SuiteSparse: A Suite of Sparse matrix packages ------------------ SuiteSparse/README ------------------ ================================================================================ QUICK START FOR MATLAB USERS: unzip the file, then in the MATLAB Command Window, cd to the SuiteSparse directory and type SuiteSparse_install. All packages will be compiled, and several demos will be run. ================================================================================ All codes, below, are stable except KLU and BTF. KLU and BTF are "beta", but robust enough for production use. They merely are still in development, and are missing a few minor features to make them "1.0". Thus the "beta". They are bug-free as far as I know, and are in use in commercial circuit simulation packages. Sept 11, 2006. SuiteSparse version 2.1.1. Note that SuiteSparse is now given its own version number, rather than merely a date of release. The Feb 6, 2006 version is "version 1.0.0". UF suite of sparse matrix algorithms: AMD approximate minimum degree ordering CAMD constrained column approximate minimum degree ordering COLAMD column approximate minimum degree ordering CCOLAMD constrained column approximate minimum degree ordering BTF permutation to block triangular form (beta) KLU sparse LU factorization, primarily for circuit simulation. Requires AMD, COLAMD, and BTF (beta). Optionally uses CHOLMOD, CCOLAMD, and METIS. UMFPACK sparse LU factorization. Requires AMD and the BLAS. CHOLMOD sparse Cholesky factorization. Requires AMD, COLAMD, CCOLAMD, METIS, the BLAS, and LAPACK. UFconfig configuration file for all the above packages. The UFconfig/ is included in the Makefile's of all packages. CSparse and CXSparse do not use UFconfig. CSparse a concise sparse matrix package, developed for my upcoming book, "Direct Methods for Sparse Linear Systems", to be published by SIAM. CXSparse CSparse Extended. Includes support for complex matrices and both int or long integers. LPDASA LP dual active set algorithm (to appear) See for the Fortran reference BLAS (slow, but they work). See or for an optimized BLAS. See for LAPACK. The UFconfig/ file assumes the Goto BLAS; change -lgoto to -l(your BLAS library here), if you have another BLAS (-lblas, for example). CHOLMOD requires METIS 4.0.1 ( by default. Place a copy of the metis-4.0 directory in the same directory (SuiteSparse) containing this README file. cd to metis-4.0 and type "make". Edit the UFconfig/ file (see that file for instructions), if necessary. Next, type "make" in this directory to compile all packages in this distribution. CHOLMOD can be compiled without METIS (use -DNPARTITION). Refer to each package for license, copyright, and author information. All codes are authored or co-authored by Timothy A. Davis, CISE Dept., Univ. of Florida. email: my last name @ cise dot ufl dot edu. To compile each package, cd to the top-level directory (AMD, COLAMD, etc) and type "make". Type "make clean" in the same directory to remove all but the compiled libraries. Type "make distclean" to remove all files not in the original distribution. Alternatively, just type "make" in this directory. If you intend on compiling the MATLAB mexFunction interfaces, should use CFLAGS = -O3 -fexceptions (for Linux), to ensure that exceptions are properly caught. See your default MATLAB file for how to do this for other systems (type the command "mex -v"). Alternatively, you can use the various M-files in each package to compile them from within the MATLAB Command Window, or just type "SuiteSparse_install" in the MATLAB Command Window when MATLAB's working directory is this one. That is the only way to compile these packages for Windows, unless you have Cygwin or wish to write your own MS Visual Studio scripts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To turn on debugging (for development only, not needed by the typical user): SuiteSparse/UFconfig/ change CFLAGS = -O to CFLAGS = -g To turn on debugging, add the line "#undef NDEBUG" in the following files. To turn off debugging, remove that line. SuiteSparse/CHOLMOD/Include/cholmod_internal.h SuiteSparse/AMD/Source/amd_internal.h SuiteSparse/CAMD/Source/camd_internal.h SuiteSparse/CCOLAMD/ccolmod.c SuiteSparse/COLAMD/colamd.c