MIDAS bugs - KB 910621
We now have also in MIDAS the command:
HELP [Bugs] 
to display currently (and not yet fixed) bugs.
The relevant file is currently called vmsunixtest.bugs in /midas/sites .
For the next version it will be vmsunix91n05.bugs, etc. (but note that is's
all lower case!).
So, please, update this file when you have bugs reported by the users.
However, this file does not work with export_midas ... so you have to make
sure, that it's also updated in $1$dua1:[midas.sites] on the VAX!!

M$INDEXB - KB 910920
I added the function M$INDEXB which works like M$INDEX but searches the string
in reverse order going from last to first element.
This is very handy, if you want to find the last occurrence of a character
in a string, e.g. the last "/" in a Unix path.

"compiling" MIDAS procedures - KB 920511
The file INTERNAL.COD is now set to read-only access by the procedure 
`compile.all'. Therefore, you have to change the protection explicitely to
read-write if you want to us TRANSLATE/INSERT, or /ADD for a modified 
MIDAS procedure.