


The Program
BackMail is a communications program. Ho hum? Well, it's a lot
more than just that.

You use BackMail to communicate with other people who have the
program. It allows you to create your own personal electronic
mail network. BackMail is a background (memory resident) program
that sends and receives files, programs, and messages while you
are using your computer to do whatever it is you usually do with
it. In the background, it dials up people on your mail list and
delivers your mail. It also answers your phone and collects mail
from other BackMailers.

BackMail doesn't interfere with the normal use of your phone for
voice messages. Turn down the bell on your telephone and BackMail
while you work; BackMail will ring the speaker on your computer
when you get a voice call. BackMail keeps track of when the
people on your mailing list are available to receive messages. If
the line is busy, or there's no answer, BackMail will try again
the next time that destination is available. All of this, in the
background, automatically. BackMail is fast; you won't notice any
slowdown in your foreground programs. You can forward letters,
reply to messages, do bulk mailings. You can send or receive any
file format. Your personal mailing list can contain over 1000
different phone numbers.

Already have a flock of memory resident programs using up your
RAM? Don't worry. BackMail uses only 35K of RAM (nope, that's not
a misprint)!

BackMail uses ordinary phone lines and standard (300, 1200 or
2400 Baud modems). It will communicate with anyone else who has
the program. Because BackMail always knows it's talking to
another BackMail, it is the simplest, most user friendly
communications and file transfer package you've ever seen. You
don't have to set "stop bits", "parity", "duplex", etc. etc.. How
do the people you want to talk to get a copy of the program?
Well, you can give them one. We encourage you to copy BackMail
and give it away to anyone you like!

BackMail is for business
You can use BackMail to network your office, school or plant.
There's no special hardware, no "hub machines", no cables to lay,
no consultants to consult. For a few dollars per machine you can
be sending memos, records and files over your inter-office lines
the same day you get your copy.

BackMail makes the electronic office a reality, now. Send
electronic mail to people across town or across the continent.
You can tell BackMail to send to long distance destinations at
times that take advantage of long distance rates. You don't need
dedicated data lines, don't have to pay telex charges and don't
have to use the Fax just to send letters or memos. You don't have

to subscribe to cumbersome computer networks or conduct your
business correspondence by express couriers.

Give copies of BackMail to your clients, customers and suppliers.
(Remember you can make and give away as many copies as you like.)
Place orders, make sales, advertise; deliver data, send
reports... and never lick a stamp. Let a network reduce your

BackMail is for everyone
For years, electronic bulletin boards have been the lifeline of
the personal computer revolution. BackMail is the logical next
step in that revolution. BackMail networking lets every user
manage a personal electronic mail service. Give a copy to the
members of your user group, club or organization. Distribute your
newsletters, share software, conference, play games... do
whatever you want; it's your network.

How Much does it cost?
We'll be distributing BackMail, free, through all of the normal
routes by which you get shareware and freeware.. We're giving it
away, and we invite you to do the same. Are we crazy? Nope.

You see, BackMail is a form of shareware. If you like the
program, you pay us for it by registering it with us. The
registration fee is $30.00. Is it hard to register? Nope. In fact
BackMail will take care of it for you. Just use BackMail to send
us an electronic letter and make your payment by credit card. If
you give someone a copy of the program, the registration fee is
all they'll ever have to pay.

Does that mean that the program won't work until you register?
No. It will work even if you haven't registered (though it will
remind you now and again of your moral obligations). And there
are real benefits to registering. By registering, you'll become
part of Project BackNet and will be able to receive new products,
demos, and software directly over the phone through BackMail.

Project BackNet
BackMail is more than a program, it's a whole new concept in
software publishing. When you register your copy of BackMail you
become part of Project BackNet.

We've already told you that BackMail can send and receive
programs. That means that we (and you!) can use BackMail networks
to market, sell and distribute software.

As a member of the BackNet project you can send for and receive
(via BackMail of course!) for our catalog  that describes new
software and services that are available through the project.

If you want to order software, just BackMail us a note. Your
BackMail will send the message to one of our 800 numbers and
we'll deliver the software directly back to your machine. Place
your order; go back to your work; the new software will be
delivered to your disk drive without ever interrupting you.

What sort of software will be available through the project?
Well, in part, that's up to you. If you're a programmer who has
written a nifty little utility, a terrific game or a useful
programmer's tool, let us know about it. If we like it, we'll

tell other BackMailers and, depending on your product, can either
sell it directly for you or BackMail you their orders.

If you're a software retailer or publisher, let us tell the
members of the Project about your product or distribute your
demos over BackMail. Or, just hang a BackMail onto your own 800
number and BackMailers will be able to place their orders with
you 24 hours a day. No operators required!

BackMail is currently in the public file area of this
system. The package is contained in a file called
Posted on this system .
When you have downloaded the program:
        1. UNARC its Com files to the directory where you want its
           executable files to live (we suggest creating a
           directory called
           but you can use an existing directory if you wish).
        2. UNARC the TXT and DOC files in BACKMAIL.ARC
        3. Read the file
        4. Run BMCONFIG to configure the program for your system
        5. Run BGROUND.COM to load BackMail
        6. ALT-1 will bring up the BackMail Main Menu.