Last updated 10/12/96

There is not currently a medicine specific archivist for the mac.archives
since Dr. Meininger graduated. As a result, these archives have not
received the attention they deserve to make them a useful resource to the
medical community. If you are interested in helping to maintain the
medical subsection of the archives, please send email to

Last updated 8/31/93

You have wandered into the medical subdirectory of the University of
Michigan's Public Domain and Shareware archive. Currently, this section
only contains Macintosh software, however if there is a demand, it may 
be possible to expand it to support other platforms. For those of you who
may be gophering in, the FTP address of our site is
(If you wish to gopher in through our server, the address is There are also shadow archives available around
the world. Look at the file /mac/00introduction for more information.

You will find software in these subdirectories useful to the health science
professional community. There are links to useful files in other areas of the
archive, as well as health science specific files, making this the only, and
perhaps eventually the most complete collection of software for the health
sciences in the world.

Currently, the medical section of the archives is maintained by myself,
Eric Meininger (, a medical student attending
the University of Michigan Medical School. I also gratefully acknowledge
the help of the other mac archivists. If you have any comments or
suggestions, don't  hesitate to send me a message.


You may submit files to the medical collection through the same channels
as you submit to the rest of the archives. E-mail to
will alert me that you've left a file specifically for the medical section,
and it will be added sooner. You may also email the file directly to It works just as well. I am always looking
for new material to add.

For information on submitting files to the archives, frequently asked
questions, and retrieving files from the archives using FTP, BART
(our e-mail server), or Gopher, look at /mac/00introduction.

For information on accessing the archives through the Andrew File
System (AFS), look at the file /00doYOUhaveAFS.