For Archive: ioinstd5.exe, ioinstd4.exe, ioinstd3, ioinstc5, ioinstc4, ioinstc3
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LED Matrix
The LED Matrix is a grid of LED elements.  The advantage of using the LED Matrix component instead of placing individual LED’s on your development form is that only one window handle is needed for the entire control.  Consequently, the painting speed is much faster that having each element paint itself. 

Seven Segment SMPTE
The Seven Segment SMPTE control is a variation of the Seven Segment Clock component with support for SMPTE time. SMPTE time is a Radio/Television standard for displaying Frame Rate and Field Number in addition to the time for editing of Audio/Video signals. The display is of the  HH:MM:SS:FR.FD format in NonDropFrame mode and the HH:MM:SS;FR.FD format in  DropFrame mode (FR = Frame : FD = Field).  The time can be set with the Time property or each field can be individually set using the Hours, Minutes, and Seconds property’s. 

Pie Chart
The Pie Chart control is used to display a graphical bar representation of item percentages. Use the property editor to add or remove items and change their property’s at design time. At runtime, use AddItem, RemoveItem, ClearList, and ItemCount to add or remove items, and use the ItemTitle, ItemColor, and ItemValue to change the property’s. The legend value and percentage columns can be individually hidden with the LegendShowValue and LegendShowPercent property’s.

Percent Bar
The Percent Bar control is used to display a graphical bar representation of item percentages. Use the property editor to add or remove items and change their property’s at design time. At runtime, use AddItem, RemoveItem, ClearList, and ItemCount to add or remove items, and use the ItemTitle, ItemColor, and ItemValue to change the property’s. The legend value and percentage columns can be individually hidden with the LegendShowValue and LegendShowPercent property’s.

Object Canvas
The Object Canvas control is a basic canvas with an interface for adding persistent objects at runtime (Painting Persistence Only). All painting is handled automatically and is double-buffered to prevent flickering at run-time. The coordinate system is based on the Cartesian coordinate system with (0,0) corresponding to the center of the component. The X & Y range is set using the DisplayRangeX and DisplayRangeY property’s.
Four basic drawing objects can be added to the canvas (Ellipse, Rectangle, Line, Text). There is no limitation to the number or types of basic objects that can be added. When one of the basic objects is added using the AddEllipse, AddRectangle, AddLine, or AddLabel methods, all property’s of the object not specified in the parameters of the add method’s are set according to the Default property settings. Store the handle of the object which is returned when calling one of the four add methods if you want to manipulate the object or change its property’s. Once a object is added, any property of the object can be modified using the numerous get and set methods. The object type can also be changed dynamically at runtime if desired. 
The last object added will have the highest z-order and will be shown on top. To manipulate the z-order at a later time, use the BringObjectToFront and SendObjectToBack methods.
To zoom-in or zoom-out, change the DisplayRangeX and DisplayRangeY property’s. Both values must be adjust by the same percentage for proportional scaling.
To offset the drawing, use the OriginX and OriginY property’s.
Use ClearList to remove all objects. Use RemoveObject to remove a single object. Use BeginUpdate and EndUpdate to improve performance when manipulating a large number of objects or to control the interval of repainting during animations.

Rotation Display
The Rotation Display control is used for rotating a bitmap in real-time. The lower left pixel of the bitmap is used for the transparent color. To specify the angle of rotation, set the RotationAngle property. 
The performance depends on the number of rotations per second and the size of the bitmap. The performance is not impacted by the size of the control, only the portion where the bitmap is displayed is actually rotated. To increase performance, decrease the bitmap size or decrease the rate at which the RotationAngle property is changed.

Log Gauge
The Log Gauge control is a graphical gauge with a logarithmic scale. The major tick labels can be displayed in Scientific or Value by setting the TickLabelStyle property. The number of minor ticks is fixed at 9 for a total of 10 divisions.

LED Diamond
The LED Diamond Control is a diamond shaped LED with a None, Raised, or Lowered BevelStyle.  

LED Arrow
The LED Arror control is an Arrow shaped LED with a None, Raised, or Lowered BevelStyle. Supports 6 arrow direction styles.

Angular Log Gauge
The Angular Log Gauge is a graphical gauge with an angular representation of the data using a logarithmic scale. To set or get the position use the Position property. The Major Tick labels can be displayed in Scientific or Value by setting the TickLabelStyle property. The number of minor ticks is fixed at 9 for a total of 10 divisions.

Switch Rocker
The Switch Rocker control is a binary switch with a rocker graphical representation. The control uses the space key for keyboard control. 

Switch Rocker 3-way
The Switch Rocker 3-way control is a momentary up and down switch. It has events and property’s built to simplify the implementation of single axis control. Use the OnValueChange event to respond to changes. Use the Increment property to specify the amount the Value property is changed on each click or repeat event. 
By default, the repeat feature is enabled and is configured with the RepeatInitialDelay and RepeatInterval property’s. To disable the repeat feature, set RepeatInitialDelay to 0.
The control supports the Up & Down arrows keys on the keyboard for keyboard control. To disable keyboard control, set the UseArrowKeys property to False.

Switch Lever
The Switch Lever control is a binary switch with a lever graphical representation. The control uses the space key for keyboard control. Use the OnChange event to respond to changes in the Active property.

Switch Quad
The Switch Quad control can be used for any type of 2-axis control. There are independent events for each switch. 
This control has events and property’s built to simplify the implementation of X-Y control. For Y-Axis control, use the OnValueYChange event along with the ValueY and IncrementY property’s. For X-Axis control, use the OnValueXChange event along with the ValueX and IncrementX property’s. 
By default, the repeat feature is enabled and is configured with the RepeatInitialDelay and RepeatInterval property’s. To disable the repeat feature, set RepeatInitialDelay to 0.
The control supports the 4 arrows keys on the keyboard for keyboard control. To disable keyboard control, set the UseArrowKeys property to False.

Timer (9 independent)
The Timer Control encapsulates 9 Windows API timers. Each timer has its own OnTimer event and Interval and Enabled property’s. Each timer is independent and not synchronized. The accuracy of each timer is dependent on the operating system and the amount of operating system activity. The Windows API considers the timer events to be the lowest priority message in the system and should not be relied upon to provide consistent or accurate timing. Normally an API timer is used for none critical task or animation timers.
This component is invaluable when distributing your software on platforms where the version of standard Windows timer control is not know (ActiveX users).  Also, you reduce clutter on your form with fewer non-visible components taking up space.

The Panel control is a basic panel that can have child controls embedded within it. 

The Compass control is used to display a graphical representation of a compass. Use the Direction property to change the direction the compass is pointing to. To also show the numerical value that the compass is pointing to in the center of the control, set the ShowDirectionDisplay property to True.

The Knob control is a 3D knob which supports both mouse and keyboard control. To setup as a multi-turn Knob, set the RotationMaxDegrees property to multiples of 360 degrees.

The Slider control is an Analog (Real Number) output control component, which supports both keyboard and mouse control. Also see the Switch Slider control. 

Angular Gauge
The Angular Gauge is a graphical linear gauge with an angular representation of the data. Supports up to 5 color sections and 4 pointer styles. Also see the Angular Log Gauge.

The Odometer control is a basic Odometer with a rotating tenths digit. The font for the tenths can be set independently of the other digits.

Linear Gauge
The Linear Gauge component is a graphical gauge with a linear representation of the data. Supports up to 5 color sections and 4 pointer styles.  Also see the Linear Log Gauge.

LED Bar & Spiral LED
The LED Bar component is a progress bar component with 3 different indicator styles and 4 different segment directions. 
The LED Spiral component is a progress bar component with up to 3 color sections.

The Thermometer component is a linear gauge with a visual representation that looks like a thermometer.  Includes min & max pointers for tracking purposes.

Analog Display
The Analog Display component is a simple display typically used for displaying analog (real number) values with a precision specified and units. To display integer values, set the precision to 0. 

Analog Output
The Analog Output control is a simple control for entering analog (real number) values with a precision specified and units. To output integer values only, set the precision to 0.

Seven Segment Analog
The Seven Segment Analog is a seven-segment display used for displaying analog (real number) values. You can specify the total number of display digits and the number of precision digits. If the Value overflows the display in the positive direction, then up arrows will be shown. If the Value overflows the display in the negative direction, then down arrows will be shown.

The Gradient component is a basic gradient component with start and stop colors and 12 different fill directions as shown above.
LED Round & LED Rectangle
The LED Round and LED Rectangle controls are LEDs with a None, Raised, or Lowered Bevel Style.  The LED inactive (OFF) color is automatically calculated.

Seven Segment Integer, Binary, Hexadecimal, Clock, and Character
The Seven Segment Integer control is a seven-segment display used for displaying Integer values. If the Value overflows the display in the positive direction, then up arrows will be shown. If the Value overflows the display in the negative direction, then down arrows will be shown.
The Seven Segment Binary control is a seven-segment display used for displaying binary values. The value property is of String type to support greater than 31 digits. If the Value overflows the display, then up arrows will be shown.
The Seven Segment Hexadecimal control is a seven-segment display used for displaying hexadecimal values. The value property is of String type to support greater than 4 digits. If the Value overflows the display, then up arrows will be shown.
The Seven Segment Clock control is a seven-segment display used for displaying time values. Supports both 12 and 24 hour display mode.
The Seven Segment Character control is a basic seven-segment character display. Supports 0-9, A-F, and several special characters.

LED Switch
The LED Switch control is a binary switch with a rectangle LED indicator. If the LED is on, then the Active property is True. If the LED is off, the Active property is false.

Slider Switch
The Slider Switch control is a sliding switch with user configurable positions and labels. Supports 4 different pointer styles, 4 different track styles, and 3 different position indicator styles.

Toggle Switch
The Toggle Switch control is a binary switch with a moving slider. Supports Vertical or Horizontal orientation, Click-To-Toggle or Drag-To-Toggle mouse control style, and 3 bevel styles for the switch surface.

Rotary Switch
The Switch Rotary control is a rotating switch with up to 8 positions with labels. Supports 2 different pointer styles and 3 different position indicator styles.
Strip Chart
The Strip Chart control is a basic real-time strip chart with cursor, scroll, zoom, and zoom-box tools. To add data, you must add a time index first using the AddIndexTime method passing the new X-Axis time value. Use the return data index from AddIndexTime to then add data for each channel using the SetChannelData procedure. To improve performance, use the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate to prevent repaints every time a piece of data is added. 

The user can use the cursor, scroll, zoom, and zoom-box tools while data is being plotted. The display will not scroll or auto-scale while the tool’s are being used. When the user switches out of the plot mode and into one of the tool modes, all X-Axis and Y-Axis settings are stored. When the user returns the mode back to plot, the previous X-Axis and Y-Axis settings are restored.