inline int arg_count ()
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
template <class A>
inline int arg_count (A)
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
template <class A, class B>
inline int arg_count (A,B)
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
template <class A, class B, class C>
inline int arg_count (A,B,C)
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D>
inline int arg_count (A,B,C,D)
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D, class E>
inline int arg_count (A,B,C,D,E)
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
template <class A, class B, class C,class D, class E, class F>
inline int arg_count (A,B,C,D,E,F)
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G>
inline int arg_count (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G,
class H>
inline int arg_count (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H)
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G,
class H, class I>
inline int arg_count (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I)
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G,
class H, class I, class J>
inline int arg_count (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J)
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G,
class H, class I, class J, class K>
inline int arg_count (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K)
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G,
class H, class I, class J, class K, class L>
inline int arg_count (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L)
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G,
class H, class I, class J, class K, class L, class M>
inline int arg_count (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M)
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G,
class H, class I, class J, class K, class L, class M, class N>
inline int arg_count (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N)
| arg_count |
#include <c_format.hh>
void c_format_validate (const char* fmt, int n)
| c_format_validate |
#include <c_format.hh>
inline void swallow_args (const char*)
| swallow_args |
#include <debug.h>
template <class A>
inline void swallow_args (const char*, A)
| swallow_args |
#include <debug.h>
template <class A, class B>
inline void swallow_args (const char*, A, B)
| swallow_args |
#include <debug.h>
template <class A, class B, class C>
inline void swallow_args (const char*, A, B, C)
| swallow_args |
#include <debug.h>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D>
inline void swallow_args (const char*, A, B, C, D)
| swallow_args |
#include <debug.h>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D, class E>
inline void swallow_args (const char*, A, B, C, D, E)
| swallow_args |
#include <debug.h>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F>
inline void swallow_args (const char*, A, B, C, D, E, F)
| swallow_args |
#include <debug.h>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G>
inline void swallow_args (const char*, A, B, C, D, E, F, G)
| swallow_args |
#include <debug.h>
template <class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G, class H>
inline void swallow_args (const char*, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)
| swallow_args |
#include <debug.h>
inline void
check_args (const char*, ...)
| check_args |
#include <debug.h>
struct ether_addr* ether_aton (const char *a)
| ether_aton |
#include <ether_compat.h>
const char* ether_ntoa (const struct ether_addr* ea)
| ether_ntoa |
#include <ether_compat.h>
void xorp_catch_standard_exceptions ()
| xorp_catch_standard_exceptions |
#include <exceptions.hh>
Print diagnostic message if exception is derived from XorpException or from standard exceptions, and terminate the program.
void xorp_print_standard_exceptions ()
| xorp_print_standard_exceptions |
#include <exceptions.hh>
Print diagnostic message if exception is derived from XorpException or from standard exceptions.
Note that unlike xorp_catch_standard_exceptions(), the program does NOT terminate.
void xorp_unexpected_handler ()
| xorp_unexpected_handler |
#include <exceptions.hh>
Unexpected exceptions are programming errors and this handler can be installed with XorpUnexpectedHandler to print out as much information as possible. The default behaviour is just to dump core, but it very hard to detect what happened.
template <class A> size_t
overlap (const IPNet<A>& a1, const IPNet<A>& a2)
| overlap |
#include <ipnet.hh>
Determine the number of the most significant bits overlapping between two subnets.
a1 | the first subnet. |
a2 | the subnet. |
Returns: the number of bits overlapping between a1 and a2.
typedef IPNet<IPv4> IPv4Net | IPv4Net |
#include <ipv4net.hh>
typedef IPNet<IPv6> IPv6Net | IPv6Net |
#include <ipv6net.hh>
inline size_t
family2addr_size (const int family)
| family2addr_size |
#include <ipvx.hh>
inline size_t
family2addr_bitlen (const int family)
| family2addr_bitlen |
#include <ipvx.hh>
typedef IPNet<IPvX> BaseIPvXNet | BaseIPvXNet |
#include <ipvxnet.hh>
Base IPvXNet just has IPNet methods. IPvXNet is derived from BaseIPvXNet and has IPvX specific functions such as whether contained type is an IPv4 network or an IPv6 network.
See IPNet for available methods.
inline bool
operator== (const Mac& m1, const Mac& m2)
| operator== |
#include <mac.hh>
typedef IPNextHop<IPv4> IPv4NextHop | IPv4NextHop |
#include <nexthop.hh>
typedef IPNextHop<IPv6> IPv6NextHop | IPv6NextHop |
#include <nexthop.hh>
typedef IPNextHop<IPvX> IPvXNextHop | IPvXNextHop |
#include <nexthop.hh>
typedef IPPeerNextHop<IPv4> IPv4PeerNextHop | IPv4PeerNextHop |
#include <nexthop.hh>
typedef IPPeerNextHop<IPv6> IPv6PeerNextHop | IPv6PeerNextHop |
#include <nexthop.hh>
typedef IPPeerNextHop<IPvX> IPvXPeerNextHop | IPvXPeerNextHop |
#include <nexthop.hh>
typedef IPEncapsNextHop<IPv4> IPv4EncapsNextHop | IPv4EncapsNextHop |
#include <nexthop.hh>
typedef IPEncapsNextHop<IPv6> IPv6EncapsNextHop | IPv6EncapsNextHop |
#include <nexthop.hh>
typedef IPEncapsNextHop<IPvX> IPvXEncapsNextHop | IPvXEncapsNextHop |
#include <nexthop.hh>
typedef IPExternalNextHop<IPv4> IPv4ExternalNextHop | IPv4ExternalNextHop |
#include <nexthop.hh>
typedef IPExternalNextHop<IPv6> IPv6ExternalNextHop | IPv6ExternalNextHop |
#include <nexthop.hh>
typedef IPExternalNextHop<IPvX> IPvXExternalNextHop | IPvXExternalNextHop |
#include <nexthop.hh>
enum SelectorMask { SEL_RD = 0x01, SEL_WR = 0x02, SEL_EX = 0x04, SEL_ALL = SEL_RD | SEL_WR | SEL_EX } | SelectorMask |
#include <selector.hh>
Selector event type masks.
typedef void (*SelectorHook) (int fd, SelectorMask mask, void* cookie) | (*SelectorHook) |
#include <selector.hh>
SelectorList event hook type.
typedef XorpCallback2<void,int,SelectorMask>::RefPtr SelectorCallback | SelectorCallback |
#include <selector.hh>
typedef ref_ptr<SelectorTag> Selector | Selector |
#include <selector.hh>
typedef ref_ptr<SelectorTag> Selector | Selector |
#include <selector.hh>
typedef XorpCallback0<void>::RefPtr OneoffTimerCallback | OneoffTimerCallback |
#include <timer.hh>
typedef XorpCallback0<bool>::RefPtr PeriodicTimerCallback | PeriodicTimerCallback |
#include <timer.hh>
typedef XorpCallback1<void, XorpTimer&>::RefPtr BasicTimerCallback | BasicTimerCallback |
#include <timer.hh>
typedef void (*OneoffTimerHook) (void*) | (*OneoffTimerHook) |
#include <timer.hh>
Deprecated callback types - use OneoffTimerCallback/PeriodicTimerCallback instead.
typedef bool (*PeriodicTimerHook) (void*) | (*PeriodicTimerHook) |
#include <timer.hh>
typedef void (*query_current_time) (timeval*) | (*query_current_time) |
#include <timer.hh>
inline timeval
mk_timeval (int sec, int usec)
| mk_timeval |
#include <timeval.hh>
Make a timeval value.
sec | the number of seconds. |
usec | the number of microseconds. |
Returns: the timeval value of sec and usec.
inline timeval&
round (timeval& t)
| round |
#include <timeval.hh>
Adjust the timeval value so it is valid.
A timeval value is valid if the number of microseconds is not negative, and is smaller than 1000000 (i.e., one million).
t | the timeval value to adjust. |
Returns: the adjusted timeval value. Note that the original t value is also adjusted.
inline double
timeval_to_double (const timeval& t)
| timeval_to_double |
#include <timeval.hh>
Convert a timeval value to a double-float value.
t | the timeval value to convert to a double-float value. |
Returns: the double-float value of t.
inline timeval
double_to_timeval (const double& d)
| double_to_timeval |
#include <timeval.hh>
Convert a double-float value to a timeval value.
d | the double-float value to convert to a timeval value. |
Returns: the timeval value of @ref.
inline bool
operator== (const timeval& t, const timeval& u)
| operator== |
#include <timeval.hh>
Timeval Equality Operator
t | the first timeval value to compare. |
u | the second timeval value to compare. |
Returns: true if t and u have same timeval value.
inline bool
operator< (const timeval& t, const timeval& u)
| operator< |
#include <timeval.hh>
Timeval Less-Than Operator
t | the first timeval value to compare. |
u | the second timeval value to compare. |
Returns: true if t has numerically smaller timeval value than u.
inline timeval&
operator+= (timeval& t, const timeval& delta)
| operator+= |
#include <timeval.hh>
Timeval Assign-Sum Operator
t | the timeval value to assign-sum. |
delta | the timeval value to add to t. |
Returns: the timeval value of adding delta to t.
inline timeval
operator+ (const timeval& t, const timeval& u)
| operator+ |
#include <timeval.hh>
Timeval Addition Operator
t | the first timeval value to add. |
u | the second timeval value to add. |
Returns: the timeval value of adding t and u.
inline timeval&
operator-= (timeval& t, const timeval& delta)
| operator-= |
#include <timeval.hh>
Timeval Assign-Difference Operator
t | the timeval value to assign-difference. |
delta | the timeval value to substract from t. |
Returns: the timeval value of substracting delta from t.
inline timeval
operator- (const timeval& t, const timeval& u)
| operator- |
#include <timeval.hh>
Timeval Substraction Operator
t | the timeval value of the first operand (the one to substract from). |
u | the timeval value of the second operand (the one to substract from t). |
Returns: the timeval value of substracting u from t.
inline timeval
operator/ (const timeval & t, int n)
| operator/ |
#include <timeval.hh>
Timeval Division Operator
t | the timeval value of the first operand (the one to be divided). |
n | the integer value of the second operand (the one to divide t). |
Returns: the timeval value of dividing t by n.
inline timeval
operator% (const timeval& t, const timeval& u)
| operator% |
#include <timeval.hh>
Timeval Modulo Operator
t | the timeval value of the first operand (the one to be divided). |
u | the timeval value of the second operand (the one to divide t). |
Returns: the timeval value of the remainder of dividing t by u.
inline double
operator/ (const timeval& t, const timeval& u)
| operator/ |
#include <timeval.hh>
Timeval Division Operator
t | the timeval value of the first operand (the one to be divided). |
u | the timeval value of the second operand (the one to divide t). |
Returns: the timeval value of dividing t by u.
inline timeval
operator* (const timeval& t, int n)
| operator* |
#include <timeval.hh>
Timeval Multiplication Operator
t | the timeval value of the first operand to multiply. |
n | the integer value of the second operand to multiply. |
Returns: the timeval value of multiplying t and n.
string copy_token (const string& token_org)
| copy_token |
#include <token.hh>
Copy a token.
If the token contains token separators, enclose it within quotations.
token_org | the token to copy. |
Returns: the copy of the token with token separators enclosed within quotations.
string pop_token (string& token_line)
| pop_token |
#include <token.hh>
Pop a token from a token line.
token_line | the token line to pop a token from. |
Returns: the first token from the front of the line. Also, token_line is modified to exlude that token.
bool is_token_separator (const char c)
| is_token_separator |
#include <token.hh>
Test if a character is a token separator.
Currently, the is_space(3) characters and '|' are considered as token separators.
c | the character to test whether it is token separator. |
Returns: true if c is a token separator, otherwise false.
bool has_more_tokens (const string& token_line)
| has_more_tokens |
#include <token.hh>
Test if a token line contains more tokens.
token_line | the token line to test. |
Returns: true if token_line contains more tokens, otherwise false.
string char_line2token_line (const char *char_line)
| char_line2token_line |
#include <token.hh>
Create a copy of a token line.
Create a copy of a token line, but all tokens with a single space between.
char_line | C-style token line to copy. |
Returns: C++ string copy of char_line, but with all tokens inside with a single space between.
template<class T> void
delete_pointers_list (list<T *>& delete_list)
| delete_pointers_list |
#include <utils.hh>
Template to delete a list of pointers, and the objects pointed to.
delete_list | the list of pointers to objects to delete. |
template<class T> void
delete_pointers_vector (vector<T *>& delete_vector)
| delete_pointers_vector |
#include <utils.hh>
Template to delete an array of pointers, and the objects pointed to.
delete_vector | the vector of pointers to objects to delete. |
typedef enum -- | -- |
#include <xorp.h>
The xlog functions provide a similar role to syslog. The log messages may be output to multiple output streams simulataneously.
enum -- { true = TRUE, false = FALSE } | -- |
#include <xorp.h>
typedef bool bool_t | bool_t |
#include <xorp.h>
Generated by: pavlin on possum.icir.org on Wed Dec 11 16:50:31 2002, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |