util :          Miscellaneous utilities
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the util directory
4tune.zip       Put a fortune in your prompt
adclk100.zip    Adjusts inaccurate PC-clocks
aerobix.zip     Aerobics fitness log
andc0295.zip    Inserts ANSI files into normal text documents
ansv013b.zip    AnsiViewer with VGA-ANSI and Buffer, O.Efraim
bc.zip          Big digital-type clock
bday.zip        Bday v1.0; birthdays + anniversaries
bf_util5.zip    A zip of 9 misc. DOS util programs.
bigtxt20.zip    Translates your text to BIG text, 4x4 - 72x144, w/C
biomrf.zip      Display the biomorphs (CGA/EGA)
brfware.zip     Beer Recipe Formulator v1.0
cdntmr11.zip    Digital countdown timer, reqs VGA, M.Leo Cooper
chef.zip        Compu-Chef v1.5; meal manager, recipe organizer (good)
colg7d20.zip    U.S. culture oriented college planner, Stafford H. Krause
daily11.zip     Daily v1.1 run programs every day (by Mikko Palomaki)
daily280.zip    Runs an external program once a day, or week
dinstl10.zip    Software Install Utility v1.0, D.P.Stasinski
dosrcsex.zip    Revision control system (rcs) exes
dosrcsmp.zip    Revision control system manual pages
dump.zip        NGDUMP; A decompiler for Norton Guides database files
exec_cw1.zip    Execute machine language from a batch file, C. van Willegen
ezcatlog.zip    Filing and cataloging pgm
ezloan20.zip    EZ-Loan v2.0 the loan payment calculator
gear.zip        Calculates charts/graphs of bicycle gear ratios
gl-4-131.zip    Glitch v4.13; global literature search biblio
hlp4apnd.zip    Protects programs from dos append command, G.Shadoff
hours15.zip     Elapsed times
inised10.zip    Command line utility to read/edit Windows-style Profiles
insdos.zip      EDI install v1.3 installation program for MS-DOS
inv10.zip       Personal home inventory system v1.0
jumbo403.zip    Colorado Jumbo tape system software for CMS 120MB and 250MB
lcread10.zip    Quick-info files reader, L. Cassioli
lmtime11.zip    LinkMate Event timer (scheduler)
logr14.zip      Logs time and date of incoming phone calls
lwed227.zip     Windows INI file editor tool for DOS, L.Radanyi
master20.zip    Prepare orig. master diskettes for duplication
mchefr1a.zip    Master Chef rel 1 (recipe,diet,meal+shopping) mgmt
mchefr1b.zip    Master Chef rel 1 (recipe,diet,meal+shopping) mgmt
mm-615.zip      MealMaster v6.15 - manage your recipes
ms_not01.zip    Execute a command EXCEPT on specified files, J.Youngman
nfl90v22.zip    Vic's 1990 NFL schedule viewer v2.2
ngdump.zip      Decompiler for Norton Guides database files (TP)
ngs_11.zip      Norton Guide Sourcer v1.1, K.Djakman
nswp3019.zip    CP/M like sweep shell, D.Rand
pa.zip          Public Address v2.1 Address data base
paramgen.zip    Paramgen v1.1; editor for iterated function systems
pcftn301.zip    A fortune cookie program, Nag
perf456.zip     Perfect BoxLoudspeaker Enclosure Simulation
pspa390.zip     Programmable file parser (text, DBF...), T. Campbell
pssp160.zip     SmartPhone ref source for long-distance calls, T.Cambell
qinst21.zip     Quick-Install small and fast installation utility
ql569.zip       Quantum Leap; Fortune program
qte121.zip      Random Quoter v1.21
quote24.zip     Quote v2.4 randomly selects a quote from a database (w C)
retr7d20.zip    U.S. culture oriented retirement calculator, S.Krause
rippr500.zip    Sound/Mod/Music/Picture Extraction Utility, T. Illner
sball30.zip     Softball/baseball coach v3.0 statistics of a team
scmode.zip      Scmode v1.0 command line utility for Roland MIDI interf.
setvpinf.zip    Change default dir stored in Ventura Publishers VP.INF file
simp465.zip     Simps Fortune program 465 quotes from The Simpsons
sleep.zip       Sleep for specified period. Can set for keyboard to interrupt
story59.zip     The Family Tree SUKUTARU, M.Pekkarinen
tapecvr2.zip    Cover Maker v1.01 Audio cassette cover utility
tapemk15.zip    TapeMaker v1.5; choose songs to record on a tape
timer.zip       Reset Timer Tick to 18.2 Interrupts pre second v1.0 (w ASM)
timer100.zip    Timer - Program execution timer, A.Bhalla
tpc14.zip       Dialer/Database with a game, R.Holloway
tutsim.zip      TUTSIM demo - analog computer simulator
utter202.zip    Fortune-like quote displayer with lots options, J.Cairns
vcc25dos.zip    Visual Control Center v2.5 - DOS shell
vrq40.zip       VR-Quote v4.0, random quote utility
wpb130a.zip     The WordPerfect Braille and speech Interface Keyboard