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* Utility IndexGen - Version 1.0 / 1997-12-25 			
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This utility one is distributed like Freeware, they put they don't count its code  
As to do this utilitarian one to work for you.  
It is very simple, its objective is to create an unit with routines in OBJECT PASCAL   
or in brief C++ BUILDER, to give maintenance in tables paradox,   
I eat for example to create indexes, to pass pack in the tables, and shortly also   
to create REFERENTIAL INTEGRETI automatically, when you select the   
files paradox, confirm in generating, hope soon you will visualize the generated code, for 
pattern the name of the file it will be created with the name of INDEXAR.PAS and the name of 
the procedure is IDX, this file it will be placed in the directory where you looked for them 
database, Ok, waits that this compensate it hours in writing codes to index database Paradox.  
How to use:  
Create a new project, then place a button in the form, add the   
unit indexar.pas in its project, in the section Uses the name of the unit, in the envent of 
the button it places the name of the procedure that will create the indexes that  
calls himself IDX, this procedure doesn't have arguments, compile and execute.   
Obs: The code generated by IndexGen can be used in Delphi 1.0x /  
Delphi 2.0x / Delphi 3.0x / C++ brief Builder 1.0x(Em).  
IndexGen was generated and compiled in Delphi 2.0 and it will only work in the   
windows 32 bits / Windown95/NT or better, they put the code generated by him it will work 
perfectly in delphi 1.0x /  delphi 2.0x / delphi 3.0x.  
procedure TForm1.Button1(Sender: TButton);  
  Idx; {place the name of the procedure here}  
                          !!!! Attention!!!!  
To certify that nothing can give wrong, makes a COPY OF SAFETY of the  
its data, then make the routine to work and verify.  
                           * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  
Most of the routines that create indexes, the times are not eficases, because,  
the reason is simple, when he/she/it tries to open tables paradox, mistakes as  
INDEX IS OUT OF DATE they appear and many other also, the solution is delete   
the indexes and you create them again, a work delayed, but with the   
INDEXGEN VERSION 1.0, is different, because, the reason is that he will create for  
you a library with all the information of the indexes in code, case  
the indexes fade or deteriorate, the routine generated by INDEXGEN will do   
the work weighed for you, releasing its going to the customer to give maintenance in 
the database.  
For INDEXGEN to obtain the information of its indexes, the same has to be  
perfectly in operation, because it will get like this to extract all information  
necessary for they be created or reorganized in any occasion, do   
this once and don't get lost more time writing codes repetitive.
In case to happen the mistake Table this in use, repeat the step again even   
to finish the mistake, this mistake happens because of the indexes of the referential integrity,  
in the future closer IndexGen will create the routines automatically of   
referential integrity.  
This utilitary one can be used by any person, anywhere.  
The Author doesn't take the responsibility for any damage that comes to happen, use  
for its own risk and responsibility.  
The text and purpose of this product were set in studies, with routines of  
I work where was needed in a fast and practical way of maintenance and  
organization of the indexes of the database Paradox. Any likeness is   
pure and mere knowledge.  
Borland Delphi/C++ Builder is registered mark of Borland International,   
Microsoft Windows95 /NT, is registered mark of Microsoft Corporation,  
the marks here mentioned and other, they only belong and exclusively to the   
its respective proprietors.  
You criticize and Suggestions  
Toninho Nunes  
Campo Grande/MS - Brazil -   
Incorporated the resource of database search for Aliases, instead of   