Source: ../../libxipc/xrlrouter.hh
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Copyright (c) 2001,2002 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the Xorp LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the Xorp LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.
// $Id: xrlrouter.hh,v 2002/12/11 23:56:04 hodson Exp $
#ifndef __XRLROUTER_HH__
#define __XRLROUTER_HH__
#include "config.h"
#include "libxorp/callback.hh"
#include "xrl.hh"
#include "xrlcmdmap.hh"
#include "xrlpf.hh"
#include "finder-client.hh"
class DispatchState;
* @short XRL transmission and reception point.
* An XrlRouter is responsible for sending and receiving XRL requests
* for entities in a XORP Router. A single process may have multiple
* XrlRouter objects. In this case each XrlRouter object corresponds
* to an independent entity within the process.
class XrlRouter : public XrlCmdMap {
* Constructor for when the Finder is running on the local host.
* @param event_loop the EventLoop that the XrlRouter should associate
* itself with.
* @param entity_name the name this router will register with the Finder.
XrlRouter(EventLoop& event_loop, const char* entity_name)
: XrlCmdMap(entity_name), _event_loop(event_loop), _fc(event_loop),
_sends_pending(0), _finder_lookups_pending(0) {}
* Constructor for when the Finder is running on another host on
* the default Finder port.
* @param event_loop the EventLoop that the XrlRouter should associate
* itself with.
* @param entity_name the name this router will register with the Finder.
* @param finder_address the hostname running the Finder process.
XrlRouter(EventLoop& event_loop,
const char* entity_name,
const char* finder_address)
: XrlCmdMap(entity_name), _event_loop(event_loop),
_fc(event_loop, finder_address),
_sends_pending(0), _finder_lookups_pending(0) {}
* Constructor for when the Finder is running on another host on
* and listening on a custom port.
* @param event_loop the EventLoop that the XrlRouter should associate
* itself with.
* @param entity_name the name this router will register with the Finder.
* @param finder_address the hostname running the Finder process.
* @param finder_port the port the Finder process is listening on.
XrlRouter(EventLoop& event_loop,
const char* entity_name,
const char* finder_address, uint16_t finder_port)
: XrlCmdMap(entity_name), _event_loop(event_loop),
_fc(event_loop, finder_address, finder_port),
_sends_pending(0), _finder_lookups_pending(0) {}
virtual ~XrlRouter();
* Add a protocol family listener.
* This call associates the entity name of the XrlRouter with the
* protocol family listener at the Finder. Other processes may
* then contact this XrlRouter through the Listener by resolving
* the entity name.
* Registration may fail if the entity name of the XrlRouter
* object is already in use at the Finder, or if the Finder is not
* contactable.
* @return true if registration succeeds, false otherwise.
bool add_listener (XrlPFListener* pf);
typedef XorpCallback4<void, const XrlError&, XrlRouter&, const Xrl&, XrlArgs*>::RefPtr XrlCallback;
* Dispatch an Xrl.
* NB A callback must be supplied if the Xrl returns a value. If
* the Xrl returns nothing, a callback is only necessary if the
* dispatcher wants to know that the Xrl dispatch was successful
* and completed.
* @param xrl The Xrl to be dispatched.
* @param callback invoked when the Xrl has returns or fails.
* @return true if sufficient resources available, false otherwise.
bool send (const Xrl& xrl, const XrlCallback& callback);
// Deprecated callback typedef
typedef void (*ResponseCallback)(const XrlError& e,
XrlRouter& router,
const Xrl& request,
XrlArgs* response,
void* cookie);
* [Deprecated] Dispatch an Xrl.
* NB A callback must be supplied if the Xrl returns a value. If
* the Xrl returns nothing, a callback is only necessary if the
* dispatcher wants to know that the Xrl dispatch was successful
* and completed.
* @param xrl The Xrl to be dispatched.
* @param user_callback invoked when the Xrl has returns or fails.
* @param cookie to be passed to the user_callback.
* @return true if sufficient resources available, false otherwise.
inline bool
send (const Xrl& xrl,
ResponseCallback user_callback,
void* cookie = 0)
return send(xrl, callback(user_callback, cookie));
* Returns true if this router has any pending actions.
bool pending() const {
return 0 != _sends_pending || 0 != _finder_lookups_pending;
* Assignment operator (unimplemented and compiler generated not wanted).
XrlRouter& operator=(const XrlRouter&);
* Copy constructor (unimplemented and compiler generated not wanted).
XrlRouter(const XrlRouter&);
* Check if XrlRouter has connection to finder, ie is operational.
* @return true if connected to finder, false if attempting to connect
* to finder.
inline bool connected() const {
return _fc.connected();
EventLoop& _event_loop;
list <XrlPFListener*> _listeners;
typedef list<XrlPFListener*>::iterator LI;
FinderClient _fc;
// The number of incomplete send transactions in progress
int32_t _sends_pending;
// The number of unanswered resolve requests
int32_t _finder_lookups_pending;
static void resolve_callback(FinderClientError,
const char*, const char*, void*);
static void send_callback(const XrlError&, const Xrl&,
XrlArgs*, void*);
static void finder_register_callback(FinderClientError,
const char*, const char*,
void *thunk);
#endif // __XRLROUTER_HH__
Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Dec 11 16:50:42 2002, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |