JNG (JPEG Network Graphics) Format Version 0.99

For list of authors, see Credits (Chapter 7).

Status of this Memo

This document is a specification by the PNG development group. It has been approved by a vote of the group. Future technical changes will require formal approval by a vote of the group. It is the intent of the group to maintain backward compatibility if possible. We will, however, correct any technical deficiencies discovered in the course of developing "beta" implementations.

Comments on this document can be sent to the MNG specification maintainers at one of the following addresses:

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

At present, the latest version of this document is available on the World Wide Web from


In the case of any discrepancy between this extract and the full MNG specification, the full MNG specification shall take precedence.

Changes from Version 0.98



This document presents the format of a JNG (JPEG Network Graphics) datastream. JNG is a lossy single-image member of the PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format family. It encapsulates a JPEG datastream in PNG-style chunks, along with an optional alpha channel and ancillary chunks that carry color-space information and comments. While JNG is primarily intended as a subformat of the MNG (Multiple-image Network Graphics) format, standalone JNG files are also possible.

1. The JPEG Network Graphics (JNG) Format

JNG (JPEG Network Graphics) is the lossy sub-format for MNG objects.

MNG-LC and MNG-VLC applications can choose to support JNG or not. Those that do not can check bit 4 (JNG is present/absent) of the MHDR simplicity profile to decide whether they can process the datastream.

Note: This specification depends on the PNG Portable Network Graphics specification [PNG]. The PNG specification is available at the PNG home page,


A JNG datastream consists of a header chunk (JHDR), JDAT chunks that contain a complete JPEG datastream, optional IDAT chunks that contain a PNG-encoded grayscale image that is to be used as an alpha mask, and an IEND chunk. The alpha mask, if present, must have the same dimensions as the image itself. The JDAT and IDAT chunks can be interleaved. Some of the PNG ancillary chunks are also recognized in JNG datastreams.

While JNG is primarily intended for use as a sub-format within MNG, a single-image JNG datastream can be written in a standalone file. If so, the JNG datastream begins with an 8-byte signature containing

   139 74 78 71 13 10 26 10

(decimal) which is similar to the PNG signature with "\213 J N G" instead of "\211 P N G" in bytes 0-3.

We may at some future time register an Internet Media Type for JNG files. Until then, the interim media type image/x-jng can be used. It is recommended that the file extension ".jng" (lower case preferred) be used.

JNG is pronounced "Jing."

1.1. Critical JNG chunks

This section specifies the critical chunks that are defined in the JNG format.

1.1.1. JHDR JNG header

The format of the JHDR chunk introduces a JNG datastream. It contains:

   Width:      4 bytes (unsigned integer, range 0..65535).
   Height:     4 bytes (unsigned integer, range 0..65535).
   Color type: 1 byte
                 8: Gray (Y).
                10: Color (YCbCr).
                12: Gray-alpha (Y-alpha).
                14: Color-alpha (YCbCr-alpha).
   Image sample
     depth:    1 byte
                 8: 8-bit samples and quantization tables.
                12: 12-bit samples and quantization
                20: 8-bit image followed by a 12-bit
   Image compression
     method:   1 byte
                 8: ISO-10918-1 Huffman-coded baseline JPEG.
   Image interlace
     method:   1 byte.
                 0: Sequential JPEG, single scan.
                 8: Progressive JPEG.
   Alpha sample
     depth:    1 byte.
                 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16, if the Alpha
                    compression method is 0 (PNG)
                 8, if the Alpha compression method
                    is 8 (JNG).
   Alpha compression
     method:   1 byte.
                 0: PNG grayscale IDAT format.
                 8: JNG 8-bit grayscale JDAA format.
   Alpha filter
     method:   1 byte.
                 0: Adaptive PNG (see PNG spec) or
                    not applicable (JPEG).
   Alpha interlace
     method:   1 byte.
                 0: Noninterlaced PNG or sequential
                    single-scan JPEG.

The width, height, image_sample_depth, image_compression_method, and image_interlace_method fields are redundant because equivalent information is also embedded in the JDAT datastream. They appear in the JHDR chunk for convenience. Their values must be identical to their equivalents embedded in the JDAT chunk. We use four bytes in the width and height fields for similarity to MNG and PNG, and to leave room for future expansion, even though two bytes would have been sufficient.

When the color_type is 8 or 10 (no alpha channel), the last four bytes, which describe the IDAT or JDAA data, must be set to zero. The alpha_sample_depth must be nonzero when the alpha channel is present.

1.1.2. JDAT JNG image data

A JNG datastream must contain one or more JDAT chunks, whose data, when concatenated, forms a complete JNG JPEG datastream. JNG decoders are required to read all baseline JNG JPEG and eight-bit progressive JNG JPEG datastreams. Twelve-bit capability is not required.

JDAT chunks are like PNG IDAT chunks in that there may be multiple JDAT chunks, the data from which are concatenated to form a single datastream that can be sent to the decompressor. No chunks are permitted among the sequence of JDAT chunks, except for interleaved IDAT chunks. The ordering requirements of other ancillary chunks are the same with respect to JDAT as they are in PNG with respect to the IDAT chunk.

A JNG JPEG is a baseline, extended-sequential, or progressive JPEG as defined by JPEG Part 1 [ISO/IEC-10918-1]. JNG uses only JFIF-compatible [JFIF] component interpretations, and imposes a few additional restrictions that reflect limitations of many existing JPEG implementations. In particular, only Huffman entropy coding is permitted.

Actually, a JNG may contain two separate JNG JPEG datastreams (one eight-bit and one twelve-bit), each contained in a series of JDAT chunks, and separated by a JSEP chunk (see the JSEP chunk specification below, Paragraph 1.1.6). Decoders that are unable to (or do not wish to) handle twelve-bit datastreams are allowed to display the eight-bit datastream instead, if one is present.

The core of the JNG JPEG definition is baseline JNG JPEG, which is JPEG Part 1's definition of baseline JPEG further restricted by JFIF restrictions and JNG-specific restrictions. JPEG, which is also defined in JPEG Part 1 and has JNG-specific restrictions.

1.1.3. IDAT JNG PNG-encoded alpha data

This chunk is exactly like the IDAT chunk in a PNG grayscale image, except that it is interpreted as an alpha mask to be applied to the image data from the JDAT chunks, when alpha_compression_method=0. The alpha channel, if present, can have sample depths 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16.

The filter method can be any filter method that is defined for PNG datastreams that are embedded in MNG datastreams. The IDAT chunks can be interleaved with the JDAT chunks (see Recommendations for Encoders: JNG interleaving below). No other chunk type can appear among the sequence of IDAT and JDAT chunks. No other chunk type can appear between the sequences of IDAT and JDAT chunks when they are not interleaved. The samples in the IDAT must be presented in noninterlaced order, left to right, top to bottom. As in PNG, zero means fully transparent and 2alpha_sample_depth-1 means fully opaque.

The IDAT chunks must precede the JSEP chunk, if the JSEP chunk is present. Minimal viewers that ignore the twelve-bit JDAT chunks must read the IDAT chunks and apply the alpha samples to the eight-bit image that is contained in the JDAT chunks that precede the JSEP chunk. Viewers that skip the eight-bit JDAT chunks must decode the IDAT chunks that precede the JSEP chunk and apply the alpha samples to the twelve-bit image that is contained in the JDAT chunks that follow the JSEP chunk.

1.1.4. JDAA JNG JPEG-encoded alpha data

This chunk is exactly like the JDAT chunk in a non-progressive JNG 8-bit grayscale image, except that it is interpreted as an alpha mask to be applied to the image data from the JDAT chunks, when alpha_compression_method=8. The alpha channel, if present, can have only sample depth 8. The JDAA chunks can be interleaved with the JDAT chunks (see Recommendations for Encoders: JNG interleaving below).

Like IDAT chunks, the JDAA chunks must precede the JSEP chunk, if the JSEP chunk is present, and are handled similarly.

1.1.5. IEND End of JNG datastream

The JNG IEND chunk is identical to its counterpart in PNG. Its data length is zero, and it serves to mark the end of the JNG datastream.

1.1.6. JSEP 8-bit/12-bit image separator

The JSEP chunk is empty.

A JSEP chunk must appear between the JDAT chunks of an eight-bit datastream and those of a twelve-bit datastream, when image_sample_depth=20 in the JHDR chunk. When image_sample_depth != 20, the JSEP chunk must not be present. The eight-bit datastream must appear first. Both images must have the same width, height, color type, compression method, and interlace method. Viewers can choose to display one or the other image, but not both.

1.2. Ancillary JNG chunks

Some PNG ancillary chunks can also appear in JNG datastreams, and are used for the same purposes as described in the PNG specification [PNG] and the Extensions to the PNG Specification document [PNG-EXT].

If the bKGD chunk is present, it must be written as if it were written for a PNG datastream with sample_depth=8. It has one 2-byte entry for grayscale JNGs and three 2-byte entries for color JNGs. The first (most significant) byte of each entry must be 0.

The following chunks have exactly the same meaning and have the same syntax as given in the PNG specification: cHRM, gAMA, iCCP, sRGB, pHYs, oFFs, sCAL, iTXt, tEXt, tIME, and zTXt.

The PNG PLTE, hIST, pCAL, sBIT, sPLT, tRNS, fRAc, and gIF* chunks are not defined in JNG.

When cHRM, gAMA, iCCP, or sRGB are present, they provide information about the color space of the decoded JDAT image, and they have no effect on the decoded alpha samples from the IDAT or JDAA chunks. Any viewer that processes the gAMA chunk must also recognize and process the sRGB chunk. It can treat it as if it were a gAMA chunk containing the value .45455 and it can ignore its "intent" field.

The chunk copying and ordering rules for JNG are the same as those in PNG, except for the fact that the JDAT chunks and IDAT or JDAA chunks can be interleaved.

2. Recommendations for Encoders

The following recommendations do not form a part of the specification.

2.1. Interleaving JDAT, JDAA, and IDAT chunks

When a JNG datastream contains an alpha channel, and the file is intended for transmission over a network, it is useful to interleave the IDAT or JDAA and the JDAT chunks. In the case of sequential JPEG, the interleaving should be arranged so that the alpha data arrives more or less in sync with the color data for the scanlines. In the case of progressive JPEG, the alpha data should be interleaved with the first JPEG pass, so that all of the alpha data has arrived before the beginning of the second JPEG pass.

2.2. Use of the JDAA chunk

It is recommended that the JDAA chunk be used only to convey smoothly varying alpha channels and not to convey binary transparency which is more precisely and efficiently conveyed in IDAT chunks.

3. Rationale

This (incomplete as of version 0.97) section does not form a part of the specification. It provides the rationale behind some of the design decisions in MNG.

4. Revision History

4.1. Version 0.99

Released 11 December 2000

4.2. Version 0.98

Released 01 October 2000

Fixed typo in JNG signature bytes, to be the decimal equivalent of "JNG" instead of "PNJ".

Disallowed the JSEP chunk when image_sample_depth != 20

4.3. Version 0.97

Released 28 February 2000.

Minor editorial changes only.

4.4. Version 0.96

Released 18 July 1999.

4.5. Version 0.95

Initial public release, approved by the PNG Development Group on 11 May 1999.

5. References

International Organization for Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission, "Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still Images, Part 1: Requirements and guidelines" ISO/IEC IS 10918-1, ITU-T T.81.

See also Pennebaker, William B., and Joan L. Mitchell, "JPEG : Still Image Data Compression Standard" Van Nostrand Reinhold, ISBN:0442012721, September 1992

C-Cube Microsystems, "JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02", September 1992.

Boutell, T., et. al., "PNG (Portable Network Graphics Format) Version 1.0", RFC 2083,
ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2083.txt also available at
ftp://swrinde.nde.swri.edu/pub/png/documents/. This specification has also been published as a W3C Recommendation, which is available at

See also the PNG-1.2 specification:
Randers-Pehrson, G., et. al., "PNG (Portable Network Graphics Format) Version 1.2", which is available at

Extensions to the PNG 1.2 Specification,

6. Security Considerations

Security considerations are addressed in the PNG specification.

No known additional security concerns are raised by this format.

7. Credits



Contributors' names are presented in alphabetical order:

Document source

This document was built from the file mng-master-20001211 on 11 December 2000.

Copyright Notice

Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 by: Glenn Randers-Pehrson

This specification is being provided by the copyright holder under the following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this specification, you agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions:

Permission to use, copy, and distribute this specification for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that the full text of this NOTICE appears on ALL copies of the specification or portions thereof, including modifications, that you make.


The name and trademarks of copyright holder may NOT be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the specification without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this specification and any associated documentation will at all times remain with copyright holder.

End of JNG Specification.