Subject: Info-Mac Digest V19 #52
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 19 Jun 02       Volume 19 : Issue 52

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#633/10-Jun-02
      [*] TidBITS#634/17-Jun-02
      .MSG Files: How do I open them
      [*] 1.9 UPDATE of Email Magician.sit (abstract and file)
      [*] ChemBuddy 1.0.3 for Mac OS X
      [*] ClassFoot 0.9b4
      [*] Description for earthdesk104.bin
      [*] Geography Challenge v. 1.0 (Education - HyperCard Stack)
      [*] iff Taxi: a game utility for The Sims
      [*] image-sxm-168-2.hqx
      [*] Keyboard Maestro v1.1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Mondriaan 0.5J - Japanese Version
      [*] Synk 4.0
      [*] UnCoverIt 1.4 
      [*] URL Manager Pro 3.0gmJ - Japanese Version
      Cleaning up forwarded email text
      dos2unix-type program for translating .txt files
      Files/Folders from Hell / OS X
      Outlook Express Freeze
      Q: .avi files on Mac
      Q: Javascript for pop-up text on mouseover?
      Q: Video capture framing problem
      Q: Video capture framing problem
      Q: Video capture framing problem
      wanted printer driver

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP
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Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 21:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#633/10-Jun-02


  Scared by the big jump to Mac OS X? We were too, but we've
  assembled a guide to upgrading from Mac OS 9 that will eliminate
  many of the common problems people experience. Also, Adam
  reports on the first MacMania Geek Cruise - read on if you've
  ever wondered what it would be like to cruise to Alaska with
  nearly 200 other Mac geeks. In the news, Apple started selling
  the eMac to the general market, and we cover Mac OS X 10.1.5
  and Mailsmith 1.5.3.

    Cruising with Mac Folk
    Avoiding Trouble in the Move to Mac OS X, Part 1


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-633.etx; 30K]


Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 21:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#634/17-Jun-02


  You've uploaded your digital photos and movies to your iDisk for
  the world to see, but are your visitors being turned away? That's
  what happened to Adam following the recent MacMania Geek Cruise,
  prompting a look at Apple's newly (and quietly) introduced iTools
  bandwidth restrictions. We also have part 2 of our guide to
  upgrading to Mac OS X, and note the release of Internet Explorer
  5.2 for Mac OS X and Kensington's MouseWorks for Mac OS X 2.0.

    iTools HomePage Bandwidth Limitations
    Avoiding Trouble in the Move to Mac OS X, Part 2


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-634.etx; 30K]


Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 13:03:19 -0700
From: Herb Kroemer <>
To: Info Mac Digest <>
Subject: .MSG Files: How do I open them

I find myself with a lare number of files whose name ends in ".MSG" 
that I am unable to open in any of the applications that I have 
installed. They are supposedly some sort of email files. How do I 
open them?

Herbert Kroemer
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California at Santa Barbara
Herbert Kroemer
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California at Santa Barbara


Date: 12 Jun 2002
From: Christopher Yavelow <>
Subject: [*] 1.9 UPDATE of Email Magician.sit (abstract and file)

This is a Stuffit archive of Email Magician 1.9.1 for Eudora=AE (Mac), 
the one-button solution to managing your email from YAV Interactive 
Media, the company that produced the internet power-tool MetaTag 
Manager, and developed LEGO's award-winning first CD-ROM. The 
software automatically creates filters, mailboxes, and nicknames 
(address book entries) with one click. You can generate hundreds of 
filters in the time it takes to construct one manually. Email 
Magician creates mailboxes to go with your new filters, and can also 
add new nicknames to your address book corresponding to your new 

This "Swiss Army Knife" for Eudora=AE includes powerful spam filtering 
and comes with well over a hundred spam filters. Email Magician lets 
you organize and edit your filters, mailboxes, and nicknames too. The 
program also offers one-click archiving of mailboxes, as well as 
automated archiving of messages within mailboxes exceeding a 
specified message limit, or of entire mailboxes that haven't been 
modified within a certain time-period.

Version 1.3 added an option to collect spammer addresses from your 
spam box, or other holding area with a single click. Email Magician 
uses this ever-growing collection to generate new four new types of 
spam filters so you won't be bothered by such message clutter again. 
Version 1.4 added FileMaker export options, including stripping html 
tags in the export process. Version 1.6 added a Valid Accounts 
filter, while version 1.9 added History List filters and management.

Email Magician introduces an intelligent Urgent Filter note-pad where 
you jot down phrases and email addresses that tell Email Magician to 
override existing filters and gather all your "to do" items into a 
single mailbox for quick disposition.

Email Magician automates many email "house-cleaning" chores one 
performs periodically -- besides message and mailbox archival, the 
software offers deletion of empty mailboxes and "orphan-filters," 
meaning filters targeting missing mailboxes, creation of filters 
and/or mailboxes for all nicknames in your address books, creation of 
"group" addresses for use with Eudora's "Intersects Nickname" 
options, and much more.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/email-magician-19.hqx; 2527 K]


Date: 12 Jun 2002
From: Andrew Merenbach <>
Subject: [*] ChemBuddy 1.0.3 for Mac OS X

ChemBuddy is a chemical analysis program for students, chemists, and 
hobbyists alike. It performs many functions from various aspects of 
chemistry. Complete online help is available.

Please note that ChemBuddy requires Mac OS X 10.1.2 or above.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/chembuddy-103.hqx; 1421 K]


Date: 12 Jun 2002
From: Jean-Pierre Curcio <>
Subject: [*] ClassFoot 0.9b4

ClassFoot is an application that allows to store soccer match results,
compute ranking and display statistics for virtually any football
competition. The 0.9b4 version is still under construction but allows to
manage the FIFA World Cup Korea / Japan 2002 competition. It runs under Mac
OS X or under Mac OS 8.6 and 9.x with CarbonLib 1.4 and support English,
French and Spanish languages.

ClassFoot est une application qui permet de stocker des resultats de matches
de football, de calculer les classements et d'afficher les statistiques d'a
peu pres n'importe quelle competition de football. La version 0.9b4 est
encore en construction mais permet de gerer la Coupe du monde Coree / Japon
2002. Elle fonctionne sous Mac OS X ou sous Mac OS 8.6 et Mac OS 9.x avec
CarbonLib 1.4, en francais, en anglais et en espagnol.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/classfoot-09b4.hqx; 336 K]


Date: 16 Jun 2002
From: Trygve Inda <>
Subject: [*] Description for earthdesk104.bin

EarthDesk replaces your static desktop picture with ever-changing, beautiful
maps of the world with correct sun and moon illumination.

* Eleven different projections.
* Political and satellite maps.
* Zoom from 50% to 400%.
* City lights appear at night.
* Atlas contains 10,000 cities.
* Supports OS 8.6+ & OS X.

Trygve H. Inda
EarthDesk Developer


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/earthdesk-104.hqx; 4362 K]


Date: 12 Jun 2002
From: Doug Eernisse <>
Subject: [*] Geography Challenge v. 1.0 (Education - HyperCard Stack)

Geography Challenge version 1.0 is a modest HyperCard stack for Macs 
that is actually two games: Country Challenge and USA Challenge. When 
it was originally released (1993) and last updated (1996) it featured 
only Country Challenge, a multiple choice style game that can be 
played by up to four players. Country Challenge will effectively test 
your knowledge of worldwide or regional capitals, and this version 
has been updated to be politically current as of 2002. The other 
game, USA Challenge, is new with this version, and features a 
colorful map of the USA instead of choices. From experience, it is 
simple enough that kids enjoy playing it. Expect them to soon master 
all the U.S. states and capitals. Once the "Play" button is clicked, 
the game will display the name of a state, capital, or "other city" 
and the object is to click on the corresponding state as quickly as 
possible. If all 50 states are clicked on fast enough, you will earn 
a spot on the High Scores listing. Because Geography Challenge is a 
HyperCard stack, you also need to download Apple's free HyperCard 
Player application before you can use Geography Challenge, assuming 
it is not already on your Macintosh. Like the original version, 
Geography Challenge version 1.0 is postcardware. If you like it, 
please send us a postcard. The most current version is available 

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/geo-challenge-10.hqx; 80 K]


Date: 18 Jun 2002
From: bangsplat software <>
Subject: [*] iff Taxi: a game utility for The Sims

iff Taxi v1.0

iff Taxi is a utility for making "The Sims" IFF object files available to
the downtown buy mode of the "Hot Date" expansion pack. Registered
versions of iff Taxi have batch capability so you can make even a large
collection of downloaded objects downtown-ready within several minutes
instead of several hours.

Requirements: Mac OS X or 9 (with CarbonLib)

iff Taxi is copyright 2002, Cherie Benoit.

Redistribution on official Info-Mac CD-ROMs permitted.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/iff-taxi-10.hqx; 1040 K]


Date: 13 Jun 2002
From: Steve Barrett <>
Subject: [*] image-sxm-168-2.hqx

Image SXM is a version of the public domain image analysis software
NIH Image that has been extended to handle the loading, display and
analysis of scanning microscope images. Image SXM supports images
from the following systems:

Burleigh Instruments
Digital Instruments NanoScope
DME Rasterscope
Gatan DigitalMicrograph (DigiScan)
JEOL SEM, WinSem and SPM
Klocke Nanotechnik SPM and SNOM
Leica TCS
Molecular Imaging
Noran Vantage
Omicron and Omicron SCALA
Oxford Instruments TOPSystem
Park Scientific Instruments
Quesant Instruments
RHK Technology
Vacuum Generators
WA Technology
Zeiss LSM

To keep up to date with news of the latest version of Image SXM,
check the web page

If you have problems, or any comments or suggestions for new
features that you would like to see in future versions of Image SXM,
then please email me.

Steve Barrett    June 2002

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/image-sxm-168-2.hqx; 3974 K]


Date: 12 Jun 2002
Subject: [*] Keyboard Maestro v1.1.1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Keyboard Maestro package.

* Multi-Action Hot Keys and Drag-and-Drop Editing of Hot Keys make
Keyboard Maestro the most powerful shareware hot key utility there is!
* Strategic application control is now just a finger touch away with the
new Move or Click Mouse Action.
* It's now easy as 1, 2, 3 to Restart or Shutdown you computer, put your
computer to Sleep, Activate your Screen Saver, and Open or Close the CD
* Keyboard Maestro has integrated its Open File or Folder action with
Default Folder X v1.5 to allow the selection of files or folders in any
active Open/Save dialog with Keyboard Mastro hot keys.
* Improved saving of application data will prevent Keyboard Maestro from
forgetting your applications even if you upgrade them and their names
* Ahhücconvenience! Program Switcher feature no longer has a use
limitation in the Lite version.
* Did we mention that you can now use Program Switcher indefinitely for

The mouse is a great invention - it has revolutionize how we interact
with computers. Unfortunately, doing repetitive tasks with the mouse is
tedious, error prone, and tiring. With Keyboard Maestro, you can execute
most any task that you frequently perform simply by pressing a

You can even create simple scripts in Keyboard Maestro which execute a
series of events that you define. For example, if there is a series of
buttons you regularly click in order to accomplish a common task,
Keyboard Maestro can automate those clicks with one simple keystroke!

Keyboard Maestro is also fully integrated with the popular MacOS X
system enhancements Default Folder X and Xounds.

Program Switcher enables you two switch, quit, hide, or launch any
application simply by pressing a keystroke. 

With Clipboard Switcher, you can copy anything once, and then
paste it into any application at any time - even if you have copied
something else in the mean time. Clipboard Switcher gives your Mac
an unlimited number of clipboards, all of which are accessible via a simple

Copy anything from any application and then paste it into any
application at any time. Keyboard Maestro even saves and restores your
clipboard through user log outs and system restarts.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/keyboard-maestro-111-jp.hqx; 1380 K]


Date: 14 Jun 2002
Subject: [*] Mondriaan 0.5J - Japanese Version

This package includes the Japanese versions of the Mondriaan menu extra and
control strip module for URL Manager Pro.

Mondriaan is a menu extra or 'menulet'. It appears as an icon in the
upper right corner of your Mac OS X menu bar. 

On Mac OS 9, Mondriaan is a Control Strip Module and appears in your Control Strip.

Mondriaan is freeware for use with URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark
manager for Mac OS X and Mac OS 9.

Mondriaan has five sets of bookmarks that you configure from the
Favorites Window (Edit menu of URL Manager Pro). The five sets are:
Favorites, Explore, Friends, FTPs and Daily.

Mondriaan is ideal when you need to access some web sites quickly and
don't want to launch the URL Manager Pro application.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/mondriaan-05-jp.hqx; 158 K]


Date: 13 Jun 2002
From: Randall Voth <>
Subject: [*] Synk 4.0

Homepage + Email

Macintosh OS X 10.1 or later

* native Cocoa application
* informative preview window gives you full control over what will happen
* intelligent synchronization that knows when you have removed a file 
from a folder or added one in
* powerful archival features that keeps and organizes every modified 
* can consider changes in permissions to be a modified file

Synk is $15 US shareware (register online)
Upgrades to Synk are always free for registered users.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/synk-40.hqx; 449 K]


Date: 14 Jun 2002
From: "Ilja A. Iwas" <>
Subject: [*] UnCoverIt 1.4 

UnCoverIt is a shareware application that automatically generates labels 
for different kinds of storage medias.

Unlike other label printing applications you don't have to enter the 
name of the files on your disk manually. UnCoverIt scans your disk and 
places icons and file names at the right place and the right size 

UnCoverIt can create covers for either data volumes or Audio CDs.

UnCoverIt comes with cover layouts for the following storage medias:
-Iomega ZIP
-Iomega JAZ
-Iomation SuperDisk
-ORB drives

Audio CD covers can be made from a folder of MP3 or AIFF files, a track 
list thats saved in your Macintoshs "CD Remote Programs" file, an 
AudioCD inside your Macintoshs CD-ROM drive or iTunes playlist file.


UnCoverIt is available in three different license forms:

Single User License: $10
Site License: $50
World Wide License: $500


- MacOS 8.6 or later classic MacOS (with CarbonLib 1.4) or MacOS 10.1 or 
- 8 MByte free RAM

CONTACT Information:

Ilja A. Iwas

[Archived as /info-mac/prn/un-cover-it-14.hqx; 1270 K]


Date: 12 Jun 2002
Subject: [*] URL Manager Pro 3.0gmJ - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the URL Manager Pro package.

"In the shareware arena, my pick is URL Manager" - Adam C. Engst 

"You have got me addicted" - Henry Norr, San Francisco Chronicle 

"A must have for serious Web users" - Tucows rating: 5 out of 5 

URL Manager Pro is the most powerful bookmark manager on the Macintosh.
It offers:

* Integration : You have access to your bookmarks from your browser's
menu bar and from the Mac OS X Dock, and with the Mondriaan Menu Extra 
for Mac OS X you can access your most used bookmark sets directly from 
the Mac OS X menu bar, even when URL Manager Pro isn't running

* Document Storage : Your bookmarks are stored in URL Manager Pro
bookmark documents, which you can store and manipulate in the normal
Macintosh way. No need to hunt for your bookmarks in preferences folders
of browsers. You can make automatic periodic saves and make copies of
bookmark documents on backup devices on each save.

* History : You can surf the web using several different browsers while
URL Manager Pro will keep recording the History of each.

* Importing and exporting bookmarks : The File menu gives you a list of
all of the browsers that URL Manager Pro can import from and export to.
It lets you 'harvest' bookmarks by scanning HTML and text files for
bookmarks and URLs.

* It lets you edit and organize bookmarks fast : You can use inline
editing, label and color your bookmarks and use drag and drop of
bookmarks within and between bookmark windows.

* Tap Sherlock power : You can index your bookmark file and tap the
power of Sherlock to look for words in your bookmark files. 

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/urlm-pro-30gm-jp.hqx; 3269 K]


Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 17:44:47 -0400
From: "Roger S. Cohen" <>
To:, Allan Hunter <>
Subject: Cleaning up forwarded email text

The Info-Mac Network <> said on 6/3/02 6:30 PM:

>Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 09:44:58 -0400
>From: Allan Hunter <>
>Subject: Q: Cleaning up forwarded email text
>At 2:48 PM -0500 5/16/02, Sam M. Hunter wrote:
>>I'm sure everyone knows the problem: I get forwarded email, jokes, etc.,
>>with about 14 carats (>>>>...) in front of each line, along with
>>multiple carriage returns, thus breaking up the lines of text in the
>>middle, etc.
>>Is there a standalone shareware program that can clean this mess up?

I use and like TextSoap from Unmarked Software.

 Roger S. Cohen, President, Cohen International
    Voice: +1 (845) 358-8936      Fax: +1 (845) 358-8937


Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 16:45:41 -0400 (EDT)
From: Arthur Snoke <>
To: The Info-Mac Network <>
Subject: dos2unix-type program for translating .txt files

I am preparing a CD with a number of packages (.tgz and .zip compressed
directory trees) some of which come from PCs.  I would like to find a
program like the UNIX dos2unix for the MAC which could translate text
files, getting rid of the PC line-ending characters.  Simpletext gives
ugly little boxes down the left side.  BBEdit does the translation, as do
word processing programs like WORD.  But I would like to provide a
separate program on the CD for MAC users.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

Arthur Snoke

p.s.  Ideally it could work on both OS9 and OS10.  I can probably find a
sed script which should work on OSX.


Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 16:44:48 +0200
From: "Michael S. Silverstein" <>
Subject: Files/Folders from Hell / OS X

I am using OS X 10.1.4:

I have a file (Installer Log File created by the Adobe Acrobat patch) 
that I cannot even put in the Trash since 'this item is owned by 

There are several folders in the Trash which I cannot throw away: 
'the operation cannot be completed because one or more of the 
required items cannot be found'.

Can someone tell me how I get rid of this stuff?


michael silverstein
materials engineering


Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:40:31 +0100
From: Tom Murphy/Tom=?ISO-8859-1?B?4XMgTyBNdXJjaPo=?= <>
To: <>
Subject: Outlook Express Freeze

Tom Murphy,37 Aylesbury, Kilkenny.
My  I Mac has taken to freezing on start up . Mostly this is when I go to
email Outlook Express. I have to restart about four times before I can work
away normally . Any ideas??


Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 22:43:05 +0900
Subject: Q: .avi files on Mac

How can I view .avi files on my Mac? I'm running MacOS 9.1 with QT 
5.0.5. QT doesn't seem to be able to handle them (required software 
unavailable??), and neither does RealPlayer (it tries to download 
software but flakes out halfway) or Windows Media Player 7 (it says 
that the files are the wrong format).



Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 16:15:59 -0700
From: Paul Brians <>
Subject: Q: Javascript for pop-up text on mouseover?

In the Finder and in many Mac applications, if you leave your cursor 
resting on a button for a second or two a bit of text pops up telling 
you what it's good for.

That's the effect I'd like to get in HTML. I want to have a small 
photo on a Web page which, on mouseover, would trigger a Javascript 
which pops up a few words of text identifying the image.

I've trolled the Web briefly for examples, but most of the rollover 
scripts I've seen are more elaborate than I want,  aimed at creating 
hyperlinks or displaying gifs. I just want a little informative text. 
Can anyone point me to a ready-made Javascript template that will do 
what I want?
Paul Brians, Department of English
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 12:44:12 -0700
From: Jerry Kyllo <>
To: Donald Robert Dover <>,
Subject: Q: Video capture framing problem

This sounds like some equipment in the video chain is receiving video from 
one source but is gen-locking to something else.  We see it quite often on 
a tape machine in record mode where the TBC is locked up to the genlock 
input instead of the incoming video.  Monitors with external genlock may 
often look that way as well.  You may not have a poor genlock source but a 
difference in cable lengths or passing video through various equipment may 
delay the video enough to produce this.  You may want to make sure that 
there are no loops of cabling through your equipment and back into it some 
other way, especially if there is a "sync or Genlock" input in any of your 
equipment.  I would check the codec first to make sure that it is connected 
correctly.  Next I would look through the manual to find out if there are 
any menus for synchronization.

>Paul Brians wrote:
> > I'm trying to get started using iMovie to capture clips from a
> > videotape. For playback I'm using a JVC HR-S7900U playing through a
> > Sony DV Hardware Codec Converter to a G4. For some reason a narrow
> > band of the image which should be displayed at the top of the frame
> > is showing up at the bottom instead. In a movie projector I'd call
> > this a framing problem.
> >
> > I've tried using the JVC's control to adjust the tracking, but it
> > doesn't help; I don't think it's a tracking problem. The original
> > tapes played back onto a regular TV monitor play fine, no framing
> > problem.
> >
> > I don't see any controls on the Sony unit, or anything in iMovie that
> > would help me fix the framing. Can anybody help?
> > --
> > Paul Brians, Department of English
> > Washington State University
> > Pullman, WA 99164-5020
> >
> >

Jerry Kyllo CBTE
Broadcast Technician Supervisor, East
Educational Telecommunications and Technologies
Northwest Public Radio and TV
Washington State University
Murrow Communication Center
Pullman, WA  99164-2530


Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 12:11:40 -0700
From: Donald Robert Dover <>
Subject: Q: Video capture framing problem

You are describing a phenomena that I know of as "head switching."

It's "normal"  to see this from lower end (read "non-broadcast") videotape
machines using helical scanning.  Normally, this would not be seen by viewers
because part of the signal is hidden on a standard NTSC television set

When you are capturing the signal you are capturing the WHOLE signal, and you
are viewing the WHOLE picture because it is being displayed "underscanned,"
presumably in a window on your computer display.  Broadcasters have found some
workarounds to hide the head switching that involves modifying the electronics
inside the VCR.  If you are interested in voiding the warranty on your machine,
I could probably refer you to some broadcast engineers.  There may be a software
solution, but I am unaware what it would be.

However, this may not really be a problem for you.  If you always plan on
displaying your edited projects on standard NTSC television displays that
overscan the image, your viewers will never see the flaw.  If you are displaying
on underscanned displays, your viewers will see the flaw.

Of course, you could always use a different grade of tape machine that doesn't
cause the head switching flaw to be displayed.

Anyone else have any ideas??


Donald Robert Dover / Network Operations Director
Washington Higher Education Telecommunication System

E-mail: / Phone: 509-335-6534 / Fax: 509-335-6532
Edward R Murrow Communications Center, Room 363
PO Box 642530, Pullman, WA 99164-2530
Web site:

Paul Brians wrote:

> I'm trying to get started using iMovie to capture clips from a
> videotape. For playback I'm using a JVC HR-S7900U playing through a
> Sony DV Hardware Codec Converter to a G4. For some reason a narrow
> band of the image which should be displayed at the top of the frame
> is showing up at the bottom instead. In a movie projector I'd call
> this a framing problem.
> I've tried using the JVC's control to adjust the tracking, but it
> doesn't help; I don't think it's a tracking problem. The original
> tapes played back onto a regular TV monitor play fine, no framing
> problem.
> I don't see any controls on the Sony unit, or anything in iMovie that
> would help me fix the framing. Can anybody help?
> --
> Paul Brians, Department of English
> Washington State University
> Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 11:42:04 -0700
From: Paul Brians <>
Subject: Q: Video capture framing problem

I'm trying to get started using iMovie to capture clips from a 
videotape. For playback I'm using a JVC HR-S7900U playing through a 
Sony DV Hardware Codec Converter to a G4. For some reason a narrow 
band of the image which should be displayed at the top of the frame 
is showing up at the bottom instead. In a movie projector I'd call 
this a framing problem.

I've tried using the JVC's control to adjust the tracking, but it 
doesn't help; I don't think it's a tracking problem. The original 
tapes played back onto a regular TV monitor play fine, no framing 

I don't see any controls on the Sony unit, or anything in iMovie that 
would help me fix the framing. Can anybody help?
Paul Brians, Department of English
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 22:21:59 +0100
From: Ezra Nathan <>
To: Info-Mac digest <>
Subject: wanted printer driver


I am looking for a driver for my Epson stylus color 800. I am running OS9 on
a PowerMac. What is the name of the driver and where can I download it from?

> Ezra 



End of Info-Mac Digest