Subject: Info-Mac Digest V19 #64
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 07 Aug 02       Volume 19 : Issue 64

Today's Topics:

      34 across: Video-scratching app (2 words)
      [*] About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) 8.08
      [*] American Hangman v2.0 is now Carbonized [OS9/OSX]
      [*] QuoEdit 1.0.3r1
      If you want to love your Mac just try Windows ME
      Microphone for G4?
      Subject: Microphone for G4? : Info-Mac Digest V19 #63
      Subject: USB problems : Info-Mac Digest V19 #62

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP
sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software.

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Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2002 01:03:15 +0200
From: muki pakesch <>
To: Vincent Cayenne <>,
Subject: 34 across: Video-scratching app (2 words)

At 11:05 Uhr -0400 26.07.2002, Vincent Cayenne wrote:
>I'm assisting a colleague who works in the entertainment industry.
>She's seen examples of "video DJing" or "video scratching" and is
>graphic interface, had one window that very much seemed like a
>console window's output - a stream of event data text. Can anyone

sounds like Image/ine by steim

or nato055
which is an addition to cycling74's max/msp

other VJ apps that come to mind are:


Rhythmic Circle Fuse





| muki pakesch                                                     |
|                                                                  |
|  |


Date: 7 Aug 2002
From: "A. Lee Bennett, Jr." <>
Subject: [*] About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) 8.08

This is the print-optimized PDF edition of the August 2002 issue of ATPM.
About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) is a free monthly e-zine about the
*personal* computing experience. If you prefer a screen-optimized PDF or an
offline Webzine format, visit <> to download
current and past issues in your preferred format.

The contents of ATPM 8.08 are as follows:

    Beyond the Barline: The Other Petition
    The Candy Apple: Macworld's New Toys
    Roll Your Own: Go with the Flow
    Segments: Max OS X 10.1.5--While We Wait for 10.2
    Segments: Why I Haven't Switched to Mac OS X
    Report: Macworld Expo New York 2002 Wrap-up
    Shareware Roundup: Scrabble and Boggle
    24U Appearance OSAX 2.0
    Locator 0.7.2
    MacReporter 1.1.1
    Three Periodic Table Programs
    pop-pop 1.01
    Tinderbox 1.1.3
    Cartoon: Hambone
    Cartoon: Cortland
    Desktop Pictures: Oregon's Southern Coast

[Archived as /info-mac/art/zine/atpm-808-print.hqx; 3164 K]


Date: 7 Aug 2002
From: Ken Winograd <>
Subject: [*] American Hangman v2.0 is now Carbonized [OS9/OSX]

American Hangman v2.0 - Carbonized for Macintosh OS9 and OSX!


Merrimack, New Hampshire, August 5, 2002: Ken Winograd and Space-Time
Associates announced today the "Carbonized" release of version 2.0 of a
fun Macintosh game called American Hangman.  American Hangman is an
educational game based on the classic hangman word guessing game we all
played when we were kids. American Hangman merges the best of our
Presidents3000 and States3000 games into one inexpensive game. American
Hangman features colorful, non-violent graphics, digitized sounds,
synthesized speech, pictures and information, and options designed
especially for visually challenged users.

American Hangman is "secretly educational". It's played for fun, but you
can't help learning. Learn the names of the Presidents and their Vice
Presidents and First Ladies. Learn to recognize the face of each of the
Presidents. Learn their terms of office, their party affiliations, the
sequential ordering of the Presidents and more.  Learn the States, the
State Capitals, State Birds, State Flowers, State Trees, State Nicknames
and more.

American Hangman includes Multi-Level Winning Streak Score Boards,
allowing students and family members to keep track of winning streaks.
Separate score boards are maintained for each difficulty level.

Version 2.0 is the first "Carbon" version of American Hangman, allowing
the game to run native in both OS9 and OSX.

American Hangman requires a Macintosh (PPC-only) with screen resolution
of 800x600 (or more), and OS9 or OSX.

For more information, or to download or securely register the program,
please visit the American Hangman web page at:


Quick Download:
Opening Screen:
Mid-Game Screen:

[Archived as /info-mac/game/word/american-hangman-200.hqx; 1121 K]


Date: 7 Aug 2002
From: Lyomei Sakai <>
Subject: [*] QuoEdit 1.0.3r1

QuoEdit is a text editor for plain (monostyled) text that runs on
System 7.1 or later of Mac OS.

The archive includes both PowerPC version and 68K version.
After you extracted (or copied) QuoEdit's folder onto your hard disk drive,
please read Read Me First.

    Intended to provide quick operations with simple interface.
    Supports AppleScript;
        fully scriptable and recordable with/without the Script Editor
        and also attachable.
    Some menus are customizable and up to three menus can be added.
    Supports regular expression search as well as multi-file search.
    Multiple levels of undo/redo for each document.
    WorldScript savvy.

In version 1.0.3...
    QuoEdit now can be used as an external editor of FTP client (such as
    Added some Applescript terms (such as 'object reference' property).
    Fixed a bug that allocated memory was partially not released.
In version 1.0.3r1...
    Fixed a bug of 'intelligent' drag and drop.
    Fixed a bug of replacing with regular expression.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/quo-edit-103r1.hqx; 1209 K]


Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2002 22:10:18 -0400
From: Louis Bergeron <>
To: <>
Subject: If you want to love your Mac just try Windows ME

Many Mac fans would be even more in love with their machine if they had to
live with Windows ME or 98.  Just was able to repair ME using the DOS and
having a lot of fun with programs like Scanreg and Regedit.

Yes, you still have to use the DOS with this thing and yes it works from a

However, Windows 2000 is pretty stable and more robust then ME and 98.  Have
not tried XP but saw it in action on a HP which looked really Mickey Mouse
and I was not impressed. The whole combinaison of this PC and XP seems to be
made for kids. 

Since I have to work almost daily with a Mac and a PC, often doing a job on
one while something else is running on the other, I can assure you that you
do not miss anything with a PC.

I had to buy a PC for consulting purposes because I have to use a
specialized Access program and another VB program, but I resisted as much as
I could. I even considered buying a Powerbook with Virtual PC, but this is
too slow.  Virtual PC is fun for a while. Also, I had to troubleshoot my PC
client, which is kind of strange being a Mac guy!

Keep the faith, because on day they will understand!
Louis Bergeron  GRH Service Conseil C.P. 68 Granby Qc Canada J2G 8E2


Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 15:24:50 -0400
From: David Turner <>
To:, Murph Sewall <Sewall@UConnVM.UConn.Edu>
Subject: Microphone for G4?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but there *is no* audio input jack on 
your G4. The two jacks on the back are digital audio out and 
headphones/line out. The *only* way to get audio directly into your 
G4 is with a USB microphone, as you observed. My experience with USB 
devices and Virtual PC indicates that if the device is connected and 
functioning prior to launching VPC, then it will be treated as a 
virtual device in VPC, and you shouldn't have any problems.



At 2:30 PM -0400 8/6/02, Murph Sewall <Sewall@UConnVM.UConn.Edu> wrote:
>I've had a 466 MHz G4 for more than a year without thinking much
>about the sound system. I did get a couple of speakers and they work
>fine, but only recently have I found a need to input audio (using a
>Macs always USED to accept audio input. I've even got an (from an
>older PowerMac) Apple microphone and there's something that looks
>like a microphone jack below the speaker jack on the back. HOWEVER,
>the older Apple microphones don't fit and my local Apple retailer
>hasn't got (nor heard of) a microphone that fits that jack.
>There is a (third party) product that will connect the older
>microphone through the USB port (at $35 it's a bit pricey for
>something that may not work with the application I need to
>use--RealPresenter running under VirtualPC with Windows 98).
>So, is there some source for microphones for the G4? Will a
>microphone attached to a G4 work with an application running under
><if it were an easy question, I wouldn't need to ask it here ;-) >


Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2002 13:09:03 -0400
From: Scott Horton <>
To: Info Mac Digest <>, <>
Subject: Subject: Microphone for G4? : Info-Mac Digest V19 #63

On 8/6/02 2:30 PM, "The Info-Mac Network" <> wrote:

> From: Murph Sewall <Sewall@UConnVM.UConn.Edu>
> Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 16:38:16 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Microphone for G4?
> I've had a 466 MHz G4 for more than a year without thinking much
> about the sound system. I did get a couple of speakers and they work
> fine, but only recently have I found a need to input audio (using a
> microphone).
> Macs always USED to accept audio input. I've even got an (from an
> older PowerMac) Apple microphone and there's something that looks
> like a microphone jack below the speaker jack on the back. HOWEVER,
> the older Apple microphones don't fit and my local Apple retailer
> hasn't got (nor heard of) a microphone that fits that jack.
> There is a (third party) product that will connect the older
> microphone through the USB port (at $35 it's a bit pricey for
> something that may not work with the application I need to
> use--RealPresenter running under VirtualPC with Windows 98).
> So, is there some source for microphones for the G4? Will a
> microphone attached to a G4 work with an application running under
> VirtualPC?
> <if it were an easy question, I wouldn't need to ask it here ;-) >
> -Murph

Hello Murph,

I have NEVER had a glitch with my comfortable Andrea USB NC-7100 mic that
came bundled with IBM's ViaVoice v3 for MacOSX.



Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2002 13:20:03 -0400
From: Scott Horton <>
To: Info Mac Digest <>, <>,
Subject: Subject: USB problems : Info-Mac Digest V19 #62

On 8/5/02 6:30 PM, "The Info-Mac Network" <> wrote:

> From: Phil McIntosh <>
> Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 18:46:35 -0400
> To:
> Subject: USB problems
> Keith,
> I have a Macsense PCI USB card that has been running on a Starmax under 8.6
> for years without any trouble.  You might want to return the Belkin
> and  buy a Macsense card.
> BTW, how reliable is your Starmax under OS 9?  With mine, I found that each
> OS after the 7.6 it shipped with seemed less and less stable, so I stopped
> trying to fight this particular clone war after 8.6.
> Regards,
> Phil McIntosh
>> Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 22:33:43 +0100
>> From: "Keith & Brenda Wesley" <>
>> To:
>> Subject: USB Problems
>> MIME-Version: 1.0
>> Can anyone help me with this problem?
>> I have a Starmax Clone OS 9 without a USB port and I want to download
>> pictures from my Canon G2 so I bought a Belkin USB Busport PCI Card and
>> downloaded Apples USB Card Support 1.4.1 but I don't think the system is
>> seeing the new USB port. How can I tell?
>> Then I found out the Canon would not work with a 3rd Party USB port so I
>> bought a PNY USB Flash Card reader. After installing the s/w and plugging
>> the reader into the USB port an Icon is suposed to appear on the desktop but
>> it doesn't.
>> Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
>> Thanks
>> Keith
>> _____________________________________________________
>> please reply to:
> "You have got to be kidding me...." - John Crichton

I have a Belkin USB card with Apple's drivers (1.4.1) on an at work Starmax
3000/180 with a sonnet PCI G3 300 upgrade card in the L2 cache slot that has
worked flawlessly for well over 2 years. This machine runs, among other
things, a FMP database 24/7. There is an APC Back-UPS device, an Epson
EPL-5700i USB printer, and a Logitech optical cordless mouse connected and
active at all times. The only difference that I have found with the Starmax
PCI USB bus vs. apple's built in usb bus is I cannot use startup keyboard
combinations - for the bus doesn't seem to be live until all of the drivers
have loaded at boot up. For example, holding the shift key during startup
does nothing. In my case, however, I use a ADB mouse or ADB keyboard
connected to the Starmax's ADB bus when or if needed, which has been rare.

We have been running OS9.1 on the StarMax for a considerable period of time
with no unusual problems.

Good luck,




End of Info-Mac Digest