Subject: Info-Mac Digest V19 #56
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 16 Jul 02       Volume 19 : Issue 56

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#636/01-Jul-02
      [*] TidBITS#637/07-Jul-02
      [*] TidBITS#638/15-Jul-02
      [*] BOOM 1.3 (final release)
      [*] Calculator 1.0 By Scott Garrett
      [*] DockDisks
      [*] DupliMizer 2.4
      [*] Icon Machine 3.0b19J - Japanese version
      [*] Keybard Maestro 1.1.3
      [*] Keyboard Maestro v1.1.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] 1.0.2
      [*] Sound Warehouse v1.0.8
      [*] TechTool Lite 3.0.3
      [*] TechTool Pro 3.0.7 Updater Submission
      [*] URL Manager Pro 3.0
      [*] URL Manager Pro 3.0 (French version)
      [*] URL Manager Pro 3.0 (German version)
      [*] URL Manager Pro 3.0 (Spanish version)
      [*] Web Confidential 3.0.5 - Italian version
      [A] OS 9.2.x for Power Tower
      [Q] Firewire-scsi?
      [Q] Visual Basic port?
      Avi on Mac
      Conditional mail-merge macro in WP 3.5
      ITools question

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 21:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#636/01-Jul-02


  Bloodshot eyes, shaky hands, and Clarus the dogcow everywhere -
  where else could you find this combination except at MacHack, from
  which Adam shares the winners of the MacHax Best Hack Contest.
  Also in this issue, Chris Barylick examines how public schools and
  user groups can aid one another, Jeff chases down Apple's frenzy
  of software updates from last week, and Adam's iPhoto Visual
  QuickStart Guide becomes available in paperback.

    Apple's Busy Update Week
    Bringing Together Education and User Groups
    The MacHax Best Hack Contest 2002


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-636.etx; 31K]


Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2002 21:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#637/07-Jul-02


  Have you missed a few TidBITS issues here and there? Geoff Duncan
  explains how overly aggressive filters on your email server could
  be bouncing TidBITS issues (and other email) into the ether. Also
  in this issue, Eolake Stobblehouse sings the praises of the flat-
  panel iMac, Adam looks ahead to events at next week's Macworld
  Expo New York, eBay buys PayPal for $1.5 billion, and Microsoft
  releases Internet Explorer 5.2.1.

    Macworld Expo NY 2002 Events
    Living Under the Snow Dome
    Email Filtering: Killing the Killer App


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-637.etx; 30K]


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 21:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#638/15-Jul-02


  Do you cringe when email arrives with garish colors and graphics?
  Wish you could use grep pattern matching when searching your
  email? Follow along with William Porter as he reviews Mailsmith,
  Bare Bones Software's powerful email client. Also on the email
  front, Adam continues to focus on the issue of overzealous
  server-side content filtering. We also note the releases of a
  Mac OS X security update and FileMaker Pro 6, and ask how much
  spam you receive.

    Content Filtering Exposed
    Mailsmith 1.5: Lean, Mean Email Machine


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-638.etx; 32K]


Date: 1 Jul 2002
From: Federico Filipponi <>
Subject: [*] BOOM 1.3 (final release)

What is BOOM?
BOOM is an arcade game in the grand tradition, bringing the
playability and feel of the glorious 8-bit consoles on the
Macintosh. It can be described as "Bomberman meets Doom".
Actually, I took the basic Bomberman idea and dropped it in a
"Super-Deformed Doom" scenario (whatever this means).
As a space marine your mission is to penetrate 8 alien infested
areas, each one divided in 10 sub-zones, eliminate all enemies
using your bombs and finally kick the Big Alien Boss back to
where he came from.

System Requirements
PowerPC processor.
Mac OS 8.6 or later.
640x480 or larger monitor supporting 256 colors.
For Mac OS 8.6 and 9.x only:
9 MBytes free memory.
CarbonLib 1.1 or later.
Sound Manager 3.0 or later.

Recommended Configuration
For Mac OS 8.6 and 9.x only:
InputSprocket 1.1 or later (not supported under Mac OS X).
QuickTime¼ 4 or later with 'QuickTime Authoring' component installed.

What's new in BOOM 1.3?
     * A few small bug fixes and code adjustments.
     * Updated the documentation as usual.

BOOM is 15$ shareware.
You can distribute BOOM freely, provided that you leave the software and
the accompanying documentation unchanged. You can include BOOM in CD-ROMs
and other software collections only by previous agreement.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/boom-13.hqx; 3206 K]


Date: 1 Jul 2002
From: "Scott G. (SPC4/DC2000)" <magarret@TTACS.TTU.EDU>
Subject: [*] Calculator 1.0 By Scott Garrett

|                    | Calculator 1.0 Abstract |                    |
|_Version_| 1.0 for HyperCard 2.4 or later                          |
|_Creator_| Scott Garrett <>                  |
|__CInfo__| This is a very simple calculator program I wrote with   |
| HyperCard 2.4b16. It is mouse-controlled and I also added a       |
| feature that will allow you to remember a number for later use.   |
|        Since this version is my first, it has some bugs in it.    |
| Here are ones that I know of right now:                           |
+{ Bugs } + 
| Calculator canát calculate problems that contain multiple signs.  |
| (In other words, it canát, yet, figure out what 12x12-3+14ò2 is.) |
| The workarond to this is to do the first part (like 12x12) then   |
| press the ‘=Ö button. Then you would start doing somthing like    |
| this: 144-3 {equals} 141+14 {equals} 155ò2 {equals} 77.5. 77.5    |
| would be your answer. (If you donát get this, ask me to send you  |
| an GIF animation of me doing this.)                               |
| The data field does not clear after you have done a calculation   |
| and pressed the ‘=Ö button. Instead it adds on to the answer.     |
| This may be good or bad, so Iám taking a servey on this: If you   |
| think I should keep this ‘featureÖ, email me with ‘Calculator =   |
| YesÖ in the subject. Otherwise email me with ‘Calculator = NoÖ in |
| the subject. :)                                                   |
|        Well, anyway, if you have any questions, other bugs, or    |
| comments about the Calculator, email me at |
| Then, while I come out with another version of it, I will try to  |
| remove as many bugs as possible (excpet for the Equals button     |
| thing -- that depends on your votes.) :)                          |
| Scott Garrett |  |

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/hc-calculator-10.hqx; 85 K]


Date: 28 Jun 2002
From: Charles Srstka <>
Subject: [*] DockDisks

DockDisks is a hack that causes disks to auto-mount in the Dock. This
can be handy if you want to put your dock on the right side of the
screen but want to avoid the conflict for space with the disk icons on
the desktop. It can also help avoid the problem of desktop icons
becoming covered up by open windows.

DockDisks is a hack, and as such it is obviously not perfect. The main
caveat is that the Dock is quit and relaunched when the list of disks is
refreshed, because the Dock has no API for adding/removing items, and
thus has to be relaunched to refresh its settings. However, DockDisks
does do its job, which is to put your disks in the dock.

Current features:

-  Preference pane interface
-  Can be set to automatically launch at login
-  Automatically mounts disks when they are inserted
-  Automatically unmounts disks when they are ejected
-  Automatically ejects removable disks and servers when they are
dragged off of the dock
-  Allows the user to choose whether to display fixed disks, removable
disks, servers, or any combination thereof in the dock.
-  Allows the user to choose the area of the dock in which the disks
will appear
-  German localization by Sebastian Krau=DF
-  French localization by Ronald Leroux

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/dockdisks-10b41.hqx; 187 K]


Date: 1 Jul 2002
From: Ton Brand <>
Subject: [*] DupliMizer 2.4

DupliMizer 2.4

What it is: AppleScript program that duplicates and optimizes your entire
web folder in one pass.
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Tonbrand Software
License: Shareware US$6
Computer: any Mac
Mac OS: 7.6 or higher (not OSX)
Required: Scripting Addition (osax) "ACME Script Widgets"
DupliMizer is an AppleScript program that duplicates and optimizes your
entire web folder.
Simply drag your Web Folder to the program's icon and all web pages are
optimized in one pass! There is a limit to the hierarchical depth that
DupliMizer can handle: Eight levels must be sufficient in practically all
cases. A detailed log is available.
Version 2.4 optimizes also php and newlassoscript code.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/duplimizer-24.hqx; 123 K]


Date: 28 Jun 2002
Subject: [*] Icon Machine 3.0b19J - Japanese version

This is the Japanese version of the Icon Machine package.

Icon Machine is a Macintosh icon editor designed to take advantage of
the great features of the Mac OS to give you the power to make the icons
you want.

Now updated and redesigned for editing all icon sizes from 16x12 Mini to
Mac OS X's 128x128 Thumbnail, and Carbonized for Mac OS X, Icon Machine
is a great tool for creating icons for applications, customized folders,
eye-catching documents, and everything else.

"The Photoshop of icon editors!"
- Andrew Miller

"Icon Machine has a way of making a little square of 1024 pixels feel
like an expansive painter's canvas." 
- Eric Prentice, MacTips

Changes in version 3.0b19

- Fixed a bug where saving an icon onto a file that had no resource fork
would change the file type and replace the data fork's contents
- Fixed a crash that happened in Mac OS 8 and 9 when displaying certain
error dialogs, such as when an incorrect registration code was entered
- The Apply Icon command now works properly with multiple selections
- Implemented a new method for putting images on the clipboard, to avoid
QuickTime bugs that were causing incorrect masking
- In OS X, clicking the close box of an inactive editing window will
close the window instead of bringing it to the front
- The Fix Image and Fix Mask commands are no longer in the editing
window's contextual menu, because they're seldom used and the menu was
too long
- Fixed an assertion dialog that would appear sometimes when editing a
32-bit icon
- Fixed alignment of the background pattern in 2x and 6x magnification
- Added available memory checks before attempting to open an editing

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/icon-machine-30b19-jp.hqx; 1185 K]


Date: 1 Jul 2002
From: Michael Kamprath <>
Subject: [*] Keybard Maestro 1.1.3

Keyboard Maestro Description

For anybody who works on their Mac, Keyboard Maestro is an essential utility
that allows you to perform many different tasks simply by pressing a few
keys.  Keyboard Maestro enables you to spend more time working and less time
mousing, clicking, and typing to get your work done. Keyboard Maestro has
three core features built into it that make working on the Mac much simpler:
Hot Keys, Program Switcher, and Clipboard Switcher.
The Hot Key feature enables you to perform any number of user configurable
actions simply by pressing a keystroke. Hot Key actions include quitting,
hiding, or activating applications, inserting text, executing an Apple
Script or a UNIX script, opening files or folders, moving and clicking the
mouse, and much more. All hot keys can optionally be targeted to specific
applications, allowing the hot key to be active only when you find it
useful. Furthermore, any hot key can contain more than one action, enabling
you to create macros for any application.

Keyboard Maestro incorporates the wildly popular Classic MacOS application
switching utility, Program Switcher. In fact, Keyboard Maestro was written
by the author of Program Switcher. With the Program Switcher feature, you
are able to launch, switch, hide, and quit applications with a simple
keystroke. Keyboard Maestro brings to MacOS X what Classic Mac users have
been enjoying since 1994 - the most refined application switching utility
there is! 
Keyboard Maestro also has the extremely useful clipboard utility, Clipboard
Switcher, built in. Clipboard Switcher allows you to define any number of
clipboards which you can use to Øcopy toÛ and Øpaste fromÛ simply by
pressing a keystroke. Clipboards are automatically saved through system
restart, user logout, and are always available when you need them.

You may find out more information about Keyboard Maestro and even download
the free Lite version at:

What's New In This Release

  - Improved compatibility with Mac OS X 10.2
  - Fixed application targeting bug that manifested when multiple copies of
a targeted application was on the hard drive
  - Fixed a bug which prevented the 'A' key from being the value for a "Type
Keystroke" action 
  - Hot key editor will now create an appropriate action for the type of
file dragged onto it from the Finder
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/keyboard-maestro-113.hqx; 1039 K]


Date: 1 Jul 2002
Subject: [*] Keyboard Maestro v1.1.3J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Keyboard Maestro package.

For anybody who works on their Mac, Keyboard Maestro is an essential utility
that allows you to perform many different tasks simply by pressing a few
keys.  Keyboard Maestro enables you to spend more time working and less time
mousing, clicking, and typing to get your work done. Keyboard Maestro has
three core features built into it that make working on the Mac much simpler:
Hot Keys, Program Switcher, and Clipboard Switcher.

The Hot Key feature enables you to perform any number of user configurable
actions simply by pressing a keystroke. Hot Key actions include quitting,
hiding, or activating applications, inserting text, executing an Apple
Script or a UNIX script, opening files or folders, moving and clicking the
mouse, and much more. All hot keys can optionally be targeted to specific
applications, allowing the hot key to be active only when you find it
useful. Furthermore, any hot key can contain more than one action, enabling
you to create macros for any application.

Keyboard Maestro incorporates the wildly popular Classic MacOS application
switching utility, Program Switcher. In fact, Keyboard Maestro was written
by the author of Program Switcher. With the Program Switcher feature, you
are able to launch, switch, hide, and quit applications with a simple
keystroke. Keyboard Maestro brings to MacOS X what Classic Mac users have
been enjoying since 1994 - the most refined application switching utility
there is!

Keyboard Maestro also has the extremely useful clipboard utility, Clipboard
Switcher, built in. Clipboard Switcher allows you to define any number of
clipboards which you can use to "copy to" and "paste from" simply by
pressing a keystroke. Clipboards are automatically saved through system
restart, user logout, and are always available when you need them.

You may find out more information about Keyboard Maestro and even download
the free Lite version at

Changes in Version 1.1.3:

* Improved compatibility with Mac OS X 10.2
* Fixed application targeting bug that manifested when multiple copies
of a targeted application was on the hard drive
* Fixed a bug which prevented the 'A' key from being the value for a
"Type Keystroke" action
* Hot key editor will now create an appropriate action for the type of
file dragged onto it from the Finder
* Extended drag support to the various application lists 

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/keyboard-maestro-113-jp.hqx; 1430 K]


Date: 29 Jun 2002
Subject: [*] 1.0.2

The Massinova Project
Broadcasting trance and electronica music to the world 24 hours a day, 7
days a week with live requests, a vast community network of listeners
and an unrivaled web site.  The project started with  the desire to push
the envelope of music interactivity by providing an automated request
system.  A custom broadcast engine was developed to interface directly
with an SQL backend allowing unsurpassed web interactivity.

The result, as you can see, is very cool.

The Menu Extra
The Massinova Menu Extra is an extension of The Massinova Project
allowing listeners running Mac OS X to interface directly with the
broadcast database.  It sits in the Mac OS X Menu Bar providing useful
information such as the current song playing and recently requested
songs.  Additionally, it allows a listener to place requests for songs
in the request list, and directly connect to the broadcast.


English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Brazilian-Portuguese,
Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese


Mac OS X 10.1
A broadband connection to the Internet (DSL, Cable, T1+)

Version 1.0.2

*Ability to request DJ sets on DJ Day.
*Add DJ sets to your favorites on DJ Day.
*Favorites list will now show only DJ sets on DJ Day and DJ sets will not show up any other day.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/massinova-menu-102.hqx; 438 K]


Date: 30 Jun 2002
From: Takashi Suzuki <>
Subject: [*] Sound Warehouse v1.0.8

Sound Warehouse is an application for the Macintosh which allows you to
play & manage sound files. (MP3, AIFF, AIFC, WAVE, AU, Sound DesignerII
and MIDI files supported)
Player window holds one sound file, and displays it's time code, spectrum
and level meters.
Playlist window can have up to 2,147,483,647 sound files to be played back
sequentially, or random order.
Database window can have up to 2,147,483,647 sound files with sort & find
You can convert sound format, too.

What's Changed:
 - ID3v2 tag parser bug fixed.

 - Power Application.
 - QuickTime support.
 - Macintosh Drag and Drop support.
 - Navigation Services support.

This application requires:
 - Macintosh with PowerPC (G3, G4 recommended)
 - System8.5 + QuickTime 4 or later (QuickTime 5 recommended, exclude OS X)

-- T.Suzuki

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/sound-warehouse-108.hqx; 373 K]


Date: 28 Jun 2002
From: Christian Pickman <>
Subject: [*] TechTool Lite 3.0.3

Originally known as the "freeware" version of TechTool. TechTool is the
acclaimed utility that solves those incurable problems which elude other
utilities. With TechTool you can:
* Analyze your system and finder for damage.
* Alter file and folder information with File Lab.
* Zap the entire PRAM chip.
* Delete the desktop file, the better alternative to rebuilding.
* Clean your floppy drive (use with drive cleaning disk).
* View, print and save a multitude of information about your Mac.

What's new in this version:

* Fixed cosmetic issues with File Lab.
* Added support up to Mac OS 9.2.2 US and International.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/tech-tool-lite-303.hqx; 2616 K]


Date: 28 Jun 2002
From: Christian Pickman <>
Subject: [*] TechTool Pro 3.0.7 Updater Submission

TechTool Pro allows users to test their computers like a professional,
without the need for years of experience or a computer degree. The user can
repair many Macintosh problems, verify system configurations, optimize
performance of their media, check the integrity of crucial System software
and enablers, make sure that the machine is running its fastest, and reveal
the hidden culprits that cause the computer to slow, freeze or crash.

Added Save Info Comments option in Desktop panel.
Added more conflicts to the Conflict Database file.
Added dialogs for Minor and Major March tests for RAM and VRAM panels.
Added support for Mac OS 9.2.2 System File testing for Spring 2002 machines.
Added more default exceptions in TechTool Protection control panel for Trash

Bug Fixes:
Global updates for machines released in Spring 2002.
Fixed a variety of minor operational and cosmetic bugs.

NOTE: This and future versions of TechTool Pro 3 will ONLY work on machines
that have a PowerPC processor.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/tech-tool-pro-307-updater.hqx; 4125 K]


Date: 28 Jun 2002
From: Alco Blom <>
Subject: [*] URL Manager Pro 3.0

URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark manager for the Macintosh
for use with Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, iCab and
OmniWeb gives users a more convenient way to manage bookmarks, Email
addresses and news groups.

Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9.

Its main features are:

* Integration : You have access to your bookmarks from your browser's
menu bar and from the Mac OS X Dock.

* Document Storage : Your bookmarks are stored in URL Manager Pro
bookmark documents, which you can store and manipulate in the normal
Macintosh way. No need to hunt for your bookmarks in preferences
folders of browsers. You can make automatic periodic saves and make
copies of bookmark documents on backup devices on each save.

* History : You can surf the web using several different browsers while
URL Manager Pro will keep recording the History of each.

* Importing and exporting bookmarks : The File menu gives you a list of
all of the browsers that URL Manager Pro can import from and export to.
It lets you 'harvest' bookmarks by scanning HTML and text files for
bookmarks and URLs.

* It lets you edit and organize bookmarks fast : You can use inline
editing, label and color your bookmarks.

* Tap Sherlock power : You can index your bookmark file and tap the
power of Sherlock to look for words in your bookmark files.

URL Manager Pro is available in English, Japanese, German, French
and Spanish.

URL Manager Pro is $25 shareware.

Home Page:


Author: Alco Blom

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/urlm-pro-30.hqx; 2449 K]


Date: 28 Jun 2002
From: Alco Blom <>
Subject: [*] URL Manager Pro 3.0 (French version)

URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark manager for the Macintosh
for use with Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, iCab and
OmniWeb gives users a more convenient way to manage bookmarks, Email
addresses and news groups.

Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9.

Its main features are:

* Integration : You have access to your bookmarks from your browser's
menu bar and from the Mac OS X Dock.

* Document Storage : Your bookmarks are stored in URL Manager Pro
bookmark documents, which you can store and manipulate in the normal
Macintosh way. No need to hunt for your bookmarks in preferences
folders of browsers. You can make automatic periodic saves and make
copies of bookmark documents on backup devices on each save.

* History : You can surf the web using several different browsers while
URL Manager Pro will keep recording the History of each.

* Importing and exporting bookmarks : The File menu gives you a list of
all of the browsers that URL Manager Pro can import from and export to.
It lets you 'harvest' bookmarks by scanning HTML and text files for
bookmarks and URLs.

* It lets you edit and organize bookmarks fast : You can use inline
editing, label and color your bookmarks.

* Tap Sherlock power : You can index your bookmark file and tap the
power of Sherlock to look for words in your bookmark files.

URL Manager Pro is available in English, Japanese, German, French
and Spanish.

URL Manager Pro is 28 Euro shareware.

Home Page:


Author: Alco Blom

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/urlm-pro-30-fr.hqx; 3319 K]


Date: 28 Jun 2002
From: Alco Blom <>
Subject: [*] URL Manager Pro 3.0 (German version)

URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark manager for the Macintosh
for use with Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, iCab and
OmniWeb gives users a more convenient way to manage bookmarks, Email
addresses and news groups.

Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9.

Its main features are:

* Integration : You have access to your bookmarks from your browser's
menu bar and from the Mac OS X Dock.

* Document Storage : Your bookmarks are stored in URL Manager Pro
bookmark documents, which you can store and manipulate in the normal
Macintosh way. No need to hunt for your bookmarks in preferences
folders of browsers. You can make automatic periodic saves and make
copies of bookmark documents on backup devices on each save.

* History : You can surf the web using several different browsers while
URL Manager Pro will keep recording the History of each.

* Importing and exporting bookmarks : The File menu gives you a list of
all of the browsers that URL Manager Pro can import from and export to.
It lets you 'harvest' bookmarks by scanning HTML and text files for
bookmarks and URLs.

* It lets you edit and organize bookmarks fast : You can use inline
editing, label and color your bookmarks.

* Tap Sherlock power : You can index your bookmark file and tap the
power of Sherlock to look for words in your bookmark files.

URL Manager Pro is available in English, Japanese, German, French
and Spanish.

URL Manager Pro is 28 Euro shareware.

Home Page:


Author: Alco Blom

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/urlm-pro-30-de.hqx; 2246 K]


Date: 28 Jun 2002
From: Alco Blom <>
Subject: [*] URL Manager Pro 3.0 (Spanish version)

URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark manager for the Macintosh
for use with Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, iCab and
OmniWeb gives users a more convenient way to manage bookmarks, Email
addresses and news groups.

Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9.

Its main features are:

* Integration : You have access to your bookmarks from your browser's
menu bar and from the Mac OS X Dock.

* Document Storage : Your bookmarks are stored in URL Manager Pro
bookmark documents, which you can store and manipulate in the normal
Macintosh way. No need to hunt for your bookmarks in preferences
folders of browsers. You can make automatic periodic saves and make
copies of bookmark documents on backup devices on each save.

* History : You can surf the web using several different browsers while
URL Manager Pro will keep recording the History of each.

* Importing and exporting bookmarks : The File menu gives you a list of
all of the browsers that URL Manager Pro can import from and export to.
It lets you 'harvest' bookmarks by scanning HTML and text files for
bookmarks and URLs.

* It lets you edit and organize bookmarks fast : You can use inline
editing, label and color your bookmarks.

* Tap Sherlock power : You can index your bookmark file and tap the
power of Sherlock to look for words in your bookmark files.

URL Manager Pro is available in English, Japanese, German, French
and Spanish.

URL Manager Pro is 28 Euro shareware.

Home Page:


Author: Alco Blom

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/urlm-pro-30-es.hqx; 1960 K]


Date: 30 Jun 2002
From: Alco Blom <>
Subject: [*] Web Confidential 3.0.5 - Italian version

Web Confidential 3.0.5 for Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 - Italian version

Web Confidential is the most powerful password manager on the Mac today.
It organizes passwords and protects them with industrial strength
encryption. It is also available for Windows and Palm operating systems.

These are the main features of Web Confidential for Mac:

Encryption : Industrial strength encryption (using BlowFish)
Automation : Automatic entry of WWW Forms and automatic HTTP Authentication
Integration : Access to your passwords in your browser and from the Dock
Synchronization : Synchronization with your Palm via a Conduit
Cross-platform : Binary compatible with Web Confidential for Windows

Other new features:

Password Generator : Generate random passwords and WEP keys easily
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Web Confidential is 22 Euro shareware.

Requirements: Mac OS X or Mac OS 9.

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Translation: <>

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[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-confidential-30-it.hqx; 1522 K]


Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 20:00:03 -0400
From: Dwight Early <>
To: Ken Laskey <>,
Subject: [A] OS 9.2.x for Power Tower

At 12:08 PM -0400 6/24/02, Ken Laskey wrote:
>Thanks to all those who responded.  For those who are interested in
>trying to get 9.2 running on a non-G4 (Apple or clone), the useful
>software can be found at
>  I haven't tried it
>Ken Laskey

Actually, the link is 
XPostFacto is the mod to make OS X work on pre Beige G3 (Old World) 
Macs.  This link is buried in the discussion on XPF.

The XLR8YourMac site page has some warnings to be considered when 
trying to install 9.2.x on unsupported Macs.  But, the bottom line is 
"if it ain't broken, don't fix it!"  YMMV.

I'm still running 9.1 on my older Macs when I run OS 9 standalone. 
Everything works fine.  But, most of the time, I'm running 10.1.5 on 
my 8600 with a Powerlogix G4/450 using XPF.



Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 00:43:15 -0400
From: Don Webb <>
Subject: [Q] Firewire-scsi?

Loath as I am to junk some expensive peripherals, I need a Firewire-Scsi hub.  Such a thing appears to be rather expensive, and I really don't know where to turn.  Any recommendations for or against much appreciated! 

Don W.


Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 10:07:59 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
To: Don Webb <>,
Subject: [Q] Visual Basic port?

At 9:25 PM -0400 6/27/02, Don Webb wrote:
>An application written in Visual Basic 6 for Windows has to be made a Mac hybrid.
>The programmer can find no equivalent Mac version of Visual Basic 6 and is stumped.

You want REALBasic.


It's a VB-like Mac development environment which produces apps for Mac OS, Mac OS X, qnd Windows.

They offer documentation which assists with the conversion of VB projects:


If you begin to feel overload, consider your Earth ... what it feels ...
                                                      - Hive, Ultrasonic Sound
Chaz Larson       -     chaz at spamcop dot net     -


Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 06:36:15 -0400
From: Louis Bergeron <>
To: Info-Mac <>
Subject: Avi on Mac

I did many experimentations with .AVI from the PC world on Mac System 9.1.
You need some plug-ins from Intel which are now placed DIRECTLY in the
System. You get them now with Quicktime. I have the PRO version and if you
select the options, you will see the one for playing .AVI.

Indeo½ Video
Indeo½ Video 4
Indeo½ Video5

Previously, I downloaded the plug-ins from the Intel site, after some

You need many plug-ins because there are many types of .AVI, depending of
the age of the .AVI you want to play.

With this new Quicktime setup, you should be able to play most .AVI; but not
all as I have seen recently.

Louis Bergeron  GRH Service Conseil C.P. 68 Granby Qc Canada J2G 8E2


Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2002 16:19:31 -0700
From: (John Rethorst)
Subject: Conditional mail-merge macro in WP 3.5

In article <adhmqc$1irc$>, wrote:

> Can anyone please provide a sample of a conditional mail-
> merge macro for Word Perfect 3.x Mac?

I'd ask the WP mailing list, the best resource I know for advanced users.
Subscribe at


John Rethorst


Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 18:40:19 -0500
From: Ron Kataoka <>
To: The Info-Mac Network <>
Subject: ITools question

>I just bought a new G4 tower and had many system crashes until I did a 
>Software Restore. I backed up all of my hard drive on CDs before doing 
>this.  One of the crashed occurred while I was setting up my iTools 
>account on-line. Now I can't log on to my account at iTools using the 
>user name and password that I had used in my attempt to set up the 
>account. I can't set up a new account either.
>Apple support will not help with this question as they do not support 
>FREE programs. The on-line help doesn't help at all either. There is no 
>contact address for questions. I get stalled at the sign up web page on 
>panel #3 and I guess you only get one opportunity to sign up.  Anyone 
>out there have any ideas?

See if this Apple KB article can get you going:




End of Info-Mac Digest