's new in BOOM 1.3b2?
* Fixed a bug that caused the Ghost sprite to be erroneously
identified as a Taur sprite (wrong sprite ID number assigned). This
was particularly obvious when restoring a saved game: Ghosts were
replaced with Taurs.
* Improved error handling when switching display size and color at
startup to avoid the screen remaining obscured if something goes
* Updated RezLib to the latest version (1.1.1). Version 1.1 or later
of this library is now required to run.
* On Mac OS Classic, desktop icons position is now saved on startup
and restored on quit. The warning about possible Finder icons
shifting due to on-the-fly resolution switching has been removed.
This functionality is implemented in RezLib 1.1 and has not been
thoroughly tested.
* Fixed minor cosmetic problems with dialogs appearance under Mac OS X.

BOOM is 15$ shareware.
You can distribute BOOM freely, provided that you leave the software and
the accompanying documentation unchanged. You can include BOOM in CD-ROMs
and other software collections only by previous agreement.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/boom-13b2.hqx; 3011 K]


Date: 4 Mar 2002
From: Michel Colman <>
Subject: [*] Colibricks: new version 1.5.0 for MacOS 8,9,X

Colibricks version 1.5.0 now includes a level editor, so you can
create your own levels.

Colibricks is an exciting brick game for the Macintosh. It is
native for MacOS X, but includes a version for MacOS 8/9 too.
The goal of the game is to destroy all bricks using one or more
balls. Unlike other brick games, it features accurate ball
behaviour, using very precise physical laws. Balls bounce off
corners correctly, and even bounce with each other. And instead
of boring horizontal grids, Colibricks features rotated bricks,
even making circles and spirals with them. Graphics are
antialiased with beautiful backgrounds.
Of course, it's also a lot of fun. With special kinds of bricks
that activate special effects or spawn prize balloons. Balls can
grow or shrink to any size.
The demo lets you play 6 levels of various difficulties. After
registering, you'll get access to all 50 levels and you'll be
able to use the editor.

System requirements:
PowerPC processor with at least 200 MHz (includes any iMac)
MacOS 8, 9 or X.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/colibricks-150.hqx; 2857 K]


Date: 4 Mar 2002
From: TigaByte Software <>
Subject: [*] EnglishLeagueManager116

English League
Managerv1.16  is a shareware soccer management game.

ELM allows you to manage a team within the English league. The ultimate
aim is to win  the Premier Championship and both the FA and League Cups
within the same season.


* Manage a team from one of the 4 main English Divisions using over 90

* Play three types of game - Standard, Manager's, and Custom.

* Over 4000 players in 124 clubs: - up to 25 players in squad & up to
25 in  reserves. 

* Player roles -  goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, forward. 

* Players have 17 attributes:.

* Moving match play allowing substitutes,injuries, corners,free kicks,
red cards. 

* Match animation is 2D but hidden simulation uses 3D space for ball. 

* The ability to change formation and general tactics during a match. 

* Training ground for practicing corner and free kick tactics. 

* Tactical screens for planning defensive and offensive formations. 

* Player ageing and retirements - skill varies with age.  

* Financial control of the club including loans, sponsorships and match

* Buy and sell players on the transfer market, and browse any club.

* Player contracts and renegotiations. 

* Ground development for increasing crowd capacity. 

* On screen help system.  

* Editor for creating custom scenarios with registered version. 


********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/game/english-league-manager-116.hqx; 1351 K]


Date: 4 Mar 2002
From: Jason Sonnenschein <>
Subject: [*] eTktab 2.5: guitar tablature editor

eTktab is a freeware ascii tablature editor for guitar and bass guitar.
The program emphasizes fast entry with 30 fretboard positions 
available through one keypress, mouse-driven cut and paste,
and two insertion modes for chords or solos.  This software
allows custom guitar tunings, note modifiers (such as hammer-on)
and runs on multiple platforms.  Requires system 7.5.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/etktab-2.5-ppc.hqx; 983 K]


Date: 4 Mar 2002
From: Jason Sonnenschein <>
Subject: [*] eTktab 2.5: guitar tablature editor

eTktab is a freeware ascii tablature editor for guitar and bass guitar.
The program emphasizes fast entry with 30 fretboard positions 
available through one keypress, mouse-driven cut and paste,
and two insertion modes for chords or solos.  This software
allows custom guitar tunings, note modifiers (such as hammer-on)
and runs on multiple platforms.  Requires system 7.5.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/etktab-2.5-68k.hqx; 944 K]


Date: 1 Mar 2002
Subject: [*] Euro Assistant Pro

This is the Classic multilingual version of Euro Assistant Pro 
(English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Dutch, Swedish, 

Euro Assistant Pro is a powerful, but easy-to-use currency conversion 
calculator directed to both European and non-European users. Euro 
Assistant Pro lets you:

- convert any currency to any other currency;
- calculate multiple conversions (up to 12 currencies can be 
simultaneously displayed);
- calculate and convert the result of algebraic expressions;
- specify a base currency different from euro;
- add custom currencies;
- automatically update rates over the Internet;
- import and automatically convert series of values stored in text 
files and clippings;
- log, copy and print conversions;
- save and clip conversions to a text file.

Euro Assistant Pro is 15 US$ shareware.

* * *

System Requirements

The Classic Euro Assistant Pro needs a Mac with a 68020 processor or 
better, System 7.5 or higher (Appearance Extension for System 7.x.x) 
and Open Transport 1.1.1 or higher.

* * *

What's new in Euro Assistant Pro 2.5?

- The Flags plug-in has been eliminated and all world flags have been 
included in the Euro Assistant Pro application.

- The maximum euro exchange rate has been raised to 999.999.999 and 
three new roundings have been introduced: 10.000, 100.000 and 

- Default roundings have been introduced in the Euro Assistant Pro 
Setup dialog: the rounding setup is now quicker and simpler.

- Up to three different currencies can be highlighted using colors in 
the tape print.

- The date of the last automatic rates update is now displayed in the 
Update Rates dialog and in the tape print header.
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/euro-assistant-pro-25.hqx; 932 K]


Date: 1 Mar 2002
From: MaBaSoft <>
Subject: [*] Euro Assistant Pro 2.5 X

This is the Mac OS X multilingual version of Euro Assistant Pro 
(English, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Dutch, 
Swedish, Finnish).

Euro Assistant Pro is a powerful, but easy-to-use currency conversion 
calculator directed to both European and non-European users. Euro 
Assistant Pro lets you:

- convert any currency to any other currency;
- calculate multiple conversions (up to 12 currencies can be 
simultaneously displayed);
- calculate and convert the result of algebraic expressions;
- specify a base currency different from euro;
- add custom currencies;
- automatically update rates over the Internet;
- import and automatically convert series of values stored in text 
files and clippings;
- log, copy and print conversions;
- save and clip conversions to a text file.

Euro Assistant Pro is 15 US$ shareware.

* * *

System Requirements

The Mac OS X version of Euro Assistant Pro needs Mac OS X 10.0 or higher.

* * *

What's new in Euro Assistant Pro 2.5?

- The Flags plug-in has been eliminated and all world flags have been 
included in the Euro Assistant Pro application.

- The maximum euro exchange rate has been raised to 999.999.999 and 
three new roundings have been introduced: 10.000, 100.000 and 

- Default roundings have been introduced in the Euro Assistant Pro 
Setup dialog.

- Up to three different currencies can be highlighted using colors in 
the tape print.

- The date of the last automatic rates update is now displayed in the 
Update Rates dialog and in the tape print header.

- Euro Assistant Pro has now a completely revised help and uses Help 
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/euro-assistant-pro-25-x.hqx; 1557 K]


Date: 4 Mar 2002
From: TigaByte Software <>
Subject: [*] EuroSoccerManager105

Euro Soccer Manager
v1.05  is a shareware soccer management game.

Euro Soccer Manager is a soccer management game where the aim is to
guide your club to league and European cup success. 


* Manage a team from one of the 16 European Premier/1st Divisions:-

     Belgium, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,

     Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Scotland, Spain,

* More than 10000 players in over 300 clubs: 

    .... 25 players in the main squad plus up to 25 in the reserves. 

* UEFA and European Cup competitions. 

* Player manager as - 

    .... goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, forward. 

* Player roles - 

    .... goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, forward. 

* Just a few of the player attributes:- 

    .... age, type, skill, fitness, injury, wage, cost, confidence,

    .... agility, handling, tackling, marking, passing, crossing, 

    .... heading, shooting. 

* Moving match play allowing substitutes and injuries. 

* Match animation is 2D but hidden simulation uses 3D space for ball. 

* Dead ball situations - corners, goal kicks, free kicks, and

* The ability to change formation and general tactics during a match. 
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/game/euro-soccer-manager-105.hqx; 1473 K]


Date: 4 Mar 2002
From: Ronan Dowling <>
Subject: [*] Hex Appeal - Original puzzle game for Mac OS 9/X

Hex Appeal is an original puzzle game designed and created by Ronan 
Dowling. The aim of the game is to unscramble a hexagonal grid of 
colored pieces in a given number of moves.

Hex Appeal requires:
   A PowerPC Macintosh or greater
   256 Colors at 640x480 (Thousands or Millions of colors recommended)
   OS 9.0 or greater (or OS 8.6 with CarbonLib and Appearance Manager)
    OS X
   A spare minute or two

For more info, instructions, screenshots, etc.
Visit The BigFishLittleFish Software Page:

I give permission for this game to be included on commercial CD's

[Archived as /info-mac/game/hexappeal-10.hqx; 1038 K]


Date: 1 Mar 2002
From: Kris <>
Subject: [*] Lingo Library 1.5

Lingo Library 1.5

Product Description:

Lingo is the powerful object oriented scripting Macromedia Director uses.
The Lingo Library adds a diversity of useful Lingo functions to the basic
Lingo syntax and offers a variety of useful Behaviors and Parent Scripts.

What's new in this version:

As most important new feature, we are glad to offer you the XMLMUI parent
script, making MUI dialog implementation in Director easier than ever!
Several new functions added (in order of appearance):

*    wmMovieName() 
*    wmFrameName() 
*    wmGoMovieFrame()
*    wmSelectFile()
*    wmSelectFolder()
*    wmListFolder()
*    wmFolderExists()
*    wmSendMail() 
*    wmURLEncode() 
*    wmHTMLEncode()
*    wmHTMLEntityList()
*    wmSelectedMember()
*    wmSelectedCastLib()
*    wmSelectedMemberList()

New behaviors added:

*    SpriteToWindow

New parent scripts added:

*    Database Manager
*    Window Manager
*    XMLMUI class

A variety of small improvements to the existing functions and behaviors.
Consult the quoted remarks within the Lingo Library for further information.
A complete reference manual is now also available on-line. Please visit the
Whitemedia website for more info.

For more information, visit the Whitemedia website

Or send us an e-mail:
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/lingo-library-15.hqx; 200 K]


Date: 1 Mar 2002
From: Kris <>
Subject: [*] List inspector Xtra

What's new in this version:

*    Extended Tree View functionality

Product Description:

Whitemedia's List Inspector is a special watcher window for Macromedia
Director. The plugin is intended to be used within the Director IDE (or so
called Authoring Mode).

The List Inspector will display lists (which are Lingo equivalent for array
and matrix implementation) in a more comprehensible way than the square
bracket littered list form. Linear and Property lists can be displayed, as
well as sprites and parent script instances.

The List Inspector has 3 visual modes: the first is the Record View, in
which the list is displayed on a record-per-record basis. The second, the
Table View, will display the list as a table, very similar as you would
expect to see in any spreadsheet application. The third is the Tree View,
making the inspection of nested lists easier than ever.

For more information, visit the Whitemedia website

Or send us an e-mail:

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/list-inspector-xtra-111.hqx; 80 K]


Date: 1 Mar 2002
Subject: [*] LockOut Classic 3.3J - Japanese version

This is the Japanese version of the LockOut package for Mac OS 8 and 9.

A version for Mac OS X is also available.

Rated 4 stars at ZDNet!
Rated 4 cows at Tucows!
Rated 5 Dudes (highest rating) by FileDudes!

LockOut is a simple application to help keep people from using your Mac
while you're away. LockOut helps keep your Mac safe from co-workers 
while at the office, and from your kids while at home.

Once LockOut is activated, all anyone will see on your Mac is the LockOut
security screen:

*A valid password must first be entered to access your Mac 
*Messages can be left by others 
*Create your own custom voice warning 
*Easily activated with a customizable hot key 
*Activate automatically after a pause time 
*Monitor security warnings from anywhere in the world via e-mail.
*And more... 

New for LockOut 3.3:
*Complete support for Mac OS X.

New for LockOut 3.2.1:
*In the Preferences window, the admin password is required to uncheck Admin mode.

New for LockOut 3.2:
*New Preferences window is much easier to use.
*Improved user's manual.
*Bug fixes.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/lockout-classic-33-jp.hqx; 1567 K]


Date: 4 Mar 2002
From: MacMedia <>
Subject: [*] logo-sender-107.hqx  Sending logos and SMS to Nokia mobile phones.

LogoSender is a MacOS application that can send operator logo, picture 
SMS, and text SMS to another (or your own) Nokia mobile phone from the 
phone connected to your computer. Bigger operator logos (78 x 21 pixels, 
for Nokia 71xx, 62xx, 63xx), smaller logos (72 x 14 pixels, for Nokia 
32xx, 33xx, 51xx, 61xx, 82xx, 83xx, 88xx) and picture SMS (72 x 28 pixels 
for almost all Nokias) are supported.

A picture of required size and black&white bitmap format may be prepared 
in a built-in simple editor, or in a standard graphic editor 
(GraphicConverter, Adobe Photoshop or similar) or downloaded from the 
Internet and then opened in LogoSender. After entering the recipient 
phone number the connected mobile phone will send the logo or SMS. 
Standard phonebooks can be imported from the phone and saved to a file.

Graphics can be sent to Nokia phones only, text messages can be sent to 
any phone.

MacOS PPC computer
MacOS 7.5 - 9.x
Nokia 71xx, 62xx, 63xx, 82xx, 83xx, 88xx mobile phone

Shareware $15.

Csl. armady 8
040 01 Kosice
Slovak Republic

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/logo-sender-107.hqx; 946 K]


Date: 4 Mar 2002
From: Mike Brackenridge <>
Subject: [*] MI Convert 1.1 Light

MI Convert Light 1.1 is a Metric and Imperial conversion program
for converting: Miles & Klms, Metres & Feet, Square measurement,
Weight, Capacity, Temperature and Pressure.

 MI Convert Light:

 -  will run on OS 7.5 or better.
 -  will run on 68k and Power PC computers.
 -  is freeware.
 -  is available in both English & Spanish versions.
 -  compressed .hqx file size is 1000k

 Changes from 1.0.4 to 1.1:

 -  This version is mainly to update outdated information within the program
although a few other minor alterations where made including the addition of
a pressure window for mm Hg and in Hg.
 -  Added more decimal placing formatting depending on values.
 -  Fixed an error on Centigrade calculations.

MI Convert 1.1 May be distributed on AMUG, Info-Mac and UMich CDs.

Web site:


[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/mi-convert-light-11.hqx; 1087 K]


Date: 4 Mar 2002
From: Mike Brackenridge <>
Subject: [*] MI Convert 1.1 Light (Espanol)

MI Convert Light 1.1 es un pequeno programa para convertir el
sistema metrico al sistema imperial o vice versa en:  Kms & millas,
Metros & Pies, Peso, Medidas cuadrados, Temperatura y Presiion.

 MI Convert Light:

 -  funciona con OS 7.5 o mejor.
 -  funciona con ordenadores de 68k y Power PC.
 -  es gratis (freeware).
 -  es disponible en versiones Ingles y Espanol.
 -  tomano de archivo hqx es 936k

 Cambios entre version 1.0.4 y 1.1:

 -  anadi una ventana de presion.
 -  acualizado informacion que esta caducada.

MI Convert 1.1 may be distributed on AMUG, Info-Mac and UMich CDs.

Pagina web:


[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/mi-convert-light-11-es.hqx; 1083 K]


Date: 1 Mar 2002
Subject: [*] Moon Menu 1.8J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Moon Menu package.  A Mac OS X version
is under development.

MoonMenu (tm) Extension 

MoonMenu is a system extension that draws the current phase of the moon
in the menubar. The menu, when selected, reveals a textual description
of the moon phase, illumination percentage, the moon's age in days,
current lunation number, and upcoming quarter predictions. MoonMenu also
has automatic "blue moon" detection which actually colors the moon icon

MoonMenu (tm) Application 

MoonMenu is an application that allows users to analyze lunar data like
lunation, lunar phase, illumination, moon age, and upcoming quarter
predictions. Easy to use controls allow users to explore all of these
lunar data through any day and time. MoonMenu also has automatic "blue
moon" detection which actually colors the moon icon blue.

Changes through 1.8

* Future dates are now displayed in days:hours:minutes from the current date.
* Fixed problem with incorrect quarter predictions in the MoonMenu global system menu.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/moon-menu-18-jp.hqx; 891 K]


Date: 3 Mar 2002
From: Panda Systems <>
Subject: [*] PandoCalendar 5.7.6 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.

PandoCalendar is a useful Mac-only program places a fully functional 
calendar on your desktop. The look is completely customizable. You 
can change the calendar font and its size, and the calendar's 
background color; you can center the current week (so you are always 
able to look back and ahead a full month at a time), display the 
numerical number of the weeks of the year, display the calendar with 
European style weeks (Monday being the first day and Sunday being the 
last), assign notes to any day of the year by clicking on the day in 
the calendar, and set alarms to remind you of time sensitive events. 
You can also have PandoCalendar automatically plot the days you work. 
Great for people who don't have a Monday-Friday work schedule!

Version 5.7.6 - Worked around a change in Mac OS X 10.1.3 that caused 
dragging recurring notes to break. Changed note balloons to now 
respect the dock.

Panda Systems

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/pando-calendar-576.hqx; 1133 K]


Date: 1 Mar 2002
From: Nathan Lamont <>
Subject: [*] Sputnix 0.6B; a Mac OS X music sharing client for

Sputnix v0.6B 2002.02.28

freeware - not affiliated with Audiogalaxy in any way, shape, or form

- probably most compliant AudioGalaxy client for Mac OS X using 0.608 
- 100% Cocoa -- support for long file names, and all that good stuff
- resumable downloads
- multiple simultaneous downloads

What's New
since v0.4B
- fixed bug which prevented version 0.5B from passing second new proxy 
test and initiating downloads for users not behind firewalls
- with the generous cooperation of Audiogalaxy, brought up to better 
compliance with their current protocol (0.608); this addresses 
disconnection and log-on problems users have experienced with updated 
Audiogalaxy servers
- added new automatically expanding informational panel to the main 
window; provides details about selected song (select a song to reveal 
the panel)
- added support for multiple shared folders
- much faster scanning of songs
- added ability to listen to selected song from within Sputnix
- immediately reports newly downloaded songs to Audiogalaxy
- if you are logged into Audiogalaxy via Sputnix, clicking the 
"" button in the toolbar now logs you in to their website 
and takes you to your account's home page
- automatically re-connects if you are disconnected
- minor and major bug fixes; significant changes under the hood
- less frequent updates to the display when in background

< Nathan Lamont / >

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/sputnix-06b.hqx; 1265 K]


Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 12:30:53 +0000
From: Fergus Lalor <>
Subject: HELP! Word 98 and 2001 won't print!

Early this week my G3 Mac was hit by a slew of 'Unexpected Quit's in 
Word 98 with Type 1, 2 or 11 errors - followed usually by complete 
system crashes. Reinstalling Word didn't help, nor did a clean 
install of OS 9.2.2. Finally I zapped the PRAM, did a low-level 
format of the HD and carefully reinstalled OS 9.2.2 and the relevant 
s/w. Current versions of Disk Warrior, TechTool Pro, Norton Utilities 
and Norton Antivirus give the machine a clean bill of health. Word 98 
now seems stable - but when I try to print to either of my printers 
the printing light flashes but the printer delivers only a blank 
page. The same happens with Word 2001 - *but* Word 5.1a and the 
chemistry graphic application ChemDraw do print normally.  I am now 
at my wit's end so any suggestions as to what is going on here - and 
how I can cure it - will be most gratefully received.
Fergus Lalor


Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 21:58:17 +0000
From: Ezra Nathan <>
To: Info-Mac digest <>
Subject: PC monitor to Mac


I have bought a LaCie blue monitor adapter hoping to use it to make a PC
monitor work with a very early Mac. There are 8 switch settings, but I don't
know what the configuration ought to be. Can anyone help me with this.

> Ezra 



End of Info-Mac Digest